FRIDAY, J ANU AJ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Six NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad-1 Wild Bsaarti Learn Early In Life That mlntf-trator of the Estate of Frank Man la a Creature to Yach, deceased, by the County Commissioner’s Report Shows Court Be Avoided. of Tillamook County, Oregon,, Civil War Men Are Fading. and that he has qualified as such. . It Is a slow-witted wolf that will al­ All persons having claims against low the huntej- to atch him napping — that Royal Baking said Estate are required to present' Among wolves, says $4,WCi,000 Leaa Paid to Veterans in the same, duly verified, to the un- I Persian King Maintained Relays nowadays. Powder is made from Enos A. Mills In I ls book, "Watched 1921—73 Soldiers Drawing Pen­ dersigned for allowance at the of­ of Mounted Men at Fixed by Wil l Animals,” the ‘‘«afety-flrat ►*» Cream of Tartar? fice of Botts 4 Winslow, Attorneys sions for Service In Mexi ­ motto appears to be: “Avoid being Stations. at Law, Tillamook City, Tillamook can War. Seen by a man; and never, never County, Oregon, within six months, —that Cream of Tartar is de­ touch anything thut carries rhe scent Washington.-—The American pension from the date of the first publican ■ rived from grapes—rich, ripe, of man or of Iron or steel." healthful grapes grown in So thoroughly have wolves learned system cost the public $255^01,602 lion of this notice, date of first pub- ■ that mun Ls likely to be dangerous during the fiscal year ended lust June llcation hereof being December 29th. the famous vineyards of that one night some hunters In Wyo­ 30, uccordlug to the unnuul report of 1922. southern France? the commissioner of pensions. Of this LAWRENCE A. YACH, North Dakota Postmaster Trace« ming were content to leuve a freshly Administrator of the Estate of Origin and Growth of Postal Sys­ killed elk lying on the ground In u amount $253397,583 wus paid out for That is why Royal is so whole­ Frank Yach, deceased. wolf-infested region, protected only by pensions, the cost of maintenance of 12t5 tem—Paul Revere’s Ride Cov­ some and healthful, why it -------------♦------------- a hundkerchief they had tle<] to one the system being $1,31)4,079. ered Regular Postal Route. Thut the number of pensioners is NOTICE OF DRAINAGE HEARING gives the food such a fine, of the horns, Another Instance u rapidly diminishing is shown Ln the To the Owners and All persons in­ hunter left a deer out all night In even texture and such a de­ Jamestown, N. D,—The earliest statement that $4,901,259 less wus ;-uld known postal system was thut rehib- wolf country and kept the wolves In pensions during the lust fiscal year ter. ,ted in the lauds corporate and licious, appetizing flavor. llslied In 559 B. C. by Cyrus the Elder, awny merely by rubbing his bunds thun during the previous year; that other property in and adjacent to Tillamook Drainage District: of Persia, who maintained relays over the carcass. ft Contains No Alum Coyotes also are wury; their keen 25,1/52 Civil war veterans died, as You, and each of you, are hereby counted men at fixed stations, against 24,775 fur the previous year, Leaves No Bitter Taste ready at a moment's notice to forward wits seem to be always uwake. One and that 21,259 widows died, as com 1 notified that the Board of Supervis- >f Tillamook Drainage District the king’s messages from post to [Hist, day a man carrying u gun strolled Into pared to 10,451 the year previous. I>r. IL A. Bolton, Jamestown post mus­ a field at an Isolated cattle ranch has The number of pensioners on the , of Tillamook County. Oregon, ter, said In an address nt San I’ran- where hunting was forbidden, The rolls June fk>, 1922, was 547,018, com­ filed in the office of the County Clsco before the Nutlonul League of uppeurunce of the mun differed from pared with 500,053 on June 3o the pre- ' Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, Postmasters, In which he traced the that of some men near • by who were lous your. Of these 193,881 were Civil -.1 j.' tition praying the County Court origin and growth of the |M>stal sys­ I carrying fishing poles, but the wise war veteruns; 271,194 Civil wur to amend the decree entered by the 1 Both Phones: Bell 4 3-J Office: Nat‘1 Bank