Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 13, 1923, Image 1

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Portland Dealer Routs Rough Rob­
Vistiors Show Interest In Cow
Which Has .Made Three
Mawes Pretty Lady, the fine
iy cow owned by Lester C. Dan-
)f Daniels Jersey Farm north of
, feeds on the succulent meadow
I of the ranch and little realizes
she is famous. Pretty Lady still
i the world’s record as a senior
fcr-old, with 824 pounds of butter
in 365 days. She finished the
te record and became fresh again
started on another test as Junor
ar-old making 828 pounds of fat
J5 days. After producing the re­
ed amount of fat for champion­
honors, on July 1st, Pretty Lady
iped a living calf which completed
requirements for a 305 day di­
in of official testing. On the third
uly, Mr. Daniels notified the Anter
Jersey Cattle club of New York
rire of the event, and on the same
received the following wire in re-.
Lady National Junior four and all
champion. Congratulations.”
his makes Pretty Lady a three
B champion cow, a record, it is
ived, not held by a cow of any
d in the world. Pretty Lady has
ived a gold and a silver medal in
senior 2-year-old test, and a gold
al of merit and a gold and silver
al for the last test, making in all
medals earned. She has pro-
id four living calves and is a
• past 5 years old, which proves
to be a re-producer as well as a
lucer. Mr. Daniels believes that
ting his cow day and night on Till-
ok grass has had much to do with
reproducing power as she has not
n so heartily as the average cow,
consumes a larger quantity of
'entrated feeds. Day and night
ring keeps her healthful and she
i not require so much of the grain
Is that burn up the vitality of the
, when fed largely on that diet.
Daniels owns Lady’s mother and
ndmother also her daughter and
nd-daughter. Also four sisters of
ly's dam running from a year to
r years of age. During her last
(Continued on Page 8)
t has leaked out that the myster-
B fire in the rear of Honey & Heus-
's store on July 4th had its origin
the careless use of firecrackers,
ich were tossed from a nearby
house window to the roof of
building that caught fire. The
I crackers smouldered on the roof
I finally developed a fire. It is be-
from the meagre admissions of
ie boys that the youngster whose
¡cracker started the fire, later put
the blaze by carrying water up
adder in a bucket. The boy who
! said to be responsible for the fire
I since left town, and the other kids
‘ not very communicative about the
From Tillamook
It is generally conceded that Tilla­
mook cheese is popular, and that it is
also in great demand, but the follow­
ing story taken from a Seattle paper
dated July 1st, shows that when
cheese burglars come into a store and
seek to carry it away in broad day­
light, despite the efforts of the pro­
prietor, it’s fame, is broad spread.
Here is the story:
“H. I.. Klock, 55 years old, proprie­
tor of a butter and cheese house at
914 Western Ave., about 10:30 o’­
clock this morning successfully de­
fended himself and a Tillamook
cheese in a battle with two young
men who sought to carry away the
cheese. Although he sustained minor
bruises in the battle, Mr. Klock’s
fighting spirit resulted in the arrest
of V. P. Gill, 24, and R. W. Dally, 22
who were held at the city jail for in­
“Mr. Klock was unloading a carload
of cheese he told the officers, when
he saw the young men approach the
car. One of them picked up a cheese
and started to run away, but Mr.
Klock was too quick and sprang at
him. He was knocked down, he told
the police, but he held fast to his as­
sailant and they rolled over on the
pavement. Mr. Klock says he was
then attacked by the other young
man and the three were battling fu­
riously when Patrolmen J. Yosting
and J. H. Hurt arrived as reinforce-
ments, summoned by Klock’s office
The new school house is assuming
shape, and work is progressing at a
satisfactory rate, say the directors.
The roof is nearly all on, and lathing
and plastering are going ahead at the
present time. The various contract­
ors have material on the ground and
as the building progresses, the electri­
cal and heating appliances will fol­
low without loss of time. Then will
come the seating and other fixtures
and before it is realized the new
building will be ready for the child­
ren and the instructors. It is be­
lieved that the building will be ready
in ample time for the fall term.
