■ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Mrs. David Kuratli and daughter Mrs. Austin Sutton und three children are spending a few weeks at the Ris k of Colorado are visiting at the Heisel Tiilumook hay is a prolific clam limi^roacTu^ home. The Suttons are on a tour of field. It has four kinds thut may be the wes and will go to California from Lyle Smith, whose thrilling aerial secured at low tide on the bay. They this place. are known ns the Quohog, Cockle, flights in his airplane two years ago Mrs. J. M. DeLillies has returned Blue and Eastern clams. The last up and down the Tiilumook beaches F. P. Miller made a trip to St. Hel­ named clams were transplanted, it is are remembered here, is now a stu­ from Hollywood where she has been spending the winter with her daugh­ said, in the bay from the east, They ens lust week. dent in u Portland dental college und ters. are all tine and edible; ami each C. W. Ross and N. Rosier are build species has its admirers. The blue is attending summer dentui school in ing a new house in Midway. clam is the largest and next comes the forenoon and working for a big ice cream company in the afternoon. L. H. Marks has lumber on the the quohog, the cockle and eastern Lyle, who came home from overseas clams being smaller. The Indians in ground for a new house at Twin Rock times past when they were in evidence a first lieutenant is still a reserve of­ ficer and subject o cal), H- has given Mrs. Floyd Wilkins is spending a along the bay shore pronounced the up flying und sold his airplane some clash muck a elams to be “ Hyas few days at Elmore hotle. muck.” and clam shell mounds are time ago. Dr. O. D. Doane and wife are here found in many places along the bay Commissioner Alley was in I’ort- shores that bear mute evidence that land this week on business connected for the summer. on the aborigines practically lived Hugh Sutherland and family came them; and now conies the white man with the county and Judge Homer Mason motored to southern Oregon in for the season. who indorses all the praise given early ni the week. these shell foods by the Indians, It O. J. Houge made his regular week­ Messrs Barrick & Hull, the attor­ is said that there are immense beds r. suppose you ly trip to the beach. of clams in the bay and that in some neys were both in Portland the fore­ are a' sensible places they are so numerous that each part of the week. Hemstitching 10c Yard buyer. We want your year thousands are crowded to death. Dr. Robinson went to Eugene Wed ­ Needlework and Gifts' business. Therefore, OCEANSIDE At least this is the testimony of dig-, nesday and is expected home the lat­ we Rell Goodyear gers. Infants’ and Children’s Wear ter part of this week. COUNTY NEWS IN BRIEF TILLAMOOK BAY C STRIKE Pollyanna Shop The new bath house, containing Eugene—Cannery Ims weekly pny lockers and shower baths was com­ roll of $7200. pleted last week and Is very popular St. Helens post office goes into sec- with the surf bathers. und class. Mrs. Staveny Jewitt and family ar­ rived Saturday for a months vacation. 2851 COWS TESTED IN JUNE Mrs. P. F. Coleman and mother Mrs Two thousand eight hundred and fif Boon returned to Portianu Sunday af­ ty one cows were officially tested in ter a two weeks stay in The Break­ Tillamook county last month by the ers. Tillamook county cow testing asso­ Mr. anti Mrs. Chaney and sons left ciation. Two years ago. not over 900 for their home in Coquille, Ore., after cows were being tested in this coun­ ty. Last year 203 cows were weeded spending a month at Oceanside. out of the association as being un­ J. F. Jones and wife of Portland profitable to their owners as produc­ were visitors in The Gulls Nest a few ers. The association is growing by days last week. leaps ami bounds and dairy owners Mr. and Mrs. George Marley and are finding that it pays to belong to children of Portland enjoyed a weeks the association, for by official testing there is no guess work, if a cow is vacation at Oceanside. below the average it is found out and Mr. Everett C. Pickett and party owners soon get rid of her. of Klaniah Falls are occupying the Craigs for a week. LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS L. W. Sawtelle and family of Spo­ kane, left for their home Monday af- Tillamook lislge No. 01 I. O. O. F. tering an outing in the Eyrie. elected the following officers of the Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Rush of Port­ above lodge at their last regular land arrived Friday for a two weeks meeting to serve the ensuing term: N. G., Floyd Culberson; V. G., Her­ stay. bert C. O’Dell; Rec. Sec., F. F. Cono­ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Frydig and dau­ ver; treasurer C. IL Cole. ghter Helen of Portland spent the week end at Oceanside. BAYCITY TO BAYOCEAN Roy IL Bradley and family of Che- The staunch little passenger boat mawa, Ore., motored in over the week Rustler of Bay City, made a trial run end. run down the bay last Friday under l)r. and Mrs. E. W. Hoffman and the management of Earl Snodgrass duaghter Eugenia of Medford are in of this city who is now the owner of the Sea Lion for a few days. the craft. The boat has been thoroly T. E. Hendor and family of Port­ overhauled and has complied with land occupied a cottage here for a government regulations, and will run on a regular schedule. The Rustler week. was built by a firm in Astoria and J. S. Grenfell and family of McMinn was originally a cannery tender. She Ville were here for the week end. has plenty of passenger accommoda­ tions, and will connect with trains at Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Woodbury and Bay City. The owner, Mr. Snodgrass children of Portland and Francis Seil was nearly three years in the U. S. of Great Falls Mont., spent a few navy and has had experience with mo­ days last week at Oceanside. tor boats. Dr. H. H. Flower and daughters of Portland are recent arrivals at Ocean side. P. C. Jorgenson ami E. Pearson of the Cream Rose Butter Co., of Carlton Ore., were Oceanside visitors over the week