der ot Honorable Geo. R. Bagley. I property in the hands of said admin Elsie Elizabeth Kinney. Defendant. By virtue of an execution, judg Judge ot said Court, made this 16th istratrix for these purposes, and ask ing that a date be set and publication ment. order, decree and order of sale day of February, A. D., 1923. made of the same for the hearing of issued out of the above entitled Court BARRICK & HALL in the above entitled cause,to me di Attorneys tor Plaintiff said petition. SUMMONS Now, Therefore, it is hereby order rected and dated the 19th day of Feb Residence and Postoffice address, ruary, 1923, upon a judgment and ed, adjudged and decreed that all per 19. 7t ..Tillamook, Oregon. President Approves the Farm decree rendered and entered in said [ sons interested in said estate appear In the Circuit Court of the State ol Mother Buries Body of Man ------ ♦ ------ Court on the 7th day of May, 1921 Oregon for Tillamook County before me in the County Court room Credits Bill During Last in favor of Alfred E. Kinney, plain SUMMONS in the County Court House in Tilla I Killed in Railroad Accident Maude Martin Johnston, plaintiff, Hours of Session. tiff, and against Elsie Elizabeth Kin mook City, Oregon, at the hour of vs. as That of Her Boy. ney, defendant, for the sum of Five In the Circuit Court of the State of ! :en o ’ clock a. m., on the 23rd day of J. D. Ninman, also known as Jo hundred (»500) suit money and at Oregon for Tillamook County. Washington. D. C.—The 67th con kpril, A. D., 1923, to show cause, if nas D. Niman, Sarah Nlman, his torney's fees, and the further sum of Lizzie S. Churchill, Plaintiff gress, which had spent a greater pro 1 any there be, why said license should ■Wife, Harriet Belle Sadler, for Eighteen hundred (*1800) Dollars, vs. portion of its two years' span of life not be granted, and that notice of payable in installment payments of merly Harriet Belle Niman, and in actual session than any other In said hearing be published in four is- Seventy five (*75) Dollars per month Walter O. Churchill. Defendant. Joe Sadler, her husband, defendants To Walter O. Churchill, the above ; sues of the Tillamook Headlight, a the history of the country, adjourned beginning May 10th. 1921, and the | To J. D. Niman, Sarah Niman newspaper of general circulation pub- After Five Years in Prison Son Writes sine die at noon Sunday. further sum of Forty eight (*4S) named defendant: Harriet Belle Sadler and Joe Sadler to His Mother Under Assumed Dollars, damages and costa, and the During the last few hours of tho In the Name of the State of Ore j lished in Tillamook county, Oregon. the above named defendants; Name, Inquiring About costs and disbursements of aud upon gon: You are hereby required to ap ! First publication to occur on the 30th session President Harding signed the ! In the name of the State of Oregon Her Son. this writ, and that there Is now due pear and answer the complaint filed : day of March, 1923. Dated March fartn óredits bill ahd 98 other meas ycu are hereby required to appear an unpaid balance of six hundred against you in the above entitled ' 27, 1923. ures. No legislation was vetoed. Birmingham. Ala. — Burled in the fifty (*650) Dollars on this judg cause on or before the expiration of -and answer the complaint filed The last bill to become law was th6 HOMER MASON little family lot of a cemetery near ment, commanding tue to make sale against you in the above entitled County Judge. Gadsden, Ala,, and grieved as dead by “better butter" measure, changing but six weeks from the date of the first 25-4t of the following described property -Court and cause on or before the ex publication of this summons, and if a sorrowing mother for five years, terfat standards. An Important meas towlt: piration of six weeks from the date you fail so to answer, for want there Clarence Peters turned up alive In the ure placed on the statute books at the An undivided two-thirds Interest -of the first publication of this sum. of, plaintiff will apply to the Court state prison. It’s a strange story, last moment was the one providing for SUMMONS in and to Lots 4 and 5, in Section 36, ^nnons, and if you fail so to appear weird in detail, but altogether true. return to enemy alien owners of all for relief demanded in the complaint, in Township 3, North of Range 10 ’-..end answer the plaintiff will apply In 1917 Peters, idiqs Jim