During the Presidential reception
in Portland the other day Dr. Bow­
man, a well known physician of that
city left his Crow-Elkhart auto stand­
ing in front of a business house, and
when he returned a moment later,
the machine was gone. Friday last
the sheriff of this county found the
machine where it had been abandon­
ed at Rockaway beach. Two young
men were seen to get out of the car
at the beach and walk away. The
owner of the car was notified and
came in and got his property Satur­
■ ■rvirvzv m
-ri-rxs a
Convention Prize Is Won By
bers And Saves Prize Product
lawes Pretty Lady Gets
¡ecognition In Three
Different Classes
Brighton-Jetty Creek Road
Viewed By Commission
On Recent Trip
Automobile Caravan Starts For Tour
Congregation For Increase Of
Four Cases Disposed Of In
Two Day Court
The Tillamook Christian church cap
tured the banner for the largest in­
crease of church membership accord­
ing to town population during the
past year, the new members number­
ing 132. The banner will be display­
Beach Road Expected To Be Rushed ed in the local church and the church
delegates at the recent yearly meet­
As Result Of Inspection
ing at Turner received many congrat­
ulations. The state convention of
Made Last Week
Christian churches of Oregon began
on the last day of June and ended
On Sunday last Tillamook county July 9th. This church had the largest
delegation present at the convention,
was visited by two of the new state there being about 40 delegates and
highway commission Wm. Duby and church members from this county.
W. H. Malone. Commissioner Van Du- For 40 years past the state convention
zer, not being present. The commis­ has met in the tabernacle at Turner
which seats between 5000 and (>000
sioners were given a dinner at the
people. There were 1200 delegates
Lake Lytle hotel and about twenty- this year, and about 1500 members
five citizens of Tillamook, Garibaldi, who camped on the shady and spa-
Brighton and Wheeler were present. cious grounds near the little Marion
After dinner, the commissioners walk county town, The convention was
presided over by C. F. Swander of
ed over the uncompleted gap in the
Portland who is the state secretary.
coast road between Brighton and Jet­ Dr. Abbott, editor of the Christian
ty creek a distance of less than a Evangelist of St. Louis, delivered a
mile. At the dinner, the commission­ series of 18 lectures, which were
ers stated that it would be a part of highly appreciated, Among those at-
their policy to complete the work on tending from this city and county
this road as outlined by their prede­ were: Pastor Geo. N. Harness, Will
cessors. It ia expected that the pub­ Gould, Prof Buell, Prof. Goin, Wai-
lic service commission will act as a ter Woods, Lee Doty. Rev. Knott,
sort of arbitrator of the difference!} I Mrs. Walter Nelson, Arthur, Chas.
if any, between the highway commis­ and Guy Thomas, Mrs. Walter Woods
sion and the railroad, regarding cross­ Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Walter Thomas, Mrs.
ings. From what was said at the din­ Wolf, Mrs. Marion Doty, Marie Hol­
ner, it is inferred that the new com­ den, Mrs. Lee Doty, Mrs. Clifford,,
mission will push the matter of the Mrs. Davis and duaghter, Mrs. Ade-
completion of the gap between Brigh­ lott. Misses Lula and Beulah Aydelott
Mrs. Buell and two sons, Mrs. and
ton and Jetty creek.
The question of the crossings at Irene Lister, Mrs. Gould, Miss Edna
Bay City, Miami, Barview and Watse- Rinehart, Mrs. Art Thomas, Alice and
co spoken of, and it was learned that Frank Hunter and their daughter and
the matter had been taken up with others whose names the Headlight
the state public service commission was unable *'> secure.
who will decide what shall be done
by both the state and the railroad com
While in the north end of the coun­
ty, the party examined into the con-
diti. ns of the highway between the
Clatsop county line and Mohler, and
A rousing meeting of the Tilla-
after leaving Lake Lytle, left for a
tour of the southern part of the coun­ mook Fish and Game club is sched-
ty. With the two commissioners were uked to take place on Monday night
state engineer Roy A. Klein and dis­ July 16th at the City Hall at 8 p. m.
