FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 2 Fathers’ Day will be observed at Dr. Smith reports that a son of Dr. Robinson report« that Loy Winn 68.61 Henry Hartsell Is. S. Provo*t, indemnity ------ 12.50 E. M. Huggett ........ ........ the M. E. church next Sunday at 11 37.85 ('has. Ewan ... the deaf mute wh was hot in th Oscar Tittle. .who lives east of town 'Leslie Barber, indemnity ---- 25.0t» Jesse Shortlidge ............... a. m. The fathers of the city are cor 34 66 right ankle last Saturday night up is suffering from an attack of men­ C. A. Johnson, assessor ....... — - 150.00 W. M. Derrick _______ Lawrence Fierce .............. ».....— dially invited to attend this service. G A. Chnstofferson ...... 51.93 or. Foley creek, is getting along nice- 100.00 Myrtle Wallin, assr. of —....... ingi tis. 3.19 L. R Tabor ................... -....... — 43.00 E. B O’Niel .......„ W. J. Schuhmacher. assr of Tom Ewan ............. -...... -....... — 0011 154.75 Herman Thiessen ...... . GENERAL WARRANTS JUVENILE COURT 10.36 Bill Ewan ...... ....................... ....... | Sandlake Sawmill ...... . A. W. Stone ........ 27.9; E. H. Stark, court house----- 35.48 4.15 P. E. Allen ....... 10.8t) Kirr Crenshaw Hdw Co. ---------- — - 101-7' 3.00 Peter Schranz M V. Stillwell, cir court ....... 14.40 [ W. S. Coates _________ 3.99 Dave Jones, fair grounds------ 150.00 Mrs. Harry Johnson --------- — 112.56 ROAD WARRANTS DIST. NO. 1 14.40 Southern Pacific Co. ...... 9.00 G. B Nunn —----------------- — Ivan Dohnldson. juvenile ct .... 26.21 O. Fuller ----- ----—... 43.06 7.20 Steinbach Lron Works A. R. Hartman --------------------- MOTHERS PENSION 27.97 E. R. Alvord---------- 30.43 Mrs. Alice Mayer --------------- 12.40 Standard Oil Co. ...... ...... Mary E. Heaton, ............. —....... 25.00 Sam Lundberg ---------------------- 2.50 James Speery ------ 7.20 Noah Richards ...... ........... 11.17 Johanna York ——------ --- ----- 17.50 Mrs. J. J. Krebs -------------- — 10.80' J. N. Martindale .............. 28.70 A. E. Rittenhouse Ivel V. Gillam........................ 17.50 Frank Merrill ---------------------- 37.50 Silas Vermilyoa 2.20 A. W. Plank Hardware Marie Getchell.............. —— 40.00 Henry White - ---------- —..... —— 2.20 Joe Tomlinson .. BOND WARRANTS Myrtle F. Daugherty --- ------- 10.00 Carl Heiael------------------------- Ed Tomlinson Henrietta Burdick ———------ 32.50 Henry Helsel ------ — 8.20 L. Tabor_ ___ _____________ -. 22.72 Sam Tomlinson 96.26 — 10.00 »417.07 Portland Bridge Co. .............. Ethel Du vis - ----- ---- ------------- 3.40 71.00 Erwin Harrison —............ - A. Myers ......... 10.00 36.94 Laura E Ellis .—— ------- — 28.71 3.80 W. S. Coates ______ ___ _____ Sam J. Hoover _ —.—— W. M. Russing 99 02 Gertrude Bigelow .„................... 17.50 G R. Moore - ----------------------- 5.00 H. M. Peters _______________ 25.16 Chas. Stevens — ..... — - — ....... —........... .61 Mary L. Dye ..............------------ 32.50 Gail Buel 49.05 8.20 A. H. Gulstrom ................—----------- J. S. Miner — ............................ 4.99 Elwe Hellebityck --- --------------- 23.50 Nehalem Tel & Tel Co, sher of 1.10 Chas. D. Collier __________ 19.14 Berry Miner ------------ ------------ hj Ross Landolt ........................ —■ 25.00 Kathleen Mills, treas ------------ 127.00 Anderson Bros......... ....... .......... 357.50 E. Illingworth ............................. 21.57 15.10 Lnrlh g Maude G. Phelps ------------ —— 25.00 Coast Power Co. ct house....... 79.88 A. S. Tilden __ ____________ 106.25 F. W. ------ ------------ ----- _....— •X¿í - . «• 1.90 Homer Mason, Co. Court —— 189.17 E. H. Stark, court house....... 100.00 W. S. Coates ..... P. S. Seabrook .........—---- ------- 147.27 84.57 Elsie Vidito, poor----------------- 40.00 G. S. Brietling, emerg fund 7.87 C. E. Allen .... .. ................ ... .... Fred Seabrook ------------------— 153.26 65.72 Max Crandall, auditor — 250.00 A. M. Austin, cir court --------- 5.00 Bud Steele ........... .................. 