Holloway, seized property worth *10.000 or less. which is that the marriage contract west of the Willamette meridian, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE t the Court for the relief demanded The farm credits bUl <Pif8 ffflS bl containing ”0-69 acres in Tilainook existing between plaintiff and the de In the Circuit Court of the State of wdf dri'esfed lu 3Lir£nn county as n member of a gang of thieves operat the last fiibastirf'S to be Enacted by MBn the complaint, which is that fendant be dissolved; that plaintiff County, Oregon- Oregon for Tillamook County ing in Decatur. Two comrades were tho 67th congress, and rushed to the No. 2964 Kp' .intiff have judgment against the Now, therefore, by virtue of said recover from you the costs and dis Orra S. Williams, Plaintiff' captured, while five others escaped. White House after final senate 'endant J D. Niman, also known In the Circuit Court of the State of execution, judgment, order, decree bursements ol' the suit, and that you ac Peters refused to squeal on his pals vs. t Jonas D. Niman, for the sum of Oregon tor the County of Tillamook and order of sale, and in compliance contribute the sum of *75 per month hia tion, where the president affixed and took a flfteen-year sentence, while W. E. Williams, Defendant. T250.00 with Interest from June 5 i-. S. Brumby, Plaintiff signature before going to the capltol with the commands of said writ, I for the support of Lloyd O. Church To W. E. Williams, the above named Hie others went free. Peters, still vs. at 7 per cent [w annum, fo« will on the 31st day of March, 1923, ill, the child of plaintiff and defend to sign the flood of last-minute bills. known only by the name of Holloway, Kthe further sum of *100 00 as attor- Maggie Maybee (formerly Maggie at two o'clock P. M. at the front door ant, and that plaintiff have such defendant: The measure was fostered by th« began his prison sentence while un hi the Name of the State of Oregon of the County Court House in the other relief as may be equitable. der twenty. In 1918 he escaped from farm bloc and contains the principal Bri'.eys’ fees and for the costs and dis- j Illingworth), and George Maybee, You are hereby required to appear her husband, Vivian Marona (for City of Tillamook, County of Tilla ■tiursements of this suit, and for a de. This summons is served upon you and answer the complaint filed agaist the state prison and stayed at his provisions of the Capper-Lenroot-And- merly Vivian Illingworth); and mook and State of Oregon, sell at mother’s home . In Gadsden several erson-Strong bills. ■ cree foreclosing a mortgage execut- J B. Marona, her husband, Robert 1-ublic auction to the highest bidder by publication in the Tillamook Head you in the above Court and cause on weeks before leaving for the West. As approved by congress the out ; ;-ed by said defendant to Andrew Illingworth, William Illingworth for cash in hand, all the right, title light by order of the Hon. Homer or before the expiration of six weeks Ills mother and brothers never knew standing features of the bill are: ■.Johnston on June 5, 1920, recorded Jr., Joseph Illingworth, Gilbert Mason, County Judge of Tillamook and interest which the within defend from the date of the first publication he was going under the name of Hol Creation of a system of national ag Kin Volume VII of the Mortgage Rec-, i Illingworth, Margurite Illing ant has n and to the above described County, Oregon, made on March 22 of this summons, and if you fail so loway. ricultural credits; formation of co ¡/-cuds of Tillamook County. Oregon, at worth (al6o sometimes known as 1923, requiring publication to be real property, or any part thereof, to Never Knew of Return. to appear and answer, for want there operative associations with a capital pages 483-5, and covering the South Margaret Illingworth), all minors satisfy aid execution, judgment or made once a week for six successive of, plaintiff will apply to the Court A short while after he escaped from half of the Northwest quarter of Sec- I and all unmarried persons, Alice der and decree, interest, costs ac weeks and that you appear and ans for the relief prayed for in the com prison he was captured tn a western of *250,000 each, to make loans to Adkins, as guardian of the per crued interest and attorney’s fees. £ tlon 21, Townwshlp 5 South, Range wer on or before the expiration of