Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 02, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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Mrs. W. F. Cain of Neakkahnl^
has been at the bedside of her moth­
er who is HCriouBly ill in Portland
Cleve Allen and wife took their
son Ivan out to Portland last week
to consult an ear specialist.
H. H. BoH«t and wife were bue!
nees visitors to Tillamook Friday laHt
Sidney Blanchard and wife have
recently purchased two lots ami a
cottage in the west part of town
from Mrs Lebow. The new owner
will take possession the middle of
March. O. A Erickson and wife who
have been occupying the property
the past two years are now anxious
ly seeking new quarters
Mrs. Sidney Smith of St. Helens,
iH visiting relatives here this week
Mrs. E. B. Gresham
daughter Crystal to Portland last
week to consult an occuliat
A stage line from Nehalem to
aide will start March 1 under the
management of George Smith, Stage
leaves here at 10 a. m. or aS soon as
boat returns from
Wheeler after
meeting the morning train from Till
amook and is scheduled to arrive at
Seaside at noon.
John Bozarth of Bay City read an
interesting paper on Knighthood at
the anniversary meeting of the K. I’.
lodge here Monday evening, Febru
ary 19.
Dr. McGee 1» again back at work
alter an enforced vacation of several
weeks duo to an automobile wreck
in which he and Mrs. McGee wen
the main participants several miles
south of Tillamook. He says he is
glad to be back after seeing how the
The little son of Mr. and Mrs
world looks upside down.
Eiull Anderson sustained a cut on hit
forehead Feb. 19, by falling on the
cement steps.
Emil Larson made a bUBiness trip
to Tillamook early this week.
Coal Creek camp Is getting ready
to reopen at an early date, 't he rail
road is being extended up Into new
timber and booh it will assume its
old time busy air.
The crew of men at work on the
Nehalem ami Weheier bridgé are too
busy to talk. Work I h being pushed
and every effort is being made to
have the bridge ready to turn over
to the public by July 1st.
Couch Archie French of the local
achoole Is said to be somewhat undei
the weather.
Kd Junos now horneshoelng shop
A good horaesboer. Third nnd Kt ill
well Ave.
21 itp
llowurd Williams I h reported
being sick la Portland.
Harry Gllharn loft for New Orleans
yeeteidiiy evsnlng on leceipt of thè
iiowh of thè HerioUH lllnss of hla fritti
«r al thut pince.
O F. Fnlkonberg, a brother in law
of O 11 i'oterHOn accompanied by
Mrs. Falkenberg, was In the city fm
il few days this week Mi Falken
berg I h conected with the road de
partnieiit of Multnomah county.
hundred (*5()0) suit money and at
torney'a fees, and the further sum of
Eighteen hundred (*1300) Dollars,
payable in installment payments of
Seventy five (*75) Dollars pei month
beginning May 10th, 1921, and the
fuiiher sum of Forty eight
Dollars, damage and costs, and the
costs and disbursements of and upon
this writ, and that there is now due
an unpaid balance of six hundred
fifty (*660) Dollars on this judg­
ment. commanding me to make sale
of the following described property
An undivided two- thirds interest
in and to Lots 4 and 5, in Section 36,
in Township 3, North of Range 10
west of the Willamette meridian,
containing 70-60 acres in Tilamook
County, Oregon-
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment, order, decree
and order of sale, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I
will on the 31st day of March, 1923,
at two o'clock P. M. at the front door
of the County Court House in the
City of Tillamook, County of Tills
tnook and State of Oregon, sell at
public auction to the highest biddei
for cash in band, all the right, title
and Interest which the within defend
ant has n and to the above described
real property, or any part thereof, to
satisfy aid execution, judgment or
der and decree, interest, costs ac
ci ue<! interest and attorney’s fees.
Dated thiH 1st day of March, 1923,
No. 2948
at Tillamook, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Sheriff of Tillamook County Oregon for the county of Tillamook
First publication March 2nd 1923. H. L Christenson. plaintiff
last publication March 30. 1923.
H. J. Pies and Lillian Pies, his wife
and Olin Van Schoonoven,
Notice in hereby given that the
County Court of Tillamook County
By virtue of an execution, judg.
will until 10 o’clock a. m. March 9, ment, order, decree and order of sale
1923, receive bids for the furnishing
issued out of the above entitled court
of material and building pile bulk­
In the above entitled cause, to me
head on the Bay Ocean Road
directed and dated the 9th day of
Alternate bids will be accepted for February, 1923. upon a judgment
Labor and material complete; Driv­ rendered and ordered in said Court
ing piling. Driving piling and plac­ on the 5th day of February. 1923.
ing plank. Furnishing plank, Furn­ in favor of H. L. Christenson, plain­
ishing piling
tiff, and against H J. Pies and Lil­
No bld will be accepted unless ac­ lian Pies, his wife, and Orin Van
companied by cash, certified check, Schoonoven, defendants, for the sum
or bidders bond for an amount equal of six hundred (*600.00)
to at least 6 per cent of the total with Interest at the rate of 6 per
amount of the bld.
cent per annum from December 3.
