i J.AMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1022 OBER MILK CHECKS FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLED TO BE OUT SATURDAY ß 10 MIATE STE On Monday, December 18, a special election will be held in the City hall in Tillamook City, for the purpose r t0 the voters of Tilla­ mook City the question of deeding to the General Staff of Oregon, blick 1 of Maple Grove Addition and to 7, .,f that block which is the only lot in said block th«.t has a building upon it. for lot 1, block 3, of same addition, thereby having the entire block clear of all buildings. The block is to be deeded tc th ? General Staff contingent upon the erectior of an Armory for Co. K. of the N- ional GuArd and to be a memoria for the American Legion and cho.se who gave their lives in the World War. The donation of this block is the portion that the city is expected to give, th ounty also being author­ ed by an act of the Legislature to set aside a sum for memorial pur­ poses, And the state HAS set asid- $20,000 for Co. K which was sup­ posed to have gone to the City of Indep ndence, but through their fail­ ure to meet requirements, Co. K. was organized and is in a flourishing con­ dition in our own city. Co. K. is now drilling in the High School gymnasium, where facilities are not conducive to greatest de­ velopment, so an armory will be a great asset tn the community to hous Co. K and give them ample room for drills and etc. With an Armory capable of seat­ ing large audience, Tillamook Cii\ will btvome a most ideal place t r i.ent >ns, and more people will lean of the wonderful advantages of location and climatic, and our beSch resorts, and also spend con- sidcrable sums of money while here. Th donation of Block 1 will not t . -itate any bond issue and no of t i -.es is the City has had ke of r same for delinquent lent Shear- broken the result of a fall at her B avei Thursday af lernoon. ! >: Woods hAd been in > i sho; pi ig tour and •. y v.. . ■ gone the water , > >n e kit hen sink, form­ al of i ■ in the floor. When in: ••ids went to turn on the wa- siipped and fell breaking her •g in three places. in Georg? G'lbertson of Me­ tí iile was in town Wednesday to attend a mu ing of the local Re­ bel.ah he of which she is Noble Grand. Mrs. McAlpine of Garibaldi was in wn Thursday shopping. Ch.cks will be out this Saturday for October milk. Payments run as high as 72c for bu,ter fat, this be­ ing paid by the Tillamook Creamery and the Holstein factory. Tests are running very high. This brings the 100 lb. milk prices very high. For instance, Maple Leaf average tests run 4.7 per cent and with 71c for butter fat paid there, makes the Av­ erage 100 lbs. milk bring $3.33. Fairview average test is 4.98 and with G8c paid there for butter fat, brings the average per 100 lbs. milk to $3.38. October, 1921, cheese sold for $141,360.54. October cheese this year sold for $182,899.32, or $41,- 538.78 more than last year. Most of this is accounted for by higher pric­ es received this yeAr, for while the increase in production was 17 per cent, the value of the cheese showed an increase of over 29 per cent. CLOVERDALE TEACHERS IN­ STITUTE The local teachers institute held at Cloverdale High school on Saturday the 9th of December was well at­ tended considering it was one of the most stormy days of the winter. Twenty teacher8 were present and enjoyed the day talking over school affairs. Music was furnished by the Clo- verdale grAde school and high school A few recitations by pupils in the school were included in the program. A talk by Mr. Stewart of the Hebo school on teaching of geography was very well given and brought out a good deal of profitable discussion. This was followed by a talk by Su- perinE ndent Turnbull of Tillamook City, on some of the topics of school interest. A demonsti "tion in reAding pri­ mary work by Miss Edna Reusser of the Cloverdale school was well re- ceived., The talk by Miss Anna New- tvry on color work was well given and put the possibility for art work in the one room rural school before the teachers. The county club leader. D. H Kennedy, also gave a brief talk on industriAl work connected with the :hools. A r adin given by Miss Frances 'Viles of the Cloverdale High school was well given. Those in attendance were: Supt. G. B. La mb, Co School Supt.; from the Tilla took City schools were Mrs Joyce Willis, Helen Petit, J. A. Goin, L. W. Turnbull, sup rint.ehdent; from th' Hebo school were H. A Stewart, Miss Goldie Wilson; Mrs. C. E. George of the Hays school; Anna Newberg of the East Beaver school; Delbert Long from Pacific C ity school; H. C. Miller, W. E. Bu­ ell, B- ssie, Hun'er, Mrs. Coral Pol- lock, Edna Reusser, Frances Wiles from Cloverdale school; Floyd Light from Med a school; Thomas Large from Blaine; B. H. Ludke from Har- mony district, and D. H. Kennedy the count} club leader. III.AINE NOTES C. J. Edwards drove to Portland Hcllctt has a new Chevrolet Tuesday on a business trip. