the tally man at the Garibaldi mill, died at the family home at that place lust Wednesday, aged 26 years, after Dr. David Robinson, city health of­ a short illness. The husband and two ficer, reports that there are no con- little children survive. The remains Fred Blum and family spent Sun­ tageous diseases prevalent in this were taken to Forest Grove for bur­ city, with the exception of whoop­ day at Oceanside. The steamer Nottingham of Seattle ial. Numerous friends are grieved ing cough. A few cases of grip have Tillamook seems to be having a been had, but otherwise, the health according to an arranged schedule, over the loss of the deceased lady. •ort of a population boom. Practical­ of the community is exceptionally will come in the bay on the 12th of the present month, which falls on ly all of the apartment houses are good. Saturday of this week, and will an­ full, and there are few rooms vacant chor in the channel near the Whitney anywhere in the city. mills. The Nottingham will take u cargo of lumber from the Whitney John Mathieu of this city who re­ mill to San Pedro, California. Two cently attended the annual pioneer large barges are to be used in convey­ celebration at Champoeg is a son of ing lumber from the wharf to the F. X. Matthieu, whose vote on French The Mohler school held its closing schooner. The coming of the schoon­ Prairie in the early Forties decided exercises last Friday, although the (By High School Reporter) er, will mark the beginning of many that the settlers of Oregon should The Zeta Gethians motored to Bar similar trips by lumber schooners school will not really close until the become citizens of the United States rather than those of Great Britain. View Friday after school and there from that port this year. It is pre­ last of the present week. An inter­ The anniversary of this event in Ore­ spent a lovely evening toasting marsh dicted that many sight seers will go esting feature was the work of the gon history is celebrated every year mallows. One thing that worked down from Tillamook to witness this Mohler sewing club, division 2, Mrs. at Champoeg, a little village on the against the good time is that time the initial revival of Tillamook Bay’s C. M. Young, leader. There are five went too fast. Those who joined in shipping, while the town of Garibal­ Willamette. the evening’s fun were Ruth Gould, di probably will turn out en masse girls in the club who on the above date had completed their work and Miss Essie Willis returned Monday Florence Stranahan, Ramona and to see the lumber freighter arrive. turned in their report, being the first from a visit to her mother at Mc- Wanda Haltom, Glenora White, Leia club in the county in which al) mem­ Minnville. Smith, Catherine and Alfred Gabriel, bers have finished their work. Offic­ Jim Sharp, Jim Tone, Victor Mat­ ers are Gertrude Young, president hews and Eugene Hamrick. The chap Cornelia Smith vice president; An erons were Miss Brakel and Miss geline Fuller, secretary. Other mem Philippi. bars are Devine Tubbesing and Esth At a regular meeting of the stu­ Carl D. Shoemaker, Master Fish er Stevens. Their work was exhibit­ dent body Friday, May 4, the fol­ Warden, of Portland was in the city lowing officers were nominated for Thursday, and went to the Gold creek ed, and was judged Friday by local next year: President, Wanda Haltom, hatchery on a visit of inspection, women of the community. Devine Tubbesing received first, and Esther The Tillamook Community Chorus Victor Mathefs, Verner Ablanalp, Joe spending the afternoon there with Stevens, second mention. Maxwell; vice president, Marion Lamb of 30 voices will give a concert Wed­ T. R. Pollock, the hatchery head. The school program was well attend nesday evening May 16, at the Clover­ Kenneth Mahan, Beryl Turner; gen­ While coming in by automobile, Mr. dale hall at 8:15 p. m. This chorus eral manager, Wesley Tippin; Yell Shoemaker inspected the hatchery at ed, there bing about 30 visitors pres­ will be assisted by the Kiwanis Male leader, Paul Powers; editors, Rowena Salmonberry in the north end of the ent. Songs and recitations were giv­ en by the pupils and Superintendent quartet, Mrs. F. D. Small, piano; E. Hanson, Doris Knight, Evelyn Glad, county. G. B. Lamb delivered an address. I.eonard Bales; sargeant at arms, E. Koch, violin; Miss Leora Phillippi A ball game in the afternoon was and Thomas Coates, vocal soloists. Henry Himes; secretary Arline Heyd. JESSIE M. EMMONS u feature of the day, in which the Take advantage of this musical treat. Florence Stranahan, Beatrice Shed- boys from Camp Four and the Farm­ don, Lula Thurman; editor of Kilchis, Adults 50c, children 20.—Adv. ers contended, the latter winning the Thelma Gupton, Beryl Turner; man­ Mrs. Jessie M. Timmons, wife of game. ager of Kilchis, Eugene Hamrick, Joe Maxwell. AGENTS FOR GRAY CAR The inter-class baseball games re­ sulted in the following scores: Sen­ iors 4, Frosh 3; Seniors 1, Other class Terry & Hare have taken the agen­ es 3. cy for the Gray ear in this city and Don’t forget May 11, at one o'­ may be found at the Tillamook bat­ clock, at the high school the work tery station, where they will take of the students will be or. exhibition. