eablifltrt DÄTRWN TTOFER A big fir log has drifted across the ■ caught on the floor, the other edge their creation of beautiful effects for Trask river at the head of Smith is­ of the pipe cutting the third finger stage and screen, and the scenery was land, and is a bad obstruction to small I of the left hand to the bane, making built by the Edwin H. Flagg Scenic (Continued from Page 1) boat navigation. There is a strong a severe wound. try, you should get the statistics oi company of San Francisco. The planking through the green the yearly output and sale of the current there, which the presence of Some of the colorful revues that the log makes dangerous to boatmen. ■ timber on the Netarts road, it is be- cheese that is produced from the milk are offered are “The Fashioned Girls' I lieved, will be finished next week. Macy & Baird ’ s comedians pitched of these various fine herds of dairy John Connell of the Hillsboro Trad- Revue,” “Melodyland,” “The Elks cows, and together with what you their big tent on the vacant lots on 1 have seen and what you have read Third Btreet between Third and I ing Co., was in the city Tuesday, and Revue”, “The Kiddies Fashion Pa­ or heard as to the value of the indus­ Fourth avenues north. Monday last. - while over here made a side trip to rade,” “The Girls of My Dreams Re- try in dollars and cents annually, you The troupe has a band and orchestra 1 Mohler. Mr Connell handles u large vue,” elc. Many popular song hits have a concrete example of the pro­ and spent last winter in Salem. The ' quantity of produce, und ships con­ are heard. The Elks have won an enviable rep siderable hay and grain to Tillamook ductiveness of our geratest business. troupe is here for two weeks. It must be understood, however, U. B. Willis of this city bought a i each season. He was sheriff of Wash utation for putting over clever en- tertainments, and a strong show com that equal milk conditions, do not Studebaker Six jitney in Portland I ington county for several years. obtain, where you do not find our last week which he brought in Sun­ Orris Fry of Salem, a business man mittee has been appointed to help splendid bottom lands, and where our day. of that city, was here the forepart equable climate is not found. Our J. A. Bell photographed eleven i of the week. grass in itself contains elementa that room groups of students in the high 1 E. M. Condit made a trip to Port- make for an ideal production of milk, school and under grades of the city ’ land last Tuesday. both in volume and in quality, and add schools last week which are now on ' Mrs. Harry Gillam of this city v to this the fact that our winter cli­ display at the Koch drug store. a Portland visitor Tuesday. mate is mild compared with outside Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Smith visited 1 The churches of the city will un sections of the state, and you have Portland Saturday, returning Sunday in a great union meeting at I two very good contributing conditions Christian church Sunday in honor which are hard to parallel. And it evening. W. D. Pine, county Agent, had bus­ the H. S. class of 1928. Rev. W. O. is these conditions that account for the hundreds of dairy cows, the big iness in Portland Monday, returning ' Woolever will deliver the baccalau- reate sermon. barns and the prosperous condition Tuesday. J. M. Taylor and wife of Blaine, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wel- of the cajiabie dairymen. Another factor, not to be overlooked, and of were county seat callers last Monday. born, May 12, 1623, a son. great importance, is the matter of Ed Hadley is building a new farm Cecil Knowlton, a workman for A. good market roads. It is along our house on his ranch about a half mile T. Dolan, was injured last Saturday best roads that the dairy industry is east of town. when a piece of heavy pipe struck his naturally the most prosperous, for M. J. Fenenga, a professor of his­ left thumb, mangling that member to much depends upon the ability of the tory and political science in Pacific such an extent that it was alter am­ dairyman to get his milk quickly and university, Forest Grove, was in the putated by Dr. Boles. cheaply to market. Tillamook county city Friday last. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lane dairymen have also been prompt to A. J. Bennett and wife, and Mrs. of Cloverdale, May 12 a daughter, realize that the better bred his cow Christina Bennett, his mother, of Sa­ reports Dr. Robinson. is, the more milk he will get, and the Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Rader John­ lem, were over Sunday visitors at result has been a grat effort upon the the home of R. W. Bennett and fam­ son this city. May 13 a son. part of our dairymen to improve the A marriage license was issued on ily of th city, A. J. being a brother milking strains of their herds, and if the 12th to Sam Parker and Lottie of our Mr. Bennett. th stranger who is looking us over, Cmnie Dye, returned from a trip Oreh, and on the 16th inst, a license wants to see exhibits of the best dairy to Portland the latter part of last was issued to Wm. S. Pnillips and stock in this county, he should by all week, w.here he bought a lot of log­ Elizabeth T. Zurcher, both of this means attend that excellent institu­ ging supplies for the firm of Dye & county. tion. the Tillamook count?' fair, where Mrs. Adolph Erickson, near this Lyster, including donkey engines, etc. he will be made full?' acquainted with Wanda Haltom was a passenger to city, expects to leave here early to the fine thoroughbred stock of the visit her mother, who was reported Portland by stage last Friday. county. L. W. Turnbull, superintendent of as being quite ill at her home in city schools, was a passenger for Hamburg. Germany. She will be BUYS BARRETT JOB PLANT Portland Friday afternoon of last gone several months. Amos Vaughn and family are plan week. Eugene Crosby, of Corvallis, has Newton Anderson, the laundryman ning to leave here Sunday next for purchased the job printing office of went to Portland Friday afternoon of a visit to Corvallis and Carlton. Mr. the late P. W. Barrett, and will op- Vaughn, while gone, will attend the last week. erate the plant at the old stand. Mr. Bert Rittenhouse of Nehalem wan big Jersey sale at the Carey ranch Croaby is here now in possession of in the city Friday last. at Cartion, which occurs next week. the plant, and expects his family some Fred Hill, a Nehalem farmer, was Relatives will be visited in Corvallis time during the present week. Mr. registered in the city Friday. on this trip. Crosby lived in Tillamook about a A government light house tender R. W. Bennett purchased a new year and a half, before going to Cor­ light six Studebaker auto of Will­ from Portland arrived in the Lay vallis. Tuesday night for the purpose of iams & Williams last week. Carl Schultz, superintendent of the erecting some channel buoys. Eric Gulstrom was fined on the 12 Tillamook saw mill, was a stage pas­ of the month by the City Recorder senger to Portland last Friday. C. E. Irish of Brighton was a Till­ for being intoxicated and as this was the second uffeiuc of the nature, he amook visitor last Friday. S. M. Batterson of Mohler, was in paid 100 bucks for the diversion. It A big lumlw-r barge from Seattle costs to get intoxicated twice in was brought in the bay at Garibaldi the city Friday on business. County Agent Pine made a trip be­ town. last Sunday by a tug from the above Wm. Baker, deputy sheriff city. The tug has returned for an­ yond Cloverdale, last Friday. Many of the dairy pastures of this Wheeler precinct, was in the city other barge, and is expected back soon. These barges will be used by county need to have a lot of unsight­ Tuesday, with business at the court the Whitney Lumber company to load ly stumps removed. Their removal house. He reports that the Wheeler hte big steam schooners, Daisy Free­ would add much to the appearance of public school closed on the 10th inBt. man and Nottingham, which will car­ the otherwise fine dairy farms. Much CALI. FOR APPLICATIONS ry lumber to California ports for the more gt>od grass land would also be company. One of the schooners is made available by the removal of the The School Board of School District expected to arrive about the last of stumps. A big auto van was in the city Mon No. 9. has been authorized to sell the the week. The Nottingham did not day from the Bethel Mission associa­ block on which the present grade arrive on Saturday as scheduled. tion near Woods, of which Dr. Mont­ school building stands. Anyone wanting to buy any part gomery is president. The van is fit­ ted up for camping and light house of the property, including the build­ keeping, and is a rather unique affair. ing. may make application to the Mrs. Fred Poorman of Garibaldi, Clerk and the same will be consider- Mrs. S. K. Hoffman of Garibaldi, visited at the home of her son A. M. was in the city shopping last Tuesday- ed up to May 26th, 1923, at 7 o’clock TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Hoffman ami- family of this city for Matt Terry was a passenger to P- m. H. H. ROSENBERG, Chairman several days, returning home Wed- Portland last Tuesday on business. I want to rent equipped dairy ranch C. A. McGHEE, Clerk. It T. E. Epplett will operate a store nesday. 20 cows or more, consider buying lat­ J. W. Brown of Corvallis was here at Oceanside about the first of the er. Good references. Write H. M. Mac- this week selling a bunch of work and next month., during the tourist sea TILLAMOOK WILL CELEBRATE Lean, Cloverdale, Ore. saddle horses at public sale at the son. While Mr. Epplett was handling Have a splendid proposition for a There will be a 4th of July cele ­ Reedy stables. a new joint of pipe Monday, one end live wire agent. Address Box 194, Till bration in Tillamook under the aus­ 82-2t pices of the Tillamook fire depart­ amook,, Oregon. Why not have a souvtmr of school ment. Don’t forget it. —Adv. days ? Pictures of all grade schools at Bells Kodak Shop, Kock's Drug store. 