FRIDAY. JULY 13, 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT «»» « I >.Af -Atf '»Vtyt L..Af vi Mf FEATURES WFVIW» jnooti ìjcaùkgfit trades' Weekly Paper .. gvarj Fridas By The . pabhshir.c Company. Inc.. ABsaiook Oregon Managing Editor Telephones a/K State». Mam 68 Balz« Telephone j a? second class mail i tge UA. poetoffiee at j, Omgon ______________ to bring home to Tillamook county people a few interesting facts. There ar» in thia euuuty about IJou head of cattle used in the dairy business at a fair average value of {00 per head; total value {69066. From other sources comes the information that there are 16(H) automobiles in Tilla- mook county at an average value of {1000 each, making a total value of these machines around {1.600.000 there being nearly twenty-four times more money invested in automobiles than there is in the mainstays of our community, the milch cows. These figures are offered here simply as a comparison and not as a criticism, for no one nowadays belittles the practicability of automotive machines as a necessary part of modern life. However it would seem that there is some discrepancy in the values of these two classes of property in Till­ amook. versos, but he wins out in the end. The same cannot be said of the man who is like the tinud boy. hesitating to take a plunge tn the water.—Ban­ don World. ♦ ♦ ♦ With a big hunk of cheese handed $300,990 before he agrees to enter the ring for a few minutes of boxing with an opponent, there are a loi of dads in this country who are up against it when it comes to advis­ ing their sons as to the career to se­ lect which is most likely to bring suc­ cess.—Hillsboro Independent. ♦ ♦ ♦ Hillsboro was respresented at the Pythian Sisters convention at Tilla- mook Saturday night by about 39 members who drave over during the day and returned at different hours Sunday. Some of the crowd made ♦ the return by way of Seaside and the ♦ lower highway among them being the gorroRiAL POLICY ♦ cars of W. N. Harris and Lloyd ♦ Brown. When Harris reached Tilla­ ^ataocate. aid and sup- mook he was presented with a mons­ I ray measurea that will ♦ ter salmon, caught the same day by ■ the most good to the To avoid running into a car on lai- Clay Freeman, who has been in Till­ ♦ lympie fayette avenue on Monday before b «mourage industries ♦ noon County Commissioner Richards amook for several weeks—Hillsboro publish in Tillamook ♦ of Tillamook, ran his own car into the Independent. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ditch and broke two wheels on his The country is slowly traveling b «1« the improvement ♦ machirtb. The other car was some­ ptt for Tillamook City. ♦ what damaged also. — McMinnville back toward normal conditions; but the way appears to lie I ong and the l gy..’ on an American ♦ News-Reporter. road rough in places. It takes con­ ♦ jxr, jf labor. ♦ ♦ ♦ siderably longer to get back to the b ba politically indepen- * The dedication of the Tillamook ba to support the can- ♦ Head trail under the auspices of Sea- normal period than it did to get away p for public office who ♦ , side boosters has been postponed un­ from it to the other extreme.—Mc­ bmur the most good to ♦ til later in July. Thisw as decided Minnville Telephone Register. ♦ ♦ ♦ people of Tillamook ♦ upon in order that Senator McNary Gov. Al Smith, of New York, for U ind of the State of ♦ may attend and assist in the ceremo president! It is to laugh! He stands ny.—McMinnville News-Reporter. as much chance as Edwards, of New ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Frank Redmond from Oretown was Jersey, and both are comparable to coming out from there this morning the snowball. The liquor interests in a Ford coupe and it being an early make the moat noise, it is true, but DAY. JULY 13. 1923 hour nature dawned upon him that they haven’t the votes in these I’nit- he ought to be asleep at that time in ed States of Amenca.