FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1923 thing; ‘Dear Sir’ means nothing. And WEST COAST LIFE Io, and Mrs. E. E. Koch will «ing. At- HOLDS CONVENTION it is good business to have your typed toney Winslow has consented to be name at the start. How often do we present and will talk on the laws of The West Coast Life Insurance I read into a letter—stop—turn to the Oregon which are especially interest bottom signature and then perhaps to company held its second annual con- 1 ROCKAWAY NOTES ing to women. It is expected that a a cold statement in type on the aide, vention of the northern department S Corinth Relief Corps No. 54 had large number will be present. I ‘Dictated by----- Moreover the ef- at the Hotel Cowman in Seattle, on | a regular business meeting and so­ John Johnson and wife of Portland March 5th, 6th, and 7th. Approxi- i . feet of saying in the salutation that cial evening last Friday. There was REPORT OF TILLAMOOK COW are here to fix up their cottages for you are ‘speaking’ follows through mately forty of the company's rep- £ • large number present. Mr. McAt- summer season. TESTING ASSOCIATION FOR . in reading, suggesting personal at­ resentatives from Oregon, Wa.-hing tee, who is here visiting his mother Rockaway must be the coming YEAR ENDING MARCH 1st tention and human interest. ton and Idaho were present. Vice I Mrs. Parraxo was the guest of the beach as our taxes are just double “It shortens a letter without terse­ Presidents Chas. W. Heiser and Gor-1 evening. H. W. Speare was reported this year. During the year 2,617 cows were ness—if the writer understands the don Thomson, attended as represent- ’ sick and also Mrs. Margaret Oathout tested but as some of the herds quit We notice a big improvement in purpose of the telephone salutation atives of the Home office in San Fran Let the week. the Headlight this ♦ ♦ ♦ during the year only 2,314 caws fin­ and is instructed to make his dicta­ cisco. According to J. W. Stewart, Mra. Henry Crenshaw entertained ished their 12 months test. These 2,- good work keep up. tion about as he would telephone. Superintendent of Agencies, it was March 26 to 31 is set for clean th* Shakespeare club at her home on 314 cows averaged 7,618 lbe of milk MILK IS SOMETTME8 REGARDED AS FOOD FOB THE “ It requires no more typing. The one of the most successful conven­ Trask river March 9th. A guessing and 831.71 lbs. of fat, 203 unprofit­ up week, Everybody is urged to help firm that sees more work in using the CHUD OHLY. IT IS POOD FOB THE ADULT—FOOD tions that the Company has ever held contest in which Mrs. Erwin Har­ able cows were sold to the Dutcher or clean up all rubbish and burn all telephone salutation should compare Gordon C. Dawes, District Manager, FOB THE AGED ALSO IT CONTAINS MOST OF THE rison took first prize, was the feature beefed and 42 good cows were sold brush. Henry Woolfe spent his day of rest it with the desirable and common was present from the Tillamook dis­ of the afternoon. A delicious lunch­ for dairy purposes. ELO! POWS ESSENTIAL FOB THE MAINTENANCE practice of typing the s ignature at trict. eon was served. Beside the mem­ Following is a list of herds aver­ on the beach shoeing horses. OF OF THE HUMAN BODY AT ALL PERIODS the side to insure readability. In the Rockaway beach Booster club held bers the following were guesta: Mes- aging 400 lbs of fat or better for the new form the type name is merely IT IS IN EASILY DIGESTED FORM. 9R0WTH. dames D. Kuratli, H. A. Franklin, year. In the order named is given I its regular meeting Monday night HIGH 8CHOOL NOTES placed where it does the most service Emmett Bales, Carl Haberlach. A. A. the name of the owner, number of | with a big attendance, “The value of the telephone salu­ Mrs. C. A. Reeha has returned Pennington, Lloyd Edwards, W. J. cows, breed, average milk and aver­ Senior Class Play “When a Feller home from Dr. Robinson’s hospital. tation lies in its ordinary, yet whole­ Needs a Friend” will be given April Hill, Erwin Harrison, Ira Smith Clent age fat; R. E. Myers has his new house some wording with a splendid effect 13, in the T. H. S. gymnasium. Laugh King, E. D. Alien, Geo. Winslow, Carl Gus Wicklund, 25, GJ, 9,627, 458.