FRIDAY, JUNE 8. 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Claussen and daugh­ ters of Enterprise were in the city this week. While here they were en­ tertained at the home of Mrs. Rundle and Mrs. Jeffries. Mr. Claussen has accepted the position of superintend­ ent of the Wheeler schools for the com ing year. I Fred Bush and family are here from Salton Sea, Cal., spending the summer with Mr. Bush’s mother Mrs. Etta Higgenbottom at Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Williams of Sa­ lem spent Sunday at the Wm. Flet­ cher home at Hemlock. Miss Vida Abrams returned home Sunday after closing a successful term of school at Amity. C. Konecki and wife who live 6 miles from Mohler, but who get mail at Nehalem, were in the city yester­ day on business. Mr. and Mrs Kone- icki state that they have about 17(M) 'young chickens that keep them busy, besides other farm work. He finds that despite the wet weather at times it is a good place to raise poultry and Sthat if one understands it pays. A. T. Dolan who has a contract with me of the Roosevelt highway buiid- rs in Lincoln county to furnish a rge quantity of reinforced concrete iling of various sizes has a cargo of he tiling ready on the wharf near the tandard Oil Co.’s plant on Hoquar- n slough for shipment and is wait- for a Yaquina bay boat to come up take it away. A staem schooner expected to come and get the pro- An epidemic of sore eyes is spread­ in this city, according to a phy- ician. It is contagious, but not high- so, and in some cases has been es- ially severe. Norman J. Myers, who is employed the state penal institution was in e city Thursday. At one time Mr. yers was city marshal of Tills- j ook. Mrs. I-ouis Wilson is here from Ore n City visiting with her sister Mrs ake Breeden. Jesse O’Neil drove over from Oak­ land Friday. He returned home Sun­ day accompanied by his wife who has sen spending a few days here with er parents Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. , Fred Mills left Tuesday morning in is car for Grandview, Wn„ where e will make his future home. Mrs ills and children proceeded him. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lippen were in rom Blaine the last of the week. Everything is in« for the illamook lodge No. 1137, B. P. O. Iks show “Purple Flashes” which 11 hold the boards at High school ym on next Monday and Tuesday, itb a cast of sixty local people, un- the direction of C. J. McNaugh- n, professional show producer, ith five thousand dollars worth of ial effects, a seven piece orches I beauiful costumes, elaborate t [cenery and pretty girls, the show ill be the most pretentious offering en h -re in yea.... L , 1918 Chevrolet Touring, three new tires, new battery, only ................................ $165.00 $145.00 1918 Chevrolet Touring $950.00 1921 Velie Six Touring $250.00 1918 Dodge Touring.... Hemstitching 10c Yard Needlework and Gifts' Intante’ and Children’s Wear i o4X4i4O 4 X4X4X4X4>3434X4'4j4:4>x4:45 i 4>. 4 xx 4 .4j 4:t4 >X4A 4 X 4- x WHY WALK WHEN YOU MAY RIDE CHEAPLY good L- year Service Station 7 *T,IRE buying need 1 not be a matter of bargaining or of risk. You can have every assurance of good value, good service, and a square deal. All you have to do is to buy your tires where you see the Goodyear Serv­ ice Station Sign. There is one on our place of busi­ ness in this town. All correspondence received in this office must have the name of the sender attached. Com­ munications have bees received from time to time which give no inkling as to who sent them, and the authenticity of the arti- des is hard to determine, publication of such names be withheld, if desired, hut absolutely necessary that names be signed to the articles sent in. ♦ ♦ CITY TKW:H4- 1 Just a few tires and tubes ♦ Not all sizes. Sup­ ♦ on hand. ply future needs now. « ♦ BRYSON-LINK MOTOR CO “THE HOUSE OF SERVICE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE At A. Hudson Garage ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OUR BUSINESS MAGAZINES. NEWSPAPERS RTTBBER WANTED is to sell groceries. It is another thing to col­ lect bills. We are now associated with a Port­ land concern whose business is to collect bills, and we have made arrangements with them to handle our past due accounts. So hereafter all accounts 60 days past due will be sent to them for collection unless satisfactory arrangements for settlement is previously arranged. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. FURS As Goojvsar Service Station Daalavt see ae/< and racom- tnond tha new Goody^tr Cor du with the brviled All- Weather Trend and bath them up with »tandard Goodyear Service SACKS. METAL. CHTTTUM BARK. SUNSET GARAGE Inqure CONOVER & CONOVER BLOOM FUNRNITURE CO. GOODYEAR -i-P tXt 4X 4 0 4 4 4 4 X4X4XX 4 X4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 X X 4 X 4 Best Place to Eat TIRE SHOP ♦ FLY SPRAY TILLAMOOK’S BUSIEST GROCERY i 4X4.4X4X4X4 4 4 FLY SPRAY FOR SPRAYING TIME For the very best oi home cooking i 4Xs 45 4 j49 l 0 4 J 4 3D I 0 4 3DD4X4>XA j 4X j >XXX4 . ! riXXXXXXIXXKIXOX I X i-i XXX.4X + th I DON’T LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR I ' ■ MOVING I J THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY 4 4 Mrs. Harry Bell and children of Wheeler are spending the week with Mrs, O. F. Toney. Pollyanna Shop 44 44,4 Elmer Himes was in town Saturday visiting his parents and other rela­ tives. Mr. Himes is at present em- ployed by the Bel) telephone com­ pany at Newberg. Jt X4X4X 4 X 4 X 4 74V4 4 4X 4 X4X4 4 4 4' 4 X»X»4 e4 XX4X4XXX4XX*X4 CORRESPONDENTS NOTICE! Arthur Beals who left for Califor­ nia last Thursday where his family now reside, will make the return trip with his folks about the 25th of the present month where they will occupy their Tillamook residence. A big clam bake and picnic will be given at Bay City on Sunday next— June 10, at the city tourist park grounds. The idea is to formally ded­ icate the new grounds which have been fixed up at considerable ex­ pense by the Commrcial club for the benefit of visiting tourists. The camp grounds form an ideal place for camp ers, wih most of he conveniences to be desired by the travelling public, including pure water, free fire wood and other camp necessities. The grounds are located on u little creek in u pretty wood near the bay and those devoted to the game of quoits will find a chance to exhibit their skill. On the 10th a big clam bake will be had on the grounds with free coffee. People are invited to come and bring their lunch baskets and spend the day. Games of various kinds will be pulled off during the day to interest the crowd. LOW PRICES-EASY TERMS ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ James and William Ward of Nesko­ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Elmore drove through Tillamook last week on a win were in the city two or three trip from Chonute, Kansas. They are days this week. looking for a location in the west and ■poke vrey favorably of Tillamook. CLAMBAKE AT BAY CITY They may return later to settle. Miss Avis Woolfe and George Mur­ phy surprised their many friends by being married at Vancouver Sunday evening The bride is well known here being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Woolfe. The groom is em­ ployed by the Portland-Tillamook stage company. GOOD USED CARS + trv the We have spray for the flies that we Star Restaurant mimm guarantee to give satisfaction or your money back. 4 , A number of the county clergymen and thier wives met at the minister­ ial rally held at the Christian church last Monday. Short talks and Bible study were features of the forenoon program, which was reported to be quite interesting. A dinner followed at the noon hour with an afternoon devoted to recreation and visiting. IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS 1 CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto: “Quick Service and Reasonable Rates. E. E. KOCH, THE DRUGGIST i X Mr. and Mrs. Clink left for Salem Wednesday where they will make their home. Mrs. Clink, who has been pastor of the Nazarene church here for several years past is to take up evangelical work. There will be the