FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1923 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 6 •— FINDS PRIMITIVE TRIBE ROCKAWAY Diamond in Throat Is Fatal to Little Girl Genet a.—A Swiss dealer In precious Strange People In Daghestan stones named Dingier. while show­ Ing hfs five-year-old daughter some nt Think Amerioans Walk Up­ his cases of jewels, was callwl to the side Down. telephone When he returned he found the child choking, She had swal- A tribe SO primitive thiff It believes lowed gems worth £Miaj. A doctor was Americans live on the bottom of the hastily called, but the little girl was world, and are therefore In darkness, ■lead, having been strangled by a has been found In the mountain vil­ diamond which entered the thorax. lages of Daghestan by I>r. E. A. An operation was necessary to extract Golder of the Hoover foundation. the stones from the child's throat and These people. Dr. Golder said, upon stomach. his return here, think that Americans do their plowing while walking upside down with oxen to whose horns can­ Misdemeanor to Feed dles are tied. Believing that the world Pigeons in Los Angeles is table shafted. with themselves on its top, they feel that the Americans are ■ >>• Angeles, Cal.—Feeding pigeons Indeed unfortunate because they are In the downtown district will be a compelled to live tn eternul night. misdemeanor subject to a fine not ex Doctor Oolder said that in many of reeding $!Wri or six months In the the villages delegations greeted him city Jail when an ordinance passed by as a man from the world below. the city council becomes effective. Some were anxious to know hew The ordinance was passed to aid the Americans managed to get about, < me [»irk department In driving pigeons old graybeard, sorely perplexed by from Pershing square, a downtown what seemed an unaolvahle riddle. park. flDully came to the conclusion that. In­ asmuch as Americana are a wonder­ ful people, they have undoubtedly taken a lesson from the fly ami learned i Hood River experiencing building to walk upside down. boom. "They thought I arrived by way of a hole In the ground, the ladder to which la kept by the czar of Moscow.” Doctor Golder asserted. These people still make fire with J. J. Dumas and Mr. and Mrs. Carl flint and steel and use stone ham mere and shepherds' pipes. Justice Beckett, all from Brighton, were in Is administered through trial by ordeal lhe city Thursday attending to busi­ The men, who are of remarkable ness. physique, go about armed to the teeth, for they are feudists. The families Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graves arc live In stone huts In the practically enjoying a visit from Mr. Graves’ ralleylesa mountains. i mother, Mrs. Charles Graves, of Ore Although the [teople are Moslems, the I gon City. women are not veiled ami because of _________________ he present shortage of cotton cloth, I Mrs. R. W. Lewis of Ray City, heir only clothing consists of simple shopping in the city Tuesday. beeps kin coats. “They nearly overwhelmed me i loapltalffy," Do W. Moyse and little daugh- minting as my ru n i is in town Wednesday from yed bandit. thirty live lOtchea In his He would ot let me out Mr. anil Mrs. Ralph Bennett enjoy As a result of Doctor Goblet's visit <'d a visit during Easter from a num Ito this unfrequented region, the jnerlciin Relief administration has her of relatives from Dalias. In the mother, »nt rations for 10,000 children to the party were Mr. Bennett’s tountaln villages, where starvation Is Mrs. Christina Nendel, a brother, Al­ »neral. Wllllum Driscoll has gone bert Bennett and wife, a sister Miss » Daghestan to