FRIDAY- MARCH 2- 1923 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT The Wabbegwanna club met last Monday evening at the Oathout home with Mesdames Oathout as hostesses. Other members present were Mes­ dames Berky, Coe, Ford, Hanslmair, Larson, Matthews, Smith, Thomas Williams, Winslow, Keesee, Miss De Ford and Dumbell. After a very pleasant evening a light lunch wax enjoyed by all. • • e Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Sam Vlerick was delightfully ‘■urprisedon the occasion of her birthday, She had been given to understand that she was to go to Netarts with a num­ ber ot ladies of -.he Relief Corps. A car stopped at her borne for hei and instead of going to Netarts ax she had planned he was taken to th> F. C. Feldschau home where the la dies had gathered. The afternoon was spent in conversation and fancy work. The honor guest was pre seated with a large basket of fruit and a center piece. The decoration scheme was carried out In yellow Besides th« honor guest theer wer- present Mesdames Clarence Wagy, Lslle Lucas, Frankie Berry, A. D. Smith, Frank Heyd, Margaret Oat­ bout. J N. Ellison. George J^arson, Katie Stillwell, Fred Felds) hau «n’i Morris Leach. • • Sunshine club Dift at the W o. \v. hall Tuesday ufternon with thirty members present and four vis­ itors, Mrs. Arthur Travis, Mrs. Fred Travis Mrs. Al Bunn ami r.Ms. .Mag arrell. * The afternoon waxa spent in a social time. Tlio occasion being Longfellow s birthday. Mm. Clyde Craver recited ope of hlx poems. Mrs. Ella liandayy rendered a vocal solo. Mrs. Boone also gave a recitation The chief diversion ot the afternoon was a clever game In which Mrs C. B. Stanley won the first prize and Mrs. Frank Heyd the consolation. A dainty lunch was served by the host esses Mrs. Fred Berkey, Mrs. Mabie Craver and Mrs. Basil Mapes, The table was decorated with pussy Wil- lows, and red hatchets were used for place cards. e e e Ten of the Junior Boy Scouts of the various S. S. auspice« surprised thelrl eader, Rev. McRae, on last Tuesday night, Feb. 20, taking sand wiches and the wherewith for punch (of which it was surprising that ev­ en ten boys could consume nearly two gallons; as well as a big dish of Nabisco« brought out by Mrs. Me Rae, also the peanuts found In the "hunt** prepared by Mrs. McRae, who was Informed beforehand. The prize for the most found, a small pockethook, went to Virgil Langtry. Three other boys won boobys penny prise c.ndy packages. The Bible guessing game proved as exciting as the game of rummy and guessing of riddles. Rev McRae was unable to participate in the peanut hunt with his still sprained ankle gotten In the Boy Scout meeting New Years Day Those present to show their appreci­ ation of the past several months or ganization by brother McRae were: Paul Chilcott, Harold Craver. Earl Franklin, Virgil Langtry, Arnold Finch, Oren Rosenberg Floyd Ros­ enberg, Leo Hoag, Clarence Burdick and Lyle Conover. (Written for th* Headlight ) --------- 4-------- — ROCKAWAY NEWS Jake Davis was seriously injure-! having two ribs broken and bis chest crushed. Win. Sederberg is able to be out again after being laid up for the laut I I i wo »tj- with a -piained foot. G. A. Bolderlck passed away last - Sunday at the age of 87 ye^rs. 5 months and 4 days He leaves his widow Anna Bolderlck and on J A Bolderlck of Rockaway and two daughters Mrs. Chat les Hoffman of Hillsboro and Mrs. Keixh Abraham of Gaoton The Remains will be sent to Portland. NOTICE OF SALE In the Circuit Court of the State o; Oregon for the county of Tillamook Security Savings and Trust Company An Oregon Corporation, Plain tin vn. — Lillie M. Andrews, and Crayton 3. Andrews, her husband, Defendants. By virtue of an execution. Judg­ ment order, decree and order of sale Issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 5th day of February, 1923, upon a Judgment and decree entered In said Court on the Sth day of February, 1923, In favor ot Security Savings and Trust Company, an Oregon Corporation, plalntjff, and against Lillie M. An­ drews and Crayton S. Andtews, her hu.-band, defendants. for the sum of Twenty Eight Hundred Twenty Eight and 15-100 (12828.15) Dol­ lars, together with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 16th day of September, 1914, until paid; for the further sum of Two Hundred (1200) Dollars rea tenable attorneys fees; together with costs and disbursements herein In Martins grocery ot Garibaldi h based the store building of Turner for five years. Next Monday night Is regular basketball club meeting. All mem­ ber. arc a Keil to attc-ud. ---- - ♦—— Miss Vivian Anderson daughter of Rev. and i Ms. Louis Anderson of the Presbyterian church, arrlied here to visit at her parental home from Myrtle Point. Oregon. She Is a niece of Mr. Newton Andeison of this city ------------- 4-------------- The ladies of Rockaway commun­ ity church have oiganized the First Ladles Aid since the church waa bullj. They meet every Wednesday Miss ulia Parker ot Lake Lytle Ho­ tel is the hostess this wek SURE WE’LL GO WHERE? Tillamook Bitte.