FRIDAY, MARCH 30, lt TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Aurora gets »70,00o bridge University of Oregon, Eugene,1 Co. to begin development work. Bids called for »135,000 school at Coquille—»50.000 »chool March 27—(Special)—Tne average | Portland—Organization formed Multnomah. under construction living expenses to a University of take referendum on state income tax. Gresham—Film corporation may lo Oregon student is approximately »60 Bend—Farmer» co-operative mar« Dayton to get cannery cate studio here. per month, according to a recent sur­ ket to be established here. Portland—N V Electric Washington county to build Dallas to vote on »25,000 water vey made by the Oregon Daily’ Em­ contract for »35.000 steam 1 erald, student daily paper. This sum bond issue. county hospital at Newton. Test oil well to be sunk near Suth- is not paid by all the students in the university for there art some who erlin. New telephone line to lie built from pay less than this amount but ‘hese figures represent an approximate es­ Corvallis to Bellfountain. State prison buys entire flax crop timate of the general living expens­ of 1,000 acres. es as obtained in the lurvey. Salem—State board to buy 500 ac­ The general average- for the liv­ | ing expenses in fraternities and sor­ re site for reform school. Warrendale cannery wrecked three [ orities on the campus was found to be »37.50 for the monthly board I ill. years ago being rebuilt. _ . inc^-pcratgd Astoria rapidly rebuilding burned To this sum are added incidentals department stores such as laundry, fees, cloth;ng and business district. Astoria—Contract let for 1 story I miscellaneous expenses amounting to TILLAMOOK. OREGON concrete building at least »22.50 per month Li Albany—2-story concrete- building costs to residents of Friendly Hall, OPPOSITE SUNSET GARAGE men’s dormitory, are slightly lower to go up this summer. Portland—Plans under way for 4- but the majority of men not living in fraternities or the hall pay ub much story »150,000 building New theatre at Astoria to cost as do fraternity men. »100,000. Cottage Grovt to get new street THF FIRST CHRISTIAN (Hl RCH lights. Seaside—Work on »30,000 building. ial Easter music county Lt. W inch« Morning nubject Power Cc t 4 ft on.” Taext take Portland termin loth y 1-10. We buy for 371 Stores; not for one or a half doze» will be built heri The sermon Outline: «tores. Naturally, we buy large quantities of roe» Curry county­ Introduction. chandise and enjoy every price advantage and art The Resurrection a Prophecy in roads given the choice of grades. Hence you get more ir. the Old Testament. quality and pay lest for it. In the patnarchial dispen In the Jewish dispensation. The Passover a type of Christ’s death. 2. Pentacost a type of Christ’s Resurrection. Reflecting Dainty Style* 2. The Resurrection a Fart in the Just a few tires and tubes New Testament. Youthfully charming are thes* lovely models on hand. Not all sizes. Sup­ Jesus taught the resurrection which have captured style trends in their happiest ply future needs now. Witnesses recorded the resur expressions. There are delicate shirrings and grace­ rec lion. ful ruffles; exquisite hand embroidery and becoming 3. Paul and the early Chi istian«, touches of laces and ribbons. To charm of styles also Christians today found thier is added attractiveness of quality values. faith on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. A brief outline of the Easter Ser­ mon to be preached next Sunday morning, 11 a. m at the First Christ- Silk lan church, A very cordial wel-ome Crepe extended to all. GEORGE N. HARNESS, Ministei Canyon City—John Day hj Lumber and logging opera­ ^.’vcrTt'T votiis on citj ha.i 315.5 miles in length, nearing^J Junction City—New hotel to cost tions very active in this section. tion.. $30.000. Vernonia gets new mail and train Wallowa—Standard Oil Roseburg—Grand Hotel to receive substation here. service. inipn vements. Willamina—Brick plant starts op­ eratic— insta Reed?p< mpmer." Reedspt Art Memorial Works M M c innville Place your orders in time for Decoration Day m 30 rears practical knowledge in the trade. Quality Goods Always! CHY TIRE SHOP ( \RI> OF THANKS wish tn thank our many friends for their kindness during the illness and death of our baby Fonte Mûrie, and also for the Is-autiful floral of ferings. Mr. and Mr». ('liarles A Brown TO THE CITIZENS OF TILLAMOOK CITY The season of the veMr is at hand when the annual tourist trade will l e with us. and cognizent of this fact, it behoves us as citizens, to mak ■ our city as attractive as possible, by keep ing the grass along our streets and on the vacant lots throughout the city mowed, our sidewalks