LCHUIldn'l Discontinuing Our Line ci BAGS, SUITCASES and TRUNKS Therefore, we have decided our luggage must go— Genuine Cowhide Suitcases, $10 Genuine Cowhide Hand Bags, $8 $5.00 Fabrikoid Suitcases, $3.50 MINISTERIAL MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Tillamook Ministerial Assocla- tion will be held Monday, Dec. 4th, at S A, M. at the Christian churcn. All ministers of Tillamook and Tilla­ mook County are urged to be pres- FOR SALE BY OWNER — S»O-B Overland Touring Car, 1919, first nt at (his meeting. class condition, five good tires. .LAN A McREA, Bee. *200.00 terms. Less for cash. H. J. Long, rear McGee Apart­ BISHOPS VISIT POSTPONED ments. 7t2 The Right Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, Episcopal bishop of Oregon, FOFt SALE Ï7 FOOT DEEP SEA will not be able to visit Tillamook trolling lx>at, 14 horse » power, next Sunday owing to a previous en­ heavy duty engine. First class gagement, but will do so the finit shape Price <650. See Hudson Sunday in January, when the bishop at Hudson's Garage, 3tf Is desirous of meeting all the Epis­ copalian“ in the county and plan for the work in the future. Archdeacon ■ lit SALE—A % ACRES AT HEBO. C. Blach will hold services next 1 1-2 -acres cleared, balance very Sunday, morning and evening, at light brush. 3 springs on place. the Masonic building, to I which all Water jn house. 16 young fruit are cordially Invited to I attend. He trees. 2 room bungadow, also is preparing a class for confirmation summer house, wood shed and when the bishop comes here in Jan- chicken park. <1750, part terms. M. uary. O. Ott, Hebo, Ore. 6tf FIRST OHRLS’lTAN CHURCH George N. Harnett», Pastor Office In the Church Office hours, 9 to 12, each day but Monday Bible school, 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Junior Endeavor Service* 6 30 P. M.; In the basement. Senior Endeavor Service, 6:30 P. M., Endeavor room. Evening preaching service, 7:30. We Invite the public to worship with ns. REEHER FURNITURE CO Wi! Repair Radiators and Do Guarantee Them QUALITY AND SERVICE" OUR MOTTO PRESBYTERIAN Sunday School. 10 A. M. Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Subject: "Life’s Great Meanin Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Subject: "The New Heavei Question to be answered: "Can Catholic Go to Heaven.” A w irm welcome to everybody. ALLAN A McREA. Minister Plans ever Hubo. Grand Kunde. Willamina. Sheridan, McMinnville, Dayton Nowburg. Multnomah. Dally except Sunday EATRE FOR SALE— 40 ACRE RANCH ■ 3 room house, barn, stock and I equipment All in crop and all irrigated. Price *4500. <1500. cash . balance to suit purchaser. 60 ACRES, 6 room house, orchard, bam, stock and equipment. A real country home- -At a bargin— ' All under water. Have some good trades. Write to; or come and see the won- j dertul opportunities in Central Or® REDMOND LAND AND LOAN CO. REDMOND, OREGON. VAUGHN DRAGSAWS — HEAVY and light weight«, with and with­ out clutch. Price« reduced Feb­ ruary 1st. E. G. Krebs. 15-tf FOR SALE or TRADE—Four choice lota on Main street In Baker. Ore., .five minutes walk from poetoffice In beet realdonoe district, will sac-' , rlfloe for *800. or will take good auto for all or port. Box 416, Tillamook, or Inquire R117 Head­ light offloo. 44tft FOR SALE 1 REGISTERED JER sey yearling, sired by St. Mawes Noble Duke (bull owned by E. Glad), Dam Retraites, imported from island of Jerse, Also one Jersey bull calf, 1 months old. sired by one of Ixm McCormack's bulls, and dam was champion and grand champion Jersey cow at the Pacific International. 1920. This cow also won milking con test Tillamook county fair. The prices on the above animals is right. J Merril Smith, owner. DECEMBER, the Month of Big Super Special Pictures Thursday-Friday, December 7-8 “The Young Diana” featuring MARION DAVIES. Lovely Marion Davies as the heroine of a strange and beautiful love-drama- Elaborately produced in a setting of gorgeous gowns and luxury. Story taken from Marie Correlli’s startling novel. ‘•The Flaming Forest,” Two Reefs Saturday, December 9 Tuesday-Wednesday, December 5-6 “Kindred of the Dust” Peter B. Kyne’s great story of Nor’western loves, imbued with new power in R A. Walsh’s pro­ duction, featurig MIRIAM COOPER. A picture of the great lumbering and logging district adjacent to Port Agnew. Washington. Fox News No. 9 Dorothy Dalton in “The Crimson Challenge.” Here’« a big, red-blooded picture' you’ll revel in! See the hard-riding two-gunned heroine avenge her- setf upon her father’s slayer and win the man of her heart. This is the greatest picture of Dorothy Dalton’s career, actually filmed where the coyotes howl. Two Reel Comedy Greeting Cards Christmas and New Year's Cards Daintily Printed with your own verse. Order* how. HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING COMPANY FOR HAJJ* 80 am farm near Itearru. Oregon. H uubo and ham. Six asre« «tiltl-mtvd. ten acre« Blushed. Hohool near property Good nuLtTilHirhood. AiMn« BN 103. ouv HeedlghL O-tO 'Trade With Men You Know FOR SALE -MODERN 5 ROOM Bungalow furntebed. Ou cornor lot one block from mart» -pored thoroughiare, with large garage poultry house and garden spot Owner leaving city is offer Ing to sell for *3600 <1.000 ca ance on easy tortus. This is a high claes buy either for a home or an inieetnieut. Fifll particu­ lars at Y124 Headlight. FOR RENT 1WO LIGHT HOUSE keeping rooms, unfurnished. Call at Hotel Netherlands f THE CAR AND GARAGE THAT IS NOT PROTECTED FROM FIRE Insurant* of every kind Accident A Health Automobile Farm Fidelity A Surety Bonds Fire Life Live Stock Plate Glaaa Public Liability Workman'« Compenaatlon MAY MEAN DOLLARS THOUSANDS LOSS BUY OF COM ¿»LETE INSURANCE HERE Andy Gump " Nou we have done it. The Eagle 1« the only paper in FOR RENT MODERN « ROOM America that hasn't mentioned the real dence Apply No. 14 West name of Gump within the past two First St . next to Allen House, or montha. and It has haunted the to A Hall, care of Barrick A whole force until it 1« necessary to Hall attorneys. Tillamook. tf thu« get It out of our system. We didn’t think we would yield to the Fitte RENT OR SALE NEW BUILT foolish temptation, but the pressure '5 room bungalow, convenient. In­ la to strong Tor longer resistance,—■ stallments. Call 901 First St. Vernonia Eagle East. Tillamook. 6t2 HOUSE FOK RENT FIVE ROOMS electricity and water. located three mile» north of town In quire at Headlight et'lce A1J6 WANTED TO bVY In Business Transactions How convenient is the elimi­ nation of correspondence and travel. • -v>' profitable, in the econ- or* ’ °i' time, is the immediate answer and the avoidance of dciav. •* ' : v»v satisfactory is the direct personal touch. CALL ON THIS AGENCY ROLLIE W The Insurance Man lx»ng re/ei T >hone graph Company