FRIDAY. JULY IX 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT legal notices 7 of the first publication of this notice. {the relief demanded in his complaint, Buildir«. Portland. Oregon, within i mook Oregon, conformable with th«» Date of first publication, June 22, to-wit: Rufus C. Holman, for ten years a book printers of Portland. six months from the date of the first plans and specifications of the said 1923; date of last publication, July For judgment for the sum of $800 publication of this notice. 18. 1928. notice to creditors building, prepared by John Hunzicker esunty commissioner of Multnomah with interest from November 15th, Date of tirsi publication July 13, JOSEPH PARRAZO, 1914, at the rate of eight per cent per 1923; dato of last publication August Architect. 303-304 1. O. 0. F. Build­ county, was in the city Thursday on Chas. Ray of Cloverdale, transacted Administrator, ing, Eugene, Oregon. Plana and spec- Notice is hereby given thatthe un- annum, for $159 taxes, with interest 10, 1923. ificatiom may be obtained at the office business for his firm Davis A Holman,business in town Tuesday. dsrsign<*d has lieen appointed by the from the 2bth day of November, 1919, JULIA A. MADSEN | at the rate of eight per cent, for the .of Captain Shearer, TilUmook, Ore­ County Court of Tillamook County, NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Administratrix of the estate of gon, or at the office of the Architect Oregon. administrator of hte estate sum of $125 attorney's fees and the iam P. Peacock, deceased. | at Eugene, Oregon. A deposit of $10 af Frank J. Haynes, decased, and all coats and disbursements of the suit J. J. Johnson Attorney. 40-.M will be required when the plans are preso-ir. having claiems against said In tbe Circuit Court of the State of together with the foreclosure of a furnished, which will be returned to estate are hereby notified and re­ Oregon for the County of Tillamook mortgage upon certain lands in Till­ J the bidder when plans are returned. quired to present said claims at his E. J. Claussen. Plaintiff, amook County. Oregon, described as follows: office in Tillamook City, Oregon, on A certified check for 2 1-2 per cent vs. w before six months from the date Roy E. Andrus and Ruby B. Andrus, of the amount of the proposal, made The north half (N 1-2) of the north of this notice. All claims must be du­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ payable to t^e Adjutant x General, husband and wife and David Cur­ west quarter (NW 1-4),"the south­ east quarter (SE 1-4) of the north - dersigned, Sheriff of Tillamook Coun­ State of Oregon, must accompany ly verified. Dated this 21st day of tis, a single man, west quarter (NW 1-4), the south- ty. Oregon, will on Monday, the 13th each bid. Jun«, 1923. • Defendants. west quarter (SW 1-4) of the North day of August, 1928, at 10 o'clock A. The General ffiaff, Oregon National GEO. P. WINSLOW By virtue of an execution issued out east Guard, reserves the right to reject Admistrator of the Estate of Frank quarter (NE 1-4) Section Ten M. at the Court House door in Tilla ­ of the above entitled Court in the (io) . B... J. Haynes, deceased. Township three (8) ____ South, , mook City, Oregon, sell at public auc- any and all bids. above entitled cause, to me directed Separate bids will W received for Bott- & Winslow Range Ten (10) West, Willamette Me , tion to the highest bidder for cash in the 27th day of June, 1923. upon a AAttorneys for the estate. 37-5t judgment and decree of foreclosure in ridian. hand the following described real the plumbing, heating and electric This summons is published in the , property situate in Tillamook County, wiring. favor of E. J. Claussen, the plaintiff, GEORGE A. WHITE "Tillamook Headlight," a weekly news Oregon, to-wit: and against Roy E. Andrus and Ruby’ Adjutant General. The South half of the hjorthwest 40-2t NOTICE TO CREDIITORS B. Andrus, husband and wife, and Da­ paper, published and of general cir­ culation in Tillamook county State of Quarter of Section 21 in Township 6 vid Curtis, a single man, the defend- Oregon for six consecutive weeks, by South of Range 10. West of Willam­ Anelsnt. Notice is hereby given that the un- i anta, for the sum of twenty one hun­ order of th«’ Honorable George R. Bag ette Meridian. Temple ot the Moon, believed to has been appointed by the dred dollars, with interest th«»eron ley, Judge of the Circuit Court of This sale will I m - made in pursuance be the oldest building on earth, Is un­ County Court of Tillamook "couny, from the 15th day of January, 1921, the State of Oregon for the County of of a judgment covered by sclantifir diggers st Ur on Oregon, administrator of the estate at the rate of six per cent per annum, of Tillamook, made on the 27th day closure entered and decree of fore- the lower Buphrates river. It was by the Circuit Court erected about 7.1100 years ago. and was of Joheph Thompson Nevins, deceas­ smri three hundred dollars attorney's of June, 11*23 th«1 first publication be­ of the Stale of Oregon for Tilla­ used coattnoonsly as a church for ed. and all persons having claims fees, and the further sum of two hun­ ing July 6, 1928. anil th«’ la-1 publi­ mook County on the tith day of July, 4.000 years. again-t said etsate are hereby noti­ dred thirty-four and 12-100 dollars, cation being August 17, 1928. 