in g.K-i re­ pair, our fences neat and painted, our homes bright and chan, our all-y ways and streets free from rubbish and filth As Mayor of your city, I proclaim that the week starting with April Vth and ending on April 14th, 1*23, ba hereby declared "Annual Cleanup Week" and respectfully solicit the support of the good people of thi» city in this movement to better the moral, social and sanitary conditions of this city The City ¡lump located about three miles south of Tillan ook is free to the people of this city, ard the only requirements that are nee essary for you to adhere to, is ’hat you deposit nothing at this dump that is of a nature which would decay or rot. material of this kind should be burned or buried Any of the citi­ zens of this city who wi»h to have their rubbish removed to the dump during the Annual Cleanup Wee), will call up any of the transfer comían­ les who will send their team ami re­ move the rubbish at a very m.der- ate charge Respectfully submitted. J MERREll SMITH. Mayor MOCK'S OF IMM. TAX Thi« >Ar< baa just received Infor- maU<«i from the Secretary of Stats that tba Itcenae law on dog* Is still in fall fonrw and effect. Failure to proewa* »u< h a liven», sub nets th. owner to a flue Make application t< H S Hnnshall, County Clerk •J »t JOHN A «HIM Sheriff OREGON INDI SIRI Kl NI WS Grant» !‘a»» Rich gold strike rr ported at Holland Salem moving auditorium Motor vehicle! in 1922 Expeni Portland lumlier to Klamath I TÛBÂCCO Figured Silk Crepe In p LOS - • Taffet* The Popular ANGEIES Color* Spring $5.90 to $14.75 First Long-Pants Suits • For Youth» 15 to 18 Years Kmart, «nappy models for youths j just doning their first pz of rf long trousers. trvu»«rs. Suits with yoke and «nd plaited back, open cc vent, half belted, patch pockets with flaps to button. — hs lut . M et aacMOMi i n es n-H-r- — How to A»1<1 SENIOR CLASS PLAY Y e a rs t o THREE-ACT COMEDY Your Life Giris’ Spring Dresses OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Our work guaran. I Vncle Ben Sa vs : One minut« essay on health by H. L. Babb D. C. Nervy, I see where some folks are wor­ rying that long skirts will sweep the country again, and that’s my notion of no­ thing to wor­ ry about.” ■ r ■vaHTixmwjmm'œ April 13 8:15 p.m HIGH SCHOOL GYM. TICKETS AT KOCH’S ADM. 50c and 35c MV.A1 M« The first essential is that you should appreciate that the body is essentially a ma chine, the bones and cartil­ age comprising the wearing parts, the mind the motor part and the nerves and tis­ sues the parts expressing and distributing the power developed. . The main shaft of the body is the spine and it is fear­ fully and wondrefully made. Man carries his spine up­ right and this makes it sub­ ject to displacements and un­ less he is carfeul of the con­ dition of his spine, never knows hte health of less in­ telligent creatures of the earth. Chiropractic is a boon to man because it-has made health possible where before it was impossible. Chiropractic vertebral ad­ justments as given by this office have restored health in a number of cases in the past. The sufferers have been made well of diseases of the eyes. ears. nose, throat, lungs, heart. >tom- ach. liver, kidney», bowels, and lower orgaas Your appointment can now be maoe by both phones ' t > t I TIRES! GOING UP On and after April 1st. Automobile Tires are go ing up 10 per cent. Some makes have raised al­ ready. Get yours before Saturday night. Tillamook Battery Station JffAlTîpruc*-? M. R. TERRY, Prop ACT TODAY Why when delay consul­ tation out Fire and Automobil» Iusur onct charg­ Find out. H. L. Babb Jif- rlX. 211 TILLAMOOK BL,DG. for the experienced majority OF PITTSBURGH UFE HEALTH and ACCIDENT INSURANCE Both Phon«« Res. 56 J Branch office at Garibaldi Tuesday, Thursday Evening *U r00 »ell tailored and tlnuhad. raahionalle grey,. browns and tan» m th* newest pattern, L*J*r* of our leading model. At the** tn.-«a th» value» ar* truly remarkabl Tillamook Hotel Lobby 9:30 a. tn. to 2p 1 R»» Mutual Phone Now Is the Time to Tile * -4 STANDARD OIL COMPANY RED CROWN ROSE J. WILKES, Resident Agent The Reliance Life Insurance Company On a busy Loa Angele* street corner* checker stood •nd asked 150 passing mo­ torists "Which gasoline do you use'"63 answered ' Red Crown," as against 18 for th« neit high«« brand—• '.«ad of 250-X . B». »u»» Red Crown" is an all- r«An«ry •vwry drop which v»pvni** rapidly and uni­ formly in tha caibu fetor, and ta completely consumed in thacyhn- der«.1 i j :< ti < > n > NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE ENT MADE THE DAY WE COLLECT W . Sue in Oar Own Na ma. KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO Tillamook The Tillamook Clay Works /