- You can well afford to drink more milk on the character of the letter. Mere finished. Hunt and J. E. Reedy. you just can ’ t help it when you see 23; H. C. White, 10. GJ, 8,779, 437.- because It is the cheapest food in tha Many complaints are reaching the changes in obi customs of letter writ- ■ this play. 28, Durrer & Son, 26, JAG, 9,944, ♦ ♦ ♦ world In comparison with Its value, l'ho ing that have no basis of reason can Cast of Characters: Reed H. Hanon, of Clatsop county 433.03; Frank Blaser, 19, GJ, 9,808, beach regarding the road from Ocean never expect, to become a standard milk we sell is straight from the farm-— and Mae A. Ackerman of Tillamook J427.59, W. P. Walker, 8, GH, 11,171 3 Lake to Bar View. Tom Denker, artist ..Noah Richards practice. But it seems that here is a rrom tested coivu «hipped and kopt under Plans are under way for a new and county, were united in marriage at]453.30; Dave Fitzpatrick, 14, GJ, 8, Bob Mills, magazine writer.......... substitute for our dear ‘ Dear old the most sanitary conditions. .......... .................. Pete Gabriel the U. B. parsonage Monday morning 678, 422.92; Homer Mason, 11, RG, 8,- larger S. P. depot to lx- done in time can be widely adopted with for summer season. 552, 419.24; Wm. Maxwell, 27, GJ, 8,- by the Rev. W. O. Woolever. Mrs. Reese, landlady . ..Ruth Gould ;> A. T. Dolan of Tillamook was down 265, 410.18; Kiger A Josi, 17, GH, 10, Jerry Smith, from “Over There”.... ♦ ♦ ♦ ........................... Wesley Tippin Charles O. Woods and Edna I. Hay 560, 405.96; T. B. Wright, 7 GII, 9,303 giving estimate cost of putting con­ U. B. CHURCH Liz, Mrs. Reese’s stepdaughter.... den were married at the home of 405.46; Frank Lundburg, 9, GJ, 8, crete basement under school house. Mrs. It. E. Marsh to building her ............................. Mary Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Doe Muzzy on March 952, 405.13; P. J. Sharp, 9, GJ, 8, a summer home on Park St. Sunday school 10 a. m. Come. “Bing” Dickson, Liz’s steady....... 512, 404.13. 10th. The ceremony was performed Frank Miller left for Hubbert on The Sunday school will put on a ERWIN HARRISON, Prop. The high pure bred cow for the ............................. Bruce Austin by the Re.v W. O. Woolever in th< business. great program Easter Sunday. year was owned by H. C. White of Wm. Denker, Tom ’ s uncle .............. presence of a large number of friends Preaching service for March 25 th ...................... Carlisle Stranahan and relatives. Jesse Woods and Co­ Beaver, She is Princess, a registered NEHALEM NEWS at Tillamook 11 a. m. Beaver 3 p. m. Alice King, Tom’s Aunt Glee Rusk Jersey and on two milkings a day she ra Hayden attended the bride and Pleasant Valley 8 p. m. Elaine King, Alice King’s ward.. groom. On Sunday a reception was produced during the year 13,138 lbs. High U nion board of the The SPECIAL of milk and 616.17 lbs. of fat. ...........................Hla Davidson tendered the newlyweds at the home ti Office: Nat’l Bank Bldg. Both Phones: Boll 43-,T The high grade cow is owned by school have re-elected the present A Sure Cure for the Blues.” Angela Scott, Bob’s fiancee.......... of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woods. The the coming of teachers for corps Ground Floor Prayer Meeting, Thursday 7:30 pm Mrs. Joe Donaldson. She is No. 20, a P. O. Boa