WORLDf BUYING LARGSSf FOB OUR chain Professor Pepp 871 STORES PEPA?.TMEI í T Jtrs. E T. Haltom entertained the Bridge club Saturday. ASSURES store organization '■rncorpo, ot^d GPPOSITE SUNSET GARAGE Miss Dolly Fitzgerald of Rocka way was in the city the first of the week. LOWEST PRICES 371 DEPARTMENT STORES Do You Know ? Dec. 8. Harvey Ebinger and wife and and Mis. Snyder spent the week at Corvalils. TILLAMOOK. OREGON that you can find those nice things that you Thanksgiving table at The Satisfaction Store? I Mrs. Olise M. Liisberg came from Portland this week to remain for some time. For School and General Wear Sizes 4 to 12 Years | Full cut Blouses with medium high ' collar, button cuffs, packet, button i waist band, six-button front—attrac­ tive- assortment of patterns in percales, blue and gray, fast color chambray, khaki twill ana mercerized black sat­ een. Sizes 6 to 16 yrs. Unusual value at Miss Berl Burkhard, who was transferred to the Portland office of the Pacific Telephone company, ■ as returned to Tillamook. C. 1. Clough and C. J. Edwards were Portland visitors this week. J. 11. Elliosn is reported as hating been iuite ill for some time. Overcoating assuner«-. tn beat’o-r mixtures and solid colors, also ci. - chlllas and cheviots In the Ic-adln Solid colors Sizes 0 to 13 Years Cheviots ♦ pnfnlnr plain colors n I overcoating casczercs. in heath.-r mixtures and solid colors. Your Little Boy wlU be thrilled by the snappy etorlee stories of adven­ ture, in the tales of the Wild West — and many Pleasure-giving, others! instructive animal stories. Beautifully illustrated Illustrated In Colors 4c to 23c The Model as Illustrated—broad collar that «in be buttoned up around tbe neck, three button, double breasted, t>elj ml around, two slash and two patch pockets with flaps. Splendid values m I Hebo. Grand Rondi . Willamina, Sheridan, McMinnville, Dayton. Newburg, Multnomah. à $ gì »Daily except Siaklny. _¡_____ iBfSElSiafaEfEEElSI^I^fPfií’NJÉffilEíc'FjaiSr^JPF'B.'r T'iüH?.'3E!31BI3föJöIl3®EI5I3iaEEEIPJB® IR.. * <£ A‘ Laugh in Every Line A party of school teachers com- I pesed of the two Miss Heffleys, Georgia Barry, Agnes Coates, Leona Peregoy and Miss Hare, motored toi Monmouth Friday evening where they were guests at the «Heffley home over the week end. On Sat­ urday they went to Corvalils where I they witnessed the O. A. C.-U. of O. football game The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church met at the home of Mrs. L. W. Turnbull on Thursday afternoon for work. A short business session was held and the following officers elected for the ensuing year. M tb . | Geo. Winslow, president; Mrs. Pan-1 kow, vice president; Mrs. Wray Stuart, secretary, and Mrs. Alva Williams, treasurer. 7 F / High School Play Miss Corinne Adams will entertain her little girl friends on Saturday,! November 25th, to a doll’s tea party, the refreshments and color Bchenie being carried out In pink. The in vlted guests are Thelma Stone, Mar­ ion Coates, Jean Clough, Carrol and Dorothy Hoberlach, Carrol and Katherine Schultz. 1.49-$4.98 there will be a rush for such printing as holidays approach I The Misses Klees of Wisconsin,! friends of Mrs. Garret Ward, who have been visiting here left Wednv- day morning for California where! they will pend the winter. The Ladies Aid of the Reformed Church will hold a bazaar and food sale Saturday. Dec. 2nd, at the Pres byterian guild hall. Coutll or’ Brocade, either Cotton or Satin, lend their durable textures to the “Lady-Lyke” Corset The black boning throughout gives that resiliency so necessary to the health of the modern woman. Dainty trimmings and»the knowledge that each cor­ set has the assurance of satisfaction, are factors supreme. YOUR FRIENDS will appreciate a remem­ brance In the shape of a Christmas or New Year’s Card. WE PRINT THEM Consult us early, as ----------------- V1 a----------- s— i- ; !li-p<>rr were received iffcre this wek that E. W. Perkins, who was formerly a deputy sheriff here, had' been injured when he was thrown under a truck near Aurora. The <•< -1 is an essential factor in milady’s toilette for the well dressed woman is ever cognizant of the charm of a grace! til figure and the lure of proper poise. She is aware that standard materials and black boning are es­ sentials for wear and comfort, and “Lady-Lyke” models boast these assets, seconded by remarkable values. Onr Own Models In V rious Styles, Stani’-J-d Materials THE TIME OF HOLIDAY GREETING IS ALMOST HERE I.v. Tillamook, 7:30 a.m., 2.00 p.m., and *6:00 p.m. Lv. P.ortland, 7:45 a.m., *12:30 p.m,, and 3:30 p.m. Mrs E. T Haltom, accompanied by her daughters and Mrs. S. A. Brod head made a trip to Corvallis Sat - 'tidi'v returning the same day. To Delight the Children will delight tn the fascin­ ating fairy tales, the many rhymes and jingles — a wealth of books to make the story hour a supreme delight IVAN DONALDSON. Mgr., Tillamook, Ore. Miss Nellie Gaylord arrived here Thursday from Eugene. She will be • inbloyed with her father, A. H. Gay lord in the insurance business. Favorite Story Books Your Little Girl Portland Auto Stage The mother of A. A. Pennington returned to her home in McMinn- J ville recently after a five months ‘ isit with her son here. Sizes 4 to 8 Years A visit from Santa Claus without story books is un­ thinkable! We have come to Santa’s aid with a fine assortment of Story Books of all kinds. iQl|7bfùGbfdrSifd(diUjfÙfîlîi I. W. White is in the city this week for a few • days. Mr. White has been receiving hospitalization at Portland. Made like dad’s overcoat—for style and service I The workman­ ship is the kind that insures " wear-resistance that pleases dad’s pocketbook Full cut Shirts wltS medium high collar, but» ton cuffs, pocket, three button front—interesting assortment of patterns in striped percales, blue, gray and striped cLam- bray, khaki and mercer­ ized black sateen. Neck measurements 12 to to 14 to- Exceptional at E. G. ANDERSON The Store without Balte or Rebatee For plain sewing call Miss Edith Fletcher at 809 2nd Ave. East. Both phone- . Call Tillamook Tire Co. ! Boys’ Nobby Overcoats SATISFACTION STORE Mrs. John Fleck of Cloverdale spent the week end with her sister here, Mrs. Frank Freeman. Uw price, are not by any mean., tb. only advantage, accruing to yon from concentrating your buying T)i4 M.« Gertrude MekUwo <4 w M) Orwahg. NMwasIto. h L (he ptetvM, wra tn riwtr sesew« bwt wm also eapMMl Hit« They wot heH st t Meek <2 Mw btri.typ.r . G uj Grhnot Be/4 Anally escaped «nd brought help to mt worm » », I I