82-2t Want womn or girl for general house work. Wages $45 per month. Call Mrs. T. P. Watt, Brighton, Ore. It Tillamook lodge B. P. O. Elks will Order your flowers for Decoration break itno the theatrical limelight in day. Tillamook Greenhouse. 82- June when they will present at the For sale or trade—Income property high school auditorium, the lightning at Rockaway. Inquire at Pollyanna revue of fun, fads and fashions "Pur­ Shop. 82- ple Flashes," with a cast of sixty Lost Saturday evening between the people. Gem theatre and Clough’s Drug store The production is a three act musi­ a small brown lather purse contain­ cal comedy, and will be presented on ing small change and laveliar. Finder Monday and Tuesday, June 11 and 12. may receive reward by leaving same It will be given under the personal di­ at the Headlight office. FOR ANY KIND OF BLASTING rection of C. J. McNaughton, of the McNaughton Production company of MRS. CLIFF HINER Los Angeles, California, one of the 50 lbs. net weight, sells for........... $750 per case foremost show producers in th« West. Mrs. Cliff Hiner, well known in this No. 7 Caps sells for ....................... $2.00 for 100 Mr. McNaughton has been producing city, where the family lived for many Double Tape Fuse ............ „..... $1.15 per 100 ft. for the Elks lodges on the coast for years, died at the Brooten springs five yearsand comes here highly rec­ last Tuesday night. Funeral services Carry full line of blasting supplies. Will fur­ ommended. He has just completed were held at the Presbytrian church nish battery free on small jobs. Order by mail shows for the Elks at The Dalles and Thursday, followed by interment in Bend. or phone 18-M the Union cemtery at Cloverdale. De­ "Purple Flashes” combines a laugh­ ceased is survived by her husband able plot, with elaborate singing and and one son. She also leaves a num- dancing musical revues. Over $5000 ber of relatives in this county. worth of beautiful scenery and gor­ geous costuming are used to build Harold Risley, wife and child wen- the production up tc a high standard. stage passengers to Portland Tues­ TILLAMOOK. ORE. The costuming for the production was day morning. Mr. Risley has ac­ designed by the Studio Shop of Las cepted a position with a Portland shoe Angeles, who are well knwon for firm. make this production the hit of the season. Rehearsals will be started in a short time, and the best of the cit­ ies histronic talent will be assem­ bled in the cast. HI SCHOOL ANNUAL MAY ENTER CONTEST O-egon Agricultural College, May 16.—Ramona Haltom, editor of the Tillamook high school annual, has been asked to enter their year book FRIDAY, MAY 1«. 1923 to compete for the 13 inch silver lov­ ing cup otfered by the staff of the 1924 Beaver annual of the Oregon Agricultural college for the best high school annual in the stale. Originality, makeup, and content will each count 25 per cent in determ­ ining the prize winner; quality of en­ graving and quality of printing each 10 per cent; and the cover 5 per cent. Honorable mention will be given five of the publications and consideration of the size of the school publishing the book will be given so that all will have an equal chance. The annuals entered in the contest are to be in by June 1 and the results will be an­ nounced by June 10. The high school year books will be judged by Frank L. Snow, professor of industrial journalism; Howard P. I ajwis . of Mai-hfield, editor of the 1924 Beaver; Wayne K. Duvi., of Pomeroy, Wash., editor of the 1923 Beaver; Homer L. Roberts, of Cor­ vallis, editoi of the O. A. C. Dully Barometer, 1923-4; and Lindsey H. Spight of Hood River, president of Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour­ nalistic fraternity. BIG LUMBER BARGE ARRIVES IN SUNDAY PERSONAL MENTION Trojan Powder ELKS’ MUSICAL SHOW PROMISED ‘HUMMER’ J. N. MARTINDALE * t Now Your Victory Liberty Loan Bonds Are Due On May 20th your Victory Liberty Loan bonds will be paid by Uncle Sam. What will you do with them? Keep up the savings habit you have started. Bring in your bonds and have them credited on your savings account. If you have none, make the liberty bond the first deposit. ONE DOLLAR will open a savings account that will draw 4 per cent interest compounded semi-annually on the first days of anuary and July. For ONE DOLLAR a year you can keep your liberty bonds and other valuable papers in our steel safe deposit boxes which are guarded day and night by one of the most up-to-date burglar alarm systems made. The First National Bank TILLAMOOK, OREGON ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY,