FRIDAY, APRIL 27,l<r l LLAMOOK GAIN SHOWN IN NATION'S HEALTH HEADLIGHT HIGH SCHOOL .NOTES COMING TO PORTLAND DR. MELLLVTHIN SPECIALIST la Internal Medien* far the F*-- Twelve Lears Dec'eas Death Rate Fror, Contag ou« D leaves in TAe'ty-Yea" ?e"xi. Wt«t!'g--n.—The eontry be f tgrat .Ated on the b < Improv•- ^«c.t in tie health of the be tween IX/. and 1Z/ to <«.’gwx General H. - CkBbi*- -t -C |J.e Unltwl Statea pn.-t h-. serr- iC*. »ho has lust a : .-«t n on fhe st: :«r - zg at the » Durlig that 3t>y«*r period there wt* a marked daerease !n tne d^.th pate for typiotd, malaria. a~- • •< Çgver. dipn-.’ -la aid —-n; -. ¿1'«/ .1 the . .ng* snez-ig t • r n- Altû axf a'., foma of paeamt-zûL H«»-. ADmanta Lead. *e to receive ] 4--~ are. Mi. As eoupared with 1800, tl.ere were mm Halton:, Glen Anders-un. ip 1M0 taereAMS in the death rates ■y Nel*on aad Hariey Dandson- for liff.erx- »hx ' -, --vn -r I: Ruth Gouid, N->ar. Rx hards. '«•d othar ms giant tun-ors. d.e-ete* >1 Turner and Carlisle Straaahan. •trabrai Lecoorrtiaffe atd wftenlng u»s Ryder aad Mis» Brake, chap- and «rgtn. HaMPM of the haart on ar. ail day The Large« sucuber of deaths to 14. After HD0//X1 of oopnlatlon tn 1930. aa di*- eVzsed by the eeurus Sgnre» were due a free for all to organic d.Masea 7f the heart, with »ay that it paeamonla. tuberculoois of the lunga, s Junior girl» acute t«<nr.t^ Bright's dlaease «=■ ' making bu eer sad ma-.g&ant tumor and «rubral ia! sinkers as beta rrtage and j-,ft«hng eoezdig next Ai'bov/n Ater fifurua are act 'ota- pi etc. th« bureau amour.'es that provi»! ta. fgures for the irst alae a.-••.«.« -f !-Zi Indicate a slightly hJgr er «Tarar«- 4e«th rate -tan for the eotrosi-oodtig parlod la MCI. ’A. The de«! rate for the Srut nine n> n-La n 1922 to 1,'«O of popa st Ion was 11.7 t :g«in«t 114 t'rr the uw I nlno-month period -f 1921. Tac, • G vM F gura*, - i;.g Udite gives the iun>- f TLe í U- 4 deaths and the rate in • •>? Á ■* : u-etl- la the reg »trat c area .* • - > faltad States Gather .' r ;_e year» Men Ar Jt*l4 line H Ä*’ « ;»K IM I »14 !>»* Glee I Ruth » 1 4« ti » < HI Ander- Gould. » I » I I I Iti I i 1 ill T *11 I I -A L&rr « < Hl 1 k ill « u i I. fi» : I KI ii Oregon lumber industry is 25 per i I «I ¡i na II IK ent above normal. I li II* 11 « iti Garibaldi has a new weekly nevi- IK I K IK 1IL I II »1» r »aper—the New» by M. D. O’Connel. I < « KI A7 I <*l Wells farmers to have a co-opera 7 I tive creamery. I III 11 « 1 I I 4. » « K7 I I 1 »II Strahorn railroad to be in opera tion by July 20. <i II 4 fl 111 1» 111 a »»< IL 171 II KI I 111 f K » J : ill ri fl I I« 11» ; « .1» II« 111 11 IK Ill 1 4l 7 K II» in : k in i KI M 111 II • II «71 II 111 IK I I Ilf 11.711 I f » I I. ’ll I 111 11 I I »71 I 141 II - f I All IT Iff fl Il I I fit I I f 1. Ilf 11 »71 f I 11 »II • t ♦ « • Í 7« II l«l II« K <17 11 1 II Kf I »I» • 1 1 li I 11 Til 1 III 7» I IK 111 III II« I II I I MANY CHILDREN MAKE GOOD SPELLING GRADES Will be at BENSON HOTEL TUESDAY. M”ED- NESDAY. AND THURSDAY. MAY 8th. >tk AND Iktk. Oft« Ho*..-» 1« a. «. t« 4 p. «. THREE DAYS ONLY Dût. 59. Grade 4: son, Laura Bebísson. Dc-r 140. Grvde Grade 5: Laurence .-• 111 !ll »>» 1HJIH Mill i IH I Uaes Fitta to Earn Way Through School Detroit. — There’« many a hard knock to gettiug «•'abliahed In the fea t .« r.ea. B<«0 *«<• I-Vtruit uni versity law atu iant, is gtvlng th<-oi wHI as taking rhea ff«, weil I« b« giving the«« knorke that he baa '-’« km ■ Mg ring faior- We he* Maga, known as "Kayo” Mage In the ring, t« ooe of the f««t rar Bilddie«* «igbtk In the game, and e-tien be» not Mndylng law be« I noct.nit vu' tu« taltt-« fril ?»