FR I DAY. JCNE 1, 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT and John Inland Henderson, on the 20th day of June, 1923, for cash, or purt cash and sect Plaintiffs the balance, as vs PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS IN shall seem best for the interenta of G. I). Woodworth, otherwise known as FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN said estate. Gilford D. Woodworth, and Rose R. N. HENKLE, Woodworth, his wife. 33-41 Administrator. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Defendants Oregon for Tillamook County. Makes It Possible for Officers to To G. D. Woodworth, otherwise ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Plaintiff Walter Williams, known as Gilford I). Woodworth, one Give Orders In Battle of the above name«! defendants: In the County Court of the State of Without Removal. Adolph F. Swensson and Sadie E. In the Name of th«« State of Ore­ Oregon for the County of Tillamook. Swensson, his wife; Ray C. Swens- Washington. — Ths chemical war­ son widow of the lal« John G. gon: You arc hereby required to ap­ In th«' Matter of the Estates of fare service of the army lias «level .Swensson; and Thora K. Roberts, pear and aswer th«> complaint fil«»d ! Wendell Bean und Barbara Bean o|«ed a new gas mask so constructed Minors. formerly Thorn K. Swensson, and against you in the above entitled as to enable the wearer to curry on Mark Roberts, her husband, heirs The above entitled mutter coming «■onversutlon while using It und thus Court and Cause on or before the ex­ of Gustaf Swenson, deceased, on to be heard on this 2st day of milking It |M«sslhk> for officers to give piration of six weeks from the date ' May, 1923, upon the petition of W. J. orders In buttle without removing It. Defendant. of the first publication of this sum­ Reichers, the duly appointed, quali­ Such a mask will he of vital impor­ Io Sadie E. Swensson, wife of Ad­ olph F. Swensson; Ray C. Swensson, mons, and if you fail so to appear and fied and acting guardian of the es­ tance In troop operations, und the In­ widow of the late John G. Swensson, answer the plaintiff will apply to the tates of the minors above named, for vention of the speaking device In this new type of mask Is regarded by army and Thora h. Roberta, formerly Thor- Court for the relief demanded in the an order licensing, empowering and experts us the greatest Improvement a K Swensson, and Murk Roberta, complaint which is that plaintiff have authorizing the said guardian to sell In gas masks since the close of the h< ■ husband, heirs of Gustof Swens- judgment against the defendant G. and convey the estates of the said World war. They regard it ns the deceased, of the above named de­ 1). Woodworth, otherwise known as minors in and to the real property most nearly perfect device of Its kind fendants: Gilford I). Wood worth, for the prin­ herein after described, and it appear- In the world. ng from the verified petition of the Wearer Can Talk. In the name of the State of Oregon cipal sum of $137.50, with interest The new musk bus a sort of dla said guardian that it would be bene­ from September 15th, 1922 at 8 per You are hereby notified that Walter ficial to the said minors that such phragni attachment somnwhat similar Williams, the above named plaintiff, cent per annum, for the further sum In uppeuran«*e to that used on phono- real property be sold, of $100.00 attorney ’ s fees and $4.44 is the holder and owner of Certificate graphs. By ineuns of It the wearer of Now, therefore, it Is ordered that taxes for 1922 paid by plaintiff and the mask can carry on conversation of Delinquency No. 1087, issued Ap­ ril 6, 1917, by the Sheriff und Tax for the costa and disbursements of the next of kin of the above numed with about 89 per cent of Um efficien­ Collector of Tillamook County, Ore­ this suit, ami for a decree foreclos­ minors and all persons interested in cy of the average speaking voire. gon, for Eleven and 88-100 ($11.88) ing a mortgage, executed by said de- the estates or in the real property American experts had been trying to achieve th«' same result through a Dollars; the same being the amount femiant. G.D.Woodworth and others, hereinafter described, be, und they telephone attachment, but with the de­ then due and delinquent for taxes for on the 15th day of March, 1919, re- are hereby directed to uppeHr before velopment of the diaphragm Idea the the year 1915; together with penalty, corded in Volume“/" of th«- Mortgage this Court on Wednesday, the 2Uth attempt to urrang«' the mask so as to interest und costs thereon upon real Records of Tillamook County, Oregon, day of June, 1923, at 10 o’clock in provide for telephone conversation has the forenoon of said day, to show been abandoned. The diaphragm at­ property assessed to Gustof Swenson, page 536, in favor of M. Sue Hender­ cause, if any there be, why a license tachment la leas cumbersome, not com son. now deceased, anti her husband and of which you, a.