glPAY, JULY 6, 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT SUMMONS if we furnish you a buyer who buys the property. Can turn it at once if In the Circuit Court of the State of you have the right property. Will in­ Oregon, for the County of Tillamook vestigate immediately. Hargrove Real Vineyard IIuvea.—The tlsh pond of Allen Copenhefer, Plaintiff BARRICK « HALL I ty Co., 122 North Sixth St. Portland, Allen and Erueat Flanders of Ohlb vs. Oregon. 39-lt Attorneys at Law mark In Vineyard sound Is a strong one. but It wasn't made for the pur R. H. Vose and Rosanna Vose his I wife, R. J. Richardson and I.ily poee of Impounding so big a sea going National Building monster as a whale , T. Richardson, his wife, Frank Tillamook Oregpn When the Flanders brothers went B. Mitchell and Jane Doe Mitchell out to their trails they discovered that his wife, James Zeiser and Kate ♦ one of the animals of the ktnd that Zauer, his wife, M Q Black and ♦ ewnflnwed Jonah nad practtcany Ella A Black his wife, George ♦ ESTABLISHED RATES FOR wrecked their pond. H. T. Botts Geo. P. Winslow Thomsen and Hildah Thomsen, ♦ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The lashing around of the mammal his wife, E. C. Ward and Floy R. broke off geveral stakes, tore the net­ BOTTS & WINSLOW ♦ Ward, his wife, and N. L. Ward ♦ One cent per word per issue, ting SO badly that It will take several - Lawyers and E. May Ward, his wife. days for repairs, and In addition re­ ♦ with a minimum charge of $ .25 leased probably hundreds of pounds Defendants. ♦ Readers are charged at the Tillamook Oregon of fisti from the pond To Frank B. Mitchell, Jane Doe Mit- The whale escaped and the brothers chell, James Zeiser Kate Zeiser, E. ♦ same rate. All reading notices came lb shore to tell the story and ex­ C. Ward, Floy R. Ward, N. L. Ward ♦ mmrt have “adv." attached. No ♦ preferred positions. hibit the tom nettlug as evidence that R. E. RINGO. M. D. ♦ rhe big fellow had wrought the dam­ and E. May Ward, defendants In the Name of the State of Ore­ ♦ age. The whale entered the traps Physician and Surgeon through the opening which Is eight feet gon: You are hereby required to ap- wide I pear and answer the complaint filed FOR SALE Room 14-15, Natl. Bldg. | against you in the above entitled suit A GOOD HAY RAKE AND MOW- Tillamook. Ore. on or before the 20th day of August, Find Spectacles More er for sale cheap at Sander’s ma­ 1923, that being the day fixed by or­ Than 125 Years Old der of the Court for you to appear chine shop, Tillamook, Ore. Also a hay fork, carrier and track at Piqua, O.—Three |uilrs of spectacles, and answer and being more than six R. T. BOALS, M. D. Allen Page’s store. 38-2tp over 125 years old. ha vs beeu discov­ weeks from the date of the first pub­ ered In the home of Mrs. O. R Mullen lication of this summons; and if you Surgeon and Physician dore. They were ths property uf her fail to so appear and answer, the 160 ACRES TIMBER LAND, N.E. Qr. Section 26 T. 1 N, R. 10 W. near greut-greut-grundmother, Mrs Jane I. O. O. F. Building Brown Patterson, w ho came with her plaintiff will apply to the court for Bay City, Oregon. Has value for husband. Robert Patterson, from Ire­ the relief demanded in his complaint, timber, grazing and water rights. Tillamook Oregon land to Piqua in 1818. where the two I to-wit: Price $2100. A. S. Carswell, Se- settled on u farm For judgment for the sum of $800 bastapol, Calif. 38-tf Two pairs of the eyeglasses are of with interest from November 15th, German silver, while the third Is of 1914, at the rate of eight per cent per DOUBLE UNIT SHARPLES MILK- DAVID ROBINSON brass. Unlike most modem glasses, annum, for $159 taxes, with interest ing machine, also team, wagon and they serve only to magnify the object from the 25th day of November, 1919, harness. Inquire Headlight. Physician and Surgeon upon which they are focussed Mrs. Muilendorn still Is occupying at the rate of eight per cent, for the TEAM, WEIGHT ABOUT 2600 LB. National Building the farm upon which the Pattersons sum of $125 attorney's fees and the Also wagon and harness. George costs and disbursements of the suit settled In 1818. It was purchased from Tillamook Oregon Crimmons, 410 E. First St. 37tf together with the foreclosure of a the government. mortgage upon certain lands in Till­ 3 ACRES ALL CLEARED, HOUSE Jap« Importing Artificial Silk. amook County. Oregon, described as bam, chicken house, woven wire CHIROPRACTIC Yokohama. Japan.