2_____ ____________ ŒiUamook jRabliÿjt An independent newspaper published every Friday by the HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING CO. Tillamook, Oregon I I elephones: Pacific States, Main 6S Mutual Telephone Leslie llarrison. Editor Entered as second class mail mat ter tu the postoftice at '1 lllumook, Oregon. I i SUBSCRIB I ION RATES One year ............ -......——------ - —12.00 i Six oiohthi. 1.06* Three ¡.lontb» ............................... <•] Fayable in advance AMERICAN klEGIOtV. USING WASTE WOOD. UNIVERSI I Y OF OREGON, Eu gen« . F. I>. 1 So hu <<» «lui I uik been th" pio.) « dl.'-iovrie.l and pel filled by I’lol. O. 1 .Stalloni, lend ol the cheinintiy department, tor the util italioti of waHte wood in tlie pio dilettoti ol charcoal and wood dl.+ tilllltli.il predili Is, llillt one ot the this two tilg cm po.alioiiH utilizing iiielhoil on n conimeli lai »cale will soon luci ease the .upii. it) ot Ils plant. I c iinvBSc'e . This compuuy is the Eanttnuli Co. pot al ion, a Hiibsidl.u y o( the EiiHtuuin Kodak t oinpaiiy. The plunt, located al Kings pen t, lenii, liiw a lapacity at preaenl Of tt- JVV cold«, daily lillà will be c'lniaed With the lionallal Ion ol livw equipment, in. ,'idiig to word liuti lemlied Hie cn pile Illi week Since I’tof. . -I' l mid the linn. ot Bortoli •ngiueei’i beblud him i deniouHliuted ihul his proieaa waul leading pi inti, utile loiiiineici il>, the Eui'liiiun <oi pomi ion to tMlub i lieti an in.liiHirlul conivi ul King* i pon, then ha« l>< et. a marked de veiopinaut at tin- i tqiu e*«'« vil). A Vliluge, coiiulHlIig Oí Ibllt) out» modem liou.»e<., «-» vunsirucltd Cori employee» ot the plant, i hr Villilgc ifotfidviri the will bouse 166 p<» on cotoni uctton o( tin vlllugi'. a nival. ileal ol otii.il i in tn a. woik buri hern uiidei taken In tile plant Ils. II. lTu( Stuitonl was tn King poit during the eiiiire period ol 111. iiii-iuRatloti oi th. n-ioii uii.i oili.i iquipmeut. uti.l Hus wo.k war UUileiiaK.n Uiidei hi» din . Iloti and th" l< »Is were luads U1.U< . hi.- nop« i v i lull. Solid, liquid and g.uxoii» products obtained b) the Stalloni prvee-wt ate Utilized 111«' ieUUca "i- kuKtuian plant sttaihe. tie giwaleM Itnpor lance u> tlie acetone and alcohol which ate u . in lire naauutactuie ot phot, grut'hi films, but tlie iliai eoa I and the unno, by products find a ready market. Coming * *■» V • r® Dr. Mellenlnm SPECIALIST I the in Internal Medicine past eleven ye Th*- Americ-.n Legion finished the! year 1922 with a membership of 7 4 5,1 203 ex service men enrolled In 11. DOES NOT OPE. TE 067 posts according to Lemuel Bolle I Legion ti 111".al idjutl.nt \'< w York Pennsylvania, Illinois,Ohio andMae- i uchusetts, in relative order, have the, Will be at Benson Hotel greatest number of Legionnaires. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY & !URS The Legion Is now organized In DAY. FEB. 6TH. 7TH A TH all states, Alaska.Oanal Zone,Hawaii I Otfice Herns. 10 A. M. to 1 1’. M. Philippines and in the following for eign countries: Argentine, Belgium, Brazill, British I les Canada, Chill*. China, Cuba, France Germany,Guat THREE DAYS ONLY etnala, India, Japan,Korea, New Zea ( land, Pei ii. Poland, Porto Rico,Port ugiiese West Atii'. - n:o Domingo, No Charge for Consultation Spanish Honduras. Turkey, and Ven ezuela. AT IT AGAIN The Portland I'eh r .tin. in tne of its recent issues, commented editoi tally on the men tie brought up at l lie present ses.-ion of the legislature whereby the adjutant eneral of the state could be removed from of flee at the option of tlie governor. In 1921 tire .stale law wu. changed so that the adjutant general could only be lemoved by court martial. The Telegram, as usual, is wrong in stating that the adjutant general cannot be removed by tlie process of court martial, for national guard regulations plainly allow toi the Hying of atij officer ol tlie national guard ol an) etale try a military C>urt compo. 