take charge of the Alma Bennett and Mrs. Albert Ben­ deration«. nett’s mother Mrs. Chase. PERSONAL MENTION ittle Monkey Weigh« Lesa Than Three Ounce« Portland—O. W. R. N. to huge lumber shed. N erect CITY TIRE SHOP Otto Nelson drove in for a few days rest at his cottage. Orville Spencer and wife and moth­ Bend to have $150,000 street im­ er came in for the season. provements. Mrs. Edith L. Hart is having her Prairie City—Prospects bright for house raised and a basement put in. local mining industry. I Rev. (apt. Tator, wife and family, Bend—Building permits for 1923 are visitors in Rockaway. have totaled $155,775. O. T. Tabler has been engaged as ballas to hold $25,000 bond election teacher for the Rockaway school for for septic tank and new water main. the next year. 1918 Chevrolet Touring, three new tires battery, only ...................... J Bend—North Canal Co. to build 11 Mrs. Alex Walker returned miles new road in Deschutes forest. from her weeks visit in the valley. 1918 Chevrolet Touring 3 1921 Velie Six Touring Dallas Women’s club making drive Walter Bohna returned from Port­ for club home. land where he has been for some time I 1918 Dodge Touring I 3 Baker to get $100,000 ducts plant. milk Ze have purchased 122.000 pair of . S. Army Munson las» shoes sizes -s. 1-2 to 12 which war the entire utplus stock of one of the largest S. Government shoe contractors. This shoe is guaranteed one hun­ 3 dred percent solid leather, color 3 dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and waterproof. The actual value of this shoe is $6. Owing to this De­ mendous bw we can offer same to Send correct size. Pay postmas on delivery or send money order. If shoes are not as reprean'Ajd we will promptly upon rquest. — ------ pro- BAY STATE COMPANY NATIONAL of Or< gon and Washington was 16 A SMALL INVESTMENT THAT per cent above normal. New busi- IS CONSERVATIVE. SAFE AND 296 Broadway, New York N. Y. ; ness was I per cent above production. PROFITABLE Shipments were 10 per cent above A sales corporation functioning for new business. l>ne of America’s oldest and best 24th, I nown manufacturers, offers a legit­ imate, safe and exceptionally profit mills able profitable opportunity to a few = »mall investors ($100 to $500) in E Sris dlctrict. COUNTY NEWS OCEANSIDE A GUARANTEED 35 PERCENT MERCHANDISE PREMIUM AT ONCE! HOME RECIPES FILLED X X We will fill your home recipes or special for­ mulas with the same care that we would fill the most intricate pre­ scription. The finest of i drug products and I great skill used gives Î = results you cannot ob­ I tain through your own efforts. i > his in addition to the substantal dividends your investment calls for. Her« is a real opportunity for the first few lucky folks that answer this pffer! The 35 per cent merchandise cÈ premium is raedy for Immediate dis- = £ tributon. You make a profit at once. Druggist (htlceeper’a Widow Hold« Po«t 20 Day« Ictorla. H U.—4»or 2l> day« after husband. th« llgtittiou»« kr«p«r< died Mrs Thoma» Walklu«. ah>u« 1 h«r Iso chlldrmi «nd th« btely I th« light buniiiMi on Tripl» Is L J“«««d patch of rock off th« lew «pt coast of northern British unhla rwa of tba woman'» plight ha» reachad ct«lllsatlon after ■ go« imit IlghtbotiM twider had rlaltad 1« Island an on» rf It» regular l> 11,017, 4.9, 49 83; no.35. G.D. 1.20». atklna died January SI. hot Mm 3.9, 47.15; Jack Williams, May. GJ. klas was onabl« to summon as 1,0.39, 4 « 46.7«; Ole Hopkins. Roany, nr» No ships call at the little GJ. 1.299, 3.5, 45.47 Hen VanTess, •d. which is sut af th« usual Uns -aval but If tb» light war» to ba Beauty. H. A J. 1.33«, 3.4, 45 42; igulshed foe one alghf disaster Robert Prof man, Litzie, GJ, 8«S, J.g, ■me veaael atawoat certainly would 45.14; Laa Sander. Midget, GJ, 1.101, ■* Walking fiwikf« her grl«f. «1 the light aixl th» usual fog Inga war« wmndacl regularly. 