six pliant, which is that the marriage con state and sent to Alabama, where large livestock producers. son and estate of Robert Illing Creation of a system of federal Iff* Dated this 1st day of March, 1923, 10 West, of the Willamette Meridian, weeks from the date of the first pub tract existing between plaintiff and prison bars awaited him, but his rela worth, Vivian Illingworth (now at Tillamook, Oregon. and ordering the sale of said proper, lication, and that first publication of defendant be dissolved; that plaintiff tives at Gadsden never knew of his termedlate credit banks with a capital Marona), William Illingworth, Jr JOHN ASCHIM the summons is made March 23rd, be awarded an absolute divorce from return. In the latter part of 1010 a of *5.000,000 each, to make long-term ty and applying the proceeds there Joseph Illingworth. Gilbert Illing Sheriff of Tillamook County message was received from a small loans to the farmers under the super« 1923. from to the payment of said judg worth. and Margurite Illingworth the defendant and for such other and town in Iowa by Mrs. Peters, Olar- First publication March 2nd, 1923, vision of boards. 4 BOTTS & WINSLOW ment, aad further decreeing that the (aso sometimes known as Marga further relief as to the Court may ence’s mother, that a young man an- last publication March 30, 1923. TnXreos mùm loans that Attorneys for Plaintiff. defendants and each of them be for ret Illingworth), all minors, Viola seem equitable. --------------- ♦--------------- i00'8 description bad may be made by farm land banks from ever barred and foreclosed of all Johnson, as administratrix of the Residence and P. O. Address, Tilla This summons is served upon you been killed In a railroad wreck, and SUMMONS »10,000 to *26,000. ' right, title or interest in or to said estate of William R. Illingworth, mook, Oregon. 24-7t by publication in the Tillamook Head that letters taken from Ms pockets i Creation of a commission of thf*6 property or any portion thereof ex deceased, and Tillamook County !>ore the name of “ Clarence Peter* In the Circuit Court of the State of light by order of the Honorable Ho j sdÉatoro and five representatives to Bank, an Oregon corporation. Gadsden, Ala. ” cept statutory right ot redemption mer Mason, County Judge of Tilla NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Defendants. Oregon for the County of Tillamook The body was sent to Mrs. refers investigate and report on means of and for genekal relief. mook County, Oregon, made on the By virtue of an execution, decree Nestucca Talley Bank, a bank. and grieved over by the mother and encouraging stat* banks to become This summons is served upon you and order of sale Issued out of th« Ing corporation, plaintiff. Notice is hereby given that the 28th day of March, 1923, requiring s«'ns. The head and face were so members of the federal reserve sy>- by publication In the Tillamook above entitled court in the above en vr— City Water Commission of Tillamook publication to be made once a week badly mutilated that close Identifica tea. Headlight by order of the Honorable titled cause, to me directed, and dat D. W. Snyder and Maude Snyder, City will receive sealed bids for the for six successive weeks and that you tion was impossible, though the size Geo. R. Bagley. Judge of the above ed February 16th, 1923 npon a appear and answer on or before the of tbe body an«l color of the hair husband and wife, Tillamook digging of ditch on their right of named Court, made on the 8th day of judgment and decree rendered and expiration of six weeks from the fille«l the description of Clarence. A I way between the head works of the County Bank, a banking corpor- February, 1923, requiring publica entered In said court on the 8th day date of the first publication, and the tombstone purchased by tbe family atlon, and Al Boon, Defendants. water system and Tillamook City for tion thereof to be made once a week of February, 1923, in favor of P. S. first publication of this summons is was placed at the head of th« grave, the purpose of laying water pip«-, To D W. Snyder and Maude Sny but Clarence, Ignorant of the cruel for six successive weeks, and the Brumby, plaintiff, and against Mag made on March 30, 1923. gie Maybee, (formerly Maggie Illing der, husband and wife, defendants Contract to be made upon the basis joke, served on tn ths penitentiary. date of the first publication hereof BOTTS & WINSLOW of 4288 cubic yards of common exca- worth), and George Maybee, her above named: Chicago.—A grand jury InvêstflÊ- ' is February 9th, 1923. Attorneys for the plaintiff. He refused to convey news of his re husband, Vivian Marona (formerly vation and 450 cubic yards of hard- capture to his mother, and the Inci POTTS and WINSLOW, Residence and P. O. Address, Tilla Vivian Illingworth) and J. B. Mar dent was forgotten in Gadsden. In the name of the State of Ore. pan and rock excevation, a total of tlon of the city hall of Chicago was Attorneys for Plaintiff 25-7t. , ona, her husband, Robert Illingworth gon, you are hereby required to ap- 4738 cubic yards. Work to be com mook, Oregon. authorized by Judge M. L. McKinley, Wrote His Mother, Residence and Postoffice address, William Illingworth, Jr., Joseph Ill pear In 1922 Peters could no longer re- chief justice of the criminal court of and answer to the complaint pleted by June 1st, 1923. Bids will ingworth, Gilbert Illingworth, Mar Tillamook, Ore 19-7 train from writing home, and under Cook county, when he broadened the filed against you in the above en be opened at the City Water OtScf garite Illingworth, (also sometimes ------------ ♦------------ the name of Jim Holloway wrote his scope of the special grand jury which in Tillamook City, Oregon, Meaday, NOTICED F ADMINISTRATORS titled suit, in the above entitled I known as Margaret Illingworth), all NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE SAI.E mother Inquiring of her son's where had investigated school board affairs Court, on or before the 1st day of April 9th, 1923 and a C«rtitied cheek abouts and feigning friendship with and Indicted more than a score of per Notice Is hereby given that the minors and all unmarried persons equal to five percent of the bid price April, 1923. and if you fall so to Alice Adkins, aa guardian of the i young Petero. undersigned, as Sheriff of Tillamook sons, tnoludlng Fred Lundin, ex-rep must accompany bid, and bonds will County, Oregon, by virtue of an or-i person and «state of Robert Illing appear or answer, for want thereof, be required for the faithful perform In the County Court of the State of HLs mother, a deeply religions wom- resentative In congress and reputed worth. Vivian Illingworth (now Oregon, for the County of Tillamook plaintiff will apply to said Court der ot sale and execution issued out an, wrote, thanking him for the Inter- I "boss” of Mayor William Hale Thomp Marona), William Illingworth, Jr., for the relief prayed for in plain ance of the contract. The aforesaid In the Matter of the Estate of of the Circuit Court of Tillamook est manifested in tier son. telling him commission reserves the right t<- re Augustine Wells, deceased. County, Oregon upon a decree and I Joseph Illingworth. Gilbert Illing tiff’s complaint herein, to-wlt: of her son's tragic death and urging son's political organization. worth, and Margurite Illingworth For months there has been rumors ject any or all bids. Notice is hereby given, that pursu- | him to take the wnrnlng and live an judgment and order of sale rendered (also sometimes known as Margaret First; That plaintiff have and re- TILLAMOOK CITY’ WATER COM ant to an order of th«- Honorable Ho- I upright Ufa Tlie tender words of the that Mayor Thompson's administra in said court on the 6th day of Feb Illingworth), all minors, Viola John-1 ruary, 1923, in a case therein pend | cover from the defendants, D. W. MISSION, mer Mason, Judge of Tillamook Coun sorrowing moth« so touched young tion in the city hall would be put un eon, as administratrix of the estate ing, wherein Lillian M. Zaddach was sum of *500 00 together with in. By C. B. Stanley, Secretary. ty, Oregon, made Hn<i entered on the Petero and so overwhelmed him with der fire by State Attorney-General of William R. Illingworth, deceased, plaintiff, and Frank A. Rowe and 25th day of October, 1922, authoriz surprise over tits supposed death that Brundagee’s department, as had been and Tillamook County Bank, an Ore terest at the rate of 7 per cent per he Immediately wrote th« whole truth done In the school investigation, in Belle Madden Rowe, husband anil ing the sale of the following describ- I gon corporation, defendants, In tbe, annum from the 30th day of April NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS to ills mother and