I0T ............................. Leia Smith happy couple is receiving the con­ seventh year W. O. Woolever, Pastor. gratulations of their many friends. Jersey and during the year produced year, This will be the This is a comedy with a modern 14,149 lbs. of milk and 694.21 lbs. of in which Miss Stevenson has been setting, Tom Denker and Bob Mills ♦ ♦ ♦ fat. This cow also was milked twice one of the teachers. The others are PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH two ex-service men, have failed to The Kill Kare Klub was entertain- Miss Svenson and Mrs. J. B. Stam. , get back their old jobs and have ed March 15th by Mrs. C. J. Ed- a day. Fred Witte who has been absent The only purebred herd in the as­ Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning pawned eevrything and are entirely wards and Mrs. Fred Poorman at a couple of years, recently returned worship 11 a. m., subject “The Com­ without money. L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop sociation was that of Homer Mason. the home of the former. from Germany bringing with him a How they climb out of these debts The rooms were decorated appro­ They are all pure bred Guernseys bride. They are making their home pulsion of Christ.” Evening worship and the amusing complications aris­ priately for St. Patrick’s day. Mrs. and consists of 3 two-year olds, 3 at present with Mr. Wittes sister, at 7:30, subject, “Going Home.” Complete Bet of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County This is Rev. A. A. McRae’s fare­ ing from their efforts form the plot Kuratli was elected delegate to at­ three-year olds, 2 four year olds and Mrs. Wm. Scholmcyer. 3 mature cows. This herd averaged well service, as this is his last Sun ­ of a very clever comedy. tend the state convention of Oregon Mrs. Clara Allen and son Ivan re­ The final scores in the debates be Federation of Womens Clubs at Med 8,552 lbs of milk and 419.24 lbs, of turned home Sunday rfom Astoria day and all friends of the church are fat. cordially invited. tween the high schools of the west­ ford May 22 to 25. Class A mature cows making 500 where the latter has been a patient Everybody welcome. side district for district champi in­ Two very interesting papers were in a hospital suffering from middle ship were: read. Mrs. A. K. Case and Mrs. A. lbs of fat. Twenty highest are Mrs. Joe Donaldson, No. 20, GJ, ear disease. He is much improved. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Beaverton 8 points, Tillamook 6 A. Pennington taking the negative W. H. Holmes returned from Port ­ points, Dallas 5 points, Forest Grove and affirmative sides of the question 14,149, 694.21; Joe Williams, Blacky, land Thursday after consulting a GH, 15,660, 684.69; W. P. Walker, GREAT SERVICE PLANNED FOR 3 points, Vernonia 2 points. “It is Right to Free Criminals ?" M leo specialist. SUNDAY The April meeting will be at the Queen, GH, 16,853, 679.16; E. We are sorry to say that our Bas­ Every house in or near Nehalem home of Mrs. David Kuratli, Mrs. nig, Buttercup, GJ, 12,190; 645.7! ; is occupied. People recognize the The minister is leading his mem­ ket ball boys did not win the State H. H. Rosenberg tieing the assisting Hunt A Durrer, Bessie, GD, 11,269, fact that this is one of the most de­ bership in a Pre-Easter Evangel­ Championship, after winning the dis­ NEARLY NEW 639.97; Durrer & Son, Dot, GJ, 13,- hostess. istic Program,in which each one is trict. Nevertheless they gained a sirable spots in the state. 