The right is reserved to reject any 1918. and the further sum of one
and all blds or to accept the bid hundred (*10000) dollars with In­
deemed beet for 'Tillamook County. terest thereon at the rate of 6 per
Finns and specifications may be cent per annum from the 5th day of
seen at the office of the County Clerk February, 1923, and for the further
H 8. BRIMHALL, County Clerk sum of twent-yseven and fifty hun­
First publication Feb. 23, 1923; dredths (*27.50) dollars costs and
disbursements and the costs of and
last publication March 9, 1923.
Blow ’em out
for less money
l^TOTHING easier when you use Pacific Stumping—
’ the new du Pont explosive. We know because
other farmers around here have done it.
Stick for stick, Pacific Stumping gives you
sticks for each dollar with approximately the same
strength as any standard stumping powder.
Clear your land with Pacific Stumping. The result is
lower cost and better results and it’s non-freezing and
Just consider our store headquarters for information on
du Pont dynamites for land-clearing and ditching work,
and let us take care of you. We’ll give prompt service.
•««Mad WMK Woad*> temda
!) M ranwtlad qtf th* aietoot A at PC*
1 of Manrtcp that (h«y *eM tato battit
*Vh woortatt »wnröa, •»< (bay «night
■ M* kill Chair «Mtataa.
Tba Aateci
■ar» • harem wecUba r»-» Tlietr re
■tfkm «■■ tie maat tx^-ltfiirsty th«
weald haa te«r iaawn Tha templa«
ttodr (a4* *■■• acaUerad tiuuUKh
an* •“ land, aud thmiaanda of human
bMn^a win ancrUt'ad every pvir upon
thW altara Ttoj vtuttma wirv
M fwtouoex« (it wur. In tliuti Ost t o»
ttka 4 ate id triad to kill as fisw <4 tliqli
exaMuL* M peaMblo, liait they augLi
hart* more fi, aiutimi
1M9> Human I kirtaa lnrw>
«* M Vera Oust orerthrwu the A an*
kkifdisn and took pactiuoM’nl pistaaa :
M the ouuntry A m Hjsitii Th.
• ud <tf tba «ou mal ta ths Amndnliot'
«1 Chq IU"’« *Tbe Fair Gort.” by lien
l*< Wall^flg
., ____
make the sale of the following des
cribed real property, towlt:
-Beginning at a point on the eas
line of Lot eight (8). Section ten
(10), in Township Three (3)
“) West of
North, Range Eight (8)
Six hundred
Willamette Meridian. L.
sixty four (6«4) feet north of the
quarter section stake on the south
line of said section 10. and following
thence the meanderings of the south
bank of the Salmonberry and Neha­
lem rivers in the following course»
north forty tour degrees (44 degrees)
seven minutes (7') west six hundred
thirty four and four tenths (634.4)
feet; thence North seventy eight de­
grees (78 degrees) four minutes
(4') west, two hundred twenty five
and two tenths (225.2) feet; thence
south eighty degrees (80 degrees)
thirty four minutes (34‘) west three
hundred fifty two feet and six
tenths (352.6) feet; thence south
seventy one degrees (71 degres) fif­
ty two minutes (52’) west, three
hundred twenty six and two tenths
(326.2) feet to the west line of Lot
8, thence south on the west line of
Lot eight (8). three hundred and
nine (309) feet; thence north fifty
one degrees (61 degrees) thiry sev­
en miutes (37’) east, three hundred
ninety five and lour tenths (396.4)
feet; thence North eighty degrees
thirty four (34 ) east, three hundred
fifty two and six tenths (362.6) feet;
thence south sixty one degrees (61
degrees) forty minutes (40’) east,1
two hundred and fifty and three
tenths (250.3) feet; thence south
forty nine dgerees (49 degrees) thir­
ty eight minutes (88') east five hun­
dred seventy nine and seven tenths
(579.7) feet; thence north one hun­
dred fifty Beven and three tenths
(157.3) feet to the place of begin­
ning, excepting from said boundaries
above given one (1) acre of land on
the west side of said tract, being a
strip of land of equal width on west
side of said tract, containing one (1)
Now therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment, order, decree
and order of sale and Inco mpliance
with the commands of said writ, I
will on Saturday, tbe 31st day of
March. 1923, at 11 o’clock a. m at
the North <loor of the County Court
House tn Tillamook County. Oregon,
sell at public auction (subject to re­
demption) to the highest bidder for
<ash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which tbe within named de­