Mrs. Peter« was which It was charged that a gigantic wife, Coleman H. Wheeler and Lulu ed real property, to-wit: sum of *800.00, together with tn—| 1921, and for the further sum of soon clasping her son to her bosom conspiracy existed to mulct the schools J. McDaniel were defendants, and by terest thereon at the rate of eight *100 00 attorney’s fee« and its coets The South one htlf ,1-2 of the behind the prison bar* which execution and order of sale 1' per cent per annum, from November Notice is hereby given that the of more than *1,000,000 and that the Section am directed to sell the property 1st 1918, and the further sum of and disbursements lnourred herein. Water Commission of Tillamook City, Southeast quarter (1-4) of schools had been defrauded of more twenty-two (22) and the North one Second: Adjudging and decree, Oregon will receive sealed bids on hereinafter described, situated In ‘MEANEST MAN' IS PUT IN JAIL than that amount In questionable busi *100.00. with interest thereon at tbe half (1-2) of the Northeast quarter Tillamook County, State of Oregon, | rate of six per cent per annum from ing that plaintiff's mortgage be a water pipe to be used by said com (1-4) of Section twenty-seven (27) ness dealings involving many com towlt: February Sth, 1923, and the fur- ' first, valid and subsisting lien upon mission, said pipe to be either Cast Township one (1), South of Range Retired Chicago MerctiaM Wont AM modities and supplies. All of Lots numbered one Father of 106, 8« Court __________________ (1). ther sum of *54.37 with interest the real property hereinbefore de Iron, Matheson Steel, Wood Stave, -------------------------------------------------- two (2), three (3), four (4), five thereon at the rate of six per cent scribed. and provided that said plain, treated plain double dipped and eight (8), West of the Willamette Takeo Action. Meridian, containing one hundred six (5), six (6), seven (7) eight (8).| per annum from April 28th, 1922,1 mortgage be forecioeed and that GOLD INQUIRY IS ORDERED wrapped, Steel Screw, or Reinforced Chicago.—I'erolatent refusal of Sam nine (9), and tan (10) in Block i and coets and disbursements herein ty (160) acres, all in Tillamook tho said real property be sold in the Concrete Pipe all to stand 250 foot uel Fine, retired merchant to contrib Sltvee Industry Also la to Be Investi sixty one (61) In Rowe's Addition to County, State of Oregon. taxed and allowed at *37.10, with Wheeler, as the same is shown by interest thereon at the rate of six per manner provided by law for the sale head. Pipe to be delivered F. O. B. gated by Committee of Congress. There will be sold at private sale ute to the support of his 106-yearold the duly recorded maps and plats cent per annum from February 8th. of real property upon execution, and Tillamook City by June 1st, 1923. said property, in the I .aw Offices of father, Hanya Fin«, won btm th« ap- I- Washington. D C.—An investigation pellaUoo of “ ona of the meanest men that tho proceed« of each sal« be ap. Bids will be opened at the Water thereof. 1933, and the costs of and upon this Barrick 4 Hall, in the National Build on earth" tn addition to a 80-day jail daring tbs rreess ot congress Into the Now therefore, I will, on th« 31st4 writ, commanding me to make sale piled to the payment ot th« eo«ta and Commission's office in Tillamook City ing, Tillamook County, Oregon, be sentence from County Judge Jarocki gold and sUvsr Industry was ordered day of March. 1923, at the hour of of the following described real dtobnraamaato of this suit and tbs m Monday April 9th, 1923 at 8 p. m. tween the hours of one an«l two o’ Reis tires assert that. In addition to by tbe senate. A commission ot five ten o’clock a m.. sell the above des tate, towlt: pensea of sale of said real property: and a Certified Check for five p«i- clock, p. m., on the 25th day of April • peroonal fortune retfmated at from was created to conduct ths inquiry. cribed property at public auction to The South half S 1-3) of th« to the payment of plaintiff In the eent of the bid price must accompany Tbs resolution creating ths com the highest bidder for cash in hand, Northwest quarter (NW 1-4 and the sum of *600 00 with latorset thereon all bids. The said Water Commission 1923, for cash or part cash and se »15,000 to *20000, the man rocOTreo curity, for the balance, as to the ed - an Income from the wages of two en> mission provides for Inquiry into at the north door of the Court house Southwest quarter (SW 1—4) of .the i at the rate of 7 per sent per annum reserves the right to reject any or ministrator shall seem best for the ployed sons. Hun ya Fine told report 1 Ç*“8*8 »? in Tillamook County, Oregon, and by Northeast quarter (NE 1-4) of Sec depressed condition oi all bids. from the 30th day of April. 1*21; ers ba had confirmed tbe theory that said sale transfer all right, title and tion Twelve (12) Township One (1) interests of said estate. ’ the Industry the production, market TILLAMOOK CITY WATER COM the first bandrsd years are the bard- interest of the above named defend South of Rang« Eight (8), West of to the payment of plaintiff In the EVERETT WELLS, Ing. transportation, salee and um oi MISSION, ants and each of them in and to said th« Willamette Meridian, in Tilla sum of *100.00 attorney's fsea, and 25-4t Administrator. gold a^d sliver and the effect ot de By C. B. Stanley, Secretary that the balance. If any, bo applied u-at property, which said defendant« and mook County, Oregon. creased production upon commerce enrich onscience fund those claiming under by or throngh aa the Court may direct. industry, exchange and prices. Now therefore, by virtue or said NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS them or either of them, had at the ♦ ■ ’ ■ I Third: That all defendants, and execution, judgment, order, decree 'time of the execution of the mort Minneapolis "ChrietJsn" Sonde *6 Bin each of them, and all persons claim Leng-B«M Option« on *1,700,000 Tract te 8«rotary Week* WM Tsroa gage, which said instrument was the and order of sal« end In compliance I wish to call your attention to the to* or sashing to claim said real A SMALL INVESTMENT THAT It Over t« Treasury. subject of foreclosure in th« above with the comands of said writ, I will Kelso. Wash. — Options have best fact that 1922 taxes must be paid enetltled suit, and all the right title on Saturday tbe 31st day of March property or any part thereof thro prior to April 5th, in order to avoid IS CONSERVATIVE, SAFE AND secured by the Long-Bell Lumber c<-m Washington.—Th« United Rtatee pany on timber holdings of the Mil and Interest the said defendants or 1928, at the front door of the Coun or under them or either of them, be additional interest. In case of pay PROFITABLE any of th«m had at th« time of the ty Court House in Tillamook, Till forever barred and foreclosed of ment of first half prior to that date A sales corporation functioning for treasury ties been nnrzj^ctedly en waukee Land company, comprisiai execution of Mid mortgage or at any amook County. Oregon, at th« hour any Hen. claim, title, interest or the remainder may go until October >ne of America's oldest and best rlched by a contribution of *f> from •W acres in Lewis end Cowlitz oonn of 10 o'clock a, m. sell at public auc "Christian." of Minneapolis In a let time since said date. Dated this known manufacturer», offers a legit- equity therein or thereto, except 5th without intereat. Write us for (mate, safe and exceptionally profit ter transmitting a *0 bill to Hecretary ties The tract is estimated to con tlon (subject to redemption), to the 28th day of February. A. D., 1923. tho statutory right of redemption tain 400,000.000 feet and Is valued a statemotit and give the description able profitable opportunity to a few of War John W. Week* the cvotrlbu highest bidder tor cash in hand, all JOHN ASCHIM Fourth: That plaintiff have judg. of your property. »1,750.000. •mall Investor» (»100 to *500) in tor wrote: Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon the right, title and interest which meat and execution against defend 23 It Tncloced Is *.’>, Since J sens saved Shis dlctrict. JOHN ASCHIM. Sheriff. Date of first publication March the withta named defendants, or ----------- *-------------- my eoul. It bus been on my heart. It Former Heed of Klan la Arrested. A GUARANTEED 35 PERCENT 2nd. 1923; date of last publication, either ot them, had on the 29th day, ants. D W. Snyder and Maude Sny may not seem much to you, but It !s of September, 1914, tbe date of the der. for any deficiency which may MERCHANDISE PREMIUM ORDER Atlanta. Ga —Edward Young Clarke March 30th. 1923. a lot to me. A Christian.” mortgage foreclosed In this suit, or remain after applying all of the pro. AT ONCE' ----------- ♦---- Secretary Week» Is turning the mon ex Imperial »Izard of the Knights oi alpcerthat date had In and to the > his in addition to the nubstantal w ess d a of the sale of the said real ORDER the Ku Klux Klan, was arrested hen above described property, or any part premises described In said mortgage : In the County Court of the State of dividends your inv«t»tm< nt calls for ey Into the Treasury department's on an indictment Issued against hln "conwlence fund." thereof, to satisfy said execution, H«-'e i» a real opportunity fo r the Oregon for the County of Tillamook by the federal grand jury at Houstot In the County Court of the State of judgment order and decree. intere>*t to tbe satisfaction of the Indebted, In the Matter of the Estate of first few lucky folks that answer this n«-ss to plaintiff, and that plaintiff Tot I» Expsrt Snoweftoer. uffer' The 35 p<-r cent merchandise Tex., charging violation of the .Man Oregon for the County of Tillamook and coets and accruing costs. William Tone, deceased premium Is raedy for Immediate dis Limerick, Me—Alice F. Morrlll. Or any other party to this suit may JOHN ASCHIM In the matter of the Estate of This cause coming on tn te henni trlhnfon. You make a pront at once thre«-year-old dnugliter of Mr. and act He was released on »1000 bond. Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon become a purchaser at said sale and upon the petition of Ag«“« H r., .hey William H. Hamilton, deceased. Mro. John L Morrlll of thl» towti ls Wrte Todav—Don'* Delav Dated this 28th day of February, that the purchaser be let Into possess Crissenger Federai Bank Head. duly appointed, qualified and wring This cause coming on to be heard 1923. belleved to be the youngest “snow and address and let Send your nam« sion of said prsmlses. and that the Washington. D. C.—The settate cor of th Will- adnuntC retri slioer ” Io the state. Sh<- «leHghts In upon the petition of R. N. Henkle, me «how you a r< al money make, Firs; mblication March 2nd. 1923 Sheriff of Tillamook County. Oregon, iam Tone, d< ased. tomething that houl«f n-»-<1 wI"h th« inoving about the nelghborlng hllls and tlrmed the nomination of D R. Crii duly appointed, qualified and acti a last publication March 30th. 1*23. at the proper time execute a deed to valley» on her »nowshoes and I» a>. seiigt r <>f Marfort, O., to he governar o Ipproval of yotit administrator of the estate of Wj'J ------------4 ---------- such purchaser, and that piafnUff expert in thelr use. Hhs take* hei the federai riserve t,< trd. Ha ha James P. Ca Fc.'v. & Tres* tit iam H. Hamilton, deceased, »«king NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE W p ■ I <» falls In the spirit of fun and returti» fu « ii rvlug a» ci tnptf' ll«?r ut thè cui rnav have such other and further for a license to sell the real prop ■f V Tn the Circuit Court of the State ot K’ 1201 fr« in her «nowshoelng < xplolts tUled relief in the premises an to the ♦ < my. of said deceased at public or pn u .-ton for the County of Tillamook w itii the thrllls of the Sport. San Finn luitsble ¡nay seem just and on < sale in order to meet the fune-al ex '.l:;ei E. Kinney, Plaintiff ■ Th i Summons Is published by or. 3 int va. penscs of deceased and the expens« i ¿EGAL NOTICES ■ 7 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT IDA Y, MARCH 30, 1923 of administration, for the reason that there is not a sufficient amount of per sonal property in the hands of said administrator for these purposes, and asking that a date be set and publi cation made of the same for the hear ing of said petition. . Now therefore, it is hereby order ed, judged and decreed that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me in the County oCurt room in the County Court House in Tilla- mouk City, Oregon, at the hour of ten o’clock a. m., on the 31st day of April, A. D., 1923, to show cause, if any there be, why said license should not be granted, and that no tice of said hearing be published in .four issues of the Tillamook Head light, a newspaper of general cir<!- iation published in Tillamook County Oregon. First publication to occur on the 23rd day of March, 1923, and the last publication on the 12th day of April, 1923. Dated March 20, 1923. HOMER MASON, County Judge BURIED ANOTHER LENGTHY SESSION FOR CONVICT SON OF CONGRESS ENDS IT’S STRANGE, WEIRD STORY WILL INVESTIGATE CHICAGO CITY HALL C