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Edwards B.hine basketball team will and son Clarence who will visit with nson by play ng Clo- Mrs. Edward’s «ister Mrs. Cloyd S. on Doe. 15 on their DAwson for a few days. Mrs Woods of Tillamook been visiting Grays at Blaine. ■ hert Sturgeon and Mr. Mitch- ■ >. tur.ed from California where ■hey have b- en working. H ett was in town Monday get- repair work done. He is t tis< 1 to the wAys of his new car ni collision with the barn re- Fi The Christian church Sunday school will give a cantata "Santa Claus’ Ad'ice” at the Christen church on the venin? of Saturday, December 23rd at eight o’clock. OUT IN TWO CASES RECENTLY OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBERS TO PAY MORE JAN Is* Standing elevation and overlooking the surrounding country is the recently completed creamery at Mohler. The building was com­ pleted the first of the week and the machinery and equipment that had ••een In ;ne Mohler cannery, which was used for cheese making since the factory burned in September was moved into the new structure Mon­ day and the first cheese made Tues­ day. The new building, machinery and equipment are modern in every re- •uect. The main structure is 110x34 feet with a boiler room 18x26 and a roofed receiving station 12x20. One vat is in use now, this being ample to handle the milk—L5000 lbs. daily—at this time, but three more vats will be added before spring which will give the plant a capacity of 30,000 gallons of milk a day or around 3,500 pounds of cheese. The creamery is largely the result of the faithful work on the part of A. D. Lommen, who hustled around and interested the farmers in build­ ing a co-operative plant when the one owned by R. Zweifel was de­ stroyed by fire. The directors of the institution are R. Zweifel, E. A. Blackmore and A. D. Lommen, Mr Blackmore being president and Mr Lommen vice- Reporter. NEHALEM BAY IMPROVE ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ + After December 31 the sub­ scription price of the Tillamook Headlight outside of Tillamook county will be $3 00 per year, instead of $2.00 as at present. This is made necessary by the extra postal charges and cost of mailing to points outside the county. The subscription price for subscribers in Tillamook county will remain at $2.00. SECOND CLASS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY CONCERN ISSUES BONDS The Coast Power company recent­ ly sold bonds to the Amount of $150- 000 to a Portland bank. This amount will be used to make the im­ provements now being put in here by the power company and supercede a $50,000 bond issue that formerly was placed on the plant. The power company has been au­ thorized by the state corporation commissian to issue bonds to the ex­ tent of $1,000,000. C. J. EdwArds, manager of the company, states that these will not be isued for some time but that that amount may posibly be needed within the next twenty years for improvements in case the county grows to such an extent. These bonds will not be sold until needed. The recent isues by the Coast Power company draw 6 per cent. MENT RECOMMENDED The government budget for rivers and harbors improvements includes $352,000 for the improvement of the Nehalem hay. The amount was -e commended by the army englnee:-', and. with the exception of the Col- u’.ibia river and Coos bay, is the lar­ gest sum recommended foi any north west liver or harbor project. The amount is included in and is under b" authorization already made by -ongress and it is likely that con- .