■PM F X , ..w. FRIDAY« WOVEMBEB 8ALjM8 Page Seven along the County Road to a point then in said Court fending, wherein six wagons, three dump wagons, on« ment and decree being dated the due West of the place of beginning J. C. Petereon wa> plaintiff and G. wood wagon, two gravsl beds. one 12th day of July, 1922, and provided thence East 6.58 chains to the B. Nunn and Beesie M. Nunn, hla brown mare, three horse«, two sets that the plaintiff abov« named held of beginning. wife, were defendants. In favor of of harness, two two-ton Republic a valid and existing Hen for th« sum 5OTIC1 OF HNAL ACCOUNT All being in Section 1». Town­ plaintiff and against Mid defend­ trucks, two one and one-half ton of 1376.44 and th« further sum of Notice is hervbT K^en that th« ship 1 South of Range 10 West of ants, by which execution I am com­ Republic trucks, one truck bed, om $61.00, the costs and disbursement« . lllamette Meriden, and contain— manded to sell the property In said Austin revereable road grader. dereigned of said cause upon and against the unty Court of nuamook County, .’tg 11.08 aeres, more or less, save execution and hereinafter described, Sale will begin at th« office and following described real property ego® hla final acooont m admin c ---- — wd exeept a tract of 4 sores off to pay the sum due the plaintiff of will be continued at the Hathaway situated In Tillamook County, Ore­ rato» of the estate of Kathryn V. I the South end of sold tract hereto­ $1126.19, with interest thereon at place when the property in th« of­ gon, towit: rjitensen, deceased, and that said fore sold to D. E. Goodspeed. The east half of the southeast the rate of »even per oent per an­ fice is disposed of. Sale will con­ art has set the 4th day at Dec. at And at said sale all right, title num from October 2, 1932, until tinue until all the property is sold. quarter of Section 21, in Township j o’tlock A. M. at th« County and interest of the défendante in and paid, and the further eum of $100.00 Dated this 10th day of November, i 2 South of Range 9 West W. M., urt Room in the Court House In to said property will be sold at pub­ attorney’a fees, with interest at the 1922. and It was further provided In said jlam.K.k City, Oregon, as th« time lic auction for cash in hand, sub­ rate of six per cent per annum, from judgment and decree that unless TILLAMOOK OOUNTY BANK. ld plaee for hearing any and all ject to the right of redemption which October 3, 1932, together with the 5t3 Mortgagee. said amounts were paid into Court jeetlons to said final account, and any of the defendants ma yhave. by defendant on or before nlnty costs and disbursements of eaid suit y and all person« having objec­ Daed thia 2nd day of November, taxed at $28.00, and eosts and ex­ days from the date of the decree SUMMONS ting to said final account, are re­ 1933. pensee of said execution, I will, on In the Circuit Court of the State that said real property be sold In ared to present the same at *.u the manner provided by law for the JOHN ASCHIM, Saturday, the 9th day of December, of Oregon for Tillamook County. Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. T922, at the hour of two o’clock p. purpose of satisfying said lien and tnu and place. Ethel Huguenln, plaintiff, vs. pate,; this 2nd day of Nov.. 1922. 4t5 by which execution and order of m. of said day, at the front door of j Wilfred Huguenin, defendant. F. W CHRISTENSEN. the County Court House In Tilla­ To Wilfred Huguenin. the above sale I am commanded to sell said de- property as provided in said AdininistpBtor of eet»fte of mook County, Oregon, sell at public named defendant. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’8 SALE - a cree. t < • •<- zthryn V. Christensen, deceased. for IN THE NAME OF THE STATE In the Circuit Court of the State auction, to the highest bidder the Now, therefore, pursuant to cash in hand on the day of sale, all i>0 -V Winslow, of Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ OF OREGON You are hereby ra­ 4t 5 mook. the right, title, interest and estate quired to appear and answer the terms of said decree I will on the lAttoi: .s for the Estate. at R. G. Closterman. Plaintiff, VS. A, which said defendants and all per- complaint in the above entitled 18th day of December. front SHERIFF’S SALE OF II. Lehman. Defendant. ' >ns claiming inde. them, subse­ Court and cause on or b re the ex- 10:00 o’clock A. M at Tilla- LAL FB0PERTY By virtue of an Attachment Ex— quent to the 13th day of December. pi ration of six we< om thedate door of the Court House I HEREBY GIVEN, that l hio<>k C ity. Oregon, sell 