FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 17, i 822 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT r ÇPECIÂÏ --- JLi --------- at G '■ <1 Hai/ HADLEY’S MEAT MARKET -,_ J by using “Is Matrimony a Failure featuring an all-star comedy cast including T. Roy ier Hi- Lee Lois Wilson and A alter Hi ers ’ It’s one of the jazziest smile and comedy pictures ever made. ERE’S what you’ve been looking for,—a dynamite _ . equal in strength to other stumping powders but costing less ver stick! And we have it for you in PACIFIC STUMPING,-a powder made by du Pont, whose explosives always give satisfaction. Besides having 130 x 8-inch sticks to the 50-pound case,—other standard stumping powders having about 85—PACIFIC STUMPING POWDER will not freeze nor cause headache from handling. So you have three reasons for shooting PACIFIC STUMPING,—(1) one- half more sticks to the case; (2) no thawing; and (3) no headaches! We also have a choice line of Veal, Pork, Mutton and Poultry. Try Hadley’s Market for Right Prices and Correct Weight —and Don’t Forget to Order That Marshall Neilan’s “FOOLS FIRST.” A story of the Johnnie Walker in “MY DAD” William Duncan in “Where Men Are Men” Every dollar spent for PACIFIC STUMP­ ING Powder buys half as many more sticks as you can buy of other powders. Come in uid let us give you an estimate of cost of PACIFIC STUMPING for your land -clearing. Thanksgiving Turkey Thurso-Friday, November 23-24 rise and fall of Tommy Frazer, born and bred in the crookedest surroundings o f New York’s gangdom—yet able to escape the seeming inevitable end of all who Fox News art raised under like conditions With a master criminal mind, Tuesday-Wednesday, November 21-22 able to conceive and plot the crookedest schemes, but with a willpowerthatkeeps him straight a splendid story produced as only Mickey Neilan can do it. In the past we’ve shown pictures which were dedicated to “Moth­ Pathe Review er” and all the other members of the entire family—but here we Saturday, November 25 have one dedicated to “My Dad, showing his love, self-denial and endless toil to give to us that which lie feels should be ours. It’s a big picture of the vast stretches of wilds in the far North A fast action picture, as the title with lots of action and true Nor­ suggests a man must show and thern atmosphere If yon see carry himself as a man, or he does this one then you’ll be in a posi­ not get much recognition. “THE LANDLORD,” two-reel Fox tion to appreciate “My Dad.” PACIFIC STUMPING POWDER 15c Lard in bulk, per pound Round and Sirloin Steak, potnd 18c Pot Roast, pound 10c and 12 l-2c Boiling Beef, pound - 10c Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. 85c and 40c Sauer Kraut, in bulk, quart - 15c „ Sunday-Monday, November 19-20 Sunshine Comedy. Fox News KING-CRENSHAW HARDWARE CO. Remember, THAT WE BUY HIDES Tillamook, Oregon FIX AND FIT SHOP B I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS ät CO., Inc., PORTLAND, < George J. Burckard, Manager Need A New Range? Kltchen Hardware and Cooking Utensils Paint to Brighten up the Furniture Fanning Implements f Professor Pepp—Dec. 8. Keep Painted Woodwork CLEAN Clean wooden floors, linoleum, tile, marble, concrete, with SAPOLIO Sec our new and complete these articles Makes all house­ cleaning easy. Large cake No waste ALEX McNAIR & Hot Water and Steam Heating Pipe and Pipeless Furnaces .Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HimeB, ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wallace drove to Portland Saturday morning, returning Sunday evening. The Odd Fellows lodge at Beaver held a chicken supper and dance last at- Friday night, which was well tended. Several Odd Fellows from Tillamook r.nd their wives were there. Mr. and Mis. C. M. Hadley and J ughter, Mildred, visited in Oregon City and Portland Armistice day and Sunday New York, U, $. A. We Repair Radiators and Do Guarantee Them. “QUALITY AND SERVICE” OUR MOTTO The Society Circus is coming. $olt M.nlf>1 Tears In Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers drove to Portland Monday morning, plan- ning to return the last of the week. Professor Pepp—Dec. 8. Children Using Milk Make Most Rapid Progress i'irty two thousand five hundred children of Los An- . e questioned as to the amount of milk they Consumed dally, their ages were recorded and heights and weights obtained. The heights and weights of these children were compared on the basis of their Consumption of milk, and the figures revealed tl*4 ; ar’IIr..- tact that in every age, ■without exception, the mllk-usln/ children wore taller and weighed more than the non-mllk using children, it was also found that the mlik-using children made more rapid prog’’*-* *n their Judies. In every grade the mllk-uslng children jere slightly younger than the non-mllk using ebU- t"^le milk using children gaised on the average - 38 years on the non-mllk using children, from uie kindergarten to the eighth grade. Fletcher at S09 2nd Ave. East. Both phones. Tillamook Tire Co.—Adv. I Beulah Rogers. Ruth Patridge and F. C. Nichols, all employe« i of th?' Tillamook County Bank, went to’ Portland Friday evening to see the 1 unveiling of the Roosevelt statute.' They returned Sunday with Burr■ Bvals, Jr. Professor Pepp-—Dec. 8. ■ r; ■’ - 1 rug weavtng. D. H. Frankhauser, corner 8th Street and First Ave. It.—Adv. EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE A QUART OF BAW IULK DAILY. ORDER GOLDEN ROD DAIRY CLAR­ IFIED MILK. Marion Doty was able to be out again Tuesday for the first time since his operation. The Society Circus is coming F. F. Schults made a business trip to Portland Tuesday morning. Ccldoît RefiI Dairy Professor Pepp Pec 8. Phonee: Mutual .♦ Bel