•, ;. w 1! pa ■ i the bill amounting to ’.»15,670 for the entiie country. A meeting of the business men of th" city was called Thursday after­ noon to determine what steps Till­ amook ,?gy will take toward the re­ lief of Astoria. Carl Haberlach act­ ing for the Creamery associAtion, pledged $500 and it was thought pos­ sible to raise $1500 aside from this. H. H. Rosenb' rg, F. C. Baker and Rollie Watson were appointed on a committee to canvas the town to se- cure this amount. This afternoon Mr. Rosenberg reported that a to till of $1700 had been p1 edged leaving $300 y< eu to be raised. An earnest effort i is being made to brng the to- A tai up to $2000 be fore night. meeting has been called for this evening by the mayor at the city hall at which time it is hoped the re!' f work will be completed. As the result of th. explosion f gun while hunting on the bay 1 ,t Sunday. R ■ McDaniels has a badly torn hand. In company with We ley Stormer and Charlie Roe he wAs engaged in hunting ducks when the charge burst the gun hrowing piec- W. H. Hardt and W. R. Gould re- . s of metal in every direction. Mr. turned Monday night from GrAnde McDaniels was fortunate in escap- Ronde where they have been jem- ing without more serious injuries. ployed on bridge construction. Dr. Hoy dressed the injured member. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reichers, Mr. Mrs. Ray Woods and son of < Bea- and Mrs. E. M. Condit and Irvie Keld ver were in the city Tuesday. son drove to Astoria Sunday to see the results of the fre. T.ne WabbcgwAnni club met u! The Tillamook Bridge club was en­ the home of Mrs. George Hansl- 1 tertained ThursdAy evening. Decem­ mair Monday evening, with Mrs. ber 7th, with Miss Edna Mills and George Winslow -sitting the host Miss Theresa Gaylord as hostesses < ss. C*Per members present were : at the home of the formier. Mesdamic Shearer, Margaret Oath- Decorat ons suggestive of the com­ out Thomas. Terry. Matthews, Alva ing holiday season were carried out Williams, Coe, Whitcomb, Beth most effectively with red shaded can­ Oathout, DeFord, Barrick And Miss dles, Santa Claus place cArds and Harriett DeFord. The members holly on the prettily arranged sup­ spent a very pleasant evening over per table. Mrs. Webster Holmes, their sewing followed by a pot luck Miss Nell Gaylord and Mrs. Mills lunch. Knights Alva Williams, Bar­ were the guests. rick and Hanslmair came in and en- Mrs. Edna DeSart. Miss Belle Wil- joyed the lunch with the club. The L. D. club met Friday after­ son, Miss Mae Ciemo, Miss Bertha C lins. Miss Grace Ricketts, Miss noon, Dec. Sth, At the home of Mrs. Gladys Edr»T. Miss Una Emerson Mathers with Mrs. O’Dell assisting and Miss GeorgiA Barry were the hostess. The following members members present. were present: Meidames Boone. Hen- s Una kle, Hays, Harris, Hosley, Hoy, Miss Gra -e Ricketts and club Leach, H H. Rosenberg, and J. H. Emerson will entertain Thursday evening, December 21 at R ".berg. The guests were Mrs. the home of the latter on 7th street. Abrams and Mrs. Pine. After a short business nieet’ng and a social afternoon, refreshments were served by he hostesses. The club will me t January 5th at the home of Mrs HArris with Mrs. Leach assist­ Mrs. L. F. Loll is confin d to her ant hostesses. home with a sprained ankle. C. S. Atkinson and H. A. Brandt of A. A. Hall returned yesterday SandiAke were in town Thursday. from Salem. Dr. Robinson reports the birth of i son to Mr. and Mrs William John­ son. Dei ember 10th, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bettscher De­ Th -low keeps th ground white cember 9th. k_ I’ is several inches deep on Ils around Blaine. E. E. Wagner who is employed by M •' expects that he will the Coast Power Co. was struck on Hi 3 horse that f< 11 a few days the head by a falling piece of meth! 'nd hu” itself, ■rhile working | n the compAny*s A. •‘‘ine Bedortha r» ceived a neck­ ’ines Wednesday receiving a severe 1 * birthday present. She is •ut on the head. 11 of age. V Mrs. Janos Derby and children f Leia Woods of Beaver is vis- - ;er parents Mr. and Mrs. O. vho have been visiting at the home W. T. Oathout went to Portland Mrs. Blanche Zinn str nt Monday M Burbanks of Blame. if Mrs. Derby’s niece. Mrs. Clarence Tuesday on business. W D. Graven home. at the Stanley returned to their home- ill Blaine, Browers and Bowlder »Choe 4 are going to combine ? pn cram and tree at tht sister Mrs. George Kiehm. mas shopping •in town Thursday. • grange hall on Dec. 21. X Price $2 per year The reading circle books are now in the superintendent’s office and teachers wishing to use them may avail themsielves of the opportunity. Under the new census the Wheeler school district is now in the second class. Heretofore Tillamook district number nine was the only one in this classification. There is A movement on foot to establish a new standard high school in Garibaldi. On November 29th the pupils of Dist. No 59 gave a very pretty dramatization of Longfellow’s “Hi­ awatha” under the direction of their teacher, Miss Fannie Smith. In ad­ dition ito the plAylett th$‘y enter­ tained their parentg and friends with the