1920, in. of and to said premises eeution, judgment, order, decri ■e and firs ; sum­ f an execution issued out d real property order Jt sale K ued out of the above hereinbefore mentioned and desmib ni on decree it Court of the State of ilion to the highest . bldd ed in said execution as follow-- to- Tilalmoak County, upon ! ih in hand for the pur i *o nie ¡retted, and dated the: All and decree roudefed in 28th day o: n ? th<* above described lien, and All of Lot Nine (9) in Block which is Jctober, 1922, upon a in the case wherein Elsie d sale all right, title and in- at rai Fourteen (14) in Manzanita Beach, U r&ol£ judgment ar decree rendered and tract ( iaintiff and A. L. John— L'l ! as the plaintiff be dissolved and that tercet of th" defendans^tn d each of entered in said Court on the 25th in Tillamook County, Oregon, . ¡ilia Johnson weTe de- I day of Octobe 1922, in favor of R. shown by the duly recorded maps she recover from you her costs and them, will be sold in the manner ;.nd wherein the said ndar.i- t C. Olosterman. Plaintiff, and against and plats thereof. disbursements, and that you be re provided by law. uvered judgment against Dated this 1.3th day of November, lailltii: Sale will 1 iade subject to re­ quired to pay her for Blipport and A. H. Lehman, Defendant, for the fter described and at— 1922. ie her« demption u -tanner provided by sum of Three Hundred Ninety Five maintenance the sum of $25.00 per JOHN ASCHIM, iched i '1 property of the said de- j and no one-hundreths (F395.00). law. month. 6t5 Sheriff of Tillamook Co.. Ore. ndanU r the sum of $590 00 ini Dated this «7 of November, This summons is served upon ’ Dollars, with interest at six (6) per ,8. Go Coin with interest thereon you by publication in the Tillamook I cent per annum from the 20th day 1922. i like G dd Coin at the rate of six ELKS ATTENTION! N ASCHIM, Headlight by order of the Honor­ of July, 1916, and the further sum The Elks National Memorial Ser­ ir cent, per annum from -the 22nd Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. able Homer Mason, County Judge vices will be observed by Tillamook of Forty One and sixty-eight one- iy of April, 1922. and the further of Tillamook County, Oregon, made Lodge No. 1437, Sunday, December hundreths ($41.68) Dollars costs First pub. November 10, 1922. disburse- im of $3 1.06 costs and 5t5 the 6th day of November, 1922. 3, 1922, at the Christian Church, and the costs of and upon this writ, Last pub. Dec. 8, 1^23 •nu. requiring publication to be made Tillamook, Oregon, at 8 P. M. Your commanding me to make sale of the NOW. THEREFORE, in order to once a week for six successive weeks attendance is requested that we may following described property to-wlt: NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX ’ ttefy the said judgment and de- RATE and requiring you to appear and an­ pause a moment In memory of those ‘‘Lot four (4) Section Thirty (30) ee, I will on the 2nd day of De- In tile Circuit Court of the State swer before the expiration of that ¡ who will attend our earthly assembly Township Three (3) South, Range ober, A. D. 1922, at 10 o’clock no more. Nine (9) West of Willamette Merl- of Oregon for the County of Multno­ time, the date of the first publicá­ Brother Rauch of Portland will M. at the front door of the Court mah (Department of Probate.) tion of this summons is November dan, being 43.93 Acres in Tilla­ deliver the address. Please Impress ;uae in Tillamook City, Tillamook In the matter of the estate of G. 10. 1923. mook County, Oregon, and also the upon the public that It is invited to unty. Oregon, sell the hereinafter BOTTS & WINSLOW, Southeast Quarter of the Southeast P. Sloan, deceased. these services. 6t3 icribed real property situate In Notice is hereby given, that pur­ Attorneys for Plaintiff. Quarter of Section Twenty-five (35) llamook County, Oregon, and more Residence, Tillamook, Ore. FOR SALE—VAUGHN DRAG SAW in Township Three (3) South Range suant to orders of the Honorable 5t7 rticularly described as follows: with dutch, one 8 ft. and one Ten (10) West of Willamette Mer­ George Tazwell, Judge of the Cir­ The Southeast quarter of Section 4 ki ft. blade. All as good as idian, in Tillamook County, Oregon." cuit Court of the State of Oregon SHERIFF’S NOTICE OE SALE OF Township 2 Sonth, Range 10 new. Wtn. N. Rife. Mutual NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of for the County of Multnomah, De­ REAL PROPERTY ON EXECU ­ wt, and the North hal f of the Phone. 