FRIDAY NOV. 24, ¡922 OFFICIAL OOUNTY PAPER Violin Virtuoso Will Appear in Tillamook STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING, NOV 30 STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING. NOV X» ••••OC ATTENTION ATTENTION High School Boys. High School Girls. Tllla- Your Your Tllla- mook High School Belt is in. mook High School Belt is in. Time Thanksgi v At A. A. PENNINGTON'S QUALITY STORE In every part of the Store New Things are arriving daily--beautiful thing­ merchandise drawn from all over the country, is adapted with skill to ideas o| becomingness and taste. Moderatelypriced fabrics take a prominent place i this brilliant display of Thanksgiving Specials « MANY REASONS WHY WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL Miaa Gertruda Hooter wtoe will ap­ pear Sunday afternooa at the Chris­ tian church in a violi Band vocal con- oort under tha auspice« of tha Mon­ day Musical club. Tinarn Herald, New Zealand, March 9, 1921: Miss Hoeber is a brilliant violin­ ist, who reduces the most ‘ntrichte passages to child’s play and is an ar­ tist of high achievements. Otago Daily Times: Mies Hoeber plays and Mta* skill­ fully and tactfully. Portland Oregonikn: Rant are the musical people who can do whal a clever Portland musi dan Miss Gertrude Hoeber did last evening, when aha played her own violin obligato, while singing “Alone in Love’s Garden i” Miss Hoeber de­ serves first place honors. Mr. M. A Howard an excellent pi- andst. will render two number*, These artists will be assisted by the McGhee orchestra. rr TABLE LINENS ts Of. FKDE or OISTKB TABU UMEB W .71 TK1 TABD mankagiving linen that Is made and bleached In Ireland which means you get the real linen with the patterns that carry the same superior Idea and make It more the real thanksgiving special at .. ............ — $8.75 T HE YD 63 Inch Irish Bleached Table Linen, exceptionally good weight beautiful design, for this one occasion only at .... gj jq YARD TWO AND ONE HALF YARD LENGTHS OF OUR BETTER grade All Linen IRISH BLEACHED TABLE LINENS REGU­ LATION PATTERN LENGTHS, SELLS REGULARLY AT »2.26 YARD, YOUR PATTERN LENGTH OF 2H YARDS rOR -............................................ $5.00. The City Transfer IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS INTO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS $4 50 THE YD 1 his value 18 all linen Irish Bleached PRIDE OF ULSTER LINEN, and especially good tor making the better gift linens TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS AND .................. ............. LINENS. ALL FANCY WE USED TO THINK WE WERE THANKFUL __ ON THIS SPECIAL OCCASION THAT WE HAD THE OLD RELIABLE TURKEY RED, BLUE OR BUFF "* OIL --- ------------- -------- COLORED TABLE CLOTH. WE HAVE IT AT THE VERY SPECIAL PRICE OF.................. _....... ........ . Quick f ic kia Velours, which are becoming so fashionable __ -*"t> ’<• you to see the latest thing in M,n’ 1 * **r ^ou latead to purchase or not. so come ill M’ a lest- aw." ONES FOR THANK8GIVING SPECIALS Stockings »Port Bom. bHck aBd tan Suit Cases and Bags M« pair ____ $1.25 _ »»ort Boo., bln. Md blBfg mlltorw lf T°n iktead to “go back home’1 for your TbatW; y°11 wl11 ,ee*i a new suitease or bsg. Web»«*’’ blag from a low priced fibre to the gennlns io M •Gd Used article. PMCBD rWM >2.90 to >23 50 , Por Pair ................... The Bertha Collars Sunny California pw Just in Time ter Thanks^ W* are right rm deck with a brand new ebiptn«n' ' Our new snappy up to the right now Collars and Tsateee are In and you will only need one look to satisfy They are priced to suit you. Let us show you. Our very complete tine of Wool Goods has made it neeeo- sary for us to enlarge our Trimming Stock. The new Metal Braids. Metal Trimming. Metal Ribbons are Ready to Show you. Let us help you put tha filings on the new drees. One very compiate Une of Stamped Goods for the coming gift season, are very new. nitty and dainty. Included are Muslin Underwear, Pillow Cases. Towels, Table Cloths. Table Runners Pillow Tape, and a most compiete line of Little Tbinge for Baby Observation cars and sleeping ears with drawing rooms and coaapartmente facDf*Ce joymem of seeoery. direr. > . 072 4 DUNN ÏH0ES j be ..¿2/ ,rprw* from New York. The e new ’ ial err^**ly OUT t,"d« with , the very l»'f' , mt weir. UNDWO sen, »-ACI SATIN ONE NTRAP PUMP . t” “>’"-ed Junior Louis Heel, a very dressy »o*1 J I Similar . BLACI PATENT similar tn style tn the satin ONE STRAP PU» Goto trimme P® PT™1’ 0NE med, Cuban heel, very dressy for any Junior Bonis O’” »1AP PU» striieh , “•**• J,t and «it «tee! Moi bucH* ZllBb for special wear - ' LET US SHOW you sleep, relaaotina and piCaSUT. BseoUeat MaH tastily prepared and •erred tn tractive diaiag case appeal to the most fastidious »art cordovan ties Your comfort is the first consideration of Southern Pacific employees who have built up an enviable reputation for courteous and efficient service. Equipment of Southern Pacific trains is modem in appointments and contains all the feature« cosdueix to comfort and luxury They arW'nd privacy, see* AU Wool Clocked In black-puttii at- For Low Round TV Ip Faroe. sleeping ear : eswrrattons. tsafa schedules, ar it«. <• picture hooka ukjuww M • «in a tea ta vt’b IW SHIPMENT ' I » W7Î £¿¿0 EMBHOUStf Or crochi j ATID I