9 9 9 leets Son at Sha Goes to Claim Body < : » » Notified that Harry Howntr«« Toronto. Canada, had be«r i lied in a fall from the window a hotel In Buffalo. N T. Mrs >w iure» his mother went to • iff»Io to cintili hla hotly On r way from the station to the irgue she met the supposed Sil son on the street » • » » » » » » » » » « 4.1. 45.14. Clas« C. Thre« year old making 40 Kigt I 41 Joel, i a rito ounuo fat H, 1.806. 3.8. 61.03; Toni Hyder. Lilly GH, 1,300, 4 «. 60.17; Frank Hedig- No. 5, GG, 1.20t’>. 4 4 . 53 0«; Frank Blaser, Jersey, GJ. 970. 5.3. 51.41 Hunt A Durrer, Helen. GG. 1.231, 4.0 49.24; Edgar A Son, Blanch. GJ, 153, 4 1, 47.21; Uoyd Anderson. ! il J, 1.504. 3.0. 45.11; Joe Bumgarini Mina. GJ. 955. 4.7. 44.891 Pau! F race, GJ, 9(18, 4 6, 41.77 Jnhn F pattick, lady, GJ, 8«8 4 8 41 «»' M. Niehon. Vera. GG. 812. 5'» 16 Niger A Niger, Roxana, RH, 1, ' 10 »S3. * mbi of cow* tested 873 A'F 4 i cow, 91 J, No. co k ios fat 321, avrag« fat p 1.4:» A healthy I* pound boy was born to Mr. ami Mrs. T. A. Flamberg. April 3. Dr. McGee attending. The real estate market is booming in this vicinity. William Norris re­ cently purchased two vacant lots from A. I>. Thompson near the skat­ ing rink. George Blanchard has pur- hased the Miller property at Man- *anit* beach and expect to take pos session May 1st. Lee Mead bought , the Howard property and stock of goods and expects to conduct a feed and grocery business, P. J. Merit*. of Portland recently purchased the old bank property of Clay Daniels and expects to move his family here and go into business. Mrs. l.iebel sold a couple of houses some weeks ago, Joseph Walker and Sidney Bian chard being the purchasers. Mr. and Mr». Ford Eggleston and Mr and Mrs. Loui« I udtke drove out to Portland Sunday to attend the fu- neral of Mr*. C. H. Losey who wa» buried Monday April 9. Among th« many purchaser* of automobiles w« not« W J. Mead who I eight a new Chevrolet road»t*r of H. H. Bo»lt last week. Al Anderson »nd Ed ."smith are each riding in new Oldsmobiles and Walter Walker drove in a new Hunk touring car from Till aniook last Saturday. Al) this indi cates either prosperity or a spirit of <. .cures». M. 1 . White who was seriously in ,d at lamp 4 March 30 is im vug nnelj under the car« of Dl. Gee ,ev. W H. Pam-Jones who is a lit ist. tasto: al Astoria, re»' i -i. at Ni haleni hotel last Friday i W T >hi wa a business visit P a d -everal day» last Week I . st ci..» v as cond.ii tv i by M .. ished one of the prettiest cottages Cloverdale Friday. ' at Oceanside. I = Henry Heisel and family of Tilla £ X , mook spent Sunday at the beach. iiiiiiimmwHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifitiiiiiiiiiniii Maxwell Point and the other hills1 town | are covered with wild flowers and a good many people are seen daily gath i i mg large boquets. ASSN. Since shooting of sea lions on the MAGAZINES. NEWSPAPERS ANT; | Three Arch Rocks has been prohib­ RUBBER WANTED In the order given are the names of ited these inti-resting animals can be the owner, name of cow, breed, milk cen playing in the au«f at all times. CASH PAID per cent fut and amount of fat: Quite often Black fish and whales can FOR Cottonwood Farm, Janis, R.G.I,»’>9t>, . be seen spouting water. 5.1!», 93.23; Kiger A Josi, Verona, G. HIDES. FURS 1,494, 5.2, 77.69; Tilly, R.H.2,027, SACKS. 7 75.00 Dundy, G IL 1,333. 4.8 63.98 Hunt ADurrer, Negelty, G.G. 1,457. METAL, Cleve Allen is nursing an injured 5.2 75.19; Bessie, G.G. 1.367, 5.5. 