1. it lleie. ary, of of by fleers detailed tor the purpose the War Department. What tlie is Telegram says to the contrary an untruth. The regulation» for the national guard of Ilin United States ue available in a city Ibe size of Portland and th editorial writer of ur uonlenipoi h 1 u . h 1*» have look up this ictei'iice bet -re coinmeiltilig • hi a subject with unfamiliar. Tlie presence al the bouse com mlttee meeting nt which a hearing was given on tlie new meastnc brought out a number of Interesting facts Two ex uljiituntH general of tlie state and one apparent aspirant to the position were the main con of tenders for the new bill. All I hem disclaimed any personal feel Ings in tlu- matter, but said that they lnul only Hie lie t imerests of the state nt heart. I'ast records of these three however, would tend to contradict this. Genet ul White Ims had charge Ol i In office of adjutant general since a short time after tlie World War mill lias attained tin excellent record in building up (lie state military fori c i to their pre • III etai.durd Ills duties should not be Interfei red witli by politics, ns the Telegram would luive It. ♦ The meeting held tlilr week tor the purpose of dlKi'itrsiii. tin- follila Hon of a port in Tillamook < Hy 1« a move In Hi<- right direction. Only by th<- formation of such a | and lh<- colisi in« t Ion ol ..alisf 11 niiKpoi i at Ion fu< illtles < ati mook county t" ahead l h< tiinents of the u<- men ai Illg Hie meeting wen- In favi harbor ImprovemuntH. with I aid, and It Is hop<-<i it them tiinents will crystal!/, in »onu delinife being done toi u hatb ♦ TTWAY. r^UAI'Y !». 1933 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Abilllettn brio-cl by the national Itisl.cli iv <• commit"*’ of the- American Legion, in explanation of the new adjusted com pen. it ion billintroduced by Congresnnan Fnar oi Wisconsin dec larer that it is the di\ty of con gresH to determine the mean of ral ng the Hinds. Many concerted attempt- have been made to induct, the legion toin dor. e some particular method of rals Ing government funds with which to meet adjusted compensation payment but the national legislative comm tttee have consistently refused to do this although representatives of two other veteran organizations have done so recently I he legion's policy has been tlw it Is the duty of con gress to determine the means of rals ing the funds and that this fuction doc- not come within the providence of our organization. Dr. Mellenthln is a regular gradu ate in medicine and surgery and is licenbed by the state of Oregon. He visits professionally the more Im porta t tow^iM and <iti« -. i d oflei> to all who ' all on this tiip fiee co» - illaion, except the expense of treat ent when desired. According to his method of treat ment he does not oper ■ or chronic appeti'IiciUs, gall ston< -, ulcere of the .-t n • i ’ll, tonsils or adnoids. He ha« 'o UI h credit wonderful re- ill« l c diseases of the . tomach, liv- er, bowels blood, skin, nerv• . heart, kidney, bladder, bedwettii atarrh weak lungs, rheumatism, > tica, leg ulcers and rectal ailmen if you h ve been ailln le ngth of nine and do not letter, do not fail to call, er measures rather than very often the cause of your standing trouble. long Remember above date, that con - ultation 011 this trip wll 1 be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be panied by tliclr husbands. Address: 336 Boston Minneapolis, Minn. accom Block. W.Eistet 1er, of elected presici NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS I , i’lesident Wilson used pen and I.ilei cut It to M i h . with liceth dal-, engraved Notice I k hereby given that tlie Wat r Commission of Tillamook City "lil receive sealed blds on cer- tain Improvements at the ii--i'ivoii 1 t1 Head Work of the city water main ,ei ordlng to plans ami cations on file at the City file at the City Hall. I filed on or before Feb 1923. at which time th 11 opened .mt read Sai li med by a cash bond is I to five peri- >• cointniiudoii re right ( reject any or all By dei of the Tillanu Commission. ■ ■ - l II. STANLEY. Sei-retary + NOTICE OF DRAINAGE HF.ARIJ"! I * ,d an exton .hereof to a point uth of The «on«» :«st «erner of ock 16, of A . Miller's Addition te tlie town ot T1 ■- . look, now Till* | oka * City, Oregvtr thence north to the Houthwwet eoru«.r of seid Block 16; thence east to '.be south «set < rMt of Block 16. of «id Miller e Addltiou; thence north to the north neet corner of »aid Block 16; thcuce at to tlie nortioMst • artier of said ! xk 13-; thmioe nortti to th» north east eoruair of Block 13 of said MiL- tar’s Addition; tbenee east to the eaat line ol Lot 4 to iPi Goodspued s l ark, according to the recorded plat thereof, thenoe south to • point 60 tent south ot the south line oi said Goodspeed's Park; thence west to the ii «rtheast corner of Block 1 of High L ind Addition to Tillamook