••• ar 1 ».uur opponent In the boxing game Af«<-r holding Bryan Powne, tn « •trow and boating Glen (Anokley end r lot of other fool boys Bage ba« bl« er«a on tbo tnlddleweigh* title 111« --oly I «« eu far was a funl to Jo k Melon« B*t< "ben his Aghttng day« aro otee X g» «rill take up tb» prartir» of law Diet. 38. Grade 3: Warren Vau- ghn, Margaret Perry, Dale Kudad. Caroline Possetti 100. Grade 4 : Ed- ith Wilhelms, Johnnie Landoit luO. Grade 5: Eugene Provost, Donald Elliott, Chrales Christensen, Lillian Shultz 100 Grade 6: .Mane Landolt, Ruth Kodad. Gladys Neilson 100. Grade 7: Frank Landolt, Elizabeth Vaughn. < Lara Krostag 100; Willie Goodspeed 92. Grade 8: Olga Wil helms, Cecil Wilhelms, Myrtle Shultz Delia Vaughn 100; Harold Haugen 96 in xt tf DEATH Dist 45: Grade 3: Aabwn John son 1C»); Grade 5: Gaude Westley Rxhard Destel 1<K‘. Grade 7 Le* Wes Gey, E.^t-a Mi’xheL 1< jû . Dût 44: Grade 5 Ram.e Peterson 1CK ' Additional katures s Everett Wright Cecil Peter« >r Lñ* 48. Grade 3: 7a ‘ I Cady. Hazel :h y Kilturg, James McClintock. Fra la 1Ô0; I Mi—xv Baker F t In the Perfect Protection Policy of West Coast Lire. Study these features. Some of them must enter into the life of every man. Face your own situation squarely and you will admit that you should have the protection of each of these features. You can easily investigate this remarkable policy through the coupon below. Send it today. ;£¿ LffTaCe •* . BiÄZ^rf. E'i »neu, Ivan Den- 100: Elmer Hur. ^•7», Eorest SLir«- ir^er. Enola O’Toole 94; Leslie Coer 94. Grade 5: Juanita Wann, Glady- LaFavor, Doris O’Toole, Bob Ross. Chester Shininger.lOO; Goldie Chat field 98; Patrick Soderberg 94; Gul- ia Gillett 92. Grade 6: Ruth White. Nettie Swadley 96; Carl Rutledge. Kathryn Vosberg 94; Grade 7: Pheo- nix O'Toole, Lila Gillett, Minnie Kra. Alice LaFavor 100; Raleigh Morrow 98; Georgs Chartier 96; Grade 8: Nellie Ross. Milo Houser 98; Harriet Hamilton, Ferdinand McClintock 96; Edris O’Toole, Helen Hurst, 94; Lula Lane 92; Gertrude Johnson 90. Dût. 54. Grade 3: Josephine Bar- ber 100 Grade 6: Ona Barber. Win- ifred Barber, Helen Wilkes 100. Kathleen Fitzpatrick. Iren- 100. John Tone. John R Grade 8: Philomena Hoffe beth Brians. Isabelle Kehr. Johnson. Johnny Blaaer, F. kins, Una Baker. Josephine garet Portman. Frances Bia Joseph Berns. E Woolfe is Sheld The i ears U e Waste and the Tear> We Wa'te W est C oast L ife INSURANCE COMPANY HOMC OmCI-bAM HMMObCQ G. C. DAWES, DIST. MGR. 121-31 early ts the Nervy, ne worm is a worker le pen- for being l service we mean having your size in Good year Tires on hand when you reed tires, advi« •ntf y°u what type of tire to buy, mounting vour tires forytu, snowin.; you howto care for them, and follow ng them up with expert re pair care so that you will get out of them every mile of the thousands of miles built into them. Tillamook, Ore HOM AàX» a B 4« C- Service Static n Dw -rta *^e k . f recent- fAff nff*? Cwdye.e C»fCi vtth the bwelvd AJi- Weather Tread and be:k thern Jp With tfan^Wrd C>Mtyevr 5er»hr« SIXSET GARAGE Dist. 55 Grade 4: Wilma Kang- isre 96; Harry Booth 94. Grade 5: Leona Jone*. Delons Kangiser, Al- bert Kangiser 100. Grade 4: Lewi» Fisher 94; Lorena Booth 90. As Kipli years and we waste r’rf- search for is even so in the search health. I > V ntil chiropractic entered the field f healing no one pre ten ded that there was an exact science of health. But today most searchers for health will admit that chiro- pra. :c is precise and certain in -s results. Chiropractic spinal ad justments as given by this office have restored health ii a number of cases in the pas few weeks. The sufferers have been made well of dis eases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. Fire and Automobile Iujurance ROSE J. Union Saving! & Loan Sales Agent H ILKES, Resident Agent The Reliance Life Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH LIFE HEALTH and ACCIDENT INSURANCE 9:30 a m to 3 p m, TnVnmoo* Hotel Lobby Res Mutual Phone — COLLECTIONS NO COLLECTION—NO CHARGE -El H.EMENT MADE THE DAY WE COLLECT Sue in Our Own Name. McMinnrtiie KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO. Hillsboro Tillamook HEALTH F0LL0W5 •wa-x a mo OW SRWU •fTTJ rw W5IASB OF DHMB. ACT TODAY T*< Dwt. 56 Grade 3: Virginia Dow, Eileen Shand. 