end. M. R. Cooper and family were among those arriving Sunday for a two weeks vacation. Mrs. E. G. Anderson and party ar- rived Monday for a two weeks tsay. Tires — famous the world over for their fine performance— and wegiveatandard Goodyear Service on every Goodyear Tire weaell. That tireand that service are all we can give you — but nobody else can promise half so much and live up to it. E. E. Montague of Portland was in the city a couple of days this week getting data for the Tax Reform League of Portland in the court house Miss Funk, a sister of Mr. Funk of the Standard Oil Co., of this city, is reported as being quite ill at the res­ idence of Mrs. M. Medcalf. Mr. Meek u representative of the Southern Pacific company was in the city the early part of the week look­ ing up right of way tuxes in the sher­ iff's office on property owned by thut company in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schultz received a curd on the 10th inst froni Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brenner dated Rawlings, Wy­ oming—1371 miles east of Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Brenner were on their way at that dute to Nebraska, going by auto. C. J. Edward» is enjoying a visit from his father, Jesse Edwards of Newberg. The elder Mr. Edwards states that he came over to Tillamook to cool off. Mrs. Dnvid Sheininger of Wheeler was shopping in town Monday. Mrs. Emma Hoover spent a few days in the city with Mrs. Christie Downer this week. Mrs. Hoover's home is in Wheeler. Renneger of Wheeler was Monday. Mrs. Gladys Kessinger is visiting with her brother at Gurildadi this week. Janies Hoover of Wheeler is the proud owner of a new Buick sedan which was delivered to him Monday. Victor White returned Wednesday from a trip to the Willamette valley where he visited relatives and friends. Mrs. Maude Robinson of Sandlake was in the city Mondday. I). O. Spitzmesser and Mr. Osborne went to Oceanside Sunday to enjoy the surf bathing. They report a de­ lightful trip ami came home with a heavy sunburn. Mrs. Norman Smith is visiting her i sisters Mrs. C. R. Vosburg and Mrs. ! Mizger at Wheeler. They with Kath- i ryn and Billy Vosburg drove to Till , Mrs. Georgia Hoss of Portland has amook Tuesday afternoon in Mrs. established a summer home at Twin Vosburg's new Durant car. Rocks and expects to live in Tilla­ Friends of Mrs. Christie Downer mook hereafter during the winter sea­ gave her a beach party at Manzanita son. Mrs. Hoss recently has been ap­ beach last Sunday evening. Miss Mil­ pointed a district manager for a life dred Patterson and Miss Gertrude insurance company which she has rep­ Owens both of Chicago were also in resented here for some seasons past. the party. Now’s the time to make that trip to Portland and return. Excursion tickets will be on sole all summer long from Tillamook. ON SALE DAILY $7.00. Good for 3 months, not to exceed Oc­ tober 31st. ON SALE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Good for 15 days. EXCUSION TICEETS are also on sale to many other places, about them I For further particulars ask agents or write JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon MAGAZINES. NEWSPAPERS RUBBER WANTED SAFE AND COMFORTABLE CASH PAID FOB A« 7 TRAINS PROFIT BY REDUCED FARES Soroicit Station Dtultn wo nil and ncom- mend tht naw Good vaar Corda with thr baualad All- ^tuthtr Traad and bach thorn up with atandard Good vaar Stroict HIDES. FURS SACKS. METAL. SUNSET GARAGE CHITTUM BARK, OOODYEAJR WE HAVE FULLY DECIDED Inqure .'Vuo-uMskJ'* Wows 1 nule" BLOOM FUNRN1TURE CO. The only way we can maintain our credit is to pay our bills promptly as agreed and we have further decided that when we open up our new store in the Beals building we will not extend further credit on accounts that are 60 days past due. EAT MORE FRUIT CONOVER & CONOVER These are a few that we might suggest: Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Peaches, Pears, New Gravenstein Apples, Plums of all kinds, Ap­ ricots, Nectarines, Currents, Black Caps, Huckle­ berries and Strawberries. TILLAMOOK’S BUSIEST GROCERY We have plenty of canteloupes and watermel­ ons. Watch our place for the best canning apri­ cots. If you want any huckleberries to can see us. DON’T LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY We also have many other items for you of the best quality and no higher in price. We ap­ preciate your patronage. ✓ IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS THE OLD STAND BUT NEW MANAGEMENT THE FRUIT PALACE CALL US DAY OR NIGHT i Our Motto: “Quick Service and Reasonable Rates.' WHITE & O’DELI PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Gruenenwald of Till­ Mrs. F. M. Bennett and family are Mrs. H. M. Banville, mc‘her of Mrs. amook are in their new cottage on the spending a couple of weeks at the Henry Hqjsel and Mrs. Clayton Man­ hill for the season. Rockaway beach. ville and son of Eugene and Mr. and THE ENTIRE TRUTH ABOUT The Catholic Church Costs Y'ou But One Postal Card In the interest of tolerance and good will, which are primary qualities of true American- ism, will you not hear the Catholic side on sub- jects like the following Does the spiritual obedience of Catholics to the Popes lower the quality of their American citizenship? The Catholic Priests, their Ideals and Train­ ing; why Unmarried. Purgatory in the Light of Reason. What About the Practice of Confession? What About Nuns and Ex-Nuns? The Catholic Church and the Bible. Why the Catholic Church is Persecuted. Inside Facts About the Catholic Church. Who Were the Popes? Defamers of Cutholicity and Their Tactice. A. W. Plank Hardware General line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Glass Mowing Machines, Discs and Harrows Both Phones Tillamook, Oregon And Real Service THE BUNGALOW CAFE Booklets on Above Subjects (Specify Ones Desired) Full information on any other topics relating to the Catholic Church Mailed Free Upon Application Send postal to Catholic Truth Society, 301 McKay Building, Portland,- Oregon CEMENTI LIME 28 "W LAMB SCHRADER CO