Bldg. coyotes either scented or could dis- tem. widows; 45,053 veterans ol’ the Span­ ' >■: .ty Court of said County on the P. O. Box 197 Ground Floor tinguish knew what It the gun and lie snld that systems similar to thut ish-American war, und 0,198 widows of 21st day of February, 1919, wherein I estublbhol by King Cyrus, existed was for. Presently all hurried uwtiy. Spanish-American wur veterans. There and whereby it was ordered that the among the Romans In the time of Au­ While the gunner remained txt least were 73 soldiers drawing pensions for boundaries of said Drainage District gustus. IL C. 31, und a p->stul system one of trie coyotes sut where he could service lu the wur with Mexico and 49 be extended by including therein p’Bfl fully doyeloped In connection overlook the field. Within a few mln widows of soldiers of the wur of 1812. ty situate in Tillamook county, Ore -1 w|tb the great military roads; but like utes after the man had gone ull carne Several lmportunt modifications of ty situate in Tillamook ounty, Ore- the Persian, the Roman system of «trolling back. L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop. the practice of the pension bureau 1 gon, towit: posts ¿xlsted far the use of the state were brought about during the year Beginning at a point 20 feet east alone. Letters were not carried for CLEAR HOUSES OF ROACHES by departmental decisions. One de­ of the west line of Section 31 In [ private Individual^. cision held that a person who enlisted Township 1 south of Range 9 west,' Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County Comfnarelallzed IA Twelfth Century. 8peclea of Anta That Bring Their Own In the regular army subsequent to W. M., and 30 rods south of the Charlemagne established u postal Walcome In the South American April 22, 1808, and wus discharged on northwest corner of said section,' lu.France In 807 A. I»., but the Tropica. or before April 11, 1899, or who en- said point being the northwest cor-, first m-tunl letter-post for commercial Listed Ln the navy or murine corps uf ner of the original Tillamook Drain—j1 purposes nppenrs tn have originated "House-cleaning unts” are welcome ter Muy 4, 1808, and wus discharged lu the Hgusetowiju p curly tn the visitors In the South American tropics, prior to April 11, 1899, could be con age District, as described in the pe-| Twelfth century, and a century later for they hunt and kill the cockroaches sldered “u volunteer." Tills holding tition therefor, and running thence the University of Paris establishml an which Infest the homes there. Cock­ fuvorably affected hundreds of claims north to the north line of said Sec-; efficient i«>stal system which continued roaches cannot be kept out of the filed by widows and minors of soldiers i ■ tlon 31; thence east to the west linS extended of Third Avenue east, in 1 till the beginning of the Eighteenth houses ; they grow to unbelievable size, of the Spanish-American war. [ Tillamook City, Oregon, and running [ century. and they eat everything, Including In the lust fiscal year, 130,736 pen­ Chinn maintained a postal system clothing They even nibble at one’s face I sion claims were disposed of and 2,- 1 thence north to a point 60 feet west: froAi n very early date, and Marco or lips while one la asleep. 269,707 checks prepared and sent out. of the southwest corner of Block 30 Polo, n VoncHan traveler, tells 11s that The ants appear In hordes ut varied At the close of the year 82,015 claims of Thayer’s Addition to what ls now 1 In fils <1n\, about 1M0 A. D ttu-re periods, apparently from nowhere. A I under various pension laws were pend­ Tillamook City, Oregon, and running I were nbnut 12,000 post stations and strange fact In connection with their ing. thence east along the south line of i 800,000 horses for the use of the Cht- I corning Is that a tropical vurlety of said Thayer’s Addition, or Additions, j ncse governnient In carrying Its mes- blackbird with n very long tall is al­ and an extension thereof to a point 1 SOAP KING MADE AN EARL south snges, a fresh horse and rider being ways the forerunner of the foraging offhe southeast corner of| furnished every 25 miles. Block 16, of A. A. Miller’s Addition I ants, appearing In huge flocks. That fa The post olfice existed