trict engineer Clark. It is believed Matters of importance to the club will
that as a result of the visit of I the be presented and the officials of the
state officials the state highway via club are anxious that there be a large
Garibaldi and Brighton, known as attendance, Come, whether you are
the beach road, will be completed I in a member of the club or not. You will
be welcome, say the officials. It is
the near future.
the intention to have a member of the
state fish and game commission here
Mrs. S. K. Hoffman of Garibaldi to speak and there will be a social
transacted business in this city on surprise in store for those who at­
Adjourn ment
Judge Geo. R. Bagley held court
here on June 5th and adjourned the
morning of Pune 6th. The following
proceedings were had:
In the matter of Mary Webber
Mills vs. J. Kodad and wife; suit to
foreclose on a mortgage; argued anil
submitted; case taken under advise­
A. O. Jackson and wife vs. The New
York Life Insurance Co.; suit to col-
lect on life policy held by Wayne
Jackson, since deceased; the policy
was for $5,000 with a double indem­
nity for accident; on motion the case
was allowed to be taken to Portland
for trial.
W. E. Makinster vs. Chessel Mills
and A. B. Schoonover; suit to enjoin
the defendant from interfering with
the nets of the plaintiff on Wilson
river; the court allowed the injunc­
tion to stand and also granted an in­
junction in favor of the defendant;
the court advised that both sides fish
without interference with each other.
Maggie M. Knudson vs. Carl P.
Knudson; decree of divorce us asked
for by the plaintiff.
Some cases were set for trial on
Sept. 4, and court adjourned on the
6th inst.
Supt. E. I). Hoag of the Tillamook
Water commission has begun laying
the new pipe from the intake down
the line a distance of about one and a
half miles. Part of the new pipe has
been delivered and the remainder is
coming along from Portland. Bad,
muddy conditions have retarded the
work considerably of late due to the
heavy rains, but with some dry w<-nth
er to help, the work will soon be done.
It is thought the force will be able to
lay from 300 to 400 feet of pipe per
Being Shadowed
Of Southern Oregon To Help
The "Boost for Oregon” caravan
will leave Portland July 16th for a
trip over :he Pacific highway, Rose-
burg-Coos Bay highway, into Marsh-
field with a side trip to the Oregon
caves. The Oregon State Motor as­
sociation in u letter to Rollie Watson
asks him to take up the matter with
Tillamook civic clubs and have them
enter one or more cars representing
Tillamook county. Cars should bear
banners setting forth the resou ices
of their county. “It is believed.”
states the letter, “that the result of
the trip will be to create a much
needed “Boost for Oregon" spirit, and
that it will give the boosters a
chance to do some good work for the
Roosevelt highway."
Mr. Watson
wants to know why the beach pro­
prietors and other interests cannot
take advantage of this caravan trip to
advertise Tillamook county ami ita
varied resources, Mr. Watson will
join the caravan himself, but
wants others to show thv same public
spirit, and co-operate with hint in the
matter. Here is a chance to do some
good work for our beaches and in­
duce tourists of the state and else­
where to come over here and see our
country, Ix't's enlarge the Tillamook
Geo. Coates, son of A, F. Coates
of the Coates Lumber Co., of this city
was quite severely burned last Tues­
day morning at the Coates Driving
A- Boom company's camp, by the ex­
plosion of a can of gasoline, H im
face and one haixl suffered b l>y the
backfire of the explosion and he was
brought to the Boalii hospital where
his injuries were attended to. While
qute painful his wounds are not seri­
Infantry Will Give Attack
Demonstration During
Week Of Fair
Money Not Available For Completion
Of New Fair Grounds Purchased
Some Time Ago
Secretary Pine states that the out­
look for a good fair was never better.
There is every indication that the
stock exhibit will be fully up to that
of previous fairs, and it is hoped that
it will be larger and lietter. Five mo­
tion pictures will be given on three
nights of the fair week, and some­
thing new will be the attack demon­
stration by infantry units of company
K, O. N. G. This will be worth see­
ing and will give the onlookers an
idea of modern military in action.
