r ■» i * i. -s»e- Page Four PECIA rR r7 I je HADLEY’S MEAT MARKET W ! Sb I • > Lard in bulk, per pound 15c Round and Sirloin Steak, pound 18c Pot Roast, pound 10c and 12 l-2c I Boiling Beef, pound 10c Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. 35c and 40c Sauer Kraut, in bulk, quart - 15c fi I J I We also have a choice line of Veal, Pork, Mutton and Poultry. Try Hadley’s Market for Right Prices and Correct Weight —and Don’t Forget to Order That I; Thanksgiving Turkey J.A¡ ’"J a? GEM THEATRE I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH George N. llarue--, Pastor Office In tLe Church Otflce hours. 9 to 12. each day but Monday Bible school, 10 A. M. We aie starting on a contest trip to Palestine. We have a modern school with good class rooms, and to good teachers. We invite you bring the boys and girls next Sun- day morning. Morning Worship and Commun- ion Service, 11 A. M. Junior Endeavor Service, 6:30 P. M.; in the basement. Senior Endeavor Service. 6:30 P. ,M.; Endeavor room. Evening preaching «ervlce, 7:30. Morning subject: “The Kind of a Preacher I Would Want to preach to Me.” Evening subject: "What Makes a Church Great?" Good -tinging, with special music at both the morning and evening service. We invite the public to worship with us. UNITED BRETHREN The Church with a hearty wel­ come. Sunday School, 10 a. in. Preach­ ing service, 11 a. m. The pastor will hold services at Beaver at 3 p. m. and at Pleasant Valley at 8 p. m. You are cordially invited to at- tend these services. Bi Ing the ba Iijes. PASTOR W. O. WOOLEVER. Í I FOB SALB FRIDAY- NOVEMBRE 24, 1922 r THB TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT -T AT *• r SUNDAY * MONDAY. NOVEMBER 26 27 “The Man From Home” FOR SALE BY OWNER — 90 B Overland Touring Car, 1919, first class condition, five good tires. $200.00 terms. Less for cash. H. J. Long, rear McGee Apart­ ments. 7t2 Taken from Q. Nilsson, impress you drama with suspense. SXIR 8ALB— $7 FOOT DEHP 3BA trolling boat, 14 horse power, heavy duty engine. First class shape Price $650 Bee Hudson at Hudson’s Garage. Itf the story by Booth Talking- “The Man From Home" will as a very clever comedy­ lots of action and thrilling FOX NEWS” TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. NOV. 28 29 “Skin Deep »» featuring Milton Sills and Florence Vidor. The Season’s Sensation! Just finished a phenominal .showing in Portland. It s filled with hair-raising stunts, thrills and mystery! A drama of dual pemonalities, changing faces and love that never dies. A picture that you will always remember as one of the best you ever saw. Don’t miss it. Two nights only. Cancel all conflicting engagements and see "Skin Deep." “FOX NEWS” ■H< SALE—5 Mi ACRES AT HEBO. 1 1-2 acres cleared, balance very light brush. 3 springs on place, Water In house. 16 young fruit trees. 2 room bungalow, also and summer house, wood shed thicken park. $1750, part terms. M. O. Ott, Hebo, Ore. 6tf FOR SALE— 40 ACRE RANCH 3 room house, barn, stock and equipment. All in crop and all irrigated. Price $4500. $1500. cash balance to suit purchaser. 80 ACRES, 6 room house, orchard, barn, stock and equipment. A real country home—At a bargin— All under water. Have some good trades. Write un or come and see the woh- derful opportunities in Central Ore- REDMOND luYND AND LOAN CO. REDMOND, OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2 Mildred Harris in “The First Woman in A pleasant evening's entertainment, which Miss Harris demonstrates her abil­ ity as an actress end entertainer ot high class. 