City; thence south to the southeast corner o said Block I; thence west to the west line of said High Land Adrtf tion; thence oouth to the north line of Section 31 aforesaid; thence west aou feet; thenc outh 30 rods, more or less, to the north line of Tillamook Drainage Dlstr ct, as originally ee- tabllsbed; than«« «.'eat to the place ol beginning, ueferenoe to High Lund Addition all according to the recorded piat thereof. by striking out t .» description "f such lands and amending the decree of incorporation of such District so that the lr.rrtk Included by wild or der above mentioned of February 21et. 1919, shall no longer be a part that ot said District, and the boundary lines thereupon so be changod of such District sanio that the same shall be as ths were net out In the original decree for the Incorporation ot such DL titer, and unite» you aliow oause »o i lie contrary on or before the 1st d».j of Mai<6t. 1923, term of »aid Hi.. i ' i >ok O«unty Court, to be held on V, '■ ■*«< o' the 7th day of March 11'36, at ten o’clock A. M. ths pray of s-.id petition tuny be granted. II. 8. BIUMHALL, Oounty Clerk of Tillamook '>k County. Oregon. ------------ «-------------- 13t6 I' deceased ‘S NOTICE Notice 1» hereby given that th« undersigned ha« been appointed Ad lintetrator of the Estate of Frai Yach. deceased, by the County Court of Tlilamxik County. Oregon, and that he ha« qualified as such. All persona having claims against -aid Estate ate required to present the same, duly verified, to th dumigned tor allowance at the of flee erf Botts <* Winslow, Attorneys at bi*| -111*111004 City. Tillar minty, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publica tion of this notlca, date of first pub licatlon hereof be ng December 29t: 1922. LAWRENCE A. YACH, Administrator of the Estate Frank Yneh. deceased 1 St 5 -------------- *-------------- . ; SHINGTON DON- . . 2’• V KEY. WILL TAKE R, SHINGLES OR MAKE LIBERAL TERMS. o; 2ON BO' MFG. CO. 1 *4 Ivi acada ..Portland, Orc. A h T LET THE RAINY DAYS ST- IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS IN'SO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO * * GUR GOODS CALL US DAT OR NIGHT . : L vice :in<l reasonable rates. General line of MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS •dware, ?: ts, C>! Varnishes and Glass AND RUBBER WANTED ‘owing Machines, Discs and Harrows CASH PAID Both FOR ones Tillamook, Oregon HIDES, FURS SACKS, METAL, CHITTUM BARK, © □¿ir® y of Purity inqure BLOOM. FUNRNITURE CO ¿»swSjzyáSSt lrenomiraclesinccok- /hat goes into the food itably come out. Th ing. it boltinf» perfect ’'« 5rom the use oi ing Powder is nc Even è YOUR MOVING T ie City Transfer 31 Health To the Owmers and All persons |r forested in tho lands corporate and other property In and a ljment to i'lilaitiook Drainage District: You, and each of you. me hereby nottfl««t that the Board of Supet I mu of Tllliunook Dtnlna.;e Dlstilct of I'lllainook County, Oregon, Ims filed in tlie office of the County Clei k of Tillamook County. Oregon, ti petition praying the County Court *LK • :• "TIMES RSGAXDED AS FOOD FOR THE to ninond the docreo entered by the -ILD V : ? IS FOOD FOR THE ADULT—FOOD nounty Court of mid C. nnty on ttie FOR TH! AGED ALSO. IT CONTAINS MOST OF THE list day of February 1919. wherein nod whereby It vus ordered that the ELEMENTS "ME1TIAI. FOR THE MAINTENANCE boutidailue of acid Dial' ■■ District OF THE HUMAN BODY AT ALL PERIODS OF be extende.1 by Inch therein GROWTH. IT IS IN EASILY DIGESTED FORM. ty situate tn Tillamook sty. Ore ty »1* *i te In Ttllaaioof •«raty. Ore »M>. rett: Begikiilng »t a point *■ Net eiv>t o< tb> ’.vst line of Section 31 In You can well afford to drink more milk To vast p 1 wmth of FU i.ift 9 west, because It Is the cheapest food in W M w ' 30 rods south of the of mid soot 1 on, I •<-rt l«we»< aornw world In comparison with its value, ■wud point befug th« north« evt cor - milk we sell is straight from the farm— •‘COLD TEST" OIL nor ot the •«naiaaU fl thou v vntn from tested cows shipped and kept under ' What te meant ly tlie .d tret’ egp lAMiiet «» «lwaoilbed tn : m >><• tin' most sanitary conditions. of ali oil?" l tu« is . question wlilch t4ti<w tUuefor, and renuln^ tlwuioe tins to limile the average motorist, aorth to the north Ku«, oi sal.l gee olid yet tile explanation I comparii floti 41 : thouee mat to the west line ; live!) simple txteti.led of Third Avenue «net, tn in All lulu leming oils me di '• llktmook City. Orviwm and riunì Ing llftvcted it) change« ill tempeu thence uorth to a point 60 feet «eel A h tlie tern petal ut<< is lowered ■f the eontbweet corner nt 111 wk « putiti 1« reached al «hull tin of Thnjer'» Addition to what Is now ERVIN HARRISON. P.op. «•■asee to tlow. I he temperati! rilln.ie.H>lt City. Oregon, and running w hit h litis climi;’,«> tiTkes place ttaeuce oast along the south line of known a« the cold teat of the o aid •hay»«'» Addition, or Addition- Aflet the cur Im been left s1 ing (or sonie time In a temper below the "t-old test o( It« oil. mi congeal» to tin* consistency alea.