lu America the only time that these particular to the town of TUlamook, now Tilla­ from Its earliest settlement. Original­ birds are seen. mook City, Oregon; thence north to ly It wm merely n receptacle In the The unts Invade the houses tn mil­ I the southwest corner of said Block coffee-house where letters urrlvlng lions 16; thence east to the southwest their cockroach hunt. Whole from abroad were deposited to be hunches will grub a big cockroach and corner of Block 15; of said Miller’s taken by those to whom they were ad- j lag ft off bodily. They are like a puck Addition; thence north to the north­ f * • dressed or carried to them by tiietr of wolves tn their pursuit of prey. west corner of said Block 15; thence neighbors. 1 Every closet, every bureau drawer, east to the northeast corner of said ; The first legislation on the subject' every crack and crevice In every room Block 15; thence north to the north-1 Is found in the records of the general Is thoroughly ransucked by the ants east corner of Block 13 of said Mil­ IVAN DONALDSON, MgT., Tillamook, Ore. court of Massachusetts for 1039, and until no more cockroaches are to be ler's Addition; thence east to the the next In the Colonial law of Vlr- found. One corps of ants will hunt east line of Lot 4 in Ell Goodspeed'sj glnla hl 1050. The Colonial law of out flu- scampering roach ea, biting and Lv. Tillamook, 7:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and ♦6:00 p.m. Park, according to the recorded plat | j Virginia required every jXunter to pro­ [«asslng them to other ants, wlio seize thereof; thence south to a point 60; vide a messenger to convey dispatches and drug tliem uwny. Lv. Portland, 743 a.m., *12:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. feet south of the south line of said IL as they arrived to the next plantation ---------------- via---------------- Goodspeed's Park; thence west to the I ¡s *ml so on, on i>nln of forfeiting a hogs- Early Day Subterfuge« In Filma. i northeast corner of Block 1 of High ! ' head of tobacco for default. Hebo, Grand Bonde, Willamina, Sheridan, McMinnville, Dayton, Land Addition to Tillamook City; Even tn the early day« of film-mak­ Gradually a postal service wriH eo- Newburg, Multnomah. 1 thence south to the southeast corner tubllahml between th«' several rolonle* ing, Ingenious subterfuges were em- [ of said Block 1; thence west to the along the Atlantic coast, itnd tn um pkrynd to enact scenei* which would •Daily «acept Sunday. west line of said High Land Addi there was “a post tn go monthly from otherwise have la-eu moat dlllleult to twpruduce. J. Stuart Blackton gives New York to Boston." tlon; thence south to the north line ««me example« <>f this in nn article en­ of Section 31 aforesaid; thence west j Franklin First Poetmafitsr. In 1739 Benjamin Franklin wns ap­ titled "From Peep-Show to Super- 300 feet; thence south 30 rods, more, or b ss. to the north line of Tillamook | pointed postmaster Of 1‘tillivlelphlu ttlimniit." in the lx.ndon Magazine. When a cinematograph film of the and Inter entered npon duties similar Drainage District, as originally es- 1 fo those of n postmaster general. In Spanish-American war wus attempt­ tablished; thenee west to-the place DON'T LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING 1753 ho was appointed deputy post ed, the ‘‘Battle of Santiago Bay" was of beginning. Reference to High master goneral fur the colonies it tnkrwi in u little olilo- under u skylight Land Addition all according to the I was a lucrative office anti he h«-!■*< sqiiare. stances, He mode his enormous for the < upon the boundary lines and SantTfisro bny v tune in the production of soap, work ­ OML’-Ti CDVBR ILL TOUR GOODS » nn "11 cloth tunic. til«n u*e<1 to «tue.i* know lodge of acts be changed so of congress und th« progress of the Frli sd» ki orc Trees «1 late ja rvl v to ing his way up from the "bottom of of uch District ame shall be as the same i M eiyier, skill the ladder.” He has established com­ ' the .ame fovohiUon. At lt,e «>1 tbr> >k of tioa- joitl elgiu'elle -1 out iu the original decree ouj pf .L-wipywtier munity houses and homes for work­ CALL Ü8 DAY OR NIGHT tllltbn lolw.yti tlu‘ colonists uud Eng • while liny • land te. i i-.w-« r> rvulj) two p. slid