- the heirs of said Gustof Swenson, deceased, are the John I-eiand Henderson having suc­ should not be granted to the above plex. und experiments conducted by owners, situate tn said Tillamook ceeded to her interest in said note an|nt where orders have All those parts und portions of the in the said land, covered by said mort (each of said minors being the owner been given for its production on u con­ Nc thwest quarter of the Northeast gage; and ordering a sale of the land of an undivided one-tenth interest,) siderable scale at the Edgewtaal ar­ quarter and the East half of the described in said mortgage, only as subject to the life estate of their senal Tile new mask enibmllw a East half of the Northwest quarter, to Said undivided one-fourth inter­ mother Lena M. Heun, in und to the number of other rts-ent developments. all in Section 19, Township 1 North est thereof, to-wit: The northeast following described real property, sit­ It contains a new canister which, ot Range 7 West of the Willamette quarter of the Northwest quarter and uated in the County of Tillamook, through the addition of new chanih'iils Meridian in Oregon, north of Wil- not only protects the wearer ugnlust tiie West half of the northwest quar­ and State of Oregon: son River, containing 30 acres, more All of the west half of the north­ the ordinary gases used In chemical ter of the northeast quarter of sec­ warfare hut also against ammonia or less, tion nine, in township two south of east quarter, the northwest quarter rumen uml the deadly carbon monox- of delinquency which said certificate range nine west of the Willamette of the southeast quarter, and the hie. It Is ex|H*cted that this Un­ bears interest at the rate of 14 1-2 Meridian, in Tillamook County, Ore­ northeast quarter of the southwest proveiaent will make tile new musk per cent per annum from date thereof gon, containing 60 acres, less a 20 quarter, of section twenty, in town­ Invaluable to firemen In irrent cltlea. until paid. foot wide right of way for a road, ship two south, range nine west of ns well as Io mine workers and those who are employed In the fumigation You are further notified that said along the south side of said 60 ac- the Willamette Meridian. And I k - it further ordered that ser­ of vessels above named plaintiff has paid tax­ res as described in a deed from John Other New Features. es against said premises for subse­ Leland Henderson, Trustee to Fred­ vice of this order be had by publica­ There an' also features embraced quent years, with the rat«' of interest erick Dow and Anna Dow, his wife, tion thereof once each week for thre«' on said amounts from the respective 1 recorded in said registry in book “30” successive weeks, in the Tillamook tn the construction of the new ••all­ purpose" canister that lewHen ulr re- dates of payment, as follows: page 669-71, and applying the pro­ Headlight, a newspaper of general ilHtiin«'«' ami reduce the distress of Year 1916, Date of pnyment, Nov. ceeds therefrom to the payment of circulation printed and published in breathing to pructlcully a negligible quuntlty Tills Improvement Includes 5, 1917, Sheriff’s Receipt No. 7065, said judgment, and further decreeing Tillamook County, Oregon. HOMER MASON elimination of the nose and mouth Amount $9.22, rate of interest 12 per that the said defendants and each of County Judge. pieces and has resulted In «-onsider- them be forever barred and fore­ cent per annum. Date of first publication May 26, able reduction In the uniount of clitir- closed of all right, title or interest Year 1917, Date of payment Nov. 5, 1923; date of last publication, June coul used In the musk The new musk 191», Sheriff's receipt No. 6921, am­ in or to said property or any portion 15, 1923. likewise contain« a device for pass­ _ _ . ount $10.48, rate of interest 12 per thereof