—Coquille Val- ILS. flag has just been the morning and while trying to ley SentineL ♦ ♦ ♦ ■r the Sahara desert. It is snooze a little and guide the Ford at Two of the large Tillamook stages I that the flag got mighty the same time, he loat control at four iK got across. (o'clock and ran into a steam traction were wrecked yesterday, one bteween engine about two miles west of Willa-1 here and Willamina when the right mina at the old rock quarry. And I rear wheel was thrown by what ap­ ta mon- of this county are some people think a Henry is not fool peared to be a crystallised axle and ■ k - regalia and the crowds proof and tough enough to withstand one near Beaver when the big carrier g at a satisfactory rate. AU most anything, but this Ford was not 1 took a nose dive off the road into the mHc to further the outing damaged seriously, getting its radius ditch. Both were eastward bound.— te teaches is some real hot rods bent a little, puncturing one tire Sheridan Sun. *e have the nice, cool wea­ and breaking only one window light, ltaro. but the traction engine; it received a broken front axle.—Willamina Times. OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT TIDE TABLES ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ty market is easier, say the As in other things, negations in ■ From what the Headlight These tide tables were compiled by m. »one;. always has been business do not count. The man who ■ we people than for oth- has convictions and courage enough I the U. S. Go’ eminent for Astoria. Ore as a ssmdard port pf reference. i B ha* a habit of getting to take risks within reasonable bounds gon. 1 is the man who wins. He may meet To find the exact time tides occur for ■ the same. various parts of Tillamook coun- with storms and encounter some re- the 1 $2.00 11.00 » .75 From Exchanges has I»n:th ar wi! soon be over ke i* is well to proclaim that ■ the world can better straw « $rowr than in Tillamook I tame- surpass ail others Itotur- and appearance. Ail lE&kin<>■ r strawberry! — •n the armory building *» school building will progress mark for the '•tar* shouid be more hous- 1 Tffletn-,,. needs more and houses; more dwell- * tor rent. We must not ■ car town is growing and mint have a place 4* they come. ■Banlirig ¡> in Alaska. He **iiy received by our U» north. The big ¡••ksn- will appreciate the *4* test president to visit Alaska is a wonderful * it telieved that the Pres- **ili result to the advan- ■ >•« of the U. S. •*’*»tirl|f figure» were brot recently by a local "4 m taken the trouble to *4 The», figurw were a 4* lb* values in this coun- and cattie. While P fiveri were approxima- ** «SMiijcred close enough Don't forget to attend meeting of BAYOCEAN TAKES ON NEW LIFE Fish and Game Club at City Hall Mon day evening, July 16.—Adv. Bayocean is taking on caused by the influx of tourists and CANARY MOTHERS (.ROSSBEAK summer campers and cottage occu­ pancies. The hotel formally opened Illustrating the mother instinct in last Monday and a good sized crowd birds and animals is the fact that a is re|>orted at that resort Office: Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ground Floor omb men happen onto Revere Cords or Revere Tubes just by shifting around in search of the best money’9 worth in the market PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO Thousand» of tests in our laboratories and on the road have shown conclusively that Zero lene, which is made from carefully selected Western Naphthenic Base Crude,transported in separate pipe lines to our refineries and then refined by our exclusive high-vacuum process, forms less carbon, gives greater gasoline mileage, and reduces friction and near to a greater extent than any other automobile lubricant at hare seen and tested or been able to produce. Therefore we say,“Insist onZerolene - even if it does cost less.” 30% less CARBON 5% mon jgasolint mikapt Both discover that the Revere idea of a dollar’s worth is the same as theirs. Ask the nearest Revers dealer. 1790 Broadway, New York STAR GARAGE Complata Sat of Abstracts of the Racorda of Tillamook County Why let a LOW PRICE keep you from using the BEST? Both find a degree of value they had hardly be* lieved to be possible. REVERE RUBBER COMPANY L. V. EBERHARDT. Prop (Csirfbroia) Play safe on oil TIRES TUBES. Others by investigating the reason for so many confirmed Revere users. standard oil company I tta work staring a fellow Tillamook county, there ■ pwr -xcuar for any one • «■les- he has the hook 1« «atü rally too tired or tai Eke working. No won- la talk of importing more iw the work of the country. I«f*r the fight looks like a BM* camp. The main act- tai the big money and for- »• it's oil boom is in the ta* as Mr. Dvmpaey forgot •ta t>’g wad in holes in the ilhwp».