The new proprietors of the Fruit I Palace an- this week extending their room back about 10 feet and have . itv were guests nt the C. F. Rob- erected a wooden awning. [W„ home in this city last Sunday, Mrs. E. I! Stark left Wednesday visitor- return««! that evening. for a visit to her daughter Mr». U>u ■ H H. Bosch of the Nehalem gnr- Nelson of Montesano, Wash., and will ws- here Thursday with busi- be gone about two weeks. L m st the court house. Born to Mr and Mrs. Frank A. ' J'riv k Breeden, formerly employed Yost, June 14, at Pleasant Valley, a the Wheeler bank, now defunct, ■on , (n town Thursday. TTe Is now a Henry Salton, a veteran of the Civ­ —ider.t ol Portland. il war, is seriuusiy ill at his home in J I). Edwards of Idaville, was seen thi» city. Dr. Robinson of this city wa» cull-1 I (I,, streets last Wednesday. He i mill work brisk down his way. cd to Scuttle, Wu»h., by business the i B. A. Gleen of Portland, who de­ forepart of this week but is expect- ! fended the I- "■ W. prisoners here I eil Imck Suturday next. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. i jyt spring was in the city Thursday House of south east of this city, June j business at the court house. The county clerk states that Judge 20, u 10 pound boy. M. D. Ackley and mother went out gagley will be here on the 5th and gh to hem motions and demurrers in to Portland Wednesday for u short stay. the Circuit Court. A marriage license was issued by Wai. Wihrow and wife and mother kft tor I four months trip to Cali­ the county clerk on the 16th inst to fornia Wednesday last anil will take Chas. M. Fletcher and Inez V. Heater. Arthur H. Sea hl of Sandpoint, Ida­ in g«i> Jliego and other southern Cal­ ifornia points before their return. ho und Luura E. Hull of Twin Rocks They will go by automobile. “If I of this county, wen- married in Till­ don't find good water down there," amook on the 18th inst. by Justice uiJ Hill. a he left, “you can look E. E. Stanley. They will reside in the Idaho town, where the bridegroom fcr me back pretty soon." Toni Connell and Dr. Wood, two is in buHiness. Virgil E. Hoover nnd Dorothy Thom tapiui sts of Hillsboro, came over fresday and went down to their cot- as were married by Justice Stanley st Rockaway to spc*nd a week on the 19th inst. Both are residents by the sounding sea. Just as Dr. of this county. .Mrs. Kate Haight of the Portland Wood tot into Tillamook one of the Bros of a hind wheel went haywire office Neighbor of Woodcraft is in grxl he had to invest in a new one. the city in the interest* of that or­ “That's a bad omen." quoth the Dr. ganization. The Womens club will have their I Tillamook. Wilson river and Bay City atrawbarries of the improved annuul luncheon Wednesday, June 27 ! Ortg' variety are advertising this at one o’clock at the Tillumook hotel. Rollie Watson nnd Harold Graves tounty . the “hig strawberry coun- try. Eleven berries of the above left today for Camp Lewis to attend vsrkty will till an ordinary dinner the review of the O. N. G. Saturday. plat. full. They are good to eat too. I Graves will take Home photographs while gone. PERSONAL mention YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL FANN 34OC. square miles of marvels, beauty and color—nothing like it on earth— leaping geysers, growling grotto«, boiling cauld­ rons, nature's most fantastic formation«, in the midat of which are magnificent hotels, charming cottage villages. 300 miles of matchless boulevard« and all th« comforts of hom«. «■ad lor oor boohlM 1« Mil* Iks IhrU- Uog Mary ot Bstoro'a wnadwlud Our T hrough S leeping C ar Service DAILY lietwaan Port­ land and West Yellowstone makes the trip very comfortable Isr roe rrewuwitohe*« maAs jw l/n*rnjrv «nJ WM McMÜKRAT OLD FAITHFUL— Onct «eery seventy amuW PORTLAND-TILLAMOOK STAGE LINE Ivan Donaldson, Manager DEPOT OPPOSITE GEM THEATRE LEAVE TILLAMOOK 7:30 A. ,M.; 5 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1923 12:30 Noon; FIRES COST 500 MILLION A YEAR Eighty Per Cent of Fires Prevent able, Says President of Fire Protection Association« Chicago.