except statutory right of re­ ing dry air from the chemicals over demption and for general relief. tlie eyeglasses of Uie mask. This cent per annum. NOTICE OF BIDS FOR WOOD This summons is served upon you venta «’Sllei’tlou of moisture and Year 1918, Date of payment Nov. 5, by publication in the Tillamook Head­ slderubly Improves the vision A alia­ 1919, Sheriff’s receipt No. 7068, light by order of the Honorable Geo. Sealed bids will be received until ctal urrungement also enables tile amount $11.23, rate of interest 12 R. Bagley, Judge of the above named Wednesday June 6th, 1923 at ten o'­ i-hemlcul containing case to be car- per cent per annum. Court, made on the 7th day of May clock a. m. for one hundred fifty cords ried under the arm Instead of on the Year 1919, Date paid April 5, 1921, 1923, requiring publication hereof th of wood, of either Fir, Hemlock, Al­ «■best, ua In other types of masks, and thus provides greater freedom In Sheriff’s receipt No. 8119, amount be made once a week for six suc­ der or Vinemaple, in four foot lengths body movement of the wearer. $14.93, rate of interest 12 per cent per Wood to be delivered in the basement cessive weeks, and the date of the Experiments are also being conduct­ annum. first publication hereof is May 11th, of the Court House in Tillamook City Year 1920, Date paid January 19, 1923 and the last publication June Oregon, on or before September 1st, ed with chemicals that render cloth impervious to burning gases, hut 1922, Sheriff’s receipt No. 7607, 1923. which will ut the same time permit 22. 1923. amount $18.29, rate of interest 12 per Bids will be cosidered in iota of moisture from the human body to es- JOHN LELAND HENDERSON cent per annum. Attorney for plaintiffs, residence and Fifty cords or more of either of th«' ••ape Year 1921, Date of payment De­ Post Offi'-e address, 206 Third above mentioner kinds. cember 4, 1922, Sheriff’s receipt No. Each bid must lie accompanied by a Whale Wreck« Big Fish Street, Tillamook, City, Oregon.. 7074, amount $19.43, rate of interest certified cheek for not less than live Pond When Caught 12 per cent per annum. per cent of total amount of he bid. That you, as the owners of the le­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Vineyard Haven -The fisti pond of The Court reserves th«' right to re­ Allen und Knieat Flanders of Ohll- gal title of the hereinabove describ- ject any and all blds. murk In Vineyard sound Is H strong Department of the Interior ed premises, are hereby further noti­ By order of the County Court. one, but it wasn't inade for the pur fied that the above named plaintiff U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore., Dated May 10th. 1923. pose of Impounding Ko big n sea going will apply to the Circuit Court of the May 7, 1923. 32-3t IL S. BRIM HALL. Clerk monster as a whale Notice is hereby given that Rob­ State anti County aforesaid, for a de­ When the Flanders brothers went cree foreclosing the lien against the ert B. Sturgeon, of Blaine, Ore., who SUMMONS out to their traps they discovered that property above described and men­ on Sept. 26, 1919, made Homestead one of the anlmuls of the ktnd that tioned in said certificate of delin­ Entry, No. 06460 for the SE 1-4, N In the Circuit Court of the State of swallowed Jonah had pructlcully wrecked their pond. Oregon, for Tillamook County. quency. And you are hereby sum- W 1-4, SW 1-4 NE 1-4, NW 1-4 SE The lashing around of the mammal moned to appear within sixty days 1-4, and NE 1-4 SW 1-4 Section 27, Maggie N. Knudson, Plaintiff broke off several stakes, tore the net­ vs from the «late of the first publication Township 3 S., Range 8 W, W. Merid­ ting so badly that It will take several of this summons, exclusive of the day ian has filed notice of intention to > Carl P. Knudson, Defendant days for repairs, and In addition re- of the date of said first publication, make Three Year Proof, to estab­ To Carl P. Knudson, the above named leassal probably hundreds of jaiunds defendant. and defend this suit or pay the lish claim to the land above describ­ of fish from the pond. In the name of the State of Oregon amount due as above shown, togeth­ ed, before the Clerk of the County The whale escaped and the brothers er with plaintiff’s costa and disburse­ Court for Tillamook Co., Oregon, at You are hereby required to appear came In shore to tell the story and ex­ ments, end in