By Edison Marshall « SYNOPSIS ÇJfAPTTCH V— At the {¡rath of hte fouler father. Bruce Dun'-an, tn ar« eastern city, >s a myeterlou, myswig'i. sent by u Rons, summoning I*!u, them Or.-gun—to meet Youug Bill rode from house to bouse through the estate—the home« occu­ pied by Simon's brothers and codsln» and their resp«xdlve families. He knocked on each door and he only gnve t them was the metallic click of cartridges being sllppet! into the magazine of a rifle, Another wa» the buckling on of spurs, and perhaps the ruttie of u pistol In Its holster. Before the night fell In reality, the clun cume riding—itrarge, tall figures in the hulf-darkm»»— straight for Simon's bouse. 1IU horse wus Huddled, too, and be met them In front of his door. Ami In a very few wor>l» lie made all things plain to them. "We've found l>uve,” he told them simply "Mo»t <>f you already know ft. We vo d«*«*ig rec pnaniir > Dun« U> lita ki wandering «^r. "Perhaps the num« for It all is—tolerance." And I** turned the table». And Linda »poke "Perhaps,” he nodded- true; they offered the best of targets. sibly it is only—worship! • • Again the girl’s eyes were lurid silts • • • • between the lids. Her Ups were drawn, The had - . gone. The dim- me Turners auiu «1. — , and her breathing was «range. He tning lightning revealed th®1 ^tlr* ® J racking party half a mile dWant and looked at her calmly. and -No, Linda. I can't—" out of rifle ran«* 00 the ! Brure and Linda «ole together ont "You can't r she cried. "You cow into the storm. _ rr The green foliage of the tree had already burned away, but some of the ippel ■branches still glowed agulnst the dark sky. A fallen branch smol­ » dered on the ground hissing In the rain, and It lighted their way. Awed and mystified. Bruce halted before the mln of the great tree. He hud almost forgotten the stress of the moment Just passed. It did not even occur to him thut some of hte enemh-s. unseen before, might still be lurkl' i In the shadow, watching for u chsie to harm. They stood u moment lu silence. Then Bruc«1 uttered one little gasp and stretched his 13 hollow that the cleft In revealed. The light from tnA the flame of tne lamp danced wild­ torch bsside the house had completely I ly, filling the room with flickering shadows. Bruce straightened, the lines of his face setting deep He glanced once more at the rifle In hla hands. "Linda,” he wild, "put out that fire. If there's going to be an attack, we'd have a better chance tf the room wag I in darkness. We cun ehoot through the door then." Rhe obeyed at once, knocking the burning sticks apart and drenching them with water. She took off the glass »hade of the lamp, and the little gusts of wind that crept in the cracks of the windows immediately extin gulHhed tlie flame. The darkness dropped down. Then Bruce opened the door. The whole wilderness world strug­ gled in the grasp of the storm. The scene was such that no mortal mem ory could possibly forget. They saw it In great, vivid glimpses in the inter­ mittent flushes of the lightning, and the world reemed no longer thut which they hud come to know. Chaos was upon It. The tall tops of the tree1- wagged back und forth In frenzied sig their brunches smote and rubbed And Just without their door hel Pin, top llftl will soou be here, and we have an Abundance of Xmas Candies and Nuts for th<‘ occasion. Get our prices before buying. Do you remember last year? Conover & Conover u b« moro in«» •»I l‘fl (_ _ "You C the lit ard—You Trait moved Whilo There's Time roads storu. ' roiu'hhu, I back and forth, yet still it -Mr» Itosi' ca ‘ aril —you traitor! K.1I high pluce us Sentinel of the igly ; jH-rlmp ‘ while there’» time 1” _ CHAFTIOR VI I -On the wuv, "Blinon*' passionless, patient, talking vers thun fr sternly wurim hi *1 ju to tfivç up his quest ., and She suw the resolve it pussion that be through the murk of cloud» to th«1 and return itio.L . Bruœ refus«»* I she snatched the rifle from bls huads. stars thut burned beyond for bls usual ar- CHAPTICR VII - Mr». Ito»», agnd an claims to the property, has mom of the Folger house, quiet and forgotten we only have five shells?" There are only two left. And we may need them some other time." watchful und unafraid, It was not he asked. "Go buck to Elmira." CHAPTER X.