—While Japan Is follows: fence, 7 1-2 miles south on pave­ the largest exporter of natural Mik. The north half (N 1-2) of the north THE BETTER WAY TO ment. Price $1600, 1-2 cash, In­ -he Is Imrxirtlng artificial silk for her quire Headlight, 37-M. 37tf own purposes. Last year 134,000 west quarter (NW 1-4), the south- HEALTH |H>unda of thia commodity was brought east quarter (SE 1-4) of the north- TOGGENBERG to thia country from — England. Franca west quarter (NW 1-4), the south- 8 REGISTERED DR. H. L. BABB milch goats. All does. Win Babler, and Switzerland. west quarter (SW 1-4) of the North- Pleasant Valley Mutual Phone. 37tf (NE 1-4) Section Ten quarter east Woman Make« Furniture. CHIROPRACTOR Potsdam.—Fraulein Mary Peschlow (10) Township three (3) South, BRIGHTON-WHEELER- GAR1BAL- of Nowowea, la the first woman __ _ In Range Ten (10) West, Willamette Me Graduate Nurse in Attendance baldi wood, $5 cord delivered. 5 Germany to pan a sucressfm exami­ ridian. cords $4.75, 8 cords $4.50. John Ma ­ nation an a cabinet and furniture This summons is published in the Both Telephones thers. 37 maker She will work actively at the "Tillamook Headlight,” a weekly news 211 Tillamook, Building tzadv auioiia ell tuen artuunia paper, published and of general cir­ EIGHT SMALL PIGS, 2 MONTHS ............ p culation in Tillamook county State of old, A. J. Nordstrom, Sandlake road Oregon for six consecutive weeks, by Finds Gas Shut Off; INDIAN AND CLEVELAND Mo­ — - — I order of the Honorable George R. Bag Dr. J. D. TURNER torcycle, both very reasonable. Thos Can’t Keep Bargain ley, Judge of the Circuit Court of Large. Enquire E. F. Rogers, ltp Optical and X-Ray Laboratories the State of Oregon for the County of Chicago. — Oscar Schultz, of Tillamook, made on the 27th day 5 ACRES OF OAT AND CLOVER whose 'teese store recently was Office phone M-39, Res. 126-M of June, 1923 the first publication be­ closed by his creditors, wutked hay at Sandlake ready to cut this National Building Into a police station und asked ing July 6, 1923, and the last publi­ month. A. J. Nordstrom, Sandlake j Tillamook Oregon tn he arrested for breach of con­ cation being August 17, 1923. road. 39-ltp tract. He explained he sold bls W. F. MAGILL $1,000 Insurance policy to Arnold CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS Attorney for Plaintiff Hefft for $5. with the promise Special attention to floral pieces 403 Corbett Building Portland, Ore. that he would go home and com DR. ELWOOD B. FAXON for funerals. Also early cabbage mlt suicide by gas. After re DENTIST cauliflower, and tomatoes. Tilla ­ reiving the $’ tn u saloon he WANT STOCK RANCH mook Greenhouse, Mutual tele ­ wended his way homeward to 215-216 Tillamook Building SUITABLE FOR SHEEP phone. 28-tf turn on the gas Both phones Hours 9 to 5 "I wish to be arrested for GOOD Tillamook Have client wanting 200 acres and GAITED HORSE, ALSO Oregon breaching a contract." tie said driver, weight about 1000 lbs. $35 up on ail year road suitable for sheep. "I promised to commit snlclde if taken at once or will trade for Don’t object if it is now used as dairy but I ain't paid my gns bill and Jersey heifer. Johnnie Stewart, 509 the conqainy turns It off My $r. Must be west of Coast range. Prefer is all spent— do pay, no gas. no fit W. DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Tillamook county. Send at once full gas. no die." details and price and state if you CORDWOOD, 16 INCH BODY FIR, Veterinarian will pay us a commission of 5 per cent $8.50 per cord. Leave orders at Bell phone 8F2, Mutual phone Honey & Heussers Grocery. 