9 FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1923 OF HIS STOCK SOLD ANNOUNCING! A Super-Selling Event Without a Peer or a Parallel A. A. PEI STORE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY GTON ORDERS TREMENDOUSLY WE BOUGHT! The Doors will be locked tight and on the inside busy hands will be opening up boxes, bringing reserved stocks to the main floor, marking down prices on everything, and rearranging the store from front to back and top to bot­ tom, and when the doors are open Saturday, the dignified atmosphere of this store will be changed to a real Bar­ gain Festival. 11 ed by The Tremendous Resources of an Immense Assortment of Merchandise II FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1923 I** TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT WHICH REASON ONLY A. A. PENNINGTON ANNOUNCES Methods in a ENORMOUS ARE OUR ST A Radical Departure From I ! i I 1 03 Grand Opening Day Special Package Sale READ! 1INE239Ä.M 11 reserve stock have been wed to the lowest level ev- diaracter you are accust- e ui what you would expect m rest underselling sensation [demonstrate one thing— ms mg, the public can rest as- he ITS WONDERFUL! WE ARE OFF TO A FLY1ING START! Everything will be in readiness for this great occasion at 9 A. M. Saturday. Once each year most mer­ chants “clear, house” by H id.ng a clearance sale of all odds and ends— but here, this year, the unusual and sensational will happen in the way of a price slashing “Drastic Dispos. 1 Sale” of one-third of this fine stock of merchandise. This year the complete ciean-out—sell out—and close out of one-third of Pennington’s st ck must be as complete as the reductions are drastic. SATURDAY, JUNE 23, OPENING DAY OF SALE— 50 pack­ ages of merchandise will be sold to the first 50 customers enter­ ing our store opening day of Sale. These packages will lie sold for the small sum of 25 cents, and each package is guaranteed to con­ tain useful merchandise valued at 25 cents to $ jl .5O. In addition to the merchandise, five of these packages will contain a $1 bill and they all go to the first 50 customers at Limit one package to a customer £ Jv Nothing is left to chance, them thoroughly combed, and originl er known in years. The mereia omed to expect here, but the pn to pay for plunder merchant of the year. In graphic maw« that when A. A. Pennington sa sured that its attention will be a I be ne 27 1 HERE ARE A FEW PRICES THAT TELL THE STORY I« «1 DRESSES À <■ A sweeping clean up at ridiculous prices of a limited lot of woman's Spring ami Sum mer dresses, including Serges, Velours, and Ratine, actual values up to $25, choice for quick clean up 1 Io Î ell ;tr $13.95 ä® SKIRTINGS The finest all-wool 56-inch wide Skirting, beautiful checks, stripes and plaids, values to $4.25, on sale extra special per yard $2.75 1« AI SPORT SKIRTS All wool Sport Skirts in all the new and striking color combinations also beautiful plaids, Skirts that sold in the regular way to $8.50, on sale at the low price of [eii $4.95 '"P I DRESSES Hat This great Sale will include all our better Dresses in Taffetta, Tricochene, Paisley Crepe, Crystal Crepe, Tricotine Serges, etc., all sizes in the lot in every new and wanted style, values as high as $35., go on sale at * 1 $2.19 DRESS GOODS The finest 36-inch silk Tricolette in every new and wanted shade, the popular and moat wanted material for blouses and dress­ es, regular price $2.25 on sale per yard $1.49 SPORT SUITS Beautiful knit Sport Suits in all the new nnd wanted colors, fancy trimmed and our regular values to $17.50, on sale extra spec­ ial at $10.95 SUITINGS $21.95 CHILDRENS DRESSES $2.10 I < k r.f 1 $1.29 PLAY SUITS »2. tri F rr, If far 36-inch Crystal Crepe, the new and beauti­ ful sheer material for one piece dresses, col­ ors Copenhagen Blue, Almond Green and Brown, former values $2.85, a wonderful bargain at per yard Excellent quality English Tweeds, 56- inches wide, in light and dark shades, that sold in the regular way to $3, on sale per yard New styles in beautiful new plaids Ging­ ham Dresses for children, that sold in the regular way up to $3, go on sale at j WORK SHOES Men1» tan, elk work Shoes in all sizes, re­ duced extra apecial for thia sale at per pair One fine lot of children’s white Pique Play Suits will be sold for less than the cost of material while they last at PIECE GOODS It will be impossible for us to list prices on this mammoth stock of Piece Goods, but bear in mind our entire stock of Dress Goods, Silks. Ginghams, Wash Goods, White Goods, Sheetings, Muslins, Toweling, Scrims, Cretonnes, Draperies, Ribbons, Lac­ es, Embroideries, etc., all go on sale at the lowest price ever quoted in nine long years. $2.98 Children’s Oxfords