FRIDAY, DECEMBER !■ 1922 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT along tbe County Road to a point All of Lot Nine (9) in Block o'clock P. M. The sale will be held due West of the place of beginning Fourteen (14) in Manzanita Beach, at tbe former office of the Tllla- thence Hast 6.68 cbeAus to tbe place in Tillamook County, Oregon, as mook Transfer Company at the in- of beginning. shown by the duly recorded maps tersection of 3rd Street wlth 3rd NOTICE OF FINAL A000UNT All being tn Sertton 18, Town­ and plats thereof. Avenue East in Tillamook, Oregon, Jtotiee is hereby given th«« the ! ship 1 South at Range 10 West of Sale will made subject to re- as to a portion of the property, nndi I undersigned Los filed with the V.Hiamette Meridan. and oantafn- demption u manner provided by the remainder will be sold at the County Ooort of THlanfook Oounty, ing 11.08 acrM. move or lees, save law. residence of John Hathaway, situate and except a tract of 4 scree off Oregon, his final oeeount as admin Dated this ■ v *ny of November, east of tbe Tillamook Oounty Fair l»tra*or of the estat« of Kathryn V. tbe South and at said trata baaato- 1922. Ground, just east of Tillamook City.' Chrtatensan, da s a ne e d . and that Mid fore sold to D. EL Oniifroeed. ASCHIM. Property will be sold to tbe highest Court has set tbe 4tfi day erf Dee. at And at sale aR tfele Sheriff at Tillamook County, Ore. bidder tor cash In head lor th« pur­ ' tea o’etoek X M. at th* Oounty and inMaeat of th» ilta—ifnfei ta and First pub. November 10, 1M1. pose of *•3. of Oregon for tbe County of Multno­ stand, one oak desk, one fir desk, quirta to pr«a«ut rtn som« at » mu one office chair, one F. A M. Pro- mah (Department of Probat«.) time and piaee. In the matter of the estate of G. temngrapb toe ebeaks, and tbe fol­ DeMd thto >nd day of Wov.. 19tt. lowing otbea equlproent.' One piano P. Sloan, deceased. r. W. OnilBTEWKEW, Notice is hereby given, that pur­ ' frock and straps, eight freraoas, five AdmlniMnrtoc erf tb* estgft« of| NOTICE OF 8HXBOT8 RALE suant to orders of the Honorable blonghe, one rood digger, one tool Kathryn V. Christ newton, doeariMd. In the Circuit Orurt of the State I George Tax-well, Judge of tbe Cir­ bos and vapcm, two wheel setupers, Botte A UTataow, of Oregon, for the Ooonty of TiBa cuit Court of tbe State of Oregon six wagons, three dump wagons, one 4t5 mook. Attorneys for tbe BMate. cm« for the County of Multnomab, De­ wood wagon, two grav«l beds, R. G. Ooetermon, Plaintiff, w. A. partment of Probate, which orders brown mare, three bo>««e, two sate NOTICE 0V SHERIFF’S SALE OP H. Lehman, Defendant. were made and entered September of harness, two two-ton Republic REAL PROPERTY By virtue of an Attachment Ex­ 29, 1923, and November 8, 1922, re trucks, two one and one-half NOTICE IS HHREBT GTVE7N, that ecution, Judgment, order, decree and spectively, in tbe matter of tbe es- Republl« trucks, one truck bed, by virtue of an execution issued out order of sale issued oat of the above sate of G. P. Sloan, deceased, the Austin reversabl« road grader. of th« Circuit Court of tbe State of entitled Court In tbe above entitled undersigned, as administratrix Sal« will begin at th« offtoe of Oregon, fn> Tlldroook Oounty, upon cause, ’o me directed, and dated the said estate, will, from and after De­ will be continued at th« Hathaway s judgment and decree rendered In 28th day of October, 19», upon a oember 9, 1932, proceed to sell in place wb«u tbe property in tbe of­ Mid court La the ouoe wherein Elsie judgment and decree rendered and one parcel, at private sale to the fice is disposed of. Sale will eon Vldito was ptalntiff and A. L. John— entered In said Court on the 39th highest bidder for cash tn band, tinua antil all tbe property is sold. ioc and Martha Johnson weTl de­ Dated able 10th day of November, day of October, 19», tn fervor of R. lawful money of tbe United States fendants, and wherein the mid O. Ctoetamaa. Plaintiff, aad attest of America, or cash and credit sub­ IS». plaintiff recovered judgment against A. H. Lebmaa, Defendant, tor tbe TflfetaMOOX COUNTY BA WK. ject to the «■onfinnation of said tbe bv»»i:>aftar .laaertbed aad at­ Mortgagee. sum of Three Hudred Meaty Five Court, all th? following deaeri bed St» tached real property of tbe said de- aad no one-hendrethe (9099.00) real property, towit: faidant!