ays were sot ,.»11 fiem bi«liLud ^ie blcfure men In hl» manufacturing cities which for the Incorporation of such Dis rent for $2 a month, the workmen trit a-id unless you show cause to »slil|o*^ ■ s * r Our Motto: Quick service and reasonable rates. intrary on or before the Is' also purtfilputlng In the prosperity nfstkug vu 1 the i>, ijatljulh mil'puiit of-1 day of March, 1923, term of said of Ills enterprises by profit sharing flee II 13 not gynt rujl) known that fi Mak« Much' of Sneezing. I'uuA Hex rv ' ■ Canivli» ride UuM tukotr’ Mifrij nifagil iitid ««ml XtvUUed schemes mid Industrial isqsirtiier Till imook County Court, to be held ships. •>n ’ ■ilnesdc.y, the 7th day of March .In truvejlug ipong Ills reffuiur postal < ‘raro.- of U ie 4 >r1fnt have seme cnrlous 1923. at ten o’clock A. M. the pray route. I m 1* i1?** 5 • ‘gnrfttng ‘the Sneeeei When __ Growth, of fb< bretul system hast ' fife r of .«aid petition may be granted. ’-iotót'ii «n.v^w, tor ffro MUltiin sultan . fM f M nc nomot^a t’or THOUSANDS OF BIRDS SAVED sine«' been rapid. H. 8. BRIMHALL, JnitAnv<‘C the’fact fi made known fnuu " 1215 County Clerk of Tillamook Blown Out to Sea From Uni tod States, County. Oregon. OLDEST GERMAN NOW A POLE They Land on Liner for •Itj’ir n tijp ery b‘tnW up England. ----------- 4------------- Aged One Hundtfd and Seventeen, tit by i»fY 1 t * nJ ‘ mi * tirstir it ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE TO ISenshlp IS Transferred to Poland rolls tlifbufhout ^he centiare of The I-ieerpqoL^—Thousands of American With Upper Site«)« 1‘inptB 1 « CREDITORS lutul birds, blown out to sea by uu- When the sultan of Senaar sneeiea, fuv. ruble winds, sought safety on the Notice is hereby given, that the Berlin \m< ng other tl Ing« award on the contrary, Men woflian tn Tils (locks of tli« ftinard liner Scythia on County Court of the State of Oregon, 28 W ed to Poland tn Hé dtririon of Upper haram or wlthlo hearing turns a recent trip • from New York and tor Tillamook County, has appointed Kllvsla "• is Germany*» oldest man, Vai- bm-k upon bii-i, and mu kt« n sign of stajed on boaed utitll it docked at Llv- the undersigned administrator of the entitle p iiuschWc of the village Krelhi, O'utwnpt, I 1 .lulling her Ppg with her 1 erpo<»l. When misfortune overtook ite of John Bumgarner, deceased, In the provini«« of lljbnllt, now Polish hand* k” sted that so mighty a psn- the frathered travelers they were ml and any and all persons having territory lie has edMitnted his one soi age slmiih» nave to sneefe like an grating, pn.bably from the North At - lahns against the said estate are re­ hup.lrisi ami »event renth birthday. ordlnun mortal hintlc states to the warm lands border quired to present the same properly Txt. bun.trod and flft««ii of bta chil­ ‘ng on the 1 arlbt erm. Now muny of vi rifled, together with proper vouch­ dren *rut chlldMi's children attended them iigntu are free, but m England ers, to the undersigned at the office ’, Bin Llko Pair of Pfncars, the i W««p I 1’. 11. Goyne, Attorney at Law, in A »lisp's I undlhle» U btg, stn-ng thousands of miles from their deetlna rtllaniook City, Oregon, on or be­ tvuk. whl. !i, nftaj you have looked nt tiou. Bznk In Wood«« Leg Robbed. The great tl.xk settled on the Iloch«Bter, N. V. Nathan lk <*hiun- It a while. ■< cius us fonulduble st that Scythia's flecks when the steamer was fore six months from the date of this berlnlti. who hris u Wixxleu leg, xlept of nti <>«igle d<> not i>|H«n lytth an up- tibeut 4tX' tulles frotu the American notice. Dated this 4th day of January pcacafully u a thief «nterej his and down motion, like the bill of a shore, mid traftfictned it lutv a float i»:i. lodgings un>trapi«xi th« artuictal bird 111« is a bill the two hglvv» of stipi><'rt and removed $3*1 owrvtwl which .«pen out to right and '.eft. And 'ng avtnry Wild canaries, robins, lin­ RALPH BLUM. net*. thrashes, sandpiper* and Juncos PORTLAND—TILLAMOOK tnvld««. Uh.uut. awoke to find the Instead of one-half moving while the iluttgred around the lock«, ¡vrcbrel on Administrator of the estate of w1| Kol« 1 «o tlda, naturally reach Bownward, grounds. Sealed blds wtu hav« to Old eea travel «re txy " •ay they never vrttM Charles D. Stewart la the Ab a number of unciali . Bolidi