unnual Flag Day exercises held in the Elks lodge room Thursday evening at 8:30 p. m. All Elks, their families and the public are invited. The speaker will be an nounced later. CHURCH NOTES COUNTY CLERGYMEN MEM ■4 -4 XX4X4XX4X4. l OOO I OIAA 4 X»4X 4 4X4Xj e4 tXX4-4G4J 4^ 4 j SX4 K 4(V^ 4 44 C41X4 e r 4T4X4O47 4 X 4 9 4 A if Royal Cords Rank First A. W. Plank Hardware General line of United StatesTires are Good"Ores reserving time and a cool kjtchen Make canning time a real pleasure this year by using a good oil cook­ stove. It concentrates a steady, controlled heat directly under the utensil. Your task is shortened and your kitchen is kept cool, clean and comfortable. To insure best results, use only Pearl Oil -the clean-burning, uni­ form kerosene —refined and re­ refined by a special process. Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Glass Mowing Machines, Discs and Harrows ANNOUNCEMENT— There was a / shortage of Royal Cord Clincher Tires last/ year. Production is doubled this year Demand more than justifies this increased production. Whenever you have a chance to buy a Clincher Royal— taka it. Both Phones Tillamook Oregon And Real Service THE BUNGALOW CAFE Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name—Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY CO AI ( California 1 I’EARI. ...-OIL iXEAOSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT .•.•..■wUv.wvy STAS DAMO OIL CCM» ANY I (.dijtrnia ) Where to buy USJhes ELY'S GARAGE 1 4 X X 4 X 4 X 4 X 4 44(4i4 Mrs. Joe Hollett was in the city Mrs. Harry Ditter was a Garibaldi1 Friday from Blaine. shopper in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Nettie Myers was shopping in Mrs. Louis l.udtke and daughter of the city Monday from Cloverdale. Nehalem were in town Wednesday. I. M. Smith drove out to Portland Mrs. Wallace Smith was in the city Sunday aiul brought Mrs. Smith home Saturday from Sand lake. from a visit to friends in the Rose W. H. Schwindle returned from Sa­ City. lem Saturday bringing with him a Mrs. Van Winkle who has been here bride. The wedding took place in | visiting her sister Mrs. Harold Wells Portland May 24th. for some days past returned to Port­ Of interest to Tillamook people was land Wednesday. the marriage of Miss Alta Carr to Mrs. Hobbs and Mrs. Wells of Port­ Kenneth Martin of Oregon City which land, who have been stopping at took place at the latter city Sunday. Mis- Carr lived here several years Oceanside for a time, returned home ago and has many friends in the city Wednesday. and county. Those attending the wedding from Tillamook were Mr. and Mrs. John Ebinger, Mr und Mrs. Lu­ cian McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Kellow Mrs. I.title Donaldson and Mrs. Ho­ mer Baker. Fellow.” Young peoples meeting at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8, subject: The Sunday schools of Tilamook "The Revival of Catholicism." county will have a picnic in Besters grove one and a half miles east of JUNIOR SCOUTS IN CAMP Tillamook on June 20th. Arrange­ ments are being made for a good pro­ gram beginning at 11 o’clock and The Junior Boy Scouts of this city games in the afternoon. A delightful are having the time of their young luncheon in Sunday school groups lives out on Fawcett creek, in this with Sunday school banners and yells will fill the noon hour. This promis­ county, where they are enjoying a es to be the greates Sunday school summer outing, and the thrills of event of the summer and will be long camp life. About forty of the young sters are gathered at the above place remembered by all who attend. and have their tents up, and plenty I of good, wholesome food, with a daily j prograiq. The camp is in charge of 1 Seoul Master George Harness, assist­ ed by two regular scouts. The boys will remain over the coming Sunday and will have Sunday school exer- I cises and a sermon for boys. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning ervices at 11, subject "The Other SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC ABOUT THE TOWN PERSONAL MENTION 28 W LAMB SCHRADER, CO