1923, and of an execution issued King Tut seems very ancient to ns. fied and required to present said with interest thereon at the rate of W. F. MAGILL thereon in a cause in said Court where yet here's a building lhat was about six per cent per annum from ____ Nov»>m- claims to the undersigned at bis res­ Attorney for Plaintiff in Maude Martin Johnston is plain­ 40 centuries old when he was bom idence in Bay City, Oregon, on or be­ her 2, 1922 and the further sum of 403 Corbett Building Portland, Ore. tiff and J. D. Niman, also known as Discovery of the Temple of the Moon fore six months from the date of this four hundred ninety four and 18-100 It helps confirm the Jonas D. Niman, Sarah Niman, his is important HEN you say “Eastern Oil adentifir belief that the first civiliza­ notice. Dated this 21at diy of June, dollars, with interest thereon at the, wife, Harriet Belle Sadler, formerly rate of eight per cent per annum from tion was along the Ruphrstea Some to your garage or service 1923 NOT1CE TO CREDITORS Harriet Belle Niman, and Joe Sadler, where In that vicinity probably was the 16th day of August, 1921, and JOHN W. McKINLEY, station man just what do you her husband are . defendants, and in ths cradle o* tbs human race--though Administrator of the estate of Joseph | costs and disbursements, taxed and mean? Any oil is technically said cause the judgment having been Chinese claim that their authentic his Notice is hereby given that the un- allowed at $19.00, and the costs upon Thompson Nevins, deceased. “ Eastern Oil ” to us of the far West dersigned has been appointed us ad entered in favor of plaintiff for the tory dates back at least 22.000 years this writ, I did, upon tbe 28th day of BOTTS A WINSLOW, ministrator of the estate of lais P sum of $303.00 with interest thereon Do you mean the certain mid-con­ Attorneys for the estate. 87-6t June, 1923, levy upon all tbe right, ti­ World’s Larqeot Organ. tinent oils which contain some par­ tle and interest of tbe above named Rey, decvtMxl, by the County Court at the rate of 7 per cent per annum The largest organ in existence is tn defendanu, and each of them, in and of Tillamook County, Oregon. All from July 6, 1923, the further sum of affine, some asphalt? Do you mean $100.00 as attorneys' fees and the | Bydnaj. Ntm South Wales The erec to the following described real prop­ persons having claims against said some of the sticky, compounded NOTICE OF FINAL FILING Hon of the great organ In Music hall. erty. situated in the County of Tilla­ estate are required to present the costs and disbursements of the action, Boaton. by a German builder. Walck- oils? REPORT AND ACCOUNT taxed at $44.02, and all of the inter ­ same to me for allowance, verified as mook and State of Oregon, to-wit: required by law, at the office of Botts est of said defendants in said prop­ ar, of Wurtterntierg, gave the first Im­ petus to public Interest In the matter. —or do you really want a paraffine Thirty acres off the entire east side Notice is hereby given that the un­ of the northeast quarter of the north­ & Winslow, Tillamook. Oregon. with- erty being ordered sold as of the date I Roosevelt of New York anf them had ul Uu 5th day of June. Peacock, deceased, and has qualified fox furs, a filch were even higher than WARREN E. THOMAS A. White, Adjutant General, Chief of the usual figure for this class of pelts Administrator with the Will annexed 1923 the date of the enrolling and doe All persons having claims against Staff, addressed in care of First Na­ i of the Estate of John T. Mc­ keting of the judgment herein, or said estate are hereby notified and tional, Bank Tillamook, Oregon until since that date had. in and to the a- directed to present the same, duly ver­ Chesney, deceased. Jffi'i lock P. M. July 30, 1923, for the bove described property, or any part ified as requtred by law. to said ad­ Date of first publication, June 16, furnishing of all labor and materials thereof, to satisfy the said execution, ministratrix at th«- office of her at­ 1923; last publiction July 18. 