—Ti ers Is a bonfire in the United States, a biasing pyre fed by frame cottage« and brick factories, by forests and farm (Tops, by ships and automobiles, Every minute. yetir In and year out, $l,tMK> Is thrown Into this tire. Every half hour, day ufter day. a man. woman or child Is cast Into the Humes There Is no such bonfire In reality, but the picture of the bluze fed by money and by human tielngs repre­ sents the uctual toll of tire tn Amer­ ica each year ns It was expressed at the 27th annual meeting of the Na­ tional Fire Protective association lu convention nt the Drake hotel. 15,000 Lives Yearly Toll. “The tragedy of the whole thing 1« that 80 per cent of these fires tire pre­ ventable." sal.l H. O. Lncount of Bos­ ton, president of the association. “Carelessness Is the thief thnt Is steal­ ing $1.70 out of every $1,000 of the nation’s wealth through the annual fire loss of $500,000.000. Carelessness Is the assassin who imnuully causes the death of 15.000 persons through fin- accidents In this country." The smoker who heedlessly drops his pipe or cigarette ash Into n waste basket and the person who thought­ lessly tosses a glowing mutch Into a pile of waste are the one« who Btart most of the tires. Next In order of responsibility come defective chim­ neys and flue»—proper cl «lining or a trowel full of plaster would prevent nearly all of these fires. Dustless mops anil electric flatirons, the hitter left going while the house wife unsworn the front door, represent the two classes of tire causes which run a close race for third place- electrical Installations and spoiituneous combustion. Assails School Conditions. ( "Lack of proper exits, proper ti re drill and sufficient fire fighting ap- paratua endanger 90 per cent of our school children,” declared II. S. Moul­ ton, member of the Safety to Life committee which made Its report re­ cently. The association seeks Improvement of tire laws, establishment of more ‘rigid building codes. Among other things, it protests ugalust use of the Intlngimnble motion picture film and urges adoption of the slow burning film now <>n the market. | "Nttro-cellulose film,” read the re­ port of the committee on public in- ¡formation, “discarded by picture houses. Is being sold and transported in lengths of from 10 to 200 feet through the malls to the owners and ^operators of amateur projectors .throughout the country, There Is nt present no legal re«trlctlon to this traffic." [tuent No. I. I Corporal punishment In the army |wus abolished in pence time In 1868 for the reason that some commanding officer« were discovered to be Intro- 'during many Illegal punishment« to 'avoid having to resort to the lush. Then. In 1881. flogging wns finally done sway with, and two forms of field punishment, known hr No. 1 and No. 2. were Introduced, it having been I .found necessary to employ some form of punishment In the field which should cause the offender no Injury 'nnil which should not prevent the 'performance of bls active military, duties. Under Held punishment No. 1 the offender could he kept In Irons—fet­ ters. or handcuff», or both—and at­ tached for certain dearly lald-down lH>rlnd» of time to a fixed object. He could be subjected to any labor, em­ ployment, or restraint as though he hud been sentenced to Imprisonment. Field punishment No. 2 wus precisely 'similar, except thut the offender could not he attached to u fixed object I ------------------------ passengers The craft Is 50 feet long, 12 feet henm and draws only 18 Inch«* of water, making ft i«isslbfi‘ to navi- gute the «hollows of the river at ull stages. Power Is furnished by four six- ESTABLISHED RATES FOR cylinder, 25O-h<>r»<' power