THIS ISSUE, 8 PAGES vr’t’O 4- K. - 1 kaMiflljt *1 FRIDAY, MARCH 16 T fernuci x 0, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH » > Dr. Boals reports the birth of a daughter, Jeanette Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Verne Larson March 2nd. Dr. Michaux, of McMinnville was in the city today. Mrs. F. P. Hobson was in town Thursday from Garibaldi. Mrs. G. E. Hart returned Wednes­ day evening from Springbrook. Mrs. Hubert O’Dell is visiting rel- atives in McMinnville this week. The Everyman’s class which meets every Sunday morning in the City Hall is planning on a big time next Sunday morning at 9:45 Mrs. Stanley Lamb was in from Portland this week to attend .he fu­ neral of Alice Daniell. Mrs. J. G. Turner is visiting Portland this week. in Millard Nendel and his mother Mrs Nendel spent a few days this week in Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoskins nc- companied Captain and Mrs. Farley on a trip to Astoria Friday. They returned Sunday. H. W. Speare has been reported as being quite ill this week. C. B. Wiley left Tuesday n.orning for California to look after pr iperty interests there. Mrs. Peter Schrunz of Rockaway visited at the W. H. Hoskins home. The community chorus will meet regularly every Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E. E. Koch at « p. m. Singers invited. I BLAINE NEWS Joe Hollett had about decided re- cently he would have to buy a new car when he discovered he hail been driving with the brakes on. I Mr. Logan, the cheese maker from the Upper Nestucca, who was scald­ ed some time ago, is doing nicely. -J Mr. Fitch will leave for Oregon City soon. He and his son will dortha’a for dinner Sun PHige cars. Adv. day. Olie Woods was a visitor nt the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ayers have an home of his parents last week addition of a baby girl to their fam­ Olie Woods took the fatal steps of ily. They have a total of four girls , matrimony March 10. Former Miss now. Robert, Adeline and Wilma Bedor- Hayden was the lucky girl. tha were visitors at Aunt Edith Bur­ Adam Lapin, 11. N. Smith «nil G bank’s Sunday. E. Mitchell went to Salem Saturday March 10. Mrs. Impin wiP i ’ u to California providing they can get out of Salem. I i : i i ,1 I Blaine Sunday Hchool had a g"< d attendance last Sunday Thee wcri 15 present. when consul tution is with out Health Insurance I Drink More Milk MILK IS SOMETIMES REGARDED AS FOOD FOB TEE CHUD ONLY. IT IS FOOD FOB THE ADULT—FOOD FOB TOT, AGED ALSO. IT CONTAINS MOST OF THE ELEMENTS ESSENTIAL FOB THE MAINTENANCE OF TOT. HITMAN body at all periods 3B0WTH IT IS LN EASILY DIGESTED FORM. I Think It Over! »• If you are a “Native Born” American Citizen, having the best interest of your community, City, State and Naton at heart, owing no allegiance to any foreign Government, political party, sect, creed or ruler, and engaged in a legitimate occupation, and believe in: Prevention of fires and destruction of proptrey by lawless elements. The* Tenets of the Christian Religion. White Supremacy. Protection of our pure womanhood. Just Laws and Liberty Closer relationship of pure Americanism The upholding of the Constitution of the Unit­ ed States. The Sovereignity of our state rights. The Separation of Church and State. Freedom of speech and press. Closer relationship between Capital and Amer­ ican labor. Preventing the causes of mob violence and lynchings. Preventing unwarranted strikes by foreign la­ bor agitators The limitation of foreign immigration The much needed local reforms. Law and order istence, one that has the “Most Sublime You are invited to become a member of the most powerful secret, non-political organization