—I«ri>o«r» muuntatn Mood Iler eyes met hla, and site tried to that they did not realize tbelr danger. He held her from him with his arm; soapond» to lha rail of tbs blood-fowl They had simply taken nil potwlble smile Into them. and It was as If his strength flowed OIAJTL7R XI.—A rUpl tree, th« Hm- ineuKures of defense; ami they were "Forgive me, Bruce—it's hard—to be Into her. ner blazing eyes sought fln«l Pine, In front of Llnák'a cabin, foetus aoetin« to Bruoe'a ilruo«'» excited emttod umurlnatlon tn waiting for what the night would calm." hla, and for a long second their wills be endeavoring to ooovry a nM«u*a«< bring forth. But at once she understood why he battled. And then a deep wonder TER XII.-—Bruce ts-Ui out tn "I know they’ll mu tonight," Linda whs waiting. The flushes of lightning seemed to come over her. or a trapt** named iludooru e "What Is It!" she breathed, "What to the asmemeul between LJnda'e had said. “Tomorrow night there will offend no opportunity for an accurate infl Matthew rVdfwP* ba a moon, und though It won’t give shot Bruce meant to conserve his have you found out?" CILAPTHR XV.—Hudson und vwii much light. It will hurt their chances little supply of shells until the moment She spoke In a strange and distant the former's trapa. A wolr, cuu«ht In one, of succesa. Besides—they've found of utmost need. The clan drew nearer. voice. Slowly the fire died In her eyes, fedlL■t It in Ills hands us he mude and Aunt 133 ml re from thvtr home. The m&n in hu Ila Linda and is struck down the lnsisout him, and a greet, ClpUTiat JLJX.-Bruce fnlte Into HI nion’s trap, and is made prteoner. Instant a resistless force hurled him far-reaching understanding was In hl» night?” Th«- woman nodded, but didn't miss to the floor. eyes. Her own eyes suddenly filled (1LAPTl?H XX. -fhandnw Bruce with attempting to reopen the wood feud, tin There was the sense of vast catas­ with tears. n stitch. No gleam of Interest mine . jm. afur a mock ni ti. ' i i ■ Into li«-r eyes. Bniw's gaze fell to trophe, a great risking and shudder- i “Linda, there's something cmue to him, bound In a pasture on the «¡«’t where the Killer had slain und half <«iten her work basket, mid »«»nettling gilt- Ing that was loot In billowing waves of me—und I don't know that I can make a calf ths nirfht before. They look for tensl from its deptK Evidently Elmira sound; and then a frantic effort to re­ you understand. 1 ran only call It the return of the gTlasly and the probable alaylnf of Bruce ny the itnlm*} timl regulin'd her knlte call his wandering faculties. A blind­ strength—u new strength and a great­ CnAPTTR Xin.-A rtfwnnc «TVstv lie went buck to his chair braids ing light cut the ilarknees In twain; er strength thun I ever had before. ftnown mi the Killer« b the terror or Us l.lndii, uml th«> two sat listening, Tli.j It smote tils eyeballs us it with u phys­ It’s something thut the pirn—that Vicinity, be a use of hla siaa and ferocity had lie« er known n more quiet night. ical blow; uml sunummtng all hla pow great trre that we just saw spilt open CJLAPTl’It XIV Dive Turner, eent by They listened In vain for the little era of will ho sprung to his feet. —ha» been trying to tell me for u long thnion, br:t»es lludeon to swear falsely night soumls that usually com«* Ktetil There was only darkness at first; time, oh, can't you see, Linda? There Concernlmc the agreement. If broued luft» tin* air. rtmred end gance. Linda. It makes me see myself nfAPTI'H XXU Htmon mukas LJnda "It’s going to storiii,' l.lmla told grew and apread as if ecuttvrvtl by th«* a» I really am. And that means— an offer ‘i tuari lHM«- 4’ho girl r» rum s, Itll'nrf him wh« lovts Bruce Eniiu.'l, w tud Itntdf. And Bruce*» breath caught Power." him brutally strike« her, end leaves "Yira In u sob of wonder | h con rid« lit he will *fo to Proc», Ills eyes tiluzed. and he caught her foltowe him Vi .ml bi Tin- Sentinel l'In«, that undent hands In his. "Aitilo frb-nd und ixams^-lor that stood not "It was a symbol. Linda, not only too --ver «»a» hundred fret from the house, of the wllderue- but of powt-rs higher nicy minute huil Is'eti struck by a lightning bolt. and greater thun the wilderness. then th. It W IlH Its trunk hiul been cleft they h„ to him h.i.l 1 that if vertg* of the p«o the sphere 1 with Are long sinew. id straight an«) unflinching to Judge, not to oxidenin, not tc re­ sect ; this was tru» Htrength. *T km*»',” the ».ri said, har ICvatlnued on - Hl C. L LEWIS COMPANY tlwci i tile’s ami make your selection Conic atte*0* fletó