-, needs the money *«i* pension. Pretty soon • a back number. ty make the following subtractions in 1 young Evening Grossbeak captured minutes: while a fledgling near Blaine in this Placa High Low county, was readily adontad and fed Nestucca Ray .rr .30 Tillamook Ray .86 .50 ( by a female canary bird inrthe fam- Nehalem River .31 •44. , ¿ly of the boy who captured the little Tides for week commencing July songster. The bird is now owned by 14. 1923: Ed Schelling supervisor of roads in HIGH WATER this district. The Grossbeak is now A. M. P. M. several months old and is said to be Saturday 14 ... 0:34 8.9'1:52 7.2 a fine singer, and eats from its own­ Sunday 15 __ 1:14 M 2.::i 7.4 er’s hand, and seems perfectly con­ Monday 16 ..... 1:54 8.8 3:10 7.7 tented. There are several kinds of Tuesday 17 2:38 8.5 3:52,7.8 Grossbeak which when grown are Wednesday 18 3:26 8.0 4:37 8.0 about half the size of a robbin. So Thursday 19 . 4:24 7.4 5:25 8.1 far as Mr. Schelling knows this is the Friday 20 ___ . 5:29 6.8 6:17 8.3 only Grossbeak of the kind, in cap­ LOW WATER tivity. It has the short scissor-like A. M. beak of the Grossbeak family, and its Saturday 14 .7:42-1.0 colors are brown, black and yellow, Sunday 15 8:18-1.0 with spotted brown and white wings. Monday 16 8:55-0.9 This variety is found along the coast Tuesday 17 . 9:84 -0.7 while others of the species inhabit the Wednesday 18 mountain ranges to the east and all Thursday 1» are pleasing singers. Friday 20 i IF YOU COULD LOOK INSIDE THE COOLING SYSTEM OF YOUR CAR Mil i Nr . 13 tk. r You would be amazed at the amount of dirt, rust, hose particles, sediment, lime, non-freeze solution precipitates and other foreign matter that has been deposited in the radiator, wa­ ter jackets and pump during the past six months. Evrey atom of this for­ eign matter means'a cutting down in the efficiency of your cooling system and likewise a reduction in the effic­ iency of your motor, causing an ever increasing and wasteful consumption of gasoline and oil. BEFORE! A poor coloing system causes the engine to get too hot and expand which in utrn gives piston too much play room resulting in scored cylinders and defective rings. It also causes an engine to use too much oil and gas on account of a lack of perfect com­ pression. No more use for weeping radiators. HAVE IT CLEANED OUT NOW By the use of Tyree Guaranteed Radiator Cleaner, we can give your cooling system a positive and thorough '.'loaning that will remove every vintage of foreign matter without laying up your ear. Have this job done now and rest easy GEO. J. BURCKARD ZEROLENE^ 102 First St Tillamook Ore. YE 1ER It’s important to you, to your motor, to your pocketbook — that you get a dis­ tilled lubricant for your car. There’s just one way to be sure of getting it. SUNOCO LILLIAN TINGLE, SAYS is the distinctive, distilled lubricant for motors; made by an exclusive patented process. ADAK You know what distilling does—removes every impuritv. Every one of Sunoco’« six tvpes — Light to XX Heavy—is pure, distilled lubri­ cant. Ordinary oils consist of light oil with "cylinder stock” added to give body. It’s cylin­ der stock that causes your carbon trouble*. are interested THE DISTILLED OIL4 In Answerto an enquiry regarding diet “Then probably you could use more milk to advantage. You mention only two quarts daily for two children and two ad­ ults, one of whom is trying to gain weight. The children would do well to have a uuart or nearly a quart each, and you should nave a pint at least for yourself and from a pint to a quart (according to his special needs and his assimulation) for your husband. Then with the 'ncrease of milk you can eas­ ily cut down your meat and egg bill. "A good rule to remember is that for ev­ ery extra half pint of milk used in the daily diet the other protein foods, snch as meat, eggs, fish, cheese, may be reduced by two ounces without any dietetic loss. Milk is usually the least expensive and the most easily served and aasimulated of all the protein foods.” Ask your dealer or write so for booklet, "What’s Happening Inside Your Motor V MARSHALL-WELLS COMPANY DULUTH cost. Ajax Cords are doing this and more for thousands AJAX CORD, ROAD KING, PARAGON M. R. TERRY, TILLAMOOK, ORE. ORDER YOUR MILK FOR YOUR TABLE FROM GOLDEN ROD DAIRY Both Phones Erwin Harrison. Prop i I