♦ ’M 4 r -4« FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1923 TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PERSONAL MENTION to be paved through Rainier. session at the city hall Wednesday Oil well to be sunk on Grand Island afternoon. At this time it wus de­ in Yamhill county. cided to send the delegates to the con­ Gold Beach—14 miles Roosevelt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armbruster of highway to be built south of Port Or- vention of the State Federation at Portland motored here Sunday. Mr. I ford. Medford this month without any in­ Armbruster is connected with the Pa­ structions as to how they are to vote. Dallas sawmill cuts 1,600.000 feet cific employment agency in the above ! per month Japan squares. named city. Oregon City—Bolton highway gap The grand jury wus in session Fri­ day and Saturday of last week, and j to be paved. Portland- - 4,200,000 feet Oregon fir there were several witnesses from HOW TO CHEAT various parts of the county in attend­ going to Texas. ance. Salem—T. A. I.ivesley to build FATHER TIME C. C. Taylor was up from Clover­ *65,000 English home. dale Friday. Walton, Lane county, sawmill to Mrs. Andrew Klein, of Nehulem, build 20 bungalows. “One minute essays on health spent Friday in the county seat city. Astoria—First National bank to by Dr. H. L. B h I4> W. D. Pine made a trip to Nehalem build *22,000 home. Friday in connection with the county Mt. Hood railway cuts freight rates agent’s office. J. E. Shaw, county veterinarian, on fruit and box shook». Ben Union Oil Co. to erect 4-building went to Portland und outside points plant in Woodburn. Friday of last week. Chas. Pankow and wife and Mrs. 1 La Pine to get new sawmill. "You can mock Harry Thomus motored to Portland Mill City school to cost *12,000. and scoff nt sci­ Saturday; the Pankows returned to ' Cottage Grove holding *50,000 bond ence, Nevvy, but it will manage to this city Sunday and Mrs. Thomas re­ election for new city hall. wiggle along any turned Tuesday. way.” Reedsport gets two additional saw »Joseph Nufer, who lives near the mills. Nestucca river close to Cloverdale, Salem—New *100,000 cannery un­ was in the city Monday. Arthur Beals returned from a bus­ der construction. llow to cheat Father Time iness trip to Los Angeles on Sunday ' Cottage Grove—Company formed is a problem we are all anx­ to log extensive timber holdings. last. ious to solve. Reedsport—Johnson lumber camp Mr. and Mrs. Goodnow of Portland When a man becomes were guests of S. C. Woods and fam­ installs oil burners on donkey. stooped und his spine stiffens ily Sunday. it is a sign ol age. To keep Mrs. Fred Mills drove to Carlton | your youth you must keep OF INTEREST TO AUTOISTS the first of the week where she will the spine flexible and erect. visit with her mother Mrs. Mary Nel-1 When the spine is normal son later going to Grandview, Wash­ and true in the alignment of ington, where she will make her home R. Y. Neeley of Sheridan has in- all its joints, there is health Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond spent vented a motor car stop and turn de­ and youth lasts right into Sunday in the city visiting Mrs. Red- vice that operates manually. Neely old age. The way to keep young is to put the chiro­ jnond’s brother, A. A. Pennington. i has worked on the invention since practor on your calling list * Mrs. Orvu’e Spencer was in town 1615, and has had it patented. The und take his advice und use from Rockaway Monday. devic* consi3ts »f “n aluminum arm his »kill to keep yKpr spine 'oung. -J Mrs. O. F. Toney and daughter Mar S*1*«1«* ‘he side of the car. An cielle came down from the Salmon- arrow, containing a red light, is at Chiropractic spinal ad­ berry country last Thursday and are ' ‘he tip of the arm. When a turn justments as given by this office have restored heulth in spending a few days in town. is ‘° he made, the driver pulls the a number of cases in the past A. A. Pennington returned Satur- 1 arm to the proper position for the few weeks. The sufferers day evening from a six weeks trip kind of turn to be made, and the have been made well of dis­ through southern California. While rad light in the arm illumgiates the cuses of the eyes, ears, nose, tiirout, lungs, heart, stomach