Page Three THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT nuDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1922 aaaaasss.. SÍ COMMENT 1 aw 2j|¡¿a®i-A'3:a!3.2'3®BES!Er o W k M lished every Friday by the x.i‘v. Jersey ha- furnished a terrific ‘wallop ' to the authorities there, it would seem from the way they are, dragging it out. If that cas^ ever gets settled, what will those people do for excitement? Headlight Publics Company Tillamook. Oregon memories, as well a.« those who are keep out of it. Easy Street poor in addition, are playing golf have a vast population. these days. Oregon. Now that the skirts are longer, a What did you have to be i thank- ul for yesterday? How- many lot fellows have decided that they nought of that while eating their really don’t need spectacles. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 . hanksgiving dinner ? ¡One year ............................. The architect ought to make a gix months .... -............. -.......... — ... 1.00 We don't like to be pessimistic, good novelist, He is used to build- _ .75 mirec months ................. ■ at we’re willing to bet that we will ing stories. Payable in advance have to pay for all the good weath­ er we are having now. , Don’t blame the butcher for hav­ ing a little fun. He is used to cut ting up. RANDOM THOUGHTS * r♦ + r k editorial policy The race of the fast young man is soon run. 1. To advocate, aid and sup­ port any measures that will bring the most gcod to the most people. Job was a patient- man but he never had to listen to any one orate, about “the crime of ’73.” If we only used the same ingenuity in our work that we do in trying to A lot of ’em think they are char itable when they give you the bene fit of the doubt. We all have some dear friends who take particular care to send all book agents to us. AND THIS IS LIFE A lot of work, a lot of pain, Dreary days of storm and rain: A weary striving for the goal That hides beyond the questing soul: A few brief hours, and then the night Folding in the longed for light . . . Yes—but above the lonliest hour The fragrance of a way side flower, A rainbow breaking on the sky Before the dream begins to die; The song of one sure trusting lark Above the edges of the dark; A little love, a little play. An altar where the heart may pray, And shining on the common clod The unsurrendering love of God. I —Selected. What has become of the old fash­ ioned man who used to wear a plug hat and a lu.r I boiied shirt on Sun days? 2. To encourage industries to i -ablish in Tillamook county . politically indeqen- lt to upport the can- r public office who - the most good to Tillamook he lit THE COMING OF CHRISTMAS Christmas is coming. All the chil­ dren sing it. Their voices capture carols from the air, Christmas’is coming! Vagrant bre^z es fling it In tufts of joy above the haunts of care; Gentler the thoughts of human hearts go creeping Through the drab day- to find a lift- ed peace all Sure as a star set high above weeping, Token of one white hour when pain shall cease. Chrlstma's is coming! World, be blithe to meet it, Flinging old burdens past the reach of sight. Light all the towers of hope with dreams to greet it, ill the soul's vision flames above the night; Be done with doubts and hates vain deceiving, Cleanse the hot passions whers stars above Drift in the patience of a vast lievlng, Christmas is coming! Sing songs of love (r I The United States Government HAS CALLED FOR REDEMPTION ON DEC. 15, 1922 Victory Bonds WITH THE LETTERS A. B. C, D, E. & F PREFIXING NUMBERS AND War Savings Stamps SERIES OF 1918 (GREEN STAMPS) DUE AND PAYABLE ON JANUARY 1- 1923 THIS BANK HAS SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR THE HAND­ LING AND REDEMPTION OF THESE BONDS AND STAMPS FREE OF CHARGE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL ON US The First National Bank Tillamook, Oregon MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY Selected. AN IDEAL Our favorite nes t<-day is hi who a . ow many miles the old boat does on ;n ... „as. 3 To urce the improvement of a port [or Tillamook city. would If it were not for worry, many a Son. when you make your mark in grave digger would be out of a job. life, do it with white paint. Again, do our Christmas shopping Perhaps one neaftrn why there ts early. There are quite a number of always room at the top is because clerks in this town who would ap­ there are no elevators running to Leelie Harrison. Editor preciate not having "5 rush at the tje peak of fame. last minute, and you will feel better Telephones: yourself after it is done. If there were no fat men and the pacific Slates, Main 68 weather, most folks wouldn’t have Mutual Telephone Thrifty householders can now lay a thing to talk about. in a supply of radium at economical The fellow who is full of ginger _ eond class mall mat­ prices, for that necessity has drop­ may be enjoying the spice of life. ter in the postoffice at Tillamook, ped in price over «50,000 per gram. ItlKoDMC1 cebi Gûlnli HM p “ b man is the one whose dei ail some adventure, it from moon • ♦ * ■ Hot, •riven SAME 0! D STUF IVhat •• ■patently is an attempt o' hine to func b Olmi poll, ■■ :■ 1 1 non in " ■ affair.-- of the state sen Ite Is sh. In rhf pr ent fight fot The of that body. he pro­ :■: for this > position ba:- FI. Upton i of Crook lounty a I. L. Eddy of Douglas, j I Eddy , the standby o 1 the Olcott bachi he has stumped for that larty l supported the ousted ’ ■ ,f his ability, lorernor l bhi M O N E Y when you start an account with us. Vi>ur interests will be protected and you will be assured of OUR Friendship ‘ m return for j^k’-tr Confidence. MEMBER 5 tderal reserve HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING CO J * cok County Bank? ■pr^