6 I ” Charter No. 201 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE OREGON INDUSTRIAL NEWS Myrtle Point— —Coos Bay-Rose­ Springfield. borg highway opened. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Enterprise may get table and box i factory. At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at close of business April 3rd, 1923 RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts in 29 and 30-------- J $440458.34 .............................. 2. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 500.73 ¡ A Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern­ ment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35 __ ___ ___ _______ __ ____ _____ 61,512.56 5. Stocks, securities, liens, claims, judgments, etc ............. ......... 11,562.40 6. Furniture and fixtures------------------------------------------------------ 6,325 00 7. Real estate owned other than banking bouse--------------------- 5,819.89 8. (a) Lawful rserve with federal reserve bank ........ ......... ........ ... 31,150.32 8. be) Cash on hand in vault and due from other banks, bankers and trust companies -------- ---- ------------- --------------------------- 31.694.75 10. . Exchanges for clearing bouse and items on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 4,835.81 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items......... ............................................... 436.64 Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and 11 $68,117.52 Tola) Union Pacific will spend nnlli ns this year on Oregon line. Madras—Last unit of The Dalles- California highway being fir bed. " r i j i : i j.umc i A Ecrn 'rK mA-M t 1918 Chevrolet Touring, three new tirs« battery, only .................................. 1918 Chevrolet Touring ........... 5 1921 Velie Six Touring....................... Xjg-J 1918 Dodge Touring.............................. ' -■ $25oJo -i AND '5 h t:>:s n:cce « ■ •. t. ■ * c WHY WALK WHEN YOU MAY RIDE CHEAPLY CASH PAID FOP. New Presbyterian church at Ore­ gon City completed. HIDES, FURS Beautiful effects—"The Hous« that Jack Built." METAL. SACKS. a BRYSON-LINK MOTOR CO “THE HOUSE OF SERVICE” CHITTUM BAEK. 8,265.00 At A. Hudson Garage Inflare BLOOM FUNP.NITURE CO. -«-o tit.o.u.!- * Maybe Y’ou do have to wait for your prescription Kochs Drug Store! but most anyone will tell you Waiting for a prescription is sometimes compul­ sory’ in the interest of genuine protection to your health. Intricate prescriptions cannot be hurried if they are hurried, slipshod methods means un­ certain results. Protection first is our motto. We can hurry and we will, but we will take ample time to thoroughly guard you in right drugs, correctly put together. RESOURCES 1. L^ans and discounts, including rediscounts Bhown in items 29 and 30 $103,466.96 2. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ...................................... 529.46 3. U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in Hemstitching 10c Y'ard 30 and .35, if any 4,450.23 4 Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern­ Needlework and Gifts ment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in items30 and 35, if any Infants’ 2id Chi'iien’s Wear i 6. Furniture and fixtures 7. Real estate owned other than banking house 9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and **»juj'oym.o.** ******■'» trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of this bank 14,671.95 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10, 11 $14.673.54 Pollyanna Shop : Total LOU PRICES-EASY TERMS 3 RUBBER WANTED At Cloverdale, in the State of Oregon, at close of business April 3, 1923 LIA BILITIES $ Capital stock paid in Surplus fund (a) Undivided profits $2,425.40; (b) less current expenses, in- t and taxes paid $2.1.30 js >EMAND DEPOSITS, other than hanks, subject to reserve: !3. Individual deposits subject to check, including de|K>sits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds !5. Cashiers cheiks of this bank outstanding payable on demand T lai of demand deposits, other than bank deposits,, subject • ■ ■ ■. t t*a . . . ; , M, $9t1 8 "IMF AND 8 AA INGS DI POSITS, subject to reserve and pay able on demand or subject to notice: ’7. Time certificates of deposit outstanding 8. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or sub­ ject to notice, items 27 and 28, $23,326.71 0. Notes and bills rediscounted including bonds or other securi- ti< - sold under repurchase agreements with contingent li­ abilities . . i -- xa K i OOOQOO p MAGAZINES. NEWSPAPERS 317,379.74 Bunker Hill suburb of Marshfield 335.75 12,245.87 votes $15,000 for new school build­ 49.70 ing. NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK 16. 17. 8. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Place—H. S. Gym.—Time April 27 —8:15 P. M. WEBSTER HOLMES Prominent local attorney who died 5,463.49 suddenly Saturday morning. $155,732.95 GOOD USED CARS Just a few tires and tubes on hand. Not all sizes. S ud - g , d I v future needs now. & Salem iron works builamg new add: -X tion. 40,000.00 10,000.00 29,749.46 111,075.26 3 Excavation work started or: new warehouse at Ferndale. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ + + ♦ + + + + + 53,146.17 ♦ * CORRESPONDENTS NOTH E! 6,986.00 ♦ ♦ All correspondence received in Total $594,696.44 + this office mu'* have the name State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, as. + of the sender attached. Com­ I. W. F. Nichol, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear ♦ munications have been received that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. from time to time which give W F. NICHOL, Cashier Correct—Attest: Wm Maxwell, James Williams, M. Abplanalp, Directors. ♦ no inkling as to who sent them, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of April, 1923. ♦ and the authenticity of the arti- C. B. STANLEY, NoUry Public. ♦ cles is hard to determine, The My commission expires March 11, 1923. ♦ publication of such names may ♦ be withheld, if desired, but it is Reserve District No. 12 ♦ absolutely necessary that the CHARTER NO. 99 ♦ names be signed to the articles REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE ♦ sent in. ♦ ♦ + « + + ♦ + + + + ■> + Tota) CITY TIRE .SHOP Riddle ships 14th car of broccoli. 1594,696.44 LIABILITIES 16. Capital Stock paid in ______________________ ........ $ ............................. 17. Surplus fund 18. Undivided profits $15,302.67; less current expenses, inter est and taxes paid .......................................... DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than hank-, subject to reserve: 23. Individual depo.-:ts subject to check, including deposits due the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ___ 24. Demand certificates «if deposit outstanding ... ..... ................... 25. Cashier’s checks of '.his bank outstanding payable on demand .... ...................... ............ ........ 26. Certified check.« outstanding Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject . ,24 25, 26, $830,011.06 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding ______________ __ 28. Savings deposits payable subject to notice ............................... Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or sub­ ject to notice, items 27, and 28, $14(1,824.72. 29. Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank 30. Notes and bills red:« ounted including bonds or other securi­ ties sold under repurchase agreements with contingent lia- bi lilies .................. 31. Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with other banks or trust companies _ _________ __________________________ Construction operations start on en larging Booth-Kelley mill pond at ISN'T IT THE TRUTH? Competition i- the life of trade. Competition forces a merchant : -ell his goods at right prices, based on quality. A credit ser- epuution on quality merchandise, ser- •-odation. Unlike cash stores, he does n ' «.'Ter to undersell nationally advertised goods hoping to make up the loss on non-advertised or off-brand goods. A credit service store must handle depedab'e goods. He depends on his customers com- back, re does not compete as a service store. His business is to get the cash and get it today. THINK! Is a cred­ it service store worth anything to you? Then try CONOVER & CONOVER TILLAMOOK’S BUSIEST GROCERY E. E. KOCH, THE DRUGGIST omo» I H- -ww. email i : i : i a a a a : t ?i o i c«o i o«cc) i o»^o i o»9 i €<> hmm i DON’T LET THE RAINY’ DAYS STOP YOUR I MOVING THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY 15,000.00 1,700.00 295.12 IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS 93,405.22 850.90 I I -- :* - CALL US DAY’ OR NIGHT 14 i 24 22,092 47 Our Motto: "Quick Service and Reasonable Rates.” j l> j - .......i i 7 1 AAAXMOKW 21,155.00 $155,732.95 Ute of Oregon, County of Tillamook, as. 1, E. 1- McCabe, cashh r of the above named bank, do solemnly swear vat the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.. E. 1. McCA BE. Cashier. Correct—Attest: Chas Ray, W. A. High. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi 14th day of April, 1923. J 1. GEORGE, Notary Public. My commission expires March 9, 1992 J A. W. Plank Hardware General line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Glass Mowing Machines, Discs and Harrows Bsth n»Ms For a Good Meal And Real Service the bungalow cafe COA I CEMENT i .1M E 28 W LAMB-SCHRADER CO