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO OBSERVE IT? pleasure in demonstrating their car Everyone welcome. to all who are interested. HEALTH CONDITIONS GOOD PERSONAL MENTION FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT « 2 STR. NOTTINGHAM IS EXPECTED IN BAY MOHLERSCHOOL HI SCHOOL SOCIETY HAS BEACH PARTY Conservo The Car CLOSES FRIDAY Something More I han Long-distance Mileage Built Into G-T-C Cords 4 41 MASTER FISH WARDEN OMFORTABLE riding, less car depre­ C ciation and reduced upkeep expense are built into C-T-C Cords—as well as COMMUNITY SING AT CLOVERDALE maximum mileage. Improved design and construction, together with best materials obtainable and superior compound­ ing for added toughness and resiliency of the rubber, produce in C-T-C Cords a tire which can be driven with 30% less inflation than so em­ I phatically recommended in other cord tires—and yet experience extra-long-distance mileage, ■i 30% less air pressure in C-T-C Cord, means fewer tripe to the overhauling station and longer life to the car. C-T-C Cords are hand-built under rigidly limited pro­ duction and are more powerful and durable from the special bead to the heavily buttressed, traction and suction, wear-resisting, non-skid tread. C-T-C Cords 30x3(Y to 85x5: Fabrics 30x3 and 8Cx3h only. C-T-C Inner Tubes are the heaviest, strongest standard tabes on the market. NELSON ELECTRIC CO. Authorized Distributors for County MOTHERS DAY SUN.,-MAY 13 I £ ALL AROUND YEAR BEACHES A Portland newspaper last week called attention to the fact that the Tillamook beaches can be reached ov­ er good roads all the year around, which satement, while not new to Tillamook is nevertheless interesing to the general traveling public, who like to take short week end excursion to the beaches. The same paper paid a deserved tribute to our good roads of which Tillamook is justly proud. BIRTHS CHURCH NEWS FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Geo. Harness, Pastor Bible school at 10 o’clock. A great Mother’s service at 11 a. m. Special music for the occasion. The pastor will preach on the following sub­ ject: “Mother and the Home.” Chris­ tian Endeavcr at 7 p. m. The High school Endeavor will debate. Evan­ gelistic services at 8 p. m. Everybody invited. ♦ ♦ ♦ ■I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence IL. Coe on May 7th, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Artsill, Hebo,, a daughter on May 7; to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Gerdes, Sandlake, May 8 a daughter; to E. R. Meezer and wife, Beaver, May 5, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Werner, Beaver, May 5, a daughter. Big special Mothers Day service at 11 a. m. You are invited to come. W. O. WOOLEVER, Pastor. ♦ ♦ ♦ MOTHERS DAY AT M. E. CHURCH The pastor of the M. E. church in­ vites all mothers to be present on the occasion of the observance of Moth­ ers’ da>' next Sunday at 11 a .m. FOUNTAIN PENS EVERSHARP PENCILS KODAKS GIFT BOOKS FLOWER BOWLS Chas. L Clough Co I TILLAMOOK The Rcxall Store saamsrs fa WrArH n-éiiàfa i«!-»! 1A SIAMSt. BASKETS MANICURE SETS ■ raj 1 PORTLAND, OREGON General Sales Offices: Broadway and Burnside. Factory: Columbia Blvd and M.isslsslrr’1 Ave. How glad we should be for the day that is na­ tionally observed for Mother’s Day. Our love for Mother is apt to be skinned by the affairs of every day life, that it is good to have a certain day in which we can pay her homage. Do something unusual for her and make her happy. Countless are the gifts and by way of suggestions we mention a few below: BOX (ANDY PERFUME FLOWER VASES INCENSE INCENSE Bl'RNERS PYRALIN IVORY TOILET WATERS UNITED BRETHREN Columbia Tire Corporation OREGON MAY 14TH WEEKS STARTING MACY AND BAIRD’S COMEDIANS iaaaaaaaaaaaa?rsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai Uffiä JWOUäUmWJV Æ2Î IN THEIR MAMMOTH WATER PROOF TENT THEATRE LOCATED NEXT TO STAGE DEPOT, TILLAMOOK JL m»—(I ~1C li. WV P'/EPENTING COMEDY-DRAMAS WITH VAUDEVILLE CHANGE OF PLAY EVERY NIGHT TYEVERETubes lV have won their place be­ cause they give an honest dollar’s worth. ft n II REVIRE TIRES TUBES You can put them a Revere Cas­ ing and get the best of tire service Ask the nearest Revere Dealer REVERE RUBBER CO. 1790 Broudway New York Are you coming to Portland to buy a truck ? Opening O* Allow us then to make a suggestion— Fill out the coupon below and we will send you literature about either new o»’ used trucks—or both if you desire. A BEAUTIFUL FOUR-ACT COMEDY-DRAMA The advantage to you is that wc can give you sonic in- formation that may help you in making your decision as to what truck is best for you to buy. You will be able to picture in your minds eye the different kinds of trucks wc have now on our Boor--then when you come to town (having slept on the matter) you can decide with a clearer judgment. LE A LE\ ¿7 OMEDY Our building—the home of the Federal Trucks—is right near the East approach of the Steel bridge. Cotne in and see us. " MOTOR CAR CO. I • This coupon will admit free to a general admission seat 1 LADY, MON. EVE. SEE “TOBY” General Admission Prices: Adults30c;Children 10c.Tax Included 15 PEOPLE ’V'TH RAND AND ORCHESTRA ROBERTSf>t> PORTLAND FREE! * 1