1 WO REEL COMEDY. Keep Painted Woodwork CLEAN I SAPOLIO « Makes all house­ cleaning ca$y. Large cake No waste t I t ELKS ATTENTION! Trade With Men You Know J V ped Out! SUCH FIRE Insurance of every kind lileut A Health Automobile Farm Fidelity A- Surety Bonds Firs Life Live Stock Plate Oles» Publie Liability YVvi kman's Compensation A Í’ I SOUND RTrORT A HAS A AFTER FRIGHTFUL HOME OWNERS HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR NEGLIGENCE IN INSURANCE MATTERS Service plus a policy In the Hartford Eire Insurance Compal y moans fair and full payment of l< CALL ON THIS AGENCY « < 7 * A ‘The iiuBtuance Man’’ Il Y wir» tn IIUMmi ■ 1»^ Auspices of the “The Timber Queen” ? Monday Musicai Club | «5 > MISS GERTRUDE HOEBER, Portland f Violinist and Vocalist > •> MR. M. A- HOWARD 1 At the Piano, Assisted by McGHEE ORCHESTRA Í 2:30 P. M Adults, 50c Children, 25c DON’T MISS IT ■ ■ I * ■w FOR RENT MODERN 6 ROOM residence. Apply No. 14 West First St., next to Allen House, or to A A. Hall, care of Barrick & Hpll, attorneys. Tillamook. tf Moro than T25 I'buptern engng life -uiifrig or water tlrst aid Ins: with the result that the American ~.7q Crons Ll^< Saving Corps has set » new FOR RENT OR SA1.S NEW BUILT 5 room bungalow, convenient. In high tntirk for enrolliusnt and the •tallmenla. Call 901 First St. number of qnalttted life savers do­ 6t2 velopod. Ths influence of “leant to East. Tillamook. «wttu week“ in many localities Is ro- dis-tng the water fgtiUItlA) through In- HOUSE FOR RENT—FIVE ROOMS electricity and water. located Mructlon and thy wider dtMeuUnatloa if resuacltntlon tm-thiuls ileiu<>u»trnt<>«l three tulles north of town In by the ll«xl Cross representative* Ex- quire at Headlight office. Al36 .-nlleirt work ha» bm-u iguptBsory tMtrnctlon •uloprod tn UHuiy <8ties for members of MISCELLANEOUS ths pellcs sad Are W-(>rirtm.gi(» la the pri nv pressure method M >sii».*lta WANTED PARTNER IN GARAGE •ton buriintw tn Hllaiuook. *750 re-, quirist tnqutro XltJ Head­ HokB t» Hrtp Other» light. Itf You coni “giro catti it Sorts“- 1 A J«X ’Tl< >.XS M. THANKSGIVING » PRKHBYTERIAN Bunday Bchool, 10 A. M. FOR SALE Two acre tract in edge Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Sub ! of Tillamook City. Fine eight Ject: "Christian Thanksgiving.” room house, garage, and other Remember, THAT WE BUY HIDES Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Sub out buildings. Inquire of Roy SfrWri • ' " ’Ilrf'.frflurj’lewanrr 'I'rJli.-tnfi^'r^IrairnSyanW • lUHVëW^ie^MUHUHin Ject: "A Religious Debate.” Ques- 34tf Wood», Beaver, Oregon. , . 'ju iiL'iu riinJ. . .d&lLuirnÌj;iL-)iÌ.iii2ntir taht tlon to be debated: Resolved Home .Missions ban been more tiene VAUGHN DRAGSAWS — HEAVY fil ial to the world than Foreign and light weights, with and with­ Missions.” Affirmative, J. W Heyd out clutch. Prices reduced Feb­ and A A. Hall Negative, Newton ruary 1st. E. G. Krebs. 15-tf Anderson and C. W. Barrick. Judges Prof. Turnbull, Prof. Brakel and FOR SALE or TRADE—Four choice NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE .Mrs. Stranahan. .-I. I I LEM EN T MADE 'Illi: HAY WE < (11.1.Id T lots on Main street in Raker, Ore., We Sue in Our Own Name. Tills debate will clve interest and ,flve minutes walk from postoffleo Information concerning the great KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT CO. In best residence district, will sac­ ivillw Hillsboro I'll laniook movi inent and chlevement of the rifice for $800, or will take good Christian church. auto for all or pai t. Box 416, Everybody cordially welcome. Tillamook, or inquire R117 Head­ ALLEN A. Ml REA. Minister. light* office. 44tf METHODIST iy S.hool nt 1U:00 im Worship at 1 1 Wh'it the .Methodis 1. lineari." 99 Thursday Friday, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 I NICE l.ADY ROOMER WANTED In front room, very reasonable quire Mra. Emil Ileusoer. or at Ttf Barber Shop. WANTED TO RENY' — A DAIRY* rauch. from IS sow» up. Long exp»rl»no» aud flrwt aJw rufur - quo «», itap i ■ Wily. Garibaldi, til««''» 7tl |l Boxi- " <1 • match ARRANGED FOR i Dec. 2nd, City Hall I BEST CA’ID SECURED YET I RESERVED SEATS on sale at « RIALTO, NOV. 27 81.50. Gen. Admis. $1.00 I