“ for the mm of 9590 00 tn DoUoie, with tot greet at efc» (•) per Lot numbeied Pour (4) ta Btoek NOTICE U. 6. Gold Oof» with iatarurt thereon cent per annum from the 20th day numbered Fifty-four (54) Notice ts hereby given. that la Rock— in like Gold Oota at tbs rate of six of July, 1918, and the further sum away Beaeh, In the County of Tllla- Road District meeting will be held per asnt. pur annum from the 22nd of Forty One and sixtyeight one-' mook and State of Oregon; at the Netarts Schoolhouse, in Road day of April, 1922, and the further Blds therefor will be received by District Number 9 In Tillamook hundreths (»41.68) Dollars coots am of »34.05 coats and <11nbuzee~ and tbe costa of and upon this writ, tbe undersigned, administratrix, at County. Oregon, on Saturday, the manta. commanding me to make sate of tbe Room T9 2 Chamber of Commerce 25th day of November, 1923, nt 10 NOW, TRERMFORB, in order to tollowing described property to-wit: Building, Portland, Oregon, from and o’clock A. M. for the purpose of levy­ Mttaty the said judgment end der- “Lot four (4) Section Thirty (80) after December 9, 1922, and until ing an additional tax for road pur­ eras, I will an the 2nd day of De- poses In said district. Township Three (I) Foeth, Range said property is sold. eanbev, A. D. 1922, at 10 o’clock x-- HOMIER MASON, Nine (9) West of Willamette Merl- , ELLA SLOAN TUCKER, A. M. at the front door of tbe Cburt eta , • County Judge Formerly Ella Sloan dan, being 43.93 Acres in Tilla­ Hou» tn Tillamook City, Tillamook mook County, Oregon, and also tbe Administratrix of tbe estate of G. County, Oregon, sell the hereinafter SHKRim notice or sale ot Southeast Quarter of tbe Southeast P. Sloan, deceased. described real property situate In RXAL PROPERTY ON EXECU Carl, B. Wintier, Attorney, 783 Quarter of Section Twenty—five (25) Tillamook County, Oregon, and more now. in Township Three (8) South Range Chamber of Commerce Building, particularly described as follows: Ten (10) Went of Willamette Mer­ Portland, Oregon. The Southeast quarter of Section BY VTRTTB of an execution idian, in Tillamook County, Oregon.” Date of first pub. Nov. 10, 1913. I, Township 2 South. Range 10 sued out of tbe Clrouit Oourt of the 5t8 NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of Date of last pub. Dec. 8. West, and tbe North heJ f of the State of Oregon for the County of said execution, judgment, ordes, de­ Northeast Quarter of Section 16, Tillamook, on tb* 16th day of Oc­ cree and order of eale, and in com­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Township 2 South. Range 10 Went, tober. 1922, in favor of J.C.Peter- pliance with the commands of said Notice is hereby given that the &u containing 240 acres of land, writ, I will on the 2nd day of De­ undersigned. Sheriff of Tillamook son, plaintiff, and against G. B. ktuats In Tillamook County, Oregon cember, 1922, at ten o’clock, A. M., County, Oregon, under and by vir­ Nunn and Bessie M. Nunn, his wife, Said sale to be at public auction at the front door of tbe County tue of an execution and order of defendants, tor the sum of »314.00, to tbe highest bidder for cash la Court House in the City of Tilla­ sale Issued out of the Circuit Court with interest at the rate of six per hand. mook, County of Tillamook, and of Tillamook Oounty, Oregon, dated cent per annum from October 3, Dated this 8rd day of November, State of Oregon, sell at public auo- the 2nd day of November, 1922, up­ 