021, 638.54; Eric Glad, Sally, GJ, 12,- ♦ ♦ ♦ REMINGTON STANDARD Forest LaHM to taking an enforc­ trying to win a Soul for Christ by great deal through the experience, Mrs. Edna DeSart and Miss Geor­ 282, 618.85; H. C. White, Princess, R ed vacation on account of a severe Easter Sunday. and this will enable them to be a gia Barry entertained in honor of St. J, 18,188, 616.77; Dave Fitzpatrick, Cl ase of tonsilitis. Subject for Sunday morning at 1 1 stronger team next year. TYPEWRITER, NO. io. Patrick and tin Tillieum dub at Daisy, GJ, 13,297; 616.23; Durrer A o’clock “The Last Utterances of a se- W. H. Hemeldorf received IN FINE CONDITION. their home at their apartments in Son, Jewel, GJ, 14,729, 591.60; W. P. veic sprain of his knee last week Christ.” Subject for Sunday even­ lllllllllllllllHlllllltlllllllllllllltlllllillllllllllKIIIIIIIIII'illtlllHUIIIIIIIIIilllillllllllll, PlaBker Court on March 14th. A Walker, Linnie, GH, 14,637, 582.66; while working at Camp 4. He will ing at 7:30, “The Value of a True X X ATTRACTIVE PRICE. ANNOUNCING A very pleasant evening was spent at Hunt A Durrer, Blindy,, GJ, 10 448, be unable to work for a couple of Friend.” bridge, Miss Margaret Coates and 581.89; Durrer A Son, Beauty, GJ, SPECIAL SHOWING The Pastor and the Official Board INQUIRE----- Miss Esther Sandstrom being award­ 12,950. 577.01; Frank Blaser, Dora, weeks. J. Mead and family spent the extend a hearty welcome to the pub­ OF W. GJ. 10,266, 565 10; Gus Wicklund No. I ed prizes. Every detail of the de lic and to strangers. week end in Portland. licious luncheon which followed did 22, GJ. 11,120, 562.69; E. J. G- : . >-r, While H. ij. Sisel, GH. 10,677, 557 04; honor to the patron saint of the eve The annual congregational meeting BLAINE SPIRIT White ning, as did all the appointments of Babe, GJ. 10,558, 555.41; H. C. of the Presbyterian church will be I YValk Boney. GJ. 10,952,541.75. Louis the table. Mr. Laben was badly scalded re­ held in the Guild Hall, Thursday eve­ s The invited guests were Miss lie- er. Minnie, GJ. 11,879, 542.86; J |; cently when a .«team pipe burst in ning March 29th. A dinner will be s SATURDAY. MAR. 24 Ml. Lommen, Snowball, GH, 12,585 ora Phillipi and Miss Esther Sand­ seried in connection to which all the his mill. = strom. The members present were 78. The Bedortha family and Mrs. R. members and friends of the church ('lass H. Cows 4 years old making the Misses Bertha Collins, Una Em Woods were visitors at the home of are cordially invited. ereon, Grace Ricketts, Belle Wilson, 400 lbs of fat. Ten highest are: Kiger Mrs. O M. Burbank last Sunday. A Josi. Nora. RH. 18,095. 6t2,50. E Margaret Coates. Mae Clcmo, There W. L. Bedortha, his two sons, Ches se Gaylord. Edna Mills, Gladys Ed­ J. Geinger, Migget, GH. 10,611 543.88 ter and Chrystal, Ed McLoughlin and Gus Wicklund, No. 15, GJ. 11,258, itor, Edna Hammon, Georgia Barry, Johnny Barber all left for California and Mrs. Edna DeSart. The club 542.84; Dave Fitzpatrick. Bo»s, GJ. Monday morning. March 19. They 9,004. 517.52; Frank Lundberg, Mi ­ will meet April fourth with Miss Gay ami, GJ, 10,744, 513.95; Joe Willliam» will go by way of Salem. Better stay lord in the Tile» Apartments. Marigold, GJ, 9,920, 400 42; Gus clear of there boys! • • • If you are a “Native Born” American Citizen Emma Iwipin was a visitor at Ca- Wicklund. No. 29; GJ. 11.6-5. 488.20; The L. D. club was entertained Fri­ Alfred Zwald. Rose, GJ. 9,28«. 4*2.- <>ns last Saturday. having the best interest of your community, City day afternoon at the home of Mrs. 20; Hunt A Durrer, Bo-Peep, GG, 7,- Miss Linhart and Mrs. Ellis and State and Nation at heart, owing no allegiance t( Geo. Lamb. Mrs. Bert Ixm'h assist 601. 480.32; Gus Wicklund. No. 1*. G daughter were visitors at Troutmans 28 -W any foreign Government, political party, sect, creec ing Members preeent were: Mes- last Sunday. . 