543 said execution, judgment, order, de­ partment of Probate, which orders TION. jrthecut quarter of Section 16, cree and order of sale, and in com­ were made and entered September wnsbip 3 South, Range 10 West, 29, 1922, and November 8, 1928. re­ BY VIRTUE of an execution is- all pliance with the commands of said ataining 140 acres of land, writ, I will on the 2nd day of De­ spectively. In the matter of the ee- ’ sued out of the Circuit Court of the In Tillamook County, Oregon ■ate the State of Oregon for the County of cember, 1922, at ten o’clock, A. M., sate of G. P. Sloan, deceased, Said sale to be at publie auction of Tillamook, on the 16th day of Oc­ at the front door of the County undersigned, as administratrix the highest bidder for eaeh in Court House in the City of Tilla­ said estate, will, from and after De­ tober, 1923, in favor of J.C.Peter­ nd. mook, County of Tillamook, and cember 9, 1922, proceed to sell in son, plaintiff, and against G. B. Dated this >rd day of November, State of Oregon, sell at public auo- one parcel, at private sale to the Nunn and Bessie M. Nunn, his wife, 122. tion to the highest bidder for cash highest bidder for cash In hand, defendants, for the sum of $814.00, JOHN ASOHIM, in hand, all the right, title and in­ lawful money of the United States with interest at the rate of six per Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. terest which the within defendant of America, or cash and credit sub­ cent per annum from October 3, t publication November 8rd. 1922 said 1922, and the further sum of $50.00 holds in the above described proper­ ject to the confirmation of ut pub. Dee. 1st, 1922. 4t6 ty or as much thereof as may be nec­ . Court, all the following described attorney’s fees, with interest at the essary to satisfy the said judgment real property, towit: rate of six per cent per annum from I0TICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Lot numbered Four (4) in Block ; October 2, 1922, and the further Notice is hereby given that the in favor of R. G. Clostermau, against numbered Fifty-four (54) in Rock- sum of $11.00 costs and for accru­ idersigned, Sheriff of Tillamook said A. H. Lehman, with interest away Beach, in the County of Tilla­ ing costs, I have levied upon thereon, together with all costs and and lunty, Oregon, under and by vir- mook and State of Oregon; disbursements that have or may ac ­ will sell at public auction on Sat­ e of an execution and order of Bids therefor will be received by urday, the 9th day of December, le issued out otf the Circuit Court crue. the undersigned, administratrix, at 1922, at 2:80 o’clock p. m., at the JOHN ASCHIM, Sheriff, r Tillamook County, Oregon, upon Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this Room 732 Chamber of Commerce front door of the Court House in Judgment and decree enter'd In Building, Portland, Oregon, from and Tillamook, Tillamook County, Ore- Slst day of October, 1922. Id Circuit Court on 1 the 27th day ’after December 9, 1923, and until' gon, all the right, title and interest First pub. Nov. 3rd, 1922. October, 1922, in a ■ cause then in said property Is sold. which the said G. B. Nunn and Bes­ 4t6 Id Court pending wherein and Last pub. Dec. let, 1922. E. E. KOCH ELLA SLOAN TUCKER, sie M Nunn, his wife, had on or was lereby C. Alfred Boquiet DRUGGIST Formerly Ella Sloan after the ll»h day of September, NOTICE TO CREDITORS dntiff and J. G. Harris, Mrs. C. F. Administratrix of the estate of G. 1922, being the date said real prop­ In the County Court for the wis, Geo. L. Bupress, Belle 811- ! P. Sloan, deceased. erty was levied upon by atlai-hment, ne, Geo. A. 9«eeer, and Al fred County of Tillamook, State of Ore- ' Carl, B. Wintier, Attorney, 732 iu or t< ’a following dei>cr bed i>er • defendants, said judg- gon. of Chamber of Commeroe Building. premises In the matter of the Estate xt and decree being in favor of Portland, Oregon. Manzanita Lot i plaintiff and against the defend- John T. McChesney, deceased. Date of first pub. Nov. 10, 1922 Oiagon, Be; Notice is hereby given that the t» and by which judgment and 5t5 j Date of last pub. Dec. 8. also ' • tree the plaintiff recovered judg- undersigned has been appointed ad- 3 an I 4 : ; ¡»t against the defendant, J. G. ministrator with the will annexed NOTICE OF SALE 'Wheele.