fendant had on the 3rd day of De­
cember, 1918, the date of tbe mort-
gage herein foreejkiaed
date, had In and to th,
scribed property or any*?*
to satisfy said execuuoJj
Older and decree, fntsrett *
accruing coats
Dated this 9th day «
1923. First publ!(atloh ’
23, 1923; last nubile«®- J
Three Miles East of Tillamook, opposite [
wood factory
10 A. M.
.... - CATTLE
1 purebred Bull:
Artis DeKoi 273609
1 purebred Cow: Tillamook
Gem Pontiac 648646 ......
27 Grade Mature Cows
3 Grade 3-Year-Olds.
This herd has had five ooun
ty and one federal tuberculin
tests with no reaptors.
5 Brood Sows, some with pigs
4 Shoats and small pigs
--------- ----------------------------
1 Span black mares, n
and harness
Implements and Falfcl
1 2-H.P. Electric Mot«
1 Ford Light Delivery
3 unit Sharpies Milking;
chine, complete equips
16 Louden Sanitary Dritt
Cups, Pipe and Cowl
1 Hay Rake, 1 Tedder, |!
narrows, 12 Milk Cam
Other Toole and Impl®
not menltoned.
-- ■
This is a complete dispersal of all stock and;
chiuery on the ranch, no exceptions. Em
herd has been in Testing Assn, for year 1922
Free Lunch at Noon
Under $25, Cash. Over $25, 90-day bath
note at 8 percent
Ze have purchased 122,(X)0 pair cd
. 8. Army Munson las’ shoe« sizes
1-2 to 12 which was the entire
u: plus stock of one of the la-gest
8. Government shoe contractors.
This shoe la guaranteed one hun­
dred percent solid leather, color
dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and
waterproof. The actual value of
this shoe I h *6. Owing to this tre-
inendous buy we can offer «ime to
the public at *2.96.
Send correct size. Pay p<j«tin*e
on delivery or send money order, if
shoe« are not as represnted we will
promptly upon rquest. __ ____
If you anticipate buying nything 4^ .the lint of cutting ta
chinery, or farm implements of any kind, it will pay you:
investigate our prices, We can save you money. We haut
the famous Moline Line.
Williams & William
Lowest priced Sedan on the market equipped with Fishe
body. Completely equipped with dash light, sunshad;
peedometer and silk curtain in rear.
for Ecnnomiral Tr<in<f<«rl4>
To th« «tibscrlbei» of the Tills
monk Co Mutual Telephone
ginning March 1, 192*. an advance
of 26 cents on each phone will take
8 A
In the Circuit Court of the Stai» <4
Orngon fur th« (\>unly of l'll|ani<H>k
Alfred K Kinney, ríalotIff
Unie Kltiabeth Kinney, l>ufendnnt
Dy virtue of an cxvculion. Judg
ni^nt. order, des roe and order of salt
piaued out of the abofe entitled Court
in the above entitled eauw to me di
reeled and dated the 19th day of Feb
ruary, 1929. upon a judgment and
detrae rendered and entered In mild
Court on the Tth day of*May, 1921
tn favor of Alfred F Kinney, plain
tiff and agninat Siale Klltabeth Kin
ney. defendant, for the rum of Five
Sheriff of Tillamook Coim, '
Forest Grove, Auctioneer
29« Broadway, New York N
Aaally Hot Mia F ault.
Ute lata fautor Owtghtnn, bishop nf
Leadi®. once nwute a vtstt to Puttier
RtantraiM ehnnti In High IliMborti, a
Mat rttimfistle iwwnnlaatlon.
terrier wan qnttr tu tila liking, Isit
teatbar Mann« talked ao non that he
•M nut bave a chance tn «ay anything
aatD ha got Into hla carriage to gi'
9*0 Than be mroark.rl
-1 ijka
pour Mfviiv, Stanti®, but I dont like
yw* huvri*"
-vwn. Borri, my lora vwy worry "
rwpflwd Father Rtnntor, adtanlaalvcty.
•^ail H to th« 'dry t««t I >nn got fur
f atdillntfa ami A pane« a pound.“
upon this writ commanding me to
Thurs. Eve. Mar. 15
Good music, Hefreshments, Hardwood Floor. Given bv
Tillamook Lo<lge No. 1260 L.O.O.M.
G. H WARD, Chairman
€ ha\e|one in stock, let ns demonstrate
bryson - link motor co
At A. Hudson Garage