- y Station M.S. Terry SMITHY'S VARIETY STORE SPRING HATC Our shipment of new Spring Hats has just arrived. There are many beautiful shapes and effectsand we invite you to come in and look them over. The prices range from $2.95 to $8.75. Tudor Plate Silverware Thu» ia Community made silver- wear and bear« their 20 year re­ placement guarantee. We have complete sets, also separate pieces All correct service pieces come In beautifully designed boxes lined in blue A benutiful anti darable silver plute at a price within the reach of everyone. The 26 piece buffet set in the new portable case SI 7 25 AND YOUR OLD RANGE Puts a Colonial in Your Home BALANCE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Have You a Colonial in Your Home? Ask Your Neighbor, They Have One Rebekah Carnival Oddfellows Hall MONDAY. MARCH A New Line 1 SOMETHING DIFFERENT Imported genuine silk lace. Beau­ tiful pattern« in white or fleah col* or at the vary low price® of 9. IS, 18 cents per yard. Easter Is April 1st Our large stock of Easter candies and noveltie« 1« now ready for sale. Crochet Thread 5c Embroidery Thread 5 for 10c Watch our windows foi next Saturday's Special 500 Satisfied Customers in Tillamook County I I Saves fuel because it gets all the heat out of the fuel. The wide, shallow’ fire box, and the complete system of heat circulation attends to that, And what perfect baking this controlled heat assures. These are just two reasons why the Colonial is the range for your home. Made in the Northwest to meet Northwest conditions ÏÏ m J. R eurred In tbs ram of I —; nod also for th« ooete upon thia ) of ths Bast one half (E 1-t) erf BecUon Twelve (II) TowuAl« three (ly South. Range Serra (T) West Willamette Meridian; containing one hundred sixty (110) acres more or less. Now therefore, by v.rtcs of said execution. judgment order, decree and order erf sale. and U comphance with Uxe rereilti of said writ. 1 will on Saturday the «1st day of r-r-*1. 1»«», at the bow of 10:>0 o’eioek tn tbs forenoon thereof. at tha north door of tbs Oocrt house In Tillamook Qty, TUlaaxx* Oounty. State of Ore*on. wU at pubUc ancUon (subject to redempooc ) to tbs hlgb- eet bidder tor cash tn band. aU the right, title ecd tnterwte which tbe within aeoed defendants. or either of then bad on the 14th day of January. 111«. the date of tbe deed decreed to be a mortgage, hereto toreelosed. or since that date bad In or to tha above described property, or any part thereof, to aattefy aaid sxseotton, Judgment order and de­ cree, tat are st. coats and accruing coete. JOHN ASCH IM ■bertff at TlUnnook County Dated this list day of February 1»». Date of first publtent1<^ Feb. il 1*11, date of last publication March «X lift Œ3( FURNITURE COMPANY ?. TILE USERS, ATTENTION! Because of extensive improvements at the plant we are going to give you AN TRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY! to get that wet land on your farm tiled at a big saving. In order to turn pert of our big supply of tile into money we are PB going to sell them for a limited time only at CX7Y UBWflUH» r cash, Thia is something new in the history of the trade and may nev- happen again, eo act quickly and get your «hare.| TILLAMOOK CLAY WORKS TILLAMOOK HERALD t2 PER YEAR bells KODAK SHOP w!U be at the E B KOCH DRUG STORM after February X). Bigger and t'ester eervtoa Special ntten- tton to mall order*. Ire Md AusnwsoMle Union Saving, 9 Loan Agen, lucrano, ROSE J. WILKES, Resident Agent The Reliance Life Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH L1FÍ HEALTH and ACCIDK.ST INSURANCE Tillatnooh Hotel Lobby Rea Mutual Phone ? jq a. m to Jp m, A Drop of Solder Sometimes that’s all that’i required to restore a faulty radiator to normal efficiency. Neglect that needed drop and you pare the way for endless motor trou­ ble warped and ■cored cylinders, burned out bearings. excessive gas ■ .-"T BEFORE and oil consumption and last not least big repair bills. All the inevitable result of over heating caused by defective radjatoro. Maybe your radiator requires that needed drop of solder, maybe not- But why not play safe. Drive your car around and let us examine your radiator, we will be glad to do this absolutely without charge. Come today. WE LL be looking fob you GEORGE J. BURCHARD Tillamook, Oregon t I