-e Alni I h i .lime of tilt» gealeil oil lilm eu th«' lietirillg» cylindi't walls, tlu gitte I i n tiard i • »«art «ut eu Id motniiigs. Also, tin cliilled uu>l sluggish oil in Hie i tmikcase is too heavy to I-eeause ot ext« tisiv« improvement* at the plant we are going to give vot; ciriuliiteil by the oil pump. |il.o>iieii by ilie rev« iv u.g o anksli As ii result, tie engiu«- tail» t«> celte p«op<'l lubi tcatlou ibis cause -ord cylinders and burnt 1«.ii tugs, mid will certainly result in tl . n your farm tiled at a »ig saving. In order to turn excessive w« .i. >>n b, ,ii itig surface». So, duilng the cold weather sea 'I’lv of tile into money wt are rnttnf aon uow commencing It will pay the limited ttmi otilv at 1/IoUUuIlb lUoloiial to adopt a gOuvi cold test ft ’ ething new in the history of the trade and may oil. 1 h« Standard Oil Company t quickly and «et your share. ■ Ialina th.it Zendei.e No. I. 3 »nd 5. tine to ila iiwtoe, ha.-- one ot tlie lowest cold tests obtainable, and to ideally suited tor et. u in*. w> attici requireuienta ol the motorist. Whvn Alvin Owsley, American Ijglon nathuial national (ommamltr commander hr inovh* movie colony I Hollywood. (h< I I \ • I » l»I b ! H It V R In ailini by Mary Pickford nndDougla« I alibitnkH. In ndditioti to welcoming the l.«*glon head to Hollywood and bow Hu, him th«* >diidio? “Mary and Iknig** vnacled a t-horl movie in whnh Mi ()wrde_> waw a co lar.with ' Ilf | It-. 1:0 ip ¡»caring . ihc supporting cast Thia! film will bt‘ pre • liivd to the Legion- ami will be releHHcd to all po?’l« 1 through th« ir own exchange Following a luncheon ut one of the famous cataa ol I Mi Owalvy waa taken to tht can Legion Sladmni. where wvuomed by Legion officials Mayor C»>ci <»! L oh Angclon coil ing Leg CVi'l ion AT EAT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tilla-j monk. In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob Nicklaus, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the County Court of the State of j O. . on for the County of Tillamook has duly appointed the undersigned,1 ,'iniinistratrix of the estate of Jacob Nicklaus, deceased. All persons having claims against the said es tate are required to present them, properly verified, to the undrsi ned, at the offices of Barrick & ‘ all. stitte 7, National Building, ilia mook, Oregon, within 'six months troni the date of the first publication oi this notice. Date of first publication Jan. 1923. Date of last publication Feb. 1923. MAGGIE NICKLAUS, Administratrix 16t5 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice 1 b hereby given, that the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor Tillamook County, has appointed the undersigned administrator of the "itatt of Jobs Bumgarner, deceased, and any and all persons having ¡aim against t. said estate are re- quited to present te same properly verified, tocethei • th proper vouch ers, to the under: tied at the office of T. II. Goyne, Attorney al Law, in Till. • ok < ity, Oregon, on or be- f He i months from the date of this notice. Dated this 4th day of January. 1 923. RALPH BLUM, Administrator of the estate of John P miracle. •»r y the result of ab- sciuie >. uriiy entering the food — and emerging again. Ro; «nade 1 rom Cream of Tai arc ived from :<<apea. D 'ink More Milk TEE GOLDENROD DAIRY It Contains No À am Leaves No Eitler Taste $ GEMEVI $ *» 28 W LAMB-SCHRA1.-ER CO aking Utensil«, "¿r CLEAN PbrçrM result»« all metalware use TILE USERS, ATTENTION! cake Mo ^Ttste AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY u. PER CENT TILLAMOOK CLAY WORKS COI.IJX TIONS NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE .-EI ILEME.X-v m ade 11 b? Y WE COLLECT u e Sue in Our Own Name. orme KNIGHT ADJUSTMEh . CO. 1 lllsburo s Tillamook