engines, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING using about 80 gallons of gasoline an hour The boat has cabins fore and aft tine cent per word per issue, and Is electrically lighted. with a minimum charge of $ .25 The new experiment In navigation Is Readers are charged at the attracting much attention In South same rate. All reading notices America bacause of the Importance of the rivers there for that purpose nn< must have “adv.” attached. No the difficulties formerly encountered preferred positions. because of shoal water. Th« West Const Leader of Lima. Peru, says In a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ recent Issue: . “Thia new development In commer­ FOR SALE cial motorboat const ruction shown the posaltAlltli-a of opening tip ■ wide field LARGE REED BABY BUGGY AND along lines that have never before been storm cover and baby bassinet on attempted.” wheels. Mrs. Laurens Moulton, city. 35-2t RUSSIA IS NOW FACING BIG SURPLUS OF GRAIN A PIANO AND OTHER HOUSE- hold furniture. Inquire Pollyanna Shop. 35-lt Wil UTE MINORCA HENS AND roosters. One half dozen one year old hens arid a rooster for $7. Box No. 52, Woods, Oregon. It Sandwich Still Meal, Districts Starving Year Ago Now Rules New York Judge Swamped With Wheat Now York.—The sandwich deemed legally a meal In Raines law days when taken with Scotch or rye. 1» legully just us much a uieul today when washed down with boullon, ten or coffee. Supreme Court Justice Lewi» In Brooklyn ruled. i Ho restrained Marcus Miller and Max Decking« from renting pnrt of their building on Jamaica avenue, Jamaica, to the U. IL S. candy stores for sale of "light lunch,” holding ft would violate a lease held by Andreas C. Katls on another »tore In the build­ ing, providing no other store should he leased for the sale of light lunch. i Justice Lewi» »aid n lunch 1» defined a» “a light uuiul eaten between break­ fast und dinner” unci old decisions hold “i a sandwich and a drink of whisky or other beverage constitute a meal.” 104 Years; Lived Long Enough. New York. — "I’ve lived long enough.' said Mrs. Anna Clark of Luke Mahopac village when she cele­ brated her 104th birthday anniversary. ¡“I’m not worrying about how many more birthday« I'll have.” RIVER STEAMER HAS NEW RIVAL ¡N “SEA SLED" Colombia Plans to Use Motor­ boat in Commerce. Washington. — The first extensive commercial adoption of the "sea sled" type of motorboat Is iinmmnced by the Piin-Aiiierh ai> union as about to be made in the republic of Colombia, where boats of this ty|»e will be used to curry malls mid passengers from the sen coast to neur Bogota. The former method of communica­ tion between the capital and Harran- qulln. the senport, was by slow river steamers which took about twelve days tuo make the SOtMnlle Journey up the ■Miigduleuii river to the end of the rail­ road leading into Bogota. All rail Keeping Soldier in communication Is lnipriietlculrte on ac- Irons Is Abolished count of the high mountains between London.—Lieut. Col. Walter Guin the capital and the coast. The seu aletls will make the trip in news announced In the house of com­ mons recently that the nnny council two days. The first to lie tested, the Ims decided to abolish Held punish "I.tiz,” made 30 tulles an hour with 60 Moscow.—Too much bread promise« to be Russia's dilemma In 1828. From 1017 until 1022 bread huh the most precious tiling In Ruaslu. A funu- er could trudge Into Moscow wlth a small sack ot grain and trade It for ■ grund piano or anything which the hungry city dwellers had to offer. Now the same peusunt could wulk from one end of Russia to the other and, except­ ing in a few Isolated famine districts, could not get a Jackknife fur the same sack of grain. If the harvest of this pur turns out as expected. Russia will have a surplus of grain which could be sold abroad. From u country which less than 18 mouths ago was clamoring for crusts, Russlu