FRIDAY. JUNE 22. 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT ABOUT THE TOWN Harold Townes, a representative of the Great Western Smelting and Re­ fining Co., of Portland, was in the city Saturday on business. Miss Alice Channer of Clear I.ake, Washington, who will spend a portion of the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dawson of Garibaldi, was in the city Friday. She is a teacher in the State to the north. M. R. Hannenkrat returned Friday night front a trip to Portland. Miss Margaret Shearer returned home from Portland Friday in time to witness the departure of Company K, of which her father is the captain. Harry England, who runs the Ec­ onomy guragv. was a busiiiess passen- ger to the Rose City Saturday morn­ ing. Carl Sandberg of Willamina, who recently spent a few days in Tilla­ mook left Saturday morning for his home. Chas. Braden of Walla Walla, Wn., who has been visiting with E. E. Al­ len of Sandlake, returned home Sat- urday. Mrs. Bonita Aube, who has been Staying at Coates camp for some time was a stage passenger for Portland Saturday. F. C. Esch and family left by auto for a trip to Southern Oregon last Sunday, and are expected home to­ night. Mrs. Chris Faulkner who has been visiting with Mrs. Boquist fur a few days past, returned to her home in Raymond, Washigton last Saturday. Mrs. Emil Heusser and son left Sat urday for Portland where they Will visit with relatives and friends until the return of her husband who march es with Company K at Camp Lewis for a couple of weeks. Ben Niger, who has been visiting at the Niger home oust of town for a few days, returned Saturday to his home on the highway near Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Comstock of Bend. Oregon are visiting Mrs. Comstock of Twin Rocks. The Comstock fam­ ily spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Each of this city. Marvin Emerson who has been vis­ iting his sister Miss Una Emerson of this city for several days past, re­ turned to his home in Forest Grove Friday last. Mr. Van Patton of this city is vis­ iting with relatives in Portland for a week. Van Patten took in the Rose show and came home Friday of lust week. Bay City strawberries are in the market. They are larger and better colored than those of the Willamette valley and taste just as good. Mrs. T. C. Workman who has been stopping nt the Long apartments for some time past, returned to Portland Friday. C. H. Trpletti of Garibaldi passed through town Friday for Portland where he has business. E. H. Elliott was a stage passenger from Mohler last Friday. Mr. Elliott has charge of a logging camp in the north end Mrs. Rd Schultz went out Thursday to visit the Rose show in the metrop­ olis. Mrs. A. M. Hoffman and son Jack, who have been visiting with relatives in Portland for the past two weeks, returned home last Saturday. Mrs. Ralph IfimeR visited Portland Thursday to see the Rose show in Oregon's big city. Miss Ethel A. Dye went out to Mc­ Minnville last Friday to visit rela­ tives and friends. M. V. Stillwell of this city was a stage passenger to Portland last Fri- day. Dr. Adams who has been with Al- len & Sharp for some time past and who lately returned from a trip to California again left for a two weeks trip to Vancouver, B. C., last Friday. G. A. Martin went out to Portland last Thursday and brought in a new Buick car for Albert Marolf. Fred Wyss took in the Rose show at the big town on the Willamette last Thursday. E. M. Condit and wife who were so­ journing in New York City for a few­ days at the time Mr. Condit wrote his business partner M. D. Ackley of this city, stated in the letter that he had just bought the Wnldorf-Astor hotel and was negotiating for the city hall building. In a postscript, how­ ever, he stated that he would not trade Tillamook for the whole of New York city. The Condits expect to ar­ rive home about the 15th of July. While batting in a base bail jranie up at Mohler last Sunday, Carl Helsel wa< hit by a pitched ball on the left eye, causing a painful condition of that optic. In eooaeqoence he is wear­ ing a bandaged eye, but his doctor thinks he will not lose the use of it. Mrs. T.ou D. Jones of Medford, Ore­ gon, is in the city ¿¡siting her daugh­ ter and family, Mrs. M. D. Ackley and expects to remain for a month or two. Mrs. E. P. Larson received a tele­ gram last Saturday that A. M. Stand­ ish, formerly of this county, died at Tuolumne, California on Friday, June the 15th. O. M. Heater returned to Oregon City Monday after a few day» «pent in Tillamook. Mrs. M. W. Harrison of Portland is in the city for a couple of weeks at- tending to business matters and vis- iting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Ed Hadley of thiH city is vis- iting in Portland this