River, Dialogue, A Thanksgiving the following program: Song, Over Dinner; Thanksgiving Hymn; Reci­ tation, The Owl and the Pussy Cat; Action Sorijr, the Mulberry Bush; Dialogue, Playing Stone; Action Song, Hungry Soldiers; Recitation, Ted’s Story of Thanksgiving; Reci­ tation, Four Little Pilgrims; Dialog, After Thanksgiving. The pupils of Mrs. JAmes Golds­ worthy at the Fawcett creek school gave the following program: Story of the P igrims, Five pupils; Thanks­ giving day ha3 come, song by the school; Thanksgiving Proclamation. Delmar Olds; Thanksgiving Day, Lloyd Simmons; Story of the Pil- grims, Homer Simmons; Cheer, All Cheer, Song by School; Why We Keep the Day, Wesley Simmons; The ‘Villa,if- Rlsckfcmith, by the School; Ted’s Story of Thanksgiving, GrAnville Simmons, The Pilgrims, a Finger Play; Out for a Walk, Viola Blum’ The First Thanksgiving Din­ ner, Six Pupils; A Thankful Girl. Leone Blum: A Good Thanksgiving, Emmett Olds; The Landing of the Pilgrims. Delmar Olds; The Pil­ grim Band. During the forepart of the week a fire alarm was sent in from the Sun­ set garage on account of a pan of waste oil h'aving caught fire in the machine shop. The fire was exting­ uished before the engine arrived. Thursday another alarm was sent in when a passerby saw a consider­ able amount of smoke in the office of Rosenberg .Brothers. It (developed that the smoke came from An oil stove that had been left burning in the office. One amusing incident of the Ros- enberg fi»e was the fact that it was thought necessary to break the door in to get at the fire and a fireman procured a crowbar for this work. Just As the glass in the door was smashed, H. H, Rosenberg appeared on the scene and pushed the door open. It had not been locked. KIWANIS MEET THURSDAY AND ELECT OFFICERS A meeting of the Kiwanig club was held at the Tillamook Hotel Thursday evening at which time the club was formerly organized and the officers for the year elected as fol­ lows: F. A. Beltz, president; George Harness, vice-president C. J. Ed­ wArds. 2nd vice president; B. C. Lamb, treasurer; Rollie Watson, dis­ trict trustee; George Lamb, H. H. Rosenberg. E. G. Anderson, G. A. Reeher, Newton Anderson, David Robinson, C. W. Barrick and I. C. Smith. Another transaction of the meet- ing was to endorse the work of the Business Men’s fcommittee for the Astoria Relief fund. By D. H. Kennedy On November 14, a Cooking club was organized at the St. Alphonsus academy. President: Una Baker; Vice president, Dorothy Esch; Sec­ retary, Mennettia Sanders. Other members of the club art Frances Burgett, May Brooks, Frances Ja­ cobs, Grace Kamph, Florence Wat­ kins, and Frances West. A Sewing club was also organiz­ ed on November 14 at the academy with Helena Wieber president; LeonA West, vice president; Mary Kamph, secretary. The other members are Elvira Berns, Rosie Biser, Clara Brooks, Joephine Biser. The Holstein Friesian Cattle club is giving a Junior Membership to all calf club members of the Holstein Calf clubs who have completed their club work. This will give them all thg privileges of the Holstein Fries­ ian Association until they are nine­ teen years of age which entitles them to transfer and register at member­ ship rates which are one half the regular fee. For example: If they register another jcalf it win cost them two dollars rather than the regular four dollar fee. For the next year the Holstein Friesian association and Mr. Stimp- son of Hollywood farms will award a Holstein Friesian heifer calf to the calf "lub member doing the best work in 1923 in Oregon, Washing­ ton, and Idaho. This prize will be awArded at the Pacific International next year. The members for this year who have completed their work and are entitled to Junior Member­ ship are: Tillamook: Theodore Jacobs, Jack Mowery, Francis Powers, Flora E. Schild. Alfred Johnson, Lily Schild, N halem: Geo. Ludke. Ivan Ludke, Andrew Lagler, Richard Davis, Jer­ ry DAvis. Garibaldi: Everett Wright. Beaver. John Blalock. A Sewing club was organized the Barnsdale school At Mohler the 28th day of November, The club officers are as follows: President, Winifred V. Barber; vice president, Helen Wilkes; Secretary, Ona Bir- ber. The other members of this club are Ruth Turnbull and Joee- phine Barber. The club chose Mrs. E. A. Ball as their club leader. Mrs. M. A. Adams and Mrs. Will- iAm Delaney entertained the Ladies Guild of St. Alabn’s Episcopal church Tuesday afternoon, November 28, at the home of th former. Dainty re- 'reshments were served to Mrs. Fowler as guest and the following members: Mrs. F. A. Beltz, Mrs. Stanley Coates, Mrs. L. W. Turn- bull, Mrs Oscar Shultz, Mrs. J. L. While on the way to the Elks’ Keely, Mrs. Art Case, Mrs. Percy meeting at McMinnville last Thurs- Sheldon, Mrs. Elizabeth Fronk and >ay .'veiling A car driven by E. S. Miss Georgia BArry. Bettscher rolled over the grade Mrs. Ida M. Harvey of Portland where th new bridge is being con strutted at Bellevue. The occupants and Bayocean, who says that she is of the car, Clarence Coe, Ed Brenner, the one who brought about the set­ L. C. Daniels and Mr. Bettscher, es­ tlement between the Bayocean prop­ caped Without njuri. s but the car erty owners, receivers and the Pot­ was a wreck and had to be left at ter Realty company, was in the city this week. Mrs. Harvey has been .'V’Minnville. here on A visit and says that she !s asking the county court to complete The many frends of Mrs. F. C. the Bayocean road, and states that Feldschau will be rejoiced to know sh is willing to take a shovel and that she is better and is now able crowbar and assume a lead 'n finish­ PYTHIAN SISTERS ELECT ing the road. Mrs. Harvey states to sit up a short time each day. At a meeting of the Pythian Sis­ that she has visited nearly all the ters Tuesday evening, the following MINISTERS’ SPECIAL CHRISTMAS beaches in the United States and officers were elected to serve dur­ that she has never found a more de­ ing the ensuing year: Past Chief, PREPARATION MEETING lightful place than Bayocean. Mabie Craver: Most Excellent Chief, All ministers and all others who Lottie HansimAir; Excellent Senior, ish to cooperate in moking Christ­ Charlotte Matthews; Excellent Jun­ mas very joyous to al! people of the WEEBE-DANTELS NUPTIALS ior, Faye Barrick; Manager, Flor­ community are to meet at the M. H. Weebe and Miss Etna L. ence Winslow; Mistress of Records Christian church next Monday at Daniels were married at the home and Correspondence, Lucille Chris­ 10:00 a. m. This meeting is planned to effect of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Kenkle Sat­ tensen; Mistress of Finance, Enola an organization whereby all needy urday, December 9th in the pres­ Thomas; Protectdy, Winnie Smith; people of the community may be re­ ence of a few friends. Rev. Simpson Guard, Hattie Larson. membered Christmas. Delegates Hamrick of the Methodist church from all lodges and clubs who wish to participate in the community giv­ performed the ceremony. The bride HARMONY NOTES ing will be cordially invited to be is well known having taught school in hbe count}' for several years, and present. Mr. and Mrs. Burel Clements went is the eldest daughter of ClAy Dan- to the valley last week. They have Weldon Fuge has been sick this iel3 of Mohler. The groom is from not yet r* turned. week but is able to be at his work V’heeler Both have a large num­ Mrs. G. G. Graves went to Banks ber of 'riends who wish them well. again. Sunday where she w.ll Temain to * Mrs. D. O. Spitzmi sser returned take care of her daughter Mrs. Her­ Mrs F. P. Hobson of Garibaldi was Wednesday f-om McMinnville where man Hopkins who is very ill. Her in town Thursday. little da ••;hter is Also sick. she has been visiting the past week. Mr. ail M s D. P. Hopkins were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lindsey of r at Mr and Mrs. C. A H itch- Mrs. Grace MacNeil went Io Hdl-- Mohler were m town Thursday. ira at Sunday. Loro ISunday to spend •Christmas ’ lr. F. G. Krebs and family were r ■ th he- mother Mrs. Pht Ins. Mrs. Jim Woods of Blaine was " '■> if Mr and Mrs. Dave Krake the city Wednesday. S . ala Earl Tupper of Fprest Gro’e f. G. Kreb and family were visit- Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg is ill this in this we k on a fishing trip. M- . rs of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Krake Sun Tupper remarked that the we be ■• week. in Tillamook is not nearly so :o'd dAy Mr. and Mrs. Sacket December 10. H. C. Boone went to Portland as thAt of For t Grove. Miss Ruth Earl spent a day with Thursday. E. G. Krebs was a town vis tor Mrs. O. F. Tony has returned from Mrs. Pet-r Newberg of Hemlock a two months’ visit in Oakland with last Friday. D. P. Hopkins who has been on the her father who has been iil. 9 in the city today. sick list is out of doors again. Willie Hopkm« has gone to Port­ The high school dismissed early Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner of Portland will hold services here Sun- Thursday to allow the students to land. He does not know when he will return. go tq Perkins’ hill to coast. day. Jan. 7, 1923. i