in exist­ ence, one that has the “Most Sublime Lineage in History,” one that was “Here Yesterday, Here To­ day, Here forever.” You can well afford to drink more milk because It is the cheapest food In world in comparison wHh ita vwlon, milk we eeU is straight tram the farm— rrom tested eowe—shipped and kept under the most sanitary conditions. I * I charg" Kind out. \LVN6S SALIVER IV »TOMACN \ OMCDIM VSPLEEN XsiONlVS \eowtit AWESOI» ■AOOCN munti H L. Babb *£ 211 TILLAMOOK BLDG. Both Phones. Res. 5fi J Branch office at Garibaldi Tuesday, Thursday Evening THE GOLDENROD DAIRY ERWIN HABBISOS, Proa. * A. W. Plank Hardware General line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Glass Mowing Machines, Discs and Harrows Both Phones For further information address Box 634, Tillamook, Oregon Tillamook, Oregot tt Otucei Nut’l Bank Bldg. Ground Floor You need these protective features eveiy day Both Phones: BeU 43-J P. O. Box 197 PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County I You cannot afford to k-x another day pass without at least sotnctlimg about the wonderful protective features of West Coast Life’s Perfect IVotcrtion Ptihcv These feature* vitally axiccrn yixrr interest.»— whether you realize it or not. Sere! the cou­ pon now .ui! k-arn gist th» rrni.irkabfe policy will dr>fr< you. For Sale features of the Perfect Protection Policy NEARLY NEW Some .\nitirfU Weekly ability. incunu- during Pt-nuauii-nl I'Huibilitv (1) No more premiums to pay; (2) Monthly income for life; ( D hull amount of policy paid ar death. Acink-nud 1 \-utb of policy. REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER, no . io . dis­ Su iaea» V. eckty |«avm«nt*to cover low of time. (Hin will bring you more InfòniHilùjìi !• IN FINE CONDITION. ATTRACTIVE PRICE. INQUIRE IXnibfe full «mount THE HEADLIGHT Loss < rf 'mb, or »n;Kl, an result ot' accident; full amount of policy ixud at once, almv income paid for life, also full amount of policy paid at ueath. bld in Portland. Otto Nelson of Portland drove in to look after his house E. Wt ight of McM innvillv dro\e in to the beach to do »onn1 tv pair work on his home. The house of land located at Twin Ruck.- was kun ed to the ground Friday night. Dr. J. E. Reedy and wife of Till* IBook were Sunday visitor» Mr». C W Ros - of salt Air l«-;t for Purtlaial last week Mr*. Nettie Tompset of Twin Rocks is in Portland foi a few days i ; > i REFORMED ( III R< II Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morni.ig worship at 11, subject "Character lattes of Christ’s True Disciple.” A lanten sermon. Spevial mum « h by th« choir and male quartet. At 2 p. m the pastor will conduct service» •t Mohler. W. G. L1ENKAEM1EK. Pastor t I 1 » I Shoot Game zc? a Camera Oftentimes better hunting with a good camera than with a rifle. “Shoot” pic­ tures. and in later tears you will hate photos of people you hate met, places you have visited, scenes you have admired, and incident» you have witnessed, X\v sell good camera» in any size and at any price you please. E. KOCH druggist W est C oast L ife I * delay Why BUNGALOW CAFE Mr. and Mrs. George Kostic and baby were visitors to Tillani ok Sut urday March loth. I i: ACT TODAY CHIROPRACTIC WSPtCTS PBISSUBI ON SPINAL NtRVtS IK DISIASES Of tHt FOLLOWINO CPMNS-. For good meal and real service Th«“ Mnggam'l factory has twice as much milk ns it had I mh I year at this time. i HEALTH FOLLOWS ¡I The Baby's Picture INSURANCE COMPANY G. C. DAWES. DIST. MGR 115-31 Tillamook, Oregon. Treasured by All _Of AMERICAN STRONGEST _¿T m “ a N1~ÉS--- Send ihe Satisfaction Assured Harold J. Graves P. S. BOTH photographer Just received New Spring Mountings. Y’our Appt, by Phone. phones