75.1!» CHITTUM BARK. Elma,, G.G. 1,259, 4.8, 60,43 foot, the result of dropping a boulder Neigler A Neigler, no.3, (i ll. 1.838 >n it while at woi k in the rock crush- Inqure 3.8, «9.84: no.9, G.ll. 1,807, 3.7, 6« 89: I er one day last week. no 8. (.11 1,497, 1.1. 64.37; Dave Fitzpatrick, Daisy, G.J. 1,482 I 5. 66.69; N M. Nielson, no.9, G.D. I. 319, 4.8, 64.75;Ben VanTress, Nancy G. J., 1,318, 4.8, 63.26; Tom Hyder. Joe, G.H. 11,55«. 4.0, «1.88; Dave Fitzpatrick, Bess, G.J. 1,547, 4 0,«1.88 I’eter Betschait, no.5, G.H. 1,705, 3.6, <11.38; A. W. Mills, Pet, G.J. 1,271 4.8, «1.01; Class B. Cows 4 yrs. old making 45p. Tom Hyder,Bertha G.G. 1,442 4.4 «3.44; Ringtail. G.G. 1,218. 4.2. 51.1«; Princess, G.J 970, 4.7, 45 59; Stub | G.J. 1.023, 4.4 45.01; J. L. Jones. < lil t i y. <. <; 1.0'.» . .'•! M 11. Paul | Bros. Heart. G.J. 1.107, 5.3, 58.87; Paul Edgar, Allie, G.J. 1,107, 5.2 57.56 Peters Betachart, no.13 G.H. 1.197. 4.7 | .5« 2«; Henry landolt, Pat, G.J. 1.048, ¡5.3. 55.54;N M Nielson, no.35, G.D... ' — Hood River—City streets being im­ proved. the public at $2.95. be LOW I’RICES-EASY TERMS OPPOSITE POST OFFICE KOCH . Ill U m luoukey. weighing les: ee ounces, mui two years old, finds omf ort able seat on top <>f a water ta The little animal I» mie of th» illest of It» type mid was aeon for first time in London. good used cars Just a few tires and tubes on hand. Not all sizes. Sup­ ply future needs now. Ed Kostic has a new ccok. Reopening of Sumpter Valley smelt er to revive mining in eastern Ore­ Emma Lapen stayed with the chil­ gon. dren while Mr. and Mrs. George Rus­ tic were in the valley. They were gone Corvallis hospital to get new wing. from 6 o’clock a. m. until 7 p. m. Saginaw to have new 20,000 foot Sunday. a day sawmill. Mr. and Mrs. Gould were in Blaine Sunday, April 8th. Astoria Elks planning $200,000 tern John Burbank is back in school now pie. after a week's siege of the flu. Portland—P. R. L. P. Co spends Mrs. G. E. Mitchell spent Satur­ $500,000 on Holladay avenue. day and Sunday in Tillamook. The Blaine school are making a pa­ Westport mill to work three shifts. per called the “Blaine Scream” which Reedsport gets new hotel. will be printed with their Hecklo- graph. Bend—Work starts on two new bus­ Welcome, Mrs. Sunshine! iness buildings. » ita QUALITY FIRST, THEY PRICE Why worry. If quality is unsatisfactory price is no object. Moral. Read between the lines. Buy where price is based on quality. Where confidence reigns supreme, and where you always get the benefit of a doubt. If you are looking for that grocery ROME ON TO OUR PLACE CONOVER & CONOVER TILLAMOOK’S BUSIEST GROCERY DON’T LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING THE CITY TRANSFER COMPANY IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS TO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto: "Quick Service and Reasonable Rates.” A. W. Plank Hardware BLOOM Fl'NRNITORE CO 55555S5S55S General line of Hardwaie, Paints, Cils, Varnishes and Glass Heath Insurance Mowing Machines. Dieci» and Harrows Both PhMMS Drink More Milk HILI IS SOMETIMES REGARDED AS FOOD FOX THE CHILD ONLY IT » FOOD FOR YNE ADULT—POOD FOB THY AGED ALSO IT CONTAINS MOST OF THE CLXimm ESSENTIAL P01 OF THE SBOWTH HUMAN BODY THE AT MAINTENANCE ALL PERIODS IT IS IN EASILY DIGESTED FORM. You eaa well afford to drink mor» milk bHMM It 1» th« itlHpMI food tn world In compartacn with It» »ala« milk we sell is straight from th« farm- - from tseied cow*. shipped and kept und«r th» most sanitary condition« THE GOLDENROD DAIRY ERWIN HARRISON Proa ? Tillamtok, Orem th a «ti Joo Gitj piai