9tf Whale Wrecks Big Fiah* Pond When Caught S TU MB AK E 5 ’ PROFESSIONAL CARDS CLASSIFIED AD COLUMN n as r No 1 Studebaker Light-Six Vast Resources Make Possible High Value at Lou’ Price in Studebaker Light-Six Studebaker's vast resources are utilized to manu­ facture (not assemble) the Light-Six complete in the newest and most modem large automobile plants in the world. The Corporation’s resources, consisting of $85.000.000 of actual net assets, including $45,000,- 000 of plants, make it possible for Studebaker to offer a six-cylinder car, at less than $1,000, that is emphatically superior in design, construction, per­ formance. comfort and dependability, to any car within hundreds of dollars of its price. By complete manufacture, Studebaker not only guards the quality of each part, but saves the mid­ dlemen’s profits, with the result that no other make of car ever built, by anyone, at any price, represents so great a dollar-for-dollar value as the Light-Six. Evidence of its mechanical superiority is found in its practical freedom from vibration. This is accom­ plished by the perfect balance of the motor. Perfect balance is obtained largely through the complete machining of all surfaces of the crankshaft and connecting rods. This requires 61 precision oper­ ations. This method is followed exclusively by Studebaker on cars at this price. In fact, very few other cars have this feature, and their prices are from three to ten times as great as that of the Light-Six. It is significant, therefore, that the sale of more than 80,000 Studebaker cars during the first six months of this year broke all records. Buyers are justified in expecting more for their money in a Studebaker than in any other car. Pours to thj- was designed by Stude­ baker eng ineers and is man­ ufactured complete in the NEW STUDEBAKER FLANTS AT SOI I H BEND, IND., which arc notable in design, siae and equipment for efficient and | economical manufacture. The South Bend Plants contain 4.875.000 square feet of floor space. They employ 12.000 persons. They cost $33.250.000. The South Bend Forge Plant cost $4.00C,000, which alone is more than the tvtnl a»»et» of many automobile companies. Kfoct Ttxzrz'rfvi Í» 5 R.A»d«tcr(2 Pnw U2S Speedster, 5 P m » )1 S35 1975 CoupeíS-Prn U 2T5Í Coupe-M ( l-PmiU/. Coupe O Pw ) Se» 1 an 15 SO ¡ Serf-n .... .. 20SO 5 i Term» to And then there aret The machine shops which cost $7,000,000. The stamping plant which cost $4,000,000. The new foundries which will coat over $2,000.000. The power plants which cost $2,500,000. The assembly and stock plants which cost $5.000,- 000. as well as closed and open body plants, spring shops, etc. Studebaker plants, in cost and sue. are the sec­ end largest of the world's automobile plants. Studebaker is the second strongest financially of the •uton bile - unufacturers of the world. These facts show why it la possible for Studebaker to produce the Light-Six —a truly remarkable car —and sell it tor less than a thousand dollars. In actual car value per dollar of price the Light- Six urns class by itself. Noprospectivebuycr of an automobile should decide on anything until he has seen and driven this car. It is backed by a corpo­ ration an th $85,006,000 of actual net assets and a 71- ycar reputation for honest product and tuir dealing. Your Conrenmnce WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS STUDEBAKER YEAR : LOST AND FOUND PORTLAND-TILLAMOOK STAGE LINE GEM THEATRE h an Donaldson. Manager DEPOT OPPOSITE GEM THEATRE LEAVE TILLSMOOK TSO A. M.; 12:30 Noon; 5:30 P. M.; 10:00 P. M. Sunday-Monday. July 8-9 JACK HOLT and EVA NOVAK in LEAVE PORTLAND 12J0 Midnight; 7:50 A. M.; 12:50 P. M.; 3:10 P. M. MAKING A MAN" evenings Th:- change should please local people as they can spend . in Portland and return on midnight special. feiasaaesHaaasEs. The story of grasping millionaire money shark andtightwad. When his pockets are picked and he finds himself broke his whole sense of reason and feelings are changed. This is one you'll like. FIKE CRACKERS and FRUIT JARS OUR GANG” COMEDY Now is the time they are in greatest demand. We have a good stock of both with all the trimmings. Tuesday, July 10 Thursday, July 12 K