TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1923 BOYS ATE TILLAMOOK ( HEESE Napa, California, where 1 was born. positor and begged me to help him When a small boy 1 wanted to be a The Headlight inadvertently over­ printer; soon the opportunity came, looked the fact that the Tillamook 1 and I worked on the Gold Dollar and County Creamery association sent two the Napa Register until I had learn- cases of fine Tillamook cheese to the 1 ed the “art preservative” and was ac- officers and men of Company K dur­ ing the late encampment at Camp ■ counted a good tj-pe setter, when the Lewis. The delivery of the cheese I family came to Oregon. We settled was delayed for a day or two, when in Nehalem in 1882, and here my sis­ some one not entitled, signed for it. ter, Mrs. Stevens Scoville was born. but it was later received and much She still resides in this county. enjoyed by the Tillamook company I i haw been a farmer practically who have a very kindly feeling for all of my adult life, and am still on the thoughtful donors. a farm in the north end of the county on the road leading through Mohler to Seaside. How long have I been BOYS HOME ON El BLOUGH ' county commissioner ’ Let me see. 1 Geo. D. Williams son of Mr. and began service as commissioner in Mrs. James Williams of near this May, 190” and continued to January, city, is home on a furtough from his 1, 1913; then came a gap in my ser­ ship the U. S. S. California, now ly vice. as 1 was defeated for re-election ing at Bremerton, Wash. George will by a narrow margin; but on Septem­ visit in this county until August 1st. ber, 1917, S. G. Reed quit as commis­ He has one more year to serve hav­ sioner and 1 was appointed to fill out ing enlisted for three, years. An­ the first part of his U«rm; I was then other sailor now visiting his pa rents re-elected for two more years. I was Mr and Mrs. W. R. Simmons of South last elected in 1920, and still have Prairie, is Eugene Simmons, who about one and a half years to serve. comes from the U. S. S. New Mexico "I was serving once. many years ago, now at Bremerton, Wash. He has as petit juror in this county; and fre­ been in the navy abofit «nine months quently 1 was on duty, and at other and is taking electrical engineering. times I had some time at my dispos- ; al. W. F. D. Jones, well known in He will return in a day or two. this county, was editor of the Head­ light during this period, and one day APPROPRIATION ASKED he somehow found out that I could set FOR ROAD type. He was badly in need of a com- It is understood that an appropria- ton to finish up the government road leading from Bayoeean to Cape Mears light house has been asked for and probably will be placed in the govern­ ment lighthouse budget for the Ore­ gon coast. It is also believed that the government has for the present, at least, abandoned the idea of erect­ ing a light house on cape Lookout, some miles south of Cape Mears. It is learned that the government will soon make a number of improvements at Cape Mears, looking to that place as a permanent light station. There now is a road from Bayocean to the light house, but the road is not a sur­ faced highway which is desirable for JlSUling supplies. When the Tilla- mook-Bayocean road is completed, sup plies probably will come by rail to Tillammk and thence go to Bayoeean. From the latter point supplies will go forward over the government road to the light house., M- —------ —-------- LOGANBERRY PICKING NOW ON F. D. Bester has eight acres of lo­ ganberries that are beginning to rip­ en 2 miles east of town. As the can­ neries in this county will not oper­ ate this year on account of the high cost of sugar and tin, berry raisers Will have to depend upon family con­ sumption of this fine fruit. Mr. Bester says the loganberry got a black eye in the east because they were carelessly processed and poorly canned during the war period and that they did not look good nor did they taste good to those who bought them canned. Another objection was the high price charged for them when retailed. These causes have operat­ ed against the loganberry to a con­ siderable extent, but the housewife out west knows that when properly canned, the loganberry is a table fruit delicacy and Oregonians strong for it. at the case during unoccupied jury service«, which I did. One day, how­ ever, 1 was examined as to my quali­ fications to ait as a juror in a trial in which a man was being tried for murder. 1 knew of no reasons why 1 should not serve, as I had not read much about the case, but Tom Hand- ley. senior, who was for the defense, after a few questions, excused me, much to my surprise. Just as 1 start­ ed out uf the room into the hall. 1 met Tom. “Say, Mr. Alley, Jones needs you mighty bad over there in the Headlight office. That's why I ex­ cused you.” Tom was an old news­ paper man himself, and had compas­ sion for the editor who needed a jur­ or for a compositor." “Well, as to religion, I am a Meth­ odist, and that was the faith of my parents, and is good enough for me. Politically I have always been a re­ publican. I ani largely self-educated, receiving only a common school edu­ cation. My early experience as a prniter taught me many things that have since been of value to me, and I guess that was a sort of an educa­ tion in itself. The rest I have gotten in the good old school of "Hard Knocks,” and in every day experi­ ence." Don’t forget to attend meeting of Fish and Game Club at City Hall Mon day evening. July 16.