OINGS IN SOCIETY EMM Tfce L. D. club met April 6 at the home of Mrs. Sam Moulton with Mrs. Frisbu assisting hostess. ^^Kven members were present at’, i thrse guests, Mrs. Cardiff, Mrs. ^^^■tnce Moulton and M Lowell 3 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT RIDAY, APRIL 13, 1923 tertained last week at the home of ship.. Mrs. Ethel Bales was the first Mrs. D. O. Spitzmesser, with Mrs. C. president of the club and Mrs. Mae W. Barrick assistant hostess. Mrs. Hoskins secretary and treasurer. In Emmett Bales was a guest. Mrs. the latter part of 1914 the club was John Carroll was unable to be pres- federated with the Oregon Federation ent on account of illness. The high of Women's eluVs. Mrs. Ethel Bales score for the afternoon went to Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Plank were the first Bales and the consolation to Mrs. W. D. Pine. A delightful lunch was serv- convention delegates.. The club has ed'by the hostesses.. Mrs. W F. Nich­ been represented at the federation ols and Mrs. J. N. Shaw will enter­ convention« in Salem, Seaside, Port- tain the club at its next meeting. land, Prineville and Pendleton and An enjoyable and profitable after­ noo* was spent. Refreshments were flpwyu 1 The club will meet April 20 ♦ ♦ + at the home of Mr-. Breeden with The Kill Rare Klub was organized Mrs! O'Dell assisting hostess. in 1912 as a study club, with fifteen ♦ ♦ ♦ members, Later this quota was rais- The Thursday Bridge club was en- ed to twenty. the present member- was hostess club in 1922. Russian and Chinese history, trav­ els and history of the United States, foreign art and literature. South American history, immigration, birth STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank $852,769.38 245,917.79 1,008.14 2,250.00 10.390.98 168,847.64 SANITARY MEAT MARKET $1,281,183.93 LIABILITIES .$ 85,000.00 . 18,593.74 79,933.28 . 25,000.00 16.34 1,072,640.57 Capital and Surplus ... Undivided Protits .... Federal Reserve Bank Circulation .................. Other Liabilities........ Deposits ....................... Both Phones $1,281,183.93 Total .................................. ? Chickens to sell. Call up the, RESOURCES Total DIG 33 YEARS FOR KINO TUT When you have any Cows, Hogs, or TILLAMOOK, OREGON Loans and Discounts ...................... Bonds, Securities etc.,...................... Overdrafts .......................................... Stock in Federal Reserve Bank...... Furniture and Fixtures .................. Cash on hand and due from banks I vice president. Mrs. H. A. Franklin; for their regular meeting. Twice dur secretary and treasurer Mrs. A. W. ing the year the J. V. G. has a “pot luck" lunch, where everyone enter­ Plank; press chairman, Mrs. A. A. tains and brings what best suits their Pennington. Other members are Mes­ The club has subscribed to the dames W.B. Aluerman, Emmett Bales own fancy fur lunch. I'his was one of the occasions and an indoor picnic Scholarship Loan Fund nearly every R.T. Boals, A.K.Case, J. Edwards, year, has done considerable Red Cross R. N. Henkle, Carl Haberlach, D. Ku- j was held. At the end of the afternoon the Belgian Relief and Armenian relief ratli, John Lamar, Homer Mason. Leo girls ail gathered around one large Carter and His Aids Defy Torrid work, and during the past year has Morrison, Fred Poorman, J. E. Reedy donated 48 quarts of canned fruit to H. H. Rosenberg, J. H. Rosenberg and table and feasted on a variety of good Heat, Wild Beasts and In­ iss. the. Pacific Coast Rescue and Protect­ Merrill Smith. Mrs. C. O. Dawson, who is visiting sect Plague in Search. ive society and $5 to the W. C. T. V. at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. ♦ ♦ ♦ childrens home. $137.39 worth of Mrs. John Carroll’s house was the H. Goytie, was the only guest. Christmas seals were sold by the club At the business meeting Mrs. Geo. « Do you think what they got * scene of a gay party Wednesday, Ap­ last year. » The present officers of the club ril 11th. Early in the afternoon the P. Winslow was chosen us a delegate * was worth digging 33 years t * J are president, Mrs. S. W. Conover, members of the J. U. G. club came to the State Federation of Women's * for? i clubs convention to be held May 22- ♦ .........................................................4 25 at Medford. Mrs. John Carroll Valley of the Kings. Luxor Egypt.