week. Geo. Humke, of Portland, general agent for the Reliance Life Ins. Co. is in the city for a few days, the guest of his sister Mrs. Rose Wilkes. Mrs. Wilkes is the resident agent for the company. Herbert Robertson and friends from RELUS KODAK SHOP Work left before 9 p. m. will be ready at 8 p. m. the fol­ lowing day. Prints finished on glossy or dull paper as you jirefer for the same price. AT KOCH’S DRUG STORE to Re-tire? d|/ysa ¡> ► THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OFFERS FOR SALE BY ACKELY A CONDII' THE SEINE Fish Clams Crabs ALL SEA FOODS IN SEA­ SON MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS SEND FOR PRICE LIST R. B. HAYS TILLAMOOK. ORE. BELL 59-J » This is the first of a series BARGAIN iour Earnings Are DAYS Guaranteed Only By Health Watch for them Y MAIL YOUR ORDER OR CALL 68 Below are bargains—offerings which are real money savers. There is a bargain here for every member of the family. Food, clothing, hardware, auto acces­ sories, drugs, toliet articles and many other ways in which you can save money. Call Main 68 for the name of the merchant offering the bargain in which you are interested, or mail your order to Bargain Special Bargain FOR THIS WEEK Little Giris Union Suits 14 IN. PIPE WRENCH i» Regular price $3.00 PHONE 68 1 acre close in. 6 nice light and airy rooms, all modern. Good barn, hen hose for 500 chickens. Flowers and all kinds of fruit 1-2 acre in strawberries. *1500 Terms to suit. If you see this you will buy it ... Call MAIN 68 Can J buy a good used CHEVROLET 4-90 model. 1918 for CHILDREN’S HATS 1-2 PRICE Book Bargains SPECIAL BARGAIN A GUARANTE’!) BATTERY Burgess and Baileys An imal stories ‘Billie Whis kers’ and others. CHILDREN’S SUM­ MER TIME HATS EX­ ACTLY 1-2 PRICE This includes all our every day and Sunday hats for both boys and girls. Dn't miss this one.. MAIN 68 MAIN 68 Oversize rubber case, for Ford, Chevrolet, El­ gin, etc. Friday bar­ gain offer $19.00 Fire, Automobile, Liability FOR GENERAL INSURANCE SEE ROSE J. WILKES, Resident Agent Telephone M-6 TILLAMOOK HOTEL LOBBY Representing The Reliance Life Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH After trying many things, after turning the world up­ side down, so to speak, in search for lost health, it means much to find that there is still another way tha is sound and successful to turn to, a way that will bring back your earning power and your old time chance for hap piness. EVERY SPRING HAT REDUCED Phone 68 and find out Here’s a Real Bargain Must sell at once. Close in, 7- rooni house corner lot. street imprvement in and paid for. water and lights and connected wih sewer. Price $1700. Don’t look at this unless you have $800 cash, balance time. “The fellows who got married to ea cape the draft Nevvy, now wish they had gone to war.” June Clearance of Millinery Phone 68 or send the money to the Headlight. Main 68 » WHERE ? ? ? 1-2 Price THIRD OFF SPECIAL $1.50 Mgr., Headlight, and it will be filled immediately. Send the price quoted together with copy of the ad to bargain manager Headlight immediately by mail. Or call Main 68 and ask for the name of the merch­ ant offering this bargain: then take the ad to the store and do your own shopping. Be sure and take a copy of the ad. $250 Childrens liooks, regu­ lar 50c to $1.50 “One minute essays on health by Dr. •• H. L. Babb” Uncle Ben Says: Chiropractic is a means many, who thought life was hopeless for them have found "to come back”. They do come back. Chiropractic is regularly bringing them back to sound health and earning power. - LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT COIJJXTK )\’S NO COLLECTION—NO CHARGE SETTLEMENT MADE THE DAY WE COLLECT We Sue in Our Own Name. KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO. McMinnville Hillsboro Tillamook . Chiropractic spinal justments as given by this office have restored health in a number of cases in the past few weeks. The sufferers have been made well of dis­ eases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. Phone 68 for name of Dealer HEALTH FOLLOWS ACT TODAY Why when csisomkik canters rtttjjuit on sriKsi awes is oisusts or TM rOLLOWINn delay consul­ tation is with 1T0MMH MNCMAI I'LUN Find out. H. L. Babb £«• 1 Q.C. 211 TILLAMOOK BLDG. Both Phones. Res. 56 J Branch office at Garibaldi Tuesday, Thursday Evening Choose Your Bank Carefully To select a banking headquarters one must take into consideration its capacity and facilities for serving your needs. Much more care is needed » than in the choosing of any one investment, for the bank account is a permanent, living invest­ ment. When you entrust the Tillamook County Bank with your banking you have found the bank that will serve you faithfully. T illamook C ounty E^ nk T illamook . O regon ,