—Adv. LUMBER FOR SALE GOOD USED CARS Rough Lumber $12 Dressed Lumber $14 GOODzYEAR Service StAtion J IS word is the best bond that any honest business man can put up. We have given Goodyear our word tbet every customer who buys a Goodyear Tire from us will get real Goodyear Service. We are keeping our word —and we are satisfying old cus­ tomers and winning new ones. An Goo^veer S«rsH«w Station DMlerj m »all anW rwrom- neand the ntu Coodvaar eaeth tbe bnohd All- Weather Tread anal back thane «p urith itandartl Goodraar Sarrica SUNSET C.ARAGE Inquire McCormick, Hem- 36-4tp lock Store LOW PRICES-EASY TERMS Pollyanna Shop 1918 Chevrolet Touring, three new tires, new battery, only .......................................... $165.00 1918 Chevrolet Touring .............................. $145.00 1921 Velie Six Touring................................ $950.00 1918 Dodj^j Touring......... c........................... $250.00 Hemstitching 10c Yard Needlework and Gifts infants* and Children’s Wear tí WHY WALK WHEN YOU MAY RIDE CHEAPLY CITY TIRE SHOP Just a few tires and tubes g on hand. Not all sizes. Sup­ ply future needs now. BRYSON-LINK MOTOR CO THE HOUSE OF SERVICE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE H HI HI At A. Hudson Garage RIDE THE TRAINS AND PROFIT BY REDUCED FARES AND MAGAZINES. NEWSTAPERS Now’s the time to make that trip to Portland and return. Excursion tickets will be on sole all summer long from Tillamook. WE HAVE FULLY DECIDED RUBBER WANTED CASH PAID The only way we can maintain our credit is to pay our bills promptly as agreed and we have further decided that when we open up our new store in the Beals building we will not extend further credit on accounts that are 60 days past due. FOR ON SALE DAILY HIDES. FURS $7.00, Good for 3 months, not to exceed Oc­ tober 31st SACKS. METAL, ON SALE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Good for 15 days. CHITTUM BARK, Inqare are also on sale to many other places. about them! CONOVER & CONOVER BLOOM FUNRNITDRE CO. EXCUSION T1CEETS TILLAMOOK’S BUSIEST GROCERY Ask For further particulars ask agents or write < 4 ♦ JOHN M. SCOTT DON’T LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY SAFE AND COMFORTABLE IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER* ALL YOUR GOODS * CALL US DAY OR NIGHT i A. W. PLANK, 1 L J TILLAMOOK. ORE Our Motto: “Quick Ser rice and Reasonable Rates. GOOD CHANCE FOR A JOB Farmers are said to lack help in this county in haying and one of the mills in this county is also short of mill help, so it is reported. The ber­ ry crop will soon have to be taken care of also. Here is a good chance for some of the surplus and unoccu­ pied population of Tillamook to get busy and take a job. A man who doesn’t get a job now, can safely be ■et down as one who doesn't want one. General line of United StatesTires are GoodTires Hardware, Paints, Oils, Vainishes and Glass HE growing number of Royal Cord Clincher« yo i see on the reads give« an .dea of how many car owner» there are who want the best tire money can buy. 'j’here weren’t near enough Ci: ncher Royals to go around last year. This year —even with the pr «auction more than doub* led —you can best be sure of them by taking them at the I pi ^moment. T PIONEER ROAD BlTLDER Bl SY “Speaking or roads, finished and un finished, and of road improvements,' said County Commissioner Alley the other day, "reminds me of the yearn­ ing we used to have for just common dirt roads in the early days in this county.” “You must have been an etfrly set­ tler,” remarked the reporter, scenting a story of pioneer road making. "I came to Nehalem when only 15 years old, and at that time there were no wagon roads up there. The set­ tlers followed the winding Indian trails for a while, and then began a system of their own, to shorten dis­ tance*. There were no wagon roads until 1905, and when we wanted flour, sugar and such things, we came to Tillamook close upon the arrival of a schooner from Portland and brought our goods up from the boat to Brigh­ ton by pack homes, went across Neha­ lem bay in skiffs and canoes, and then packed in to our place*. My father J. M. Alley and my mother left In­ diana in 1H66 at the close of the war, and crossq0 the Isthmus coming to' California. My father was a first lieutenant in the army during the i.iv il war and had iung had the w< st in inf, •» a plac<> to live end gro with the country. He settle! A W. Plank Hardware Everywhere-Royal Cords A lighted match to the wick and your oil cookstove is instantly ready. It con­ centrates clean, steady heat directly on the cooking utensil. No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to shovel out—a clean, cool kitchen free from dirt and smoke. To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil —the clean-burning, uniform kero­ sene — scientifically refined and re­ refined by a special process. Mowing Machines, Discs and Harrows Both Phones Tillamook Oregon And Real Service > THE BUNGALOW CAFE Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every­ where. For your own protection order by name —Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY CEMENT LIME ■California) PEARL Where to buy US.il ns IKEAOIENE) HEAT AND LIGHT ELY’S GARAGE TILLAMOOK. OREGON I ______ 28 W LAMB-SCHRADER CO.