Icabhgbt THIS ISSUE 8 PAGES FRIDAY, JULY 13. 19’1 They leave with very na Kucher and Ralph Chilcott spent their families will take an outing for Mrs. Lloyd Jones and family, and Mr forni* home, of TilUmook and Jul* ;frd an<1 4th in n,,llas' pleasant impressions and Mrs. Charles Jones and family, all a c couple of weeks. Ss this is Mr. Do- Mrs. Geo. Smith is spending a few its people. Mr. mid Min. l.yli L. ty's vacation time also. They ex- of Sheridan. 'days in Salem with relatives. ti.r-m en« 1 l.oree returned home with Alvin Robert Stormer of Tillamook pect to capture some of the finny Dr. J. E. Reedy who has been in Leslie Walker who has been serv­ will visit for some time in Sheridan. Southern Oregon for reveral weeks county was married on July 2 in Mc­ tribe while out. ing in the U. S. Infantry for the past Minnville to Miss Madeline Pearl Da­ Mrs. J. M. Wilson left Tuesday past arrived home the ea.!v ’.art of three years returned from Honolulu A. B. Easton and wife of Agate vis of McMinnville by J. O. Rogers beach. Lincoln county, were in the morning for Kellog, Idaho, to attend the week, but will return to the south­ Sunday and is spending a short time Justice of the Peace. the tri-state convention of the Neigh­ ern part of the state in a few days. while here with his parents, Mr. and city on the 5th instant. He says southern Oregon is prosjier- Mrs. C. E. Walker at Hemlock. Mr the young of With the exception bors of Woodcraft. On her return ous, and that there is much improve­ Walker has just received his dis- J. R. Collins and family went out she will stop over in Spokane to visit man who was burned by some tire­ « ment going on in the towns, and in charge from the army. works on the Fourth, the city eseap- to Dalias and independence last week with her lister Mrs. W. P. Ulrich the country near them. with until the first of August. ed wiluut aecidepta. No automobile where they spent the Fourth Mrs. Freemont Bellinger and sons H. R. Hutchinson and wife who Freemont and Glenn arrived here accidents of a serious nature were- friends and relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Watkins have lived in Seattle for several years Sunday from Mount Pleasant, Mich­ reported on that day. although the Frank Viereek arrived here from of thiocity July 8 a daughter. were registered at a local hotel here igan, to visit with Mrs. Bellingers traffic was heavy through town all Chicago last week and is visiting at W. T. Vinton and Dan Kirby both this week. The Hutchinsons had nev­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Apsley. day. the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Yamhillers, the former a well known er seen the Pacific ocean and for the Mrs. Geo. Hoskins who is attending Sam Viereck of this city. Grandma Johnson of South Prairie attorney of McMinnville and the lat­ first time were afforded a view of that the State Normal scholo at Monmouth Wm. Burdick and Howard Kelsey ter a breeder of pure bred sheep, were body jf water from the Tillamook is in town visiting with her grand- spent a week of school vacation at of Carlton arrived over here last Sun­ up here Wednesday. They are stop­ beaches. . Mr. Hutchinson expressed son Kirk Bowers and family. home in this city and was taken back day to spend a few days in this vi­ himself as being well pleased with ping at Pacific City for a time. to Monmouth on the Fourth by her cinity. this j>art of the coast of Oregon. husband. They were accompanied to Condit & Ackley of the Tillamook A. K. Case, wife and daughter, went garage this week purchased the Gari­ the .-alley by Mr. and Mrs. Gail Buell. Geo. B. Ijimb and family left Wed­ out to Portland last Thursday. Mr. baldi garage from H. I. Sheldon and nesday by auto on a camping trip to Prof. W. S. Buell and family went Case returned Sunday leaving Mrs. will establish a branch of the Tilla­ the Sound They will tour the west­ out to Sheridan on the Fourth where Case and dsajhier to visit with ern part of Washington for a roupie mook garage at that place. they will spend thu, school vacation at friends and relatives for a few days For the period from June 21 to the of weeks. Mr. Lamb stated that the the old home, visitihg relatives and longer. E. M. Condit and wife returned on present trip was the first of the kind present date a record has been set so friends. Th, Prof, had charge of the the 4th mat. from a 80 day trip to the for him in many years. far as marriages of minors are con­ L. E Latourette and Earl Snodgrass eaBt. While gone they visited New Finns shoe stare while the latter was cerned. The certificates filed in the made a business trip to Portland last York, Washington D. C., Niagara L. W. Jones and wife, of Warren- east. Friday,-returning Monday night. Fails. portions of Canadu and other ton Oregon, are visiting I.. C. Daniels J. Finne, the shoe dealer, returned M’. of interest. They returned and family for a few days. the latter part of last week from an Mrs. Potter-Thomas of Portland is pointe Jones was born in this county near extended visit to relatives and friends over at Bayocean looking after her with the idea that Tillamook is about Meadow Lake, close to the Yamhill the best place in the United States. in his old Iowa home, and is glad to interests in Bungalow City. county line, and is engaged in the I get home away from the heat of the Dr. Smith reports u case of pto­ pottery business at Warrentun. over from Bay- Mississippi valley. maine poisoning at the Elmore ranch business. Mrs. Ethel Davis and daughter Vi­ last Sunday. Two children of Geo. Miss Iva Nelson, slenographei in A. D. Stanton of Meriden. Idaho, Surgeon and four others belonging to ola returned Monday morning from office, left last the County Agent’s was in the city the loropart ul tae F, S. Barnes, drank some milk which Turner, where they had been attend­ Saturday for a two week's vacation at her home near Cloverdale. She will week. He is president of the Meri- seemed to be tainted in some manner, ing the Christian church, convention also visitw itb friends at Dallas dur­ dan state bank and while here visit- and all were taken suddenly ill. While for the past week. While away they ed County Agent Pine, and is inter- all were quite sick they are now on also visited relatives at Dallas. ing the latter part of her vacation. ested in getting some pure bred the road to recovery. The milk had Miss Lillian Ross of Portland spent Mrs. Emil Heusser who returned calves from this county /or the next a peculiar odor but was not the can­ the Fourth in the city with Miss Lula from a visit to friends in Portland year's distribution among dairymen ned kind. Thurman. last week, was accompanied home by of his section. Dr. J. E. Shearer visited Portland C. A. Heusser and wife of the metrop­ Mrs. Eacie Mullen enjoyed a visit Fred Nicholas is the new logging last Sunday returning Tuesday. olis of the state. They remained here Monday evening from Mrs. D. A. superintendent at the Whitney mills until after the Fourth. Dr. Robinson was a Portland visit­ Norton and daughters of Portland. logging camp up on the Kilchis riv- or the forepart of the week, return­ Mrs. Norton is spending the summer Married July 5th. at the M. E. par­ er. A new loading dam is living con- at Neah-kah-nie. sonage, Tillamook. Ore., Roy Hessong structed about -a mile and a half ing Wednesday. and Violet L. Franklin both of Tilla­ above the old dam, on that river, The On account of business that keeps Mrs. R. O. Richards and daughter mook, Rev. Simpson Hamrick offici- object is to hold logs where they may him away from this city indefinitely. of Beaver were shoppers in town lie loaded on the train for conveyance Dr. J. E. Reedy is unable to act as Tuesday. ated. to the bay. one of the appraisers for the soldier Mrs. E. D. Paine, son and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews, Rev. bonus loans and r