One lot of children’» gray Elk Oxford., with heavy stitched soles and reinforced toe, all sizes, values to $2, piled out on the bargain table for quick and convenient choosing at per pair. $1.23 WOMEN’S 7 $6.49 Oxfords and Pumps Women'» black kid and brown calf Oxfords and Pumps also patent leather one-»trap Sandals with newest Cuban and sport heels, values to $6 on sale per puir. $3.45 SILKS J $2.49 Men's finest bench made, newest up-to-date dark brown calf Dress Shoes with rubber heels, all sizes, Shoes that sell everyplace to $10, on sale extra special per pair $3.00 SILK HOSE Monday, June 25th, we will sell to the first 25 women entering our store one pair all pure thread silk, ribbon seam, silk hose, val­ ues to $3, at per pair $1.59. Limit One pair to a Customer WOMEN’S OXFORDS The new two-tone combination Sport Ox­ fords for women in brown and suede, the very latest footwear, regular $7,50 valuer and they are cheap at that on sale per pair $5.45 Limit! One big lot of men’s and young men s all wool suits including the famous Oregon cassimene, all si-.- es And styles from the moie < servative to the most extreme, our regular values to $3P on sale extra special at $19.95 Our entire sock of men's and young men’» all wool Overcoats of the bet ter grade, including the famous Bieber-Isaacs hand tailored Over­ coats, the best that money can buy our already low prices of $45 in a Drastic Disposal Sale at $29.95 Women's dark brown Brogue style, street Oxfords, with sport heels the latest crea­ tion for street wear, on sale extra, extra special per pair. CANVAS PUMPS Womens and Misses highest grade, one- strap Ane quali i y Canvas Pumps, the r.ew sport models, very sp.-einl at $3.49 $4.79 I SALE CONTINUES DAI A. A. PE I 99 , ............ R THREAD 2C SPOOL COMFORT Saturday, June 30th to the first 50 custom­ ers entering our store we will sell genuine Clark’s O. N. T. Thread at per spool 2c Limit 6 Spools to a Customer Men's cotton Khaki lace leg outing or rid­ ing Trousers, reinforced throughout, values to $3.50, on sale extra spacial per pair .............. ............... "THE QUALITY STORE PO SUITS S •* OU! $5.49 '' One fine assortment of mens Rain coats and Cravenettae and Rub­ berized materials, actual values to $25 on sale at extremely low price of Childrens excellent quality cordu­ roy, French Serge and Plush dress Suits, ages 2 to 10, values up to $8, all grouped in one special sale lot at the ridiculous price of $13.45 $4.39 INGTON K 49c WORK SHIRTS Men s "Big Yank” Shirts in blue and tan, sizes 24 1-2 to 17 1-2 and the brand of this shirt npeaks for itself and you know it’s a real bargain when it goes on sale at 93c WORK GLOVES Men’s heavy leather work gloves, wrist lengtl, our regular stock on sale extra spec­ ial pe * pair TILLAMOOK, OREGON GOODS KNIT One Mg special lot of women’s and childrens Knit Goods, including Sweaters, Slip-Overs, Knit Suits, Caps, and Scarfs, all suitable weights for Spring and Summer wear, they are piled out for quick sale and complete close out at exactly HALF PRICE SILK HOSE One lot of women’s pure thread silk hose in light sand and medium gray, regular price $1.50 on sale extra special per pair 99c BOYS’ HATS One big fine lot of youth»’ and juvenile Cloth Hats that sold in the regular way at $1.50 to $4 all piled out for quick sale and complete closeout while they last at HALF PRICE TOILET ARTICLES While we are not listing prices it will be interesting to know that our entire stock of high grade Toilet Soaps, Shaving Powder and soap, Cold Creams, Rouges, Powder, Perfume, Toilet Water, Toilet Sets, in fact anything and everything in the Toilet Ar­ ticle Department will be closed out and sold 1-4 OFF SILK TIES One big beautiful lot of men’s nweest up-to -date Silk Four-in-hand Ties in every new and attractive color and pattern, values to $1.25—be quick for they wont last long at 49c Womens Ready-to-Wear 49c I UNDERWEAR $3.25 $2.19 IL FURTHER NOTICE MEN’S Men’s Summer weight Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers that sold in the regular way at $2 per suit, on sale while they last pel- garment OUTING TROUSERS i ’ i •I 8nits with two pair <•» 6 to 13 years, new values to $8, go SUPPERS Women’s black vici kid, two-strap. Comfort Slippers with military heels and soft, flex­ ible soles, all sizes, worth to $4.50, on sale per psir Children’s Suits RAINCOATS EVERY VALUE A BARGAIN You are all well aware of the high prade, well »elected, clear and up-to-date stock of merchandise we carry. Our policy always has been and always will be to sell first Quality, dependable lines of true and tried merchandise—quality goods that we haven’t been ashamed to put our stamp of aoDrovai unon and this is the kind of merchandise