away Mr. Pennington did considerable arrow, It is said to be finding favor liver, kidneys, bowels und with those who have examined it. buying for the store. lower organs. Mrs. J. J. Robitsch was in town from Pleasant Valley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woods and Mr. HEALTH FOLLOWS and Mrs. Janies Goldworthy were CXIWOKKTIC COSHtCTS I called to Portland the first of the MtSSUSl ON SPINAI staves in oinasts or week on account of the serious con­ TNt rou.OWINOCVvMS ACT TODAY dition of Roy Woods who is in a I' Portland hospital. Jesse Woods also Why deluy accompanied them. The L. D. club met Friday after- when consul­ Mr. Loop of the Loop Bros, store at I noon Muy 4, nt the home of Mrs. Roy ■— ARMS Sau« Garibaldi was in the city on business j Henkle, with Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg as­ r LUN6S is with tation Tuesday. VLIVM sisting hostess. The following mem- W. H. Swindle of Garibaldi spent bers were present: Mesdames E. G. charg- out 'VÍNUIN Sunday at the Fletcher home at Hem- Anderon, Armentrout, Boon, Bunn, G kioncvs Find out. lock. \SOWltS Breeden, Gabriel, A. Harris, Hays, Mrs. A. M. Hoffman and son Jack Hosley, Hoy, Lamb, Leach, S. Moul- spent Sunday in Garibaldi at the S. ton, O’Dell, Styles und one guest Mrs K. Hoffman home. Jack Davis. An enjoyable time was II. L. Babb *£ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ayers were in had by all. Delicious refreshments town last Friday from Blaine. were served. The club will meet Muy 211 TILLAMOOK BLDG. Mrs. A. M. Ginn and grandson i Ja 18 at the home of Mrs. Henry White Both Phones. Res. 56 J Lalonde visited last Saturday < and with Mrs. Styles assisting hostess. Branch office at Garibaldi Sunday at the Joe Hollett home in Tuesday, Thursday Evening ♦ ♦ ♦ Blaine. The Women’s clpb held a special Mrs. John Freehof and Miss Mar­ guerite Blumer, old friends of Mrs. John Zumstein, from LaCrosse, Wis., and who have been here for the past week, expect to return home soon. The Swiss society will hold a fam­ ily gathering at the W. O. W. hall Saturday night. There will be a special program and a fine lunch. George and Thomas B. Watt of the Brighton Mills company were in the city Wednesday afternoon attending to business. Mrs. Oran Wallace was a shopper in town Wednesday from Hemlock. Mr. and Mrs. Peer of Lees Broth­ ers of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Max Fleming also of Portland, spent the week end with Mr. Fleming's father - at Oceanside. Mrs. L. M. Thompson and daughter A. W. FRENCH, REFEREE Adeline were in from Bay City Tues­ day. J. T. Brooks was a business visit­ 3 or from Bay City Wednesday. Mr., Art Pative, Portland, 143 lbs. has bested Lew Domino, Johnny Brooks recently moved to the bay Kilbane, Dobs Mulkey, Larry Shea and others. Jack McDonald, town from Salem. Sacramento, Cal., 132 lbs. welter weight champion of the south­ Mrs. Eva McGee and son Donald, Mrs. Walter Baker and daughter La- west beat such boys as Dick Dundee, Johnny Farrell, Leo Darcy Velle and Mrs. George Kiehm and and Young Mitchell. daughter Helen motored to Seaside Sunday where they attended a Chris­ tian Science lecture. Bud Stengel, Portland, 125 lbs. amateur champion of north­ Mrs. F. C. Esch and daughter Dor­ othy went to Portland Tuesday to join west until he turned professional a few weeks ago. Bested such Mr. Esch who is on a buying trip boys as Brick Coyle, Ad Mackil, Walter Close. Dale Freeman, there for the Penney store. They 125 lbs, Portland, beat such boys as Brick Coyle, Ad Mackil, Sol will return the latter part of the Bloomberg. week. Ix-ster Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Spitzmesser and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Disney spent Sunday at Oceanside. Lewis Johnson, Tillamook, 160 lbs. local boy who has always Mrs. W. C. Foster, who has been pleased. Jimmy Anderson, Portland, 155 lbs, not long at the game in Portland for the past week caring but a mixer. for an aunt who was ill returned home Monday evening. Jack Davis of Beaver, is spending a f"W days in the city. Rip Allen, Tillamook, 135 lbs. and Young Ellengworth, Tilla­ mook, 135 lbs. new boys bet will be worth watching. EVENTS TAKE PLACE IN SOCIETY’S REALM were discussed, but owing to the fact that the committee had been unable to secure a complete report a placet was not decided upon. Further plans for the luncheon will be made at the Plan» for the club luncheon to be regular May meeting to be held the held at the June meeting of the club 23rd at the city hall. The delegates who have been elected to attend are Mrs. R. B. Hayes, pres­ ident, Mrs. R. N. Henkle and Mrs. Emmett Bales. i» y « lit i lw/ ! - Jr /• *Ä fUi ISi * everything the name implies. 