bus changed luto a nation which promises within a few mouths to be HWnttiped with wheat and rye. At Sarutof, near certain communes that have been listed as famine- stricken, rye Hour, the staple of bread, ia quoted at less than 25 cents a pood, which Is 30 pounds. At Samara, the district where even cannibalism oc­ curred among the starving a year ago, rye goes begging at less than 40 cents a bushel. In Moscow, naturally, transportation costs have made prices somewhat higher, almost double the reigning price In the great producing regions. Siberia, once the granary from which wheat jHiured into w esteni Europe, did not fare so well In luBt year’s harvest, and there prices are higher, but in Odessa and at Kleff, In the southern wheat belt, recent official quotations show wheat costing under 70 cents a bushel. The soviet government, through the collection ot tuxes, has rolled up a grain reserve amounting to nearly 2OO,- 000,000 bushels. Some of this Is need­ ed to feed the army, but us for the bulk of the grain, unless It cun be ex­ ported. the government does not know wlint tn do with It 7:50 A. .M.; 12:50 P. M.; 5:10 I*. M GEM THEATRE SUNDAY-MONDAY, JUNE 21-25 THURS..-FRL, JUNE 28-29 WALLACE REID and WANDA HAWLEY in LORNA DOONE THIRTY DAYS YOU WILL USUALLY FIND You will usually find that we have that s that you want. We have just freshly stoc other specialties the following: Ry Krisp at 40c; Oat Meal Bread per pkg 35; Swed­ ish Health Bread per pkg 35c; Butter Krust Toast per pkg. 30c; Grant’s Hygiene Crackers per pkg 35c; Prim Ost, per lb 25c; Gorton’s Fish Balls, per can 30c; Hallgren’s Swedish Spiced Herring, can 70c; Hallgren’s Swedish Spiced Sprats can 40c ; Fireman Haddie pier glass 60c; Norwegian Appetit Sikl per can 35c; American Sardines, per tin 5c; Fancy Amer ican Sardines per can 10c; Norwegian Fancy Sar­ dines ]>er tin 15c and 20c; Finest Holland Herring per keg $1.80. You will find our stock nearly complete and our prices correct. This is the week to get your Straw­ berries. THE SATISFACTION STORE ADVERTISE IN THE HEADLIGHT—TILLAMOOK COUNTY’S LEADING ADVERTISING MEDIUM^ Here is a roaring love farce that will put the ball and chain on gloom and will give you an even­ ing’s entertainment full of life, fun and comedy. Thirty Days is the last one of Wallace Reid’s pictures don’t miss it. Pleasant Journey—our Kang com edy. National Building Oregon Tillamook Geo. P. Winslow H. T. Botts BOTTS & WINSLOW Lawyers Tillamook Oregon R. E. RINGO. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Room 14-15, Tillamook, Natl. Bldg. - Ore. R. T. BOALS, M. D. Surgeon and Physician I. O. O. F. Building Tillamook # Oregon 8 REGISTERED TOGGENBERG milch goats. All does. Win Babler, Pleasant Valley Mutual Phone. 37tf BRIGHTON-WHEELER- GARIBAI.- baldi wood, $5 cord delivered. 5 cords $4.75, 8 cords $4.50. John Ma­ thers. 37 IN BRIGHTON BEACH. ONE LOT No 2 in Block 81 for $100. Ten dol lars per month or $85 cash. Peter Damis, St. Helens Oregon, P. O. Box 501,. 33-6tp TWO UNIT HINMANN MILKING machine, complete with engine. In­ good condition, a bargain. L. G. Ross, Beaver. 35-4tp EIGHT SMALL PIGS, 2 MONTHS old, A. J. Nordstrom, Sandlake road YOUNG PIGS 7 WEEKS OLD. IN- quire of Chas. Blum, Garibaldi.362p .Tom Mullen is preparing to open a CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS Special attention to floral pieces for funerals. Also early cabbage cauliflower, and tomatoes. Tilla­ mook Greenhouse, Mutual tele­ phone. 28-tf A screen version of R. D. Black­ well’s famous story. Starring Madge Bellamy and Frank Keen­ an. You’ll remember Miss Bellamy as the leading lady in The Hotten­ tot' in which she registered so fav­ orably and youll remember Frank Ke< nan as the star in Scars of Jeal ousy which was played very recent ly. In Lorna Doone we feel that we have a remarkable picture with the co-stars we are sure that it is well played. You’ll thrill to it throb to it, live every moment of it. LEATHER PUSHERS NO. 11 SATURDAY, JULY 1 A QUARTER OR HALF BLOCK, IN Bay City, good location, from own­ er. Write terms and description of property when answering. Write to Box 92, Tillamook. AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO handle small dairy farm. Call Bell phone 8F2. 