8.07 John Kizer __ ______ ______ 40.29 (Continued on Page 4) J. F. Jones, dist. sealer...... —■ H. V. Alley county court ----- 177.35 Kitty Richardson, just ct ----- 1.70 R. 0. Richards, county court 161.52 Chas. E. Runyon, cir ct. ------ 30.50 Geo. J- Burckard, court house 27.20 Cardiff. Green & Oathout. tssr 23.85 W’. S. Coates, surveyor --------- 79.90 8.40 Otto Kocher, cir ct ...”........ W. E. Andresen, surv of ------ 45.65 Then Make Your Oun Driving Tests John Mathers, ct house -------- 27.82 H. M. Peters, surv of ....... — 19.17 Ore. City Enterprise, elk of— 42.62 A. H. Gulstrom surv of............ 15.59 4.00 HE beautiful, custom-made appear­ John Aschim. just ct ------------ 4.99 F. W. Farrar, surv of ...... — E. W. Stanley, just, ct--------- 36.40 Carlyie Stranahan, surv of........ 3.49 ance of C-T-C Cords immediately ap­ J. N. Shaw, dairy hd. insp----- 270.00 Lamars Drug Store sher of etc 38.85 peals to the experienced motorist. Superior John Aschim, sheriff . 184.81 Tillamook Garage, co. ct. etc 14.72 quality is apparent from the heavily fash­ H. S. Brimhall, clerk------------ 150.00 King Crenshaw Hdw Co. ct hs .80 ioned bead down the specially constructed Edna L. Mills, clerk of. --------- 100.00 J. O. Dailey, surv of ------------ 4.00 sidewalls to the powerful, clean-cut, heav­ Gladys G. Ednesr. clerk of .... 95.00 15.45 L. S. Hushbeck, poor --------- Lelia D. DotyK clerk of --------- 90.00 21.20 ily buttressed tread. L. S. Hushbeck, poor Joseph Beeler, indemnity ----- 50.00 And behind that appearance is a quality in materials and L. S. Hushbeck, poor ...------- — 195.50 Joe Vermilyea. indemnity ----- 12.50 H. S. Brimhall, poor - --- ------- 20.00 hand - workmanship never before seen in tire building Rudolph Zweifel. indemnity ... 75.00 Headlight. printing, etc ............ 43.50 Then drive C-T-C Cords—uain< 30% less than the usually 862.18 Rudolph Zweifel, indemnity 2.00 prescribed air pressure for cords, if you care to make rid- Al. H. Schloth. »her. of ..._.... iuj more comfortable and to keep down car upkeep sx- R. N. Henkle. coroner --------- 61.00 Burroughs Add Mach Co, as»r 44.19 pens*, and measure mile for mile the long-distance 1.70 Crystal Laudry Co. ct hs----- 28.15 Emanuel Bjorkquist. cor. ct..... performance they «ill deliver. 1.70 City Transfer Co. ct hs Robert A. Carver, cor, ct ----- 3.21 Rough road*, steep hills and slippery pavement» hold no 1.70 W. S. Coates, sure ...... .............. A. Theodore Peterson, cor ct.... 1.00 terrors for C-T-C Cords. Traction and r uction are both 1.70 Lenhart Gienger, cor ct ........... AUSPICES OF TILLAMOOK BOXING COM built in with the speciaUy compounded road-gripping Tom Buffum. court house ----- 64.00 2.10 Bushong 4 Co. clerk etc----- 11.78 Lawrence Knight, cor ct ----- rubber in that massive tread. MISSION. BENEFIT AMERICAN LEGION 2.10 Fred J. Pye, court house--------- Raymond Blum, cor ct --------- 6.06 C-T-C Cords 30x3 W te 35x5; Fabrics 30x3 and 2.30 Rosenberg Bros, poor --------- 40.00 Mrs. Evelyn Steidinger, cor ct 30x34 only. C-T-C Inner Tubes are the heaviest, 1.20 Glass A Prudhomme Co sher of 19.98 Emil Heusser. cor ct ----------- strongest standard tabes oa the 1.20 M. V. Stillwell, cor ct------------ E. E. Hanyon, cir court --------- 13.50 1.20 Chas. F. Pankow, sher of....... 161.20 Ben Egge. cor ct ------------------ Authorized Distributors for Tillamook County 1.20 T. D. Lucas, cor ct ------------ ART PATNOE vs. JACK McDONALD S. W. Elliott, cir court ............ 12.00 1.20 Kilham Stationery Co, clerk.... 407.09 Everett Hale, cor ct ------------ 1.20 Till. Co. Mut. Tel Co, ct hs ... 12.10 L. E. Loll, cor ct _______ ____ PORTLAND. OREGON 2.20 Nehalem Tel 4 Tel Co, sher .... Mrs. Christie Downer cir ct... 2.50 E. G. Anderson, poor ------- ---- 30.97 A. W. Plank Hdw ct hs............ General Sales Offices: Broadway and Burnside. 6.00 Factory: Columbia Blvd, and Mississippi Ave, Underwood Typewriter Co. elk 107.50 Pacific Tel 4 Tel Co. ct hs— 54.99 BUD STENGEL vs DALE FREEMAN J. C. Penney Co. poor ..... ....... 