41018 or ruler, and engaged in a legitimate occupation dames Anderson, Armentrout, Boone, The boys and girls are competing Thirty two four year olds produced Bunn, Breeden, Gabriel, Addie liar (1 >ver 400 lbs fat. and believe in: in a contest for young maple trees, ris, Hosley, Hoy, l,amb, l«ach. ('lass C. Three year olds making which will be planted around the Prevention of fires and destruction of property: Moulton. II. H. Rosenberg, Styles and 350 lbs. fat. Ten highest are: Philip school grounds. The girls are ahead by lawless elements. White. One guest, Mrs. Stanley Im into im, GG, 0,941, 9T9.41; so far Go to it boys. Lamb. After an afternoon spent with The Tenets of the Christian Religion. The state calf club leader gave the Homer Mason, Linnie RG, 10,278, 533 work the hostesses served a delicious White Supremacy. ■ Wm Glick, Maggu . KG. 8.982, boys and girls a short talk on club lunch. The club will meet with Mrs 503.58; Eric Glad. Sally Jr. GJ, 8,- work Monday afternoon. D. H Ken Protection of our pure womanhood. Moulton the 6th of April with Mrs T>I. 180.01; Homer Mason, Alma. Il nedy was also present and gave a Just Laws and Liberty Frisbie as assisting hostess. ( 1, 10,378, 464.32; Alfred Zwald Grace short plea for the cause, Take no- ♦ ♦ ♦ C loser relationship of pure Americanism ( ¡J, 8.M2. 446.53; Frank Blaser, Dai- tice boys and girls; get into the club The members of the Harlequin The upholding of the Constitution of the Unit y, i.1 AMI c ■ ii Iota Fitz work. club entertained their hud>ands at a Everyone in Blaine was in good ed States. Patrick l.ady, GJ, 8.671. 498.64; Al dinner at the home hf Mrs. Geo. spirits Monday morning; no one was fi10.17; Neilson Bros , yillie RH, 13,- cent article in Forbes suggests, from I'elgary, Minneapolis and lais Preventing unwarranted strikes by foreign l> 721. 405.80; F. H. Pinkstaff. Topay. well take a leaf from the book of Angeh-s GH. 8.758, 399.20; Homer Mason, Ro bor agitators telephone talker. • • • etle. RG, 8,271, 996.10; H C. Whit. Begin your letter, it advises, The limitation of foreign immigration The Ladle« Aid of the Meth ”at>y, GJ, 7.021. 401 24; T B. Hyder you do a telephone conversation, The much needed local reforms. church met this week at the hot Tilly, Gil, 9.034. 387 .34; Homer Ma this: Mr» Hamrick with akaiut 2,5 l Law and order «on. Pride, RG, 7.623. 386.7»; Josi A Good Mor mine, Mr. Reader General line of l*r» present. Mr» W E. Noyr Pernn. Rose, GH, 7.270, 979.66; Nelson C. Durand speaking You are invited to become a member of the most »¡»ted the haste»». It was decid Frank lundberg. Hetty, GJ, 7,199. Declaring that the idea ori this meeting to hold a cooked powerful secret, non-political organization in exist- 374.76; E. M la-onuig. Beauty, RJ, at a recent Direct Advertising »ale thi* Saturday. 6.674 , 979.69. ence, one that has the “Most Sublime Lineage it vention, the writer ute« several • • • Forty one two year olds m« «ons for adopting the change; History, one that was “Here Yesterday, Here To The Woman*» club will meet n< it over 300 lbs fat. “It helps dictation. Repeat day, Here forever.” Wednesday. March 28th at the home Mowing Machines, Dines and Harrows telephone salutation aloud, as of Mra. F. C. Each At thi» time Mr» for dictation, and note the mental < Stranahan will read a paper on the of telephoning. Both Phones “Influence of Missionaries on the TUUmtok. Oreges "it makes a more readable lette. Early Settlement of rOegon " Mi»» The cheery ‘Good Morning’ says somt Helen Wheeler will play a piano ao ' MANY SOCIAL EVENTS TAKE PLACE THIS WEEK COUNTY NEWS ITEMS I I Health Insurance Drink More Milk THE GOLDENROD DAIRY PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO ? For Sale $ I EASTER MILLINERY I $ $ THE HEADLIGHT Tillamook, Ore. Miss M Patterson Think It Over! LIME LAMB SCHRADER CO And Real Service THE BUNGALOW CAFE A. W. Plank Hardware Haidware, Pilots, Oils, Varnishes and Glass For further information address Box 634, Tillamook, Oregon