VHTERINE MacDONALD in WHITE SHOULDERS If you’ve read the Saturday Evening serial by George Kibbs Turner you know the rest—you’ll want to see it! If you haven't —it wouldn’t be fair to tell all now. It's a splendid story and makes a wonderful picture. LEATHER PUSHERS NO 13 TOM MIX in BACON, HAMS AND LARD STEPPING FAST" Our good prices on the best that we can buy con­ stantly mane for increased sales. You will be satis­ fied in quality and price. A fast _____ action _______ picture of the mining section of Arizona and the strife between honor nad a gang of renegade bandits. THE HICK, Larry Semon Comedy Friday, July 13 CHANNING OF THE NORTHWEST” Featuring Eugene O’Brian. A big picture of the Northwest Mounted Police. COMEDY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Wednesday, July 11 of all kinds are getting more plentiful and oi better quality. We always have a good supply of that fa­ mous Linn Butter, but it is no better than it always has been. THE SATISFACTION STORE E. G. ANDERSON J 'PERUSE IN THE HEADLIGHT—TILLAMOOK COUNTY’S LEADING ADVERTISING MEDIUM Saturday, July 14 “THE MIDNIGHT PATROL” “THE BUSTER” A Thomas H. Ince production, featuring Thurston Hall and Rosemarie Theby. A story of the New York City police department, of it's never ending efforts to clean up and cor­ rect the ever present pit falls of society and Chinatown A real thriller and all taken from actual police records. The story of a ranch manager who was able to tame and break the wild horses of the range. But the fun never started until the elderly lady who owned the ranch asked her foreman to "tame” her high spirited and beau­ tiful niece, then he more than had his hands full, but lie won. Two Reel Gentry Comedy THE HAUNTED HOUSE Comedy FOUND— PLAID WOOL SHAWL on First st. Call J. R. McClure 87 Sixth St., Portland. 39-ltp FOR SALE OR TRADE Tillamook Oregon LODGE DIRECTORY Silver Wave Chapter No. 18, O. E. S. SADDLE HORSE FOP. SALE OR Stated communications first and Rent for the season. Cheap. L. H. third Thursdays of each month in Nielson, Mutual phone. Bay City 2p Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. CORA L. MILLER, Secty. MV RANCH AT BEAVER OF 28* acres. Ten in berries, stock, mach­ W. R. C. inery, etc. ©lent King, Tillamook,. Corinth Relief Corps No. 54, Dept, 35-tf of Oregon meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at FOR RENT 8 o'clock in the W. O. W. hall. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS Visitors welcome. 2 blocks from town. 410 4th St. E. Mrs. A. D. Smith, Pres. Elizabeth Conover, Secretary FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR without board at reasonable rates. CORINTH POST NO. 35 Next door to Allen House. Phone Department of Oregon 164M. Mrs. LaDue. 37-4t1 Meets on second and on fourth MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUS E. Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p.m. with garden, orchard and barn,, in the W. O. W. hail. J. S. Diehl, Commander $15 month. J 134 Headlight. 35-4t H. W. Spear, Adjutant MODERN 4-ROOM HOUSE ON' ISt Johnson Chapter, No. 24 street, close in, with garage. R. A. M. 38R. Stated Communication sec­ PASTURE, INQUIRE OF M. E. ond and fourth Tuesdays in Gruber, Trask Lodge, phone month. Visitors welcome. 2F22. I. E. Keldson, Sec. WANTED CALVES—Dont kill the stragglers. I can use your well marked heifer calves. Call or phone me at Con­ over’s store. Paul Disney, succes­ sor to J. Merrell Smith “The Calf Man.” SUMMER AND FALL CLASSES IN music and harmony throughout the county. For information address Alyse E. Murry. Rockaway. 37-4 AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO handle small dairy farm. Call Bell phone 3F2. ' 20tf WANTED TO BUY WHEN YOU HAVE CATTE» FOR sale call Ed. Hadley. Mutual phone. 1$ tf Tillamook Lodge No. 57 A. F. £ A. M. Stated communication sec­ ond Wednesday in each month. Visiting Brethern welcome. Harvey Ebinger, Sec. Tuesday Evening, 7:30 Rebekahs Wednesday Evening. Marathon Lodge No. 93, Knights of Pythias Regular meeting Mon­ day evening at 7:45 sharp. By order of the Chancellor Commander