case of your failure so Tillamook, Ore., on the 6th day of ’ and answer the complaint filed against hibit the tom netting as evidence that you in the above entitled Court and the big fellow had wrought the dam­ to do, a decree will be rendered fore­ July, 1923. The whale entered the traps Claimant names as witnesses: W. cause on or before the expiration of age closing the lien of said taxes and through the opening which la eight feet costa and disbursements against the W. Cason, of Blaine, Ore.; Henry six weeks from the date of the first wide. lands and premises above described. Smith, of Blaine, Ore.; Adam Lip­ publication of this summons, and if This summons is published by or­ pin, of Blaine, Ore.; Earl Reynolds,: you fail so to apepar and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for Find Spectacles More der of the Honorable Georg«' R. Bag- of Blaine, Ore. the relief demanded in her complaint, Than 125 Year« Old Act 6-9-16. ley, Judge of the Circuit Court of the ALEXANDER SWEEK, which isthat the marriage contract State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ 81-St Piqua, O.—Three pairs of spectacl««, existing between plaintiff and de over 126 years old, have been discov­ Register. ty, made an«l entered May 7, 1923, and fendant be dissolved and that plain­ ered In the home of Mrs. O. R. Mullen the date of the first publication of NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S tiff be awarded the custody of the dore. They were the projierty of her this summons is May 11, 1923. minor children of plaintiff and de­ great-grent-grundmother, Mrs June SALE All process an«l papers in this pro fendant, Fred and Irene Knudson, and Brown Patterson, who came with her feeding may be served upon the un­ dersigned, residing within the state In the County Court of the State of that plaintiff have such other relief husband, Robert Patterson, from Ire land to Piqua In 1818, where the two of Oregon at the address hereinbe­ Oregon for the County of Tillamook. as may be equitable. settled on a farm. This summons is served upon you by In the Matter of the Estate of low first given. Two pairs of the eyealaHHeH are of publication in the Tillamook Head­ German silver, while the third la of William H. Hamilton, Deceased. C. L. STARR Notice is hereby given that pur- light, by order of the Hon. Homer brass. Unlike moat modern glasHes, THEODORE OPSUND .Attorneys for plaintiff suant to an order of the Honorable Mason, County Judge of Tillamook they serve only to magnify the object Homer Mason, Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, made the 15th day upon which they are focussed. Address: 505 Selling Building, Mrs. Mullendorn still Is occupying County, Oregon, made and entered on of May, 1923, requiring publication Portland, Oregon. 31-7t the 22nd day of May, 11123, authoriz- hereof to be made once a week for the farm upon which the PuttersonN settled In 1818. It was purchased from ing the sale of the following des- six successive weeks, and requiring the government. SUMMONS you to appear and answer the com ­ cribed real property, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8, Block 4, Stillwell Ad­ plaint on or before the expiration of Japs Importing Artificial 8llk. dition to Tillamook, Tillamook Coun­ six weeks from the date of the first Yokohama, Japan. -While Japan Is publication, and the first publication the largest exporter of natural silk, No. 3107 ty,, Oregon, there will be sold at private sale said hereof is made this 18th day of May, she Is Importing artificial silk for her In the circuit court of the State of own purposes. Iaist year 134,060 property in the law offices thia country from Englund, Francs M. D. Spencer, Alma Loeffler Burgess, amook County, Oregon, between the and Switzerland John Leland Henderson, Trustee hours of one and two o’clock P. M. Residence: Tillamook, Oregon. 32-7t r i LEGAL NOTICES _E£ARMY MASK HAS NEW FEATURES I 7 BUTTER FAT UP lc The dairymen of this county are pleased with the late advance of but- i terfat four cents over previous prices this year. This will mean a «ubstan I tiai saving to the dairymen of the county ami will fatten | checks. 1000 CAR LOADS OF HAY OREGON PIONEER MEETING I•*».. $1795 Coupe-Sedan S-paM, $15M Touring 7-paM„ $1435 Sedan 7^.us*., $1995 All price« f. o. b. Toledo f THE ENGINE IMPROVES WITH US$ STAB GARAGE DRIVE AN OVERLAND-AND REALIZE THE-DIFFERENCE