100; Lyda Frye Grade 4: Kraig 94; ^Yhy from the factory IF YOUR TRUSS CHAFES when delay eonsul- tation û with oat charge Find out. Auto Engine Fume* Are Deleterious to Health These warm days, come here and be fitted with a good one, with a truss that is light, strom? and comfortable, and above all that will fit you. The fit is the most impétrant thing about a truss. If it chafes, it doesn't fit, and if it doesn’t fit better throw it away. Nr* York—Rzhanat from autotno- Mie rnglnra has ao contaminated the a'r In «•«•geeted traffic sentions of New lock city that It Is «MebNdous to hmlth aaye a report of a catantlttae V» tt » Ne« Y rk Aeadwny nt MHI nine made r-uhllc It U arivi »••n.vital mensures be davtaed We have the exclusive agency for the Hon est John and Smithsonian Trusses—the most re liable under any condition or posic;on—-com fortable. strong and light and we guarantee it to fit you right. Comein and let us show you these trusses. Go>d Output Ba ma Montreal - < anada W«B r»»tin»ry ti» tb*»w i « marktwi j»rvr«* • nt In <’4d pr.-hw fl- lini 111» iMtniniof* : bow ran Ms • »'««•♦ pTtwiiMvr in the »tnpir* »h’nl in the wíHid In 1f>?2 f»i r»»id to the vain» of • » • • • ’ • • • lt. i «nd tn mn PRUTECT m Ä Au beneia cf regular lire msuraoce. wah «rverd tçseaSd aile-d fearura but. 48. Brighton. Graded: Faye Irish 94. Grade 4: Pearlie Perdins 111 » 98. Grade 5: Agnes Simonton, Har- 11 I olod Wood 100; Mary Lupro, Ethel (Continued from Page2> lif i Whitcomb 98. Grade 4: Wilbur Bur 100. Grade 5: Velma Troutman 100 dick, Helen Irish 98. Grade 7: ML- I 11 Grade 6: Opal Troutman, George Saw dred Lewis, 100; Betty Darnell 94. yer, John Blalock 100. Grade 8: Vila Whitcomb 98. • « I Dist. 33. Grade 4: Homer Sim- Dût. 49. Grade 4: Murial Pollock II « bom 100. Grade 6: Emmett Olds, 100. Grade 5: Viola Wyss, 100; Mai Granville Simmons 100. Grade 7: 1» I cia Stillwell 98. Grade 6. Irene Wyaa Viola Blum 96. f 1 Dist. 36. Grade 3: Elizabeth 100. Grade 7 : Elizabeth Abplanalp Theissen 100, Eva Tohl 96. Grade 4 100. I» 4 Ernest Theiasen 100. Grade 6. Ralph Disc 50. Grade 3: Clyde Benfield I I Tohl 98. Grade 7: Ernest Newberg Clifford Benfield. 98; Ralph Perry 96 II I 100. Grade 8: Ruby Tohl. Grade 4: lea Chopard 100. Grade Dist. 37. Grade 3: Grace Land 6: Earl Benfield 96. ingham 100, Gail I-ogsden 90. Grade 7« I Dist. 51. Grade 3: Nora Holgare 4: Ruth Landingham 100. Grade 5: 100; Rosella Ph Ips 90. Grade 4: Jas. Ruby Landingham. Jay Dav» 100. •I I 1» I Grade 6: Elizabeth Davis 100; Grade Phelps 98. Grade 6: Gayton Phelps 100. Geo. I^ndingham 98. If f a: II.» Perfect Protection DOES NOT OPERATE Chas. L Clough Co TOBACC O now iy L. Babb Li- PkC. TILLAMOOK BLD«,. Both Phones Re«. JA J Branch office at Garibaldi Tuesday. Thursday Evening uffie* Xatl Bank i’4< Grouad How Beth Phonae Ball 4J.j P- O. Ba« l»f PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. Cotn pl.t« Bat of AbetracU if th« Records of Tillamook County DOUBLE SUPERVISION TrperOf'.Vrat‘vnSJOf the Ti!lam°ok County Bank trp Fr.i°n 'i n" *er State suPervision. but that cf rons ar/tb’ ’e>erve System as well. Our pat- ing .♦ th U' assured of this double ssfeguard- ot their interests. Datron< •1:.ftl3tion has been such with our Fe :er < should either or both State an 1 e -era! SupemS10n be absent, we believe xose an account. * n r i0&<? T illymook C ovxty EL xxk D llkmook . O regctn