44.45 H. S. Brimhall, bounty, etc... 62.10 3.00 E. W. Stanley, just ct ................ I. J. Bowman, cor ct................ 3.35 5.00 Nelson 4 Co. poor--------- ..--- 58.90 William Withrow, cor ct............ 85.00 Bushong 4 Co. clerk ——_ Myrtle O. Mills, dist atty___ 9.14 56.00 Standard Oil Co. ct hs --------- G. B. Lamb, supt____ _______ 2.73 LEWIS JOHNSON vs JIMMY ANDERSON 8.86 Sunset Garage, suit ................ 65.08 Pae. Sta. & Prtg Co., treas .... W. M Welch. Mfg Co., supt of 48.00 Loop Bro«., poor ------------------ 10.00 Dr. R. T. Boals. insane A poor 7.00 MARKET ROAD WARRANTS D. R. Tinnerstet. dairy & food inspector________________ 175.00 IT. W. Conner ____ 19.95 RIP ALLEN vs YOUNG ELLINGWORTH G. B. Lamb, Supt.......................... 159.00 I Edward Creecy ___ 61.75 Margaret Armentrout, supt of 90.00 j Lloyd KeUow ____ 49.88 J. G Holden, sheriffs of— _ 150.00 Netarts Spruce Co. 391.52 A. W. FRENCH, REFEREE L. B. Lucas, sheriff of .... ... 150.00 Emil M. Wooley ___ 101.75 115.00 Br ice Case__ E. W. Holden, sheriff of .... 1.5» ■Ml Henry Newberg Ellen Norberg, sheriff of 107.50 NO SEATS HELD AFTER 7 P. M. MAY 1», 1923 41.50 Bruce Case ___ Sadie R. Harris, poor_ 151.87 6.28 Peter H. Newberg Grand Leader, court house_ 7.95 Wheeler Reporter, sheriff of ... 2.85 George Davis ___ 71.34 10,80 G. W. Wallace ___ S. W. Elliott, truant officer_ 78.12 SEATS ON SALE AT RIALTO T. H. Govne, ct. hs & dist atty 222.00 1 90.28 Chas. W ooiey ___ 7.30 W. P. Graham ...... G L. Lewi.«. sheriff 80.33 John J. Perry, court ___ 6.00 Ike Shortlidge ___ 71.39 62.50 Don Stretch ....... John Naegeli, indemnity 59.12 BILLS ALLOWED BY COMMISSIONERS COURT ■J» ¡1 Examine C-T-C Cords BOXING £ i a Ü 1 T MAY 19, 1923, 8 P. M CITY HALL TWENTY-SIX FAST ROUNDS MAIN EVENT 10 ROUNDS NELSON ELECTRIC CO Columbia Tire Corporation SEMI WIND-UP 6 ROUNDS SIX ROUNDS FOUR ROUNDS ADMISSION $1.50 and $2.00 NO TAX The right type of the right lubricant Are you thinking of hauling lumber I REVERE TIRES TUBES get a car owner to put on one Revere Cord we don’t have to worry much about what tire he’ll buy next time. Revere quality and service have a way of making him deaf to all other claims. Ixx>k up the nearest Revere Dealer SUNOCO Are you thinking of buying a used truck to haul it with? A used truck is economical. The other man has taken de­ preciation on the trade-in But you want to know there’s a guarantee behind .he condition of that truck as repre­ sented to you by the salesman THE DISTILLED OIL^ that is rfght for your car. Get it; and your lubrication problem is settled. We made scientific tests to find the best possible lubricant. Sunoco proved first in them alL And there is a right type of Sunoco for each car. The Roberts Motor Car Company absolutely guarantee that the truck will be precisely as represented to you by them or any of their salesmen. Do not fail to call at the big Federal Truck Building near the East approach of the Steel Bridge, when you come to Portland, looking for a used truck. There are six types of Sunoco lubricanti all distilled. Every impurity is removed by the distilling process. That’s why Sunoco really lubricates; and keeps on lubricating. It means more power and longer life—real car-insurance. Clip this Coupon and mail today L REVERE RUBBER COMPANY 1790 Broadway Your first move in getting real lubrication for your car is to get the right oil. The second is to get the right type for your car. They’re both easy. There’s a type of New York ROBERTS¡>^>Í> MARSHALL' WELLS COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS MOTOR CAR CO. I PORTLAND Distributors of Federal • * WII.IIAMS a WILLIAMS 1 III*.Mk. Or*»**. GRAVF.LI.'S GARAGE G*rib»14i, 'lr«r»> HOWARD. OWENS. CtovwM*. Or«. SPOKANE ami m rzinm-iTAi» ■ i—»■ i■ prritH nelson tier shop . MrMinn.UI*. Or*««*. PORTLANri ANDERSON BROS.. Nehalea. Or*. C. S. BATEMAN. Galea Crash. Ora. WHEF.LER GARAGE. Wk««l«r. Or«. PERRYbALE HARDWARE A IMP CO.. Perrydal«. Orrto*. I. E. HOIK. Me<»r. Oma«n I BISSELL HARDWARE CO.. Willamina, Oregon. C. « DFTMERING. DarM. Ore.