The business men of the county
have been rather slow in making rea-
ervations for business exhibits. Thia
is a big atlruction to most people, and
it is sincerely hoped by the manage­
ment that the business men will be
thoroughly represented at this sua­
sion of the fair. This is the time to
begin to get ready, and the publie
should assist in this way to make the
fair a success. The fair belongs to
Tillamook county and a« usual there
will be a large number of .trnngera
here, who naturally will want tn see
an exhibit by the leading busitosa
men of the county S. s . ih I people
have lately inquired when th.' new
fait grounds would be <><•< upimi. The
county now owns 100 acres a short
distance from the present grounds,
and it is paid for, but there is no
money in the county coffer available
fur the expense of new buildings, and
that is the reason.
Before these
grounds can be used, there muat be
n fund for the above purpose and
about the only way to get it, is to
levy a tax for the purpose and that
will be tip to the people. The pres­
ent grounds are leased from year to
year from the Southern Pacific com-
l>any and an order from that Com­
pany to vacate would have to Ire o hey-
ed at the end of any contract year.
Cyrus Randall, a well known dairy­
man of east of town narrowly escap­
ed death from the savage onslaught
of a Jersey bull last Tuesday morning
(.'apt. Shearer has received authi
and now lies in a Ideal hospital suffer­
ing from his wounds. Mr. Randall I ty to put on target practice for the
went into the bull'- |sn to take !■ it
/ I benefit of Company K The company
out of th<- barn, when without warn­ already has the grounds, which are
ing he was viciously attacked by the located on land belonging to Geo. B.
animal. He was thrown to the floor Lamb ami Clyde Clements, 5 1-2 miles
and received severe contusions and out south on the highway.
surface wounds when he grabbed the Shearer states that practice will Iw
bull by the horns and in turn was had at least once a week duima the
thrown clear of the pen alighting on summer and fall months. The com­
the barn door, His escape was al pany demonstrated at Camp l.< win
most miraculous. He was found a that it has some good mark-tur n. The
few moments after the fight and brot big national shootfest will take place
to town. The bull had never shown sometime next fall in Virginia, and
vicious tendencies before. It is un­ it is intended to give the boys of the
derstood that Mr. Randall will recover company a chance to qualify f i that
important event, and Company k » ill
as there were no internal injuries.
have a chance to lx* reprt « n
one or mon- marksrm n. should they
show the required -kill.
Leland Wright, the 8 year old sol
John Markland, who is past 21
years of age, was arrested in Portland
on the 3rd inst. in Portland and later
brought to this county by agents of
the Sheriff's office, where he now lies
in jail, charged with the crime of con­
I *as expected that Senators Stan- tributing to the delinquency of one,
ri and McNary would be here this Dolly Derby, of Garibaldi, whose age
tk to look over the needs of this is given as 16 years. It is said that
®ty in the matter of government Markland accompanied the girl to
■‘Ution. They, however, were un- Portland where they were apprehend­
* to come as they had planned, «nd ed. The man in default of bail, is be­
re notified interested persons here I ing held subject to the action of the
' ■ they will arrive on the 19th »>f I grand jury.
» Present month. The Senators are 1
tt'ng the state during the congress-1 Since the above was put in type
recess and it may be that they I Markland and Miss Derby were mar­
s keenly observing the condition of I ried by Justice Stanley in this city,
tu respective political fences. It is | and Markland was released from cus­
darstood that they will be cordially .
tody being out on his own recogniz­
*tved in this county.
of E. S. Wright, the First street fur
niture dealer, was knocked ovei an
suffered some kin abrasioiis on on
leg Thursday night by an ati’omobil
coming west on 3rd a”enuc The boy
had one foot hi a small expn•»» wu
gon, and was pu-hirig it along
street with th< oth< r f-x>t, when 0
auto struck the littlx wagon and over­
turned it, carrying it a :<•■> r t. The
auto wheel* did not run over the boy
and he was not much Injured. The
machine belonged to Harry Fletcher
I ugene Hester. The
1 imb
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