- it. 1’;. »ris for the sum of $1800 00 with of the estate of John T. McChesney, Notice is hereby given that the gon. *est thereon at the rate of 6 deceased, by the Coutny Court for Terms of sale, cash. of ’undersigned, as mortgagee, in pur­ t cent per annum from February the County of Tillamook, State suance of the provisions of a certain by plaintiff. as Oregon, and has duly qualified 1*21, f : the further sum of Dated this 4th day of Norembt MOO attorneys’ fees, and the fur- such. All persons having claims chattel mortgage given by Tilla­ re­ 1922. > raum of $70 49 costs snd dis- against said estate are hereby noti­ mook Transfer Company and JOHN ASCHIM. wisents of said cause, and it wa« fied to present them properly veri­ corded in Book F at pages 139-141, Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore ther ordered and adjudged that fied as by law required, to the un­ of the Record of Chattel Mortgages i real property hereinafter de- dersigned at the office of Chamber­ of Tillamook County, Oregon, has First publication Nov. 10. 1922. ibed be sold for the purpose of lain, Thomas & Kraemer, 400-7 taken Into its possession the proper­ Last publication Dec. 8. 1922 ^Ting -aid judgment and that Chamber of Commerce Building in ty covered by said Chattel Mortgage, of and will sell the same at public auc- NOTICE imortgn.e which was given upon the city of Portland, County The KOI eby giv. ■ real property be forecleed said Multnomah. State of Oregon, with-j tion on Saturday, the : 5th day of November, at the hour of one nee tint in six months from the date hereof. 5 dated the 20th day 1 o’clock P ■will b< dchooih« first published 21, and recorded lecords of Tillamoi die Power a 132. legals I PROFFESSIONAL CA8H PAID FOR HIDES, FURS SACKS METAL CHITTUM BARK PHONE Inquire BLOOM FURN. CO »KSÔëÔScêëc REÍ CLÛ >TICE OF SALE LRTY ON FORE “rlbed ud 0X1^ HEREBY GIVEN and teak, That by virtue of an execution duly and machine issued out of the Circuit Court cf th ne fir desk. State of Oregon for the County one F. k E. .. Pro- Tillamook, and to me directed, raph for checks, and the fol- the 16th day of October, 1922. upon a judgment and decree duly render-’ lowing otber equipment: One piano and straps, eight freenoee, five ed, entered of record and docketed t ■d day plough«, one road digger, one tool in and by said Court ot the • of October. 1922, in acertaln suit tux and wagon, two wheel srt-apers. t an sale issued of Tillamook the 2nd day of N on a judgment a tn said Court in therein wherein Pe plaintiff «nd Amanda Haskins He Carlson. 8. R. Barnes, Bogle, Lucy Benson Turner and Haskins were defendants, said Juda Oeo. P. Wtrudow BOTTS <4 WINSLOW Lawyer» T. H. GOYNE Attorney At Law Tillarnock ûrcKon Office Opposite Courthouse Tillamook. Oregon Phone 76-J 1 DR. C. H POLIOCI D Dentist POLLYANNA SHOP 215-16-17 Tillar TILLAMOOK, LB A Full Line of I i OREGON I Needlework & Infants Wear HEMSTITCHING 10c A YARD DAVID ROBINSON Mrs. Orpha Eastman Physician and Surgeon National Bldg How serious a COLD Tillamook, Ore. DB. J. 0. TUBNER A great manly serious illness­ es are the result of a simple cold. You can neglect a cold, but It never neglects yon. To break up a cold in the quick­ est time take OUR COLD REM­ EDY. There is nothing better in medicinal composition today. The greatest little danger «voider we eve» knew of. E. E. Koch t Z' can be if neglected Optical and X-Raÿ Laboratorio» National Building nilamook, Oregon OffloB Phone Main $9 Betídenoe 126M V DRUGGB1 CHIROPRACTIC THB BETTER WAY TO HEALTH Dinner is Served GOODRICH Forest L. Howard CHIROPRACTOR Graduât« nu ran in attendance 311 Tillamook Building Both Phones Have breekfeM. hu»et or dinner with ua. Ton'll be delighted with U m excel­ lent food, the Quick ser­ vice, unfailing oourtcey and unasally iwoonabAr price«. TOURIST CAFE produces 11 b side }f ■ he 7« Section 13. in To snge 10 West of i, excepting a ‘ded to Pacific ation Company, ribed as bounded mencing at the^outh- af the C. W. Hendricks nd Claim, and runnir.g 1 19.60 chains; thence* W3 chains; thence South H. T. Botte r Automatic gives you uu «avantagea ty with the same convenience—simply Xi on the circuit and you have electricity for p ight. Send for illustrated booklet. Corne to $ lant to operation. Ho ¿twain. Ûultur-tot 110 VuUj AWumoSfc ¡900 *Mt Í Lodge Directory ' 8tivey Wave 0. J Bo. 18 Stated communications firet and third Thurodayi of each month t> Masonic HalL Vlaltore wtdootne. CORA L. MILLER, Socn'tary Marathon Lodge No. 9«. Knights of Pyth lae Iüegular meeting Monday evening at 7:46 diarp. By ord,-r of the Chancelier Commander. N R. C. Corinth Relief Corps No. 54 Dept, of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of ««ach month, at 8 p. m , tn the W. O. W. hall. Vtsl tons welcome. Mrs. Clarence Dfrwilwy. iheetdent Elizabotli frmover, Pec’y. Corinth Post,No. 3S,Dopt- of Oregon Meets on second and on of «-act I liuwf Eb tnger, 8ec. 7 r> r Tuewtay CT.), 7 :20 p.m. Rebekahs Wednesday evening Gamp 2-4. Thursday