— was elected to be an alternate. The While the world has been following president. Mis. Fred Christensen, will with unabate«! Interest and curiosity go as a regular delegate. the wonderful archaeological discov­ eries In the Valley of the Kings, littl« ♦ ♦ + Mrs. A F. Coates and Mrs. A. W. thought has been given to the year* French were hostesses to the Monday of toll, research and patience given by archaeologists In these far-off Musical club which met last Monday ruins at the home of Mrs. E. E. Koch. At It Is perhaps little un.lersti’od that this meeting the committee in charge the recent unearthing of the tomb of of the Easter Monday tea reported King Tut Ankh Amen by Howard Car­ that to date the proceeds of the tea ter British excavator, reprenMits a were $23.05, and that some donations continuous effort of 38 years of re­ search and excavation, Carter began were not in yet. The club is now federated with the digging on the site of Thebes, the an­ National Federation of Music clubs, cient capital of Egyi>f. when he was eighteen an«l has never ceased hie la­ having received their receipt at this i I meeting. After the program the hos­ bors. I He was never rich enough to con- tesses served some very delicious re­ ilnrt his own excavations, but has in­ freshments. variably worked for others. Some of his most notable work was «lone under Westport mill working three shifts Thvoilor»1 M Davis of Boston, who from 1907 to 1914 «llscovered six royal Reedsport — 3.6 miles highway be­ tombs and a wealth of rare anil valu­ tween Mill Creek and Brandy Bar to able antiquities In more recent years be completed at cost of $55,000. Carter Inis been a»soclate<1 with Lord Bridges on Alsea Waldport road Carnarvon, who financed th«« ex«*avat- Ing work of Tut-Ankh-Amen's tomb, being reconstructed. Carter has derive«! no pecuniary re­ Paving started on Corvallis-Mon ward from his years of research. mouth road. American visitors at the newly founit Reedsport to get 3-story, $40,000 tomb have remarked that the now famous excavator wears the same suit hotel. Roseburg to have new street light­ of clothes the same hnt and shoe«, «•ally. Sunday, Hn«l throughout the ing system for business district. year. Shipments of lumber from St. Hel­ Called Modern Hermit«. ens total 5,000,000 feet for past week Carter's devotion and labors In th# • cause of Egyptological •»•lene* are typical irf the example of all •xcava- tors. British, American and Fretich, In the ancient mlns of Egypt, These men may be described as modero hermits tn this h.OllP-.veai^old Valley of the Kings They lead a one-sl«!e<1 and narrow existence. Cut off from al! civilizing and uplifting Influeni’es, the score or more of them who com­ prise the foreign colonies of Luxor more within n narrow groov« and Sei With thebursting of sprin­ «tom even come In contact with on« gtime come the first vagrant another. The Valley of the Kings and the thoughts of vacation from Theban hills, 4M> miles up the Nile their cramped-up winter nests from Cairo, are Infested with wolvea Why not plan now that you jackals, wildcats. foxes, snake«, Vacation lizards, scorpions, vultures. beetles may reap the reward of early Suggestions and vermin The nrchsisilogtats live and careful planning. In unpretentious stone and mortar National Educa houses with nothing but the barest Association A part of our business is to as­ Francisco. rough-hewn furniture and the most sist you by helpful suggestions primitive household equipment. The house occupied by the American ex­ May we serve you by letter, perts was built through the getiero» personal advice or by sending Crux, Itv of the late .1 Pierpont Morgan, onte, __ Santa _ descriptive folders? who was moved to pity by tlielr priva­ beaches and re rts. tions anil exposure. control, improvement of motion pic­ tures and the freeing of criminals are some of the topics which have been studied by the club. OFFICERS DIRECTORS B. C. Lamb, President W. J. Riechers, Vice. Pres, and Mgr. C. J. Edwards, Vice Pres. C. A. McGhee, Cashier I. E. Keldson, Asst. Cashier Henry Heisel, Asst. Cashier C. J. Edwards, Mgr. Coast Power Co. A. W. Bunn, Farmer Henry Rogers, Farmer John Morgan, Farmer B. C. Lamb, Pres. Lamb- Schrader Co. W. J. Riechers C. A. McGhee Springtime Calls In San Plan Your Vacation Now! ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN*TILL AMOOK COUNTY Francisco cwport and Till- nook Beaehefi. VALUABLE ASSISTANT ¡rater I ake »nal Park. Oregon Cavpa Cascade might school, travelling, at the vacation JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, ’ortland, Oregon. resort or camp— anywhere you happen to be— the Plagu* of Fll«« and Insect«. The siitlves of the valley iirepnlhet- Icall.v |sior and untutored Foo«l Is wnree and expensive WHter, where It exists nt nil. bus to be brought from In hand bucket« The nights are and fuel Is difficult to obtain The of the vullev In severe during day, and the entire area 1« pliiguv«! with tiles and [lemlclotn tn sect«. The American visitor to the cav­ ernous valley which hold« the Impertul «tend of bygone nirvs 1* overawed by the inulesty and dignity of th« great nrerlpttous sandstone cliff« that stand sentinel on «Ittier sl«l* of the necrop­ olis He Is reminded iff the heights of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, or iff Yellowstone falls, when the noon­ day inn transforms them Into a gold For further particulars, your local ticket agent, write T HOME, in the office, in the A Maun- Low round trip tickets will be on sale to San Francisco, Los Angeles and other California points as well as to Eastern cities and to Oregon resorts. Remington Portable Typewriter will be found to give excellent service and will stand up under where other writing many conditions machines would give out. The are built LINES 160% for work and wear 78 of the first 161 motorists who passed the comer of Market and Kearny Street a, The standard keyboard, another famous Remington feature, will give much for convenience, and the quick, quiet action will please you. Ask to see a Remington Portable Typewriter. We also recommend and carry in typewriter ribbons for all makes of machines. and the stock Paragon well known Red Seal carbon paper. HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING COMPANY TILLAMOOK. Í GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE Ford Touring, good shape .... ,.................. $250 225 Ford Touring good shape, n£w fenders Ford Touring good shape, new fenders, top225 2<»0 Ford Touring good shape overhauled 125 Ford Touring fair shape 140 Ford Touring, overhauled new top ......... 90 Ford Touring, fair shape new top 100 Ford Bug, new paint and good tires Ford Delivery completely overhauled new 450 express body, good as new 100 1920 Chevrolet, fair shape, good rubber 1920 1920 1920 1919 1919 1915 1915 1919 1919 OREGON See Tillamook Garage * t. i, San Francisco, anaw«r«d ‘Red Crown” to the ques­ tion “What kind of gaso­ line do you prefer?" Th« result of this check, in which 'Red Crown” led its : ; I I * « í ‘ ■ J1 nearest competitor by 160%, is typical of the en­ tire Pacific Coaat field, where the majority of mo­ torists get beet reaulta by using Red Crown, the gas­ oline of quality, and noth­ ing e/ae N //ïRED CROWN Jor the experienced MAJORITY en valley RIeepIrig In the heart •■ I tleved th e»« wer» rh« portal« t« heaven and »»«rlaetlng Uf«. Aged Veteran Wille Gold Teeth to Poor Rao Fr«r>rt«—Michael Oahltl, • Orti wsr »«terso Who «lieti rwently, «rota bla laet arili and leali meni lo a api rii of roteatane« and rhartfy lo roaieludlfig hla wtll Cahlll a«l<1 "fitHWiletMV to Ih« rn»1n« lew la dee Ih ma.» In pari Mmimati for dleobedlenrt in hf« “ AHhouffi lite tortile« waa vaiali h« ererbaibatl uo CM m la Ita dlrtrlbotloe "Tu tb« pone" b« Mld. "I wish to rive th» »old In nj t««tlL" re For himaelf b« ma de hot quest and that waa «hai no •mbtln»- Aa ■ a Inr fluid b* «ned no bla b««<1y tliorlt» for thla h* rrferred to Be elealaa’ea 12’7 "Theo abili th» dnat return to the Mirth s* II wa» and th« aplrlt «hall return to Otiti who g«»« It." After ftnkln» amali bequeati to relatlvaa f'ahtll X««* $>•! 1« th« Iteti <*-n«a SKW» to thè lletirew orphanagr Ha« All Mattonanti«« Ottawa