1 Every young wife s 1. Accident: A weekly income while you are dis­ abled. Sickncm: Regular payments every week. 3. Adversltyt Emergency fund» in time of need. 4- Old Age: An assured income for life. S. Death I All the benefits of regular life insur ante, with several splendid additional natures. homi G, C. DAWES, Dint. Mgr. orrici-SA* humciscq * Tillamook, Ore. 123-31 Wwn C oast L ìpe I nburanct C o . CCI lUAs Arwt, Sm, Fraodrav Qendcnwn.—WiihuMi obligutâm on my part, tend nut num infomutiou. Addra»_ City — . - Daw of Ifcrrfi Swing East through r ire, Automobile, Liability FOR GENERAL INSURANCE SEE ROSE J. WILKES, Resident Agent Then you can tell your Eastern friends about the great cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and California’s world famous Na­ tional parks, golf courses and sea- You will also realize that cherished wish to see the wonder pla ces of the Pacific Coast, and its beauty spots shore resorts. that cannot be duplicated. TILLAMOOK HOTEL LOBBY Representing Telephone M-6 The Reliance Life Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT COLLLXTK )XS NO COLLECTION—NO CHARGE SETTLEMENT MADE THE DAY WE COLLECT We Sue in Our Own Name. KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO. Hillsboro Tillamook Plan now to take advantage of Back East Excursion Fares May 15 to Sept. 15, anil go both ways via California. They afford a wide choice of routes, stopover privileges and convenient train service. Ask your local ticket agent for further partic­ ulars and descrip : e folders or write JOHN M. SCO'1 G n. Passngr. Agt. Portland, Oregon. SEMI WIND-UP GROUNDS *11 Mill P rein hai hi si wo MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM s V s r ». m FOR A GREATER COUNTY SIX ROUNDS SEATS ON SALE AT RIALTO Keep a Frye • M o I oub H ujyi nt 1 dm in your cooler, or you can buy It conveniently «peed at your dealer b . nsurance company MAIN EVENT 10 ROUNDS Independence gets cannery.. Forest Grove ships carload eggs to New York City. Lower Columbia river highway Recent government investiga- tions prove that ham it rich in vitaminei. Don't tell the Mnn- of-the-Family ti •he’ll be anx- lout enough to eat F rye ' s D e ­ licious H am became it it rich in flavor, juicy and tender. W est C oast L ife I TWENTY-SIX FAST ROUNDS ADMISSION $1.50 and $2.00 NO TAX Cook a couple of eggs in the drippings, let toast and coffee be just “on the side.” He may say toast and coffee are enough for him, but probably he just wants to save you the bother of cook­ ing a hearty breakfast. I b entitled to demand the absolute protection afforded her by a Perfect Protection Policy in West Coast Life- How would your wife fare if Fate should suddenly turn ? Send the coupon Wow ajid you will learn how easily you ran protect her and vouraelf with these five features of a West Coast Life Perfect Protection Policy« CITY HALL Bout» all signed. No fight no pay. ^/rye's /Delicious JL Ham ■ NJI • MAY 19, 1923, 8 P. M. NOTES OF PROGRESS Ready for another day I See that the Man-of-the Family is ready for another day. Fry or broil him a slice of California BOXING FOUR ROUNDS I I Office: Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ground Floor Both Phones: Bell 43-J P. O. Box 1*7 PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop. Complete Set of Abeti acte of the Records of Tillamook County During the last few years, Tillamook County has come in to its own. Our industries have carried the name of the county far and wide throughout the land. T he Tillamook County Bank is proud of the part it was able to play in the development of this phase of our community advancement. Our goal is set clearly ahead for a greater Tillamook T illamook C ounty B vvk T illamook . O regon