1922. and the further sum of »50.00 1922. tion to the highest bidder for cash on a judgment and decree rendered attorney’s fees, with Interest at the JOHN ASCHIM, in hand, all the right, title and in-! In said Court In a cause pending rate of six per cent per annum from Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. terest which the witbin defendant 1 therein wherein Peter Norberg was October 2, 1922, and the further 1st publication November 3rd, 1922 holds in the above described proper­ plaintiff and Amanda Haskins, Lil­ sum of »11.00 costs and for aoeru-l Last pub. Dec. 1st. 1923. 4t5 and ty or as much thereof as may be neo- I I lie Carlson, S. R. Barn*», Addie ing costs, I have levied upon essary to satisfy the said judgment Bogin. Luoy Benson Turner and Ozra will sell at public auction on Sat-| NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE urday, the 9th day of December, ! Notioe is hereby given that the in favor of R. G. Closterman, against Haskins were defeodaute, said judg­ 1922, at 2:30 o’clock p. m., at the ment and decree being dated the said A. H. Lehman, with Interest undersigned, Sheriff of Tillamook front door of the Court House in County, Oregon, under and by vir­ thereon, together with all costs and 12th day of July, 1922, and provided Tillamook. Tillamook County, Ore­ tue of an execution and order of disbursements that have or may ac­ that the plaintiff above named held gon, all tbe right, title and interest a valid and existing lien for the sum sale issued out of the Circuit Court crue. of »376.44 and the further sum of which the said G. B. Nunn and Bes­ JOHN ASCHIM, Bberiif. for Tillamook County. Oregon, upon or. »61.00, the costs and disbursements sie M. Nunn, his wife, had on Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this a judgment and decree entered In after the 11th day of September, j of said cause upon and against the said Circuit Court on 1 the 27th day 31st day of October, 1923. 1923, being the date said real prop- real property following described of October, 1922, In a i cause then in First pub. Nov. »rd, 1922. situated in Tillamook Oounfy, Ore- erty was levied upon by attachment, 4t6 said Court pending wherein and Last pub. Dec. let, 1922. erty was levied upon by attachment. gon, towit: whereby C. Alfred Boquist waa in or to the following described half of the southeast I The east | premises, tpwit; plaintiff and J. G. Harris, Mrs. C. P. SHERIFFS NOTICE OF SALE OF Section 21, in Township} REAL PROPERTY ON FORE quarter of ' Lot 9 in Block 14, Manzanita Harris, Geo. L. Bupreas, Belle Su- 2 South of Range 9 West W. M., Beach in Tillamook County, Oregon, CLOSURE, a ., ,•? r pr«a, Ctoo. A. Steeeer, and Alfred and it was further provided in said also Tracts 1551 and 1552 in Lots Guteev were defendants, said judg- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN judgment and decree that unless 3 and 4 of Block 4 of the Town of MS Mid decree being tn f&vof of That by virtue of an •aeeution duly eaid amounts were paid Into Court Wheeler In Tillamook County, Ore­ the plaintiff and against the defend­ gon. ants and by wtlch judgment and issued out of tbe Circuit Court at the by defendant on or before ninty Terms of sale, cash, unless bld In decree days from the date of th« decree tbe plaintiff recovered Judg­ State of Oregon few the Oounty of by plaintiff. cm that said real property be sold ment against tbe defendant, J. G. Tillamook, and to me directed, Dated th to «th day of November tbe manner provided by law for the Harru for th« sum of »1800.(10 with the 16th day of October, 1923, upon 1933. latere® th er «on at tbe rate of 6 a judgment aod dearee duty w a in purpoM of satisfying said !l«n and JOHN ASCHIM, of by whieh execution and order I* rent per annum from February ed, entered cK record and doehuted Merita ta TiUemook County, Ore •aid 1.1923, for the further sum of in and by said Coast cb the fed day Mie I am commanded to Mil i First pebheettoe Nov. 10, 1922. * I!00 00 attorneyg fees, and tbe fur- of October, 1M2, to aaaaaafei safe property as provided 1» said Inta pebttaetbn Dec. 9, 19». 