FRIDAY. NOVEMBER. 10, 1922 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Four Office: Nat’l Bank Bldg. Ground Floor Both Phones: Bell 49 J P. O. Box 197 PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop. Complete Set of Atm tract« of the Records of Tillamook County Children Using Milk Make Most Rapid Progress I i jp'irty two thousand five bundled children of Los An­ geles were questioned ns to the amount of milk they Bonsumed daily, their uges were recorded and heights and weights obtained. The heights and weights of these children were compared on the basis of their consumption of milk, and the figures revealed the startling fact that In every age, without exception, the milk-using children wore taller and weighed more than tho non-mllk using children. »r was also found that the milk-using children made more rapid progress in their studies. In every grade the milk-using children were slightly younger than the non-mllk using chil­ dren. The milk using children gained on the average 2.28 years on tho non-mllk using children, from the kindergarten to the eighth grade. EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE A QUART OF RAW MILK DAILY. ORDER GOLDEN ROD DAIRY CLAR- IFIED MILK. Golden Rod Dairy Both Phones E. G Andc r-on returned Thursday evening from Portland where he 1 been for several days with Kls wife, Is in a hospital there. He re­ tí rs. Anderson as Improving nicely. Erwin Harrison, Prop. t if Need A New Range? Kitchen Haidware and Cooking Utensils Paint to Bngbixn up the Furniture Farming Implements The Episcopal Guild will hold a Mrs. Arthur Marolf and her fath- “Good E..t ’ „ule, Friday afternoon • ,, Gu.-> Wicklund, accompanied rN 17th, at th /!■ or. . 1 lor, Juek Rupp, united ih« stock in Portland this week. Mrs. E. M. Hadley, who has been visiting for the last two months at David Kuratll, IL T. E t’. the home of her son C. M. Hadley Dürrer were stock show visitors this returned Thursday morning to her week home in Oregon City. M. D. Ackley drove a new Ford K. 1! .Miller went to Portland Sun­ touring car to Nehalem Tuesday for day, return g Tin- day, bringing A. 8. Tilden. Mis Allena ilden back a Dodge coupe. went with him. SUNDAY .MONDAY. NOV. 1. All the stores of the city will be M. W. Harrison of Portland was closed Saturday to celebrate Armls in the < ity the first of the week on tice day. business. gowns of London Society. the county clubs at the stock show. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reichers and Miss Edna Mills and Mrs. Edna Mrs. W. T. Oathout made a trip to De,Mart made a trip to Salem Tues- Portland Sunday, returning Tues day, returning the same day. day. MAKING HOUSEWORK EASY Ji A. \i.hi< week. ' DON T HAVE TO WORRY. Y. Í KNOW YOU G’ NDRF.D PER CENT VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY. WL.Ji \ U TRATE X H l Water and Steam Heating i . ar.• NUFF SED! . TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY. NOV. 14 15— “In the Name oí the Law NOV. 16 17— F C ¿ARDBARTHELMESS In “The Bond Boy” Mrs. John Patterson will leave Chief Jenkins of the Portland po­ Friday for a short visit with her lice force Is in Tillamook on a fish mother in Newberg, From there she ing trip. will go to Portland where Mr. Put- Jay Honey recently purchased the The Society Circus Is coming. home of Ralph Warren on Fifth terson will Join her Su nday. street and will move in soon. Mrs. F. H. Nichols la In Portland Mrs. A. E. Koenig of C.utl Jd' i his week. Watch for the Society Circus. was In town Thursday shopping. M' ani Mis Fred Small and E. E Koch were in Portland the first the enlng. Large cake No waste AT------ “FOX NEWS ’ Mr. and Mrs. John Strand and W. D Pine, county agent, with his wife and daughter, went to Portland Mrs. Hartman, of Brighton, spent Wednesday morning to see the Htock Saturday afternoon in Tillamook. show. Miss Mary F. Stevenson, of Ne­ Mr and Mrs. David Kennedy went halem, was a Tillamook shopper Sat­ to Portland last Friday whttre Mr. urday. Mis.-, Stevenson is the prln Kennedy has charge of the work of cipal of the Nehalem schools. ALEX McNAIR & CO < ’ featuring GLORIA SWANSON and RUDOLPH VALENTINO taken from the story by ELI­ NOR GLYNN Gay nights in Paris, wonder- rh lips and beautiful Mrs. E. J. Hughes, who has been running the Royal Restaurant here. has closed out her business and left this week for Onalaska, Wn., to live with her two sons, after making a short visit with her daughter In Walia Walla, Wn. Clean steel knives and forks, remove stains and grease with ■ “Beyond the Rocks Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marolf are In Miss Una Emerson, of the Penney Portlund this week. Btore, spent the week nd at the I H. Moore home at Pleasant Valley. .Mrs. J. E. Shearer is in Portland this week as a delegate of the Amer C. H. Chrlstnsen and Alfred An lean Legion Auxiliary to visit the derson, of Nehalem, were In town ex service men’s hospital. She Is Saturday taking care ot business accompanied by her daughter, Mar Mr and Mrs. Ed Winters and garet. niece, Caroline Slavlne, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lyster of Hem­ Mrs. Carl Beckett, of Brighton, were, Tillamook visitors Saturday. lock were in town Wednesday. Mrs John Steinbach went to Port ­ land Tuesday morning to see tho work of the local canning team at tlm stock show. Mrs. Steinbach's daughter, Lucia, and Pauline Glen .'■•I ate the members of the Tills monk county team. . . Mutual A Hell, Willamina, Sheridan. McMinnville, D»y’°n’ Newburg, Multnomah. •Dally except Sunday.