that will go in this great Drastic Disposal Sale. ’ rat » TROUSERS BROGUE OXFORDS Special Saturday, June 30 of men’s and young men’s Clothing Tillamook has ever known. America’s »nd domestic materials, all new stocks, new styles in any wanted style to fit any America. r One of the most important, most remarkable features of this wonderful event will best clothes for men, young men and boys, all tailored and from the best ’"’re virgii form, stout slim, or regular, goes on sale at prices to defy any competition, ~<*le or nu Our entire stock of meol young mens Trousers the # “Stetson” make in light aw patterns for sport, dress H ery day wear. These fam®*? ers are seldom place,1 on w1 in keeping with our aniwuno that every article will he i these famous trousers are I at greatly reduced price». EVERY PRICE A VALUE! E SUITS AND OVERCOATS DRASTIC DISPOSAL OF H1G OVERCOATS We are going to conduct a sale for men, women and children greater in scope than any ever attempted in Tillamook or vicinity—it will be so startling and sensational in both values and price cutting that no person or family within any reasonable distance of this store will fail to attend and buy their every need from top to toe. Read every item in this adver­ tisement and come to this store often. Thousands of unadvertised bar­ gains await you, and each and every day we will spring one surprise af­ ter another. Keep your eye on this store—watch our windows and by all means be here Opening Day. r B Wednesday, j , mers entering ren’s black or worth to 45c »’ Here’s a bargain we would like to shout from the housetops. It is the greatest and most sensational offer we ever made, because of the good uality of Footwear to go on sale. While the styles are not all the newest, nor are there sizes in every style, but the qual­ ity is there and almost every size in the lot? This great assort­ ment consists of canvas shoes and oxfords for men, women and children, and they will all be piled out on the bargain table for quick and convenient choosing, and every pair tagged, giving the size, so that you can help yourself, and while they last, take your choice at the ridiculous price per pair 95c FOR THE EARLY BIRDS! 125 custo- wll child­ bed hose, ♦ .-a :nf I or1 ■at it 2 $159 PR. SUITS $4.45 MEN’S SHOES The finest and newest 40-inch Crepe de Chine in the newest shades of gray, navy, dark red, green, brown, etc., our regular $3.75 grade, to go on sale at per yard PUMPS The famous Utz A Dunn hand lasted, white kid dress Pumps for women, in all sizes. Pumps that sold in the regular way to $13.50, go on sale at per pair 98c < FOR THE EARLY BIRDS! osxte5 95c Pair I «RDS! Special Monday, June 25 DRESS GOODS SENSATIONAL FOOTWEAR SPECIAL Every coat, every Suit, Every Dress, Every Skirt, every Blouse, and every Sweater, repesenting every new and wanted style and material for this season’s wear and ev­ ery garment is reduced—Reduced Substan- ttaUy. WASH TIES One fine Jot new patterns and styles in Four -in-hand wash Ties, also Bows, light and dark fancy striped patterns for summer wear, values at 75 cents choice while they last at 29c BATHING SUITS Our entire stock of the famous Jantzen Bathing Suits for men. women, misses, boys and children. You all know this line, there is nothing better produced in America, our stocks are all new, in beautiful plain col­ ors and combinations, and they all go on sale right at the opening of the season at the lowest prices ever known in years PILLOWS The famous "Wearwell” Feather Pillows made of new material, 21x27 inches size sold every place to $2 on sale at each 99c HOSIERY Another one of our great departments be­ cause every pair of Hose we sell for men, women and children is first quality, stand­ ard brands, no plunder merchandise, and during this great Drastic Disposal Sale every pair goes on sale at a special bar­ gain price. FISHERMEN’S BOOTS The famous “Gold Seal” Fishermen's high top rubber boots with extra quality red soles, $10 values on sale at per pair $6.95 UNDERWEAR MEN S HATS One lot of the celebrated “Conquoror" dress Felt Hats for men in black, brown, tan and gray, actual values to $5, your choice while they last at $2.49 As you all know this is one of our feature departments embracing ns it does Americas best brands of Underwear for men, women and children and as we are unable to list prices—our word for it—every garment is reduced—the savings are worth while, and it will pay any person to buy a plentiful supply now LUGGAGE New shipment just received of « fine assort­ ment of high grade Trunks, Suit Cases and Hnnd Bags, and for this Drastic Disposal Sale they all go on the bargain block, be­ cause this is a Real Sale and every article is reduced—REDUCED SUBSTANTIALLY