20tf WANTED TO BUY CITY CHAPS Al St. John comedy LODGE DIRECTORY Silver Wave Chapter No. 18, O. E. S. Stated communications first and MY RANCH AT BEAVER OF 28 third Thursdays of each month in acres. Ten in berries, stock, mach­ Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. inery, etc Clent King, Tillamook,, CORA L. .MILLER, Secty. 35-tf W. R. C. FOR RENT Corinth Relief Corps No. 51, Dept, DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS of Oregon meets on first and third 2 blocks from town. 410 4th St. E. Friday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock in the W. O. W. hall. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR Visitors welcome. without board at reasonable rates. Mrs. A. D. Smith, Pres. Next door to Allen House. Phone Elizabeth Conover, Secretary 164M. Mrs. La Due 37-4t CORINTH POST NO. 35 MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, Department of Oregon with garden, orchard and barn,, Meets on second and on fourth $15 month. J 134 Headlight. 35-4t Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the W. O. W. hall. MODERN 4-ROOM HOUSE ON ISt J. S. Diehl, Commander street, close in, with garage. Call H. W. Speiw. Adjutant 33R. 33tf Johnson Chapter, No. 24 PASTURE, INQUIRE OF M. E. R. A. M. Gruber, Trask Lodge, phone Stated Communication sec­ 2F22. 27tf ond and fourth Tuesdays in month. Visitors welcome. WANTED I. E. Keldson, Sec. SUMMER AND FALL CLASSES IN Tillamook Ixtdge No. 57 music and harmony throughout the A. F. & A. M. county. For information address Stated communication sec­ A lyse E. Murry, Rockaway. 37-4 ond Wednesday in each MARRIED SWISS WANTS WORK month. Visiting Brethern on dairy farm or to rent place with welcome. 15 to 20 cows. L-136. 36-2tp Harvey Ebinger, Sec. featuring Douglas MacLean. A rol lickinb comedy-farce that will keep you on the verge of a hysterical- laughing jag. A merry mixup in Hotel Topsy Turvy with a thous­ and rooms and an equal number of hearty laughs. THE RENT ..COLLECTOR, An other Larry Semon Comedy Attorneys at Law FOR SALE OR TRADE TUES.-WED., JUNE 26-27 BELL BOY 13 BARKICK * HALL 3 ACRES ALL CLEARED, HOUSE barn, chicken house, woven wire fence, 7 1-2 miles south on pave­ ment. Price $1600, 1-2 cash, In­ quire Headlight, 37-M. 37tf WRIST WATCH WITH BLACK ribbon band and initials L. N. B. Finder return to this office. 37-11 5:30 P. M.{ Thi change should please local people as they can spend evenings in Portland and return on midnight special. TEAM, WEIGHT ABOUT 2600 LB. Also wagon and harness. George (’rimmons, 410 E. First St. 37tf CARDS GA1TED HORSE. ALSO GOOD driver, weight about 1000 lbs. $85 if taken at once or will trade for Jersey heifer. Johnnie Stewart, 509 You can safely come to 5th st. W. 36-tf Dr. Thompson for consul­ tation and examination, CORDWOOD, 16 INCH BODY FIR, knowing that his years of $8.50 per cord. Leave orders at experience and knowledge are always Honey & Heussers Grocery. 9tf at your service. Consult him about your eyes next visit—Thursday, July LOST AND FOUND 5, Tillamook hotel until 4 p. m. 87-2t GOLD MOUNTED AGATE BROOCH between Methodist church and Fair grounds. Finder please leave at Headlight office. Reward. ltp LEAVE PORTLAND 12:30 Midnight: ENGLISH CALL DUCK EGGS, FOR decoys, at King-Crenshuw. ltp PROFESSIONAL i WHEN YOU HAVE CATTLE FOR rale call Ed. Hadley, Mutual .phone. 12 tf Tuesday Evening, 7:30 Rebekahs Wednesday Evening. Marathon Lodge No. 93, Knights of Pythias Regular meeting Mon­ day evening at 7:45 sharp. By order of the Chancellor Commander