1928. judgment and decree, interest, costs torney J. J. Johnson, 314. Spaulding for the erection of a two story and Chamberlain, Thomas & Kraemer, basement Armory Building at Tilla- and accruing costs. Dated this 28th Attorneys for Administrator. day of June 1923. JOHN ASCHIM Sheriff of Tillamook County, SI MMONS Date of first publication this day of June, 1923. Date of last pub- I! Jn th« Circuit Court of the State of lication this 27th dsy of July, 1928. _ Oregon for the County of Tillamook liepartment No. 2 NOTICE OF HEARING Oia Catherine Mead. Plaintiff OF FINAL ACCOUNT vs. Charles Gale Mead, Defendant Notice is hereby given that the un­ To Charles Gale Mead, defendant dersigned nas filed his final account above named: In the name of the State of Ore­ as administrator of the estate of Mary gon, you are hereby required to ap­ Mutrie, deceased, in the County Court pear and answer to the complaint of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­ mook County, and said Cour^ias ap­ died against you in the above entitled suit, in the above entitled Court on or pointed the 7th day of July. 1928 at before the 8th day of August, 1923, 10 o’clock a. m., at the Court Room and if you fail to ao appear and ans­ of said Court in Tillamook City, Till­ wer, for want thereof, plaintiff will amook Count, Oregon, as the time and apply to said Court for the rieief place for the hearing of said final ac­ prayed for in her complaint herein, to­ count and any objections thereto, and Wit: A ri is solution of the marriage the closing of said »’State. Dated June Bth, 1928. contract now existing between plain­ J. N. ROBINSON tiff defendant, and for the care Administrator of the Estate of Mary ■ cus^xly and control of the minor Mutrie, deceased. children, and for such other and fur­ 35-5t ther relief as to the Court may seem SIMMONS just and equitable. Is entitled to demand the absolute protection This summons is published by or­ afforded hex by a Perfect Protection Policy in der of the Honorable Homer Mason, In the Circuit Court of the State of West Coast Life How would your wife fere if County Judge of Tillamook County. Oregon, for the County of Tillamook Fate should aoddenly turn? Send the coupon Oregon, in the absence of the Cir­ Allen Copenhefer, Plaintiff FRYE4» I m there anything more delirious th** below and you will learn how easily you can DELICIOUS cuit Judge of this District from Till­ th«' fragrance of ham frying over the cam^ vs. protect her and yourself with these five features amook County, mad« on the 27th day R. H. Vose and Rosanna Vose his HAM of a West Coast Life Perfect Protection Pdicyt fire? Those who have enjoyed hiiiiiiim W of June, 1923. wife, R. J. Richardson and Lily “ Everything the First publication shall be June 29th, night dinners in the gloriow» Western oufe T. Richardson, his wife, Frank 1. Accident: A weekly income while you are dis­ name implies” 1923 and the last publication shall abled. B. Mitchell and Jane Doe Mitchell diwirs will say that as an appetizer it has tgg be August 3rd, 1928. 2. Sickness: Regular payments every week. his wife, James Zeiser and Kate dvjire, young, p sin fed eqnaL The better the ham the richer th* BARRICK A HALL Zaiaer, his wife, M. G Biack and 3. Aduer»ity t Emergency funds in time of need pork, cured utd andkeA Attorneys for Plaintiff. fragrance. Ella Black his wife, George 4,OldA|tl Au assured mcome for Ide. by tire cxdusrwe Frye pro­ Residence and Postoffice address, Till­ Thomsen and Hildah Thomsen, cess. winch pi, sli ws the S.Dsath, All the benefits cd regular life insur ­ amook, Oregon. his wife, E. C. Ward and Floy R. ance, with several splendid additional delicate texture sod juices That’s why we say, take to your sauna** Matures Ward, his wife, and N. L Ward and develops the rid), camp a whole FRYE’S DEUCKMJS HAM. and E. May Ward, his wife. mild flavor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS You will vote it the best ham you «we* i Defendants. What do you mean Eastern Oil? W Every young wife In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook In th« Matter of the Estate of Harry E. Lamar, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook, has duly appointed the undersigned, adminis­ trator of the estate of Harry E. La­ mar. deceased. Ail persons ¡taring claims against against the said es­ tate are required to present them, Properly verified, to the undersigned at the offices of Barrick A Hall, Room 7, National Building, Tillamook, Ore­ gon, within six months from the date I To Frank B. Mitchell, Jane Doe Mit- chell, James Zeiser Kate Zeiser, E. C. Ward. Floy R. Ward, N. L. Ward and E. May Ward, defendants In the Name of the State of Ore­ gon: You are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before, the 20th day of August, 1928, that being the day fixed by or­ der of the Court for you to appear and answer and being more than six weeks from the date of the first pub­ lication of thia summons; and if you fail to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for W est C oast L ife INSURANCE COMPANY MOM« orrict-SA* rxsMCMCo G. C. DAWES, DIHT. MGR., Tillamook, Ore tasted. Every bit of it will be uaa fui til* thick center slices for brwtliiig or frying the butt for baking, die shank for boiling with vegetables. $N •<> „ FRYE 6 COMPANY Bacttn