5t5 cree. the r»uni of »70-49 costs and dis- then In said Court pending, wherein Now, therefore, pursuant to the tflraems-ts of said cause, and ft wa* J. C. Peterson was ptaiafeff aad G. the hrthw ordered and adjudged that B. Nunn and Bessie M. Wuan, his terms of eald decree I will on •t ISth day of Decern be». 19». of (real property hereinafter de­ wife, were defendants, tn favor the fron« 10:00 o'clock A. M. at ■0*d !>« sold for the purpose ed plaintiff and against aafd defend­ in Tllta- hiring said judgment and that ants, by which execution I am eom- door of the Court House the above mook City, Oregon, sell • mortgage which was given upon manded to «ell th« property la said described real property at publie 4 (Ml property be toreclsed. said execution and hereinafter desaribed. «notion to the highest bidder foe tteM* being dated the 20th day to pay tbe sum du« the plelattta of cash in hand for the purpose of rat­ Itamtry, 1921, and »«corded In 81126.19, with interes* thereon at lsfylng tbe above described lien, end ) Mortgage Reeorda of Tillamook the rate of «even per eaat per an­ at said sale all right, title and in— •aty, Oregon, to Book 8. page 122. num from October 2, 1923, natfl terest of the d eMh 105 00 them, w a tract described as bounded sons claiming under tbeen, subse­ of Tillamook County Oregon, has » Ito« commencing at the ______ South- quent to tbe 18th day of December, token into its possession th« proper- * corner of tbe C. W. Hendricks 1920, in, of and to Mid premises ty covered by said Chattel Mortgage. ____ JQT A FF l*t»n Land Claim and running hereinbefore mentioned and describ­ 1 and will eell the same at public auc-J TrtTT UA1 It B“ North ” 19 56 chain«»; thence ed in «aid execution as follow«, to­ tlon ou Saturday, the 25th day ofl 1 Vw Hlw I t Ml chain«; Law» November, 1923, at the hour of one I South wit: LEGALS Dimer is Served f ? $ Page Seven PROFFESSIONAL LEST YOU FORGET ( ———— XMAS -X DR. 0. K HUHLFEU) Ì Veterhtarufn will soon be here, and we have an BeU Phone 8P2. Mutual Phone TQlfuoook • f Orcgas j X. Abundance of Xmas Candies and lits for the occasion Getour prices before ing. Do you remember last year? H. «. Botta Conover A Conover O«o. R. Wtoetow TUlamaoA O tcroh Phone 7 d-d CEMENT LIME DR. C. H. POLLOCK, DJLD. Denttet 325—26-1« Tillamook RMg TILLAMOOK. OH0ÜON 28 W DAVID ROBINSON LAMB- SCHRADER CO. -#r fkydtdaB aad Surgeon Mattonai Btrfg. Tillamook, Ore. A Cooking Utensils "ST* CLEAN Fbr quick results an all metalware use DB. J. 0. TURNER Optical and X-Ray Laboratorfe» t •W. • - SAPOLIO National Building Tillamook, Oregon Office Phone Main 39 Residence 126M Large cake J No waste CHIROPRACTIC THE BETTER WAY TO HEALTH &“faa Forest L. Howerd CHIROPRACTOR Graduate nurse In attendance 211 Tillamook Building Both Phones Need A New Range? Kitchen Hardware and Cooking Utensils Paint to Brighten up the Furniture Farming Implements Lodge Directory ■wo" it .y.-»«« -♦ ul JL a ft.- See our new and complete line of these articles Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 0. FL 5. Stated communications first and third Thursduyii of each month in Masonic Hall. Visi tore wrlcotne. CORA L. MILLER, Secretary ALEX McNAJR & CO Tillamook, A Laugh in Ertry Line Professor Pepp High School Play December 8, 1922 8:15 P. M. At the Gym Alm ssioib35c aid 50c Tickets on Sale at Koch 's For Benefit o! High School Annual $ J. 8. DUULL. Oomdr. H. W HPEAJR, fedjt. $ Chapter Ko. H B. A. M. Stated ooovooatlone every Orvt Mui third Friday». Visitors uetoomu L EL Keldeon. Sec. Johnson $ TUtatnook Lodge No. 57. AJ’. A A.M. $ Sttated Communication «eo- $ Harvey Elitngvr, Sec. $ $ I Tu»wLay (wu, 140 p. ta. Ufctx)k*ba Wednesday eventng Cutnp 3-4. TburetMqr f