■ yppAy NOVEMBER. 10- 1932 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Three SL<-r egp J^ardiaa^J^,^aEiaaEaaaSia¡aiaia^,a^’iu^,'9!PlSliafMíiiffWW5Uffiinawwi^ - 3S1S ■ COMMENT more to build roads and link up the county systems. Tennessee, is voting on a seventy- five dollar bond issue and has spent $8X3.000 in the last few months. Good roads spell prosperity in cap ital letters. The trivial amount of extra taxation involved is not wor - thy of consideration spread out as it always is over so many years. It would be well if the town and village officials in every community were to get inspiration from what the southern counties and states are doing, and begin work of local road improvement. Certainly wisdom calls for local authorities to ask half a dozen of the most intelligent and interested citi zens to act as a planning commission whose duty it shall be study the local situation and to lay plans anti make recommendations for road de velopment. Once the people see what improved streets will do for them and learn how they can be financed with slight burden they win get behind the movement. Every foot of improved street is an itisur- anct policy guaranteeing the in •i-iised value of estate a<i business.. Êtuaitwofe ^eaöltgjjt An Independent Weekly Pnper Pub lished every Friday by the H;, i ht Publishing Company lantook, Oregon Leslie Harrison, Editor Telephones: P¡( ¡ti, States. Main 68 Mutual Telephone g(l i as second class mail mat ter . t*. postoffice at Tillamook, Oregon. , -’<’R1 PTION RAISES ... $2.00 One yeai ................ ... 1.00 felX I' .......... 75 Three Payable in advance ♦ + ■ !• ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + €bitoml paac of (Lbe Olatnook peaMiabt JRIAL POLICY work rebuilding the line to Hepp ner. » A rich ore strike is reported In The battle's din dies out and in the Greenhorn district near Heppner. Its place a sigh State University Endowment cam And plaintive moans and the rattle of bones paign has netted $25,000 so far. As the defeated ones pass by. North Bend Odd "Yellows havf For it’s certainly hard to have to regard A cherished idol's fall. completed plans for 3 story $75,000 Hut sad to relate such often is fate. lodge hall. And it's a bum old world after all. The Dufur Orchard Co. announces that It will plant its entire 1800 We lay out our dope with the highest of hope. acres In grain. To find that our choicest proje ‘ion The Pacific Telephone & Tele - Conies buck front the polls all shot full of holes, graph Co., v. ill build a new $10,000 The result of emphatic rejection. home at Che Dalles. However, take heart, for we'll ca t a new part The management of the Sumpter That will tickle the voter and dazzle; smelter announces that operations Dress'it up lick, and next election we ll lick will be resumed In the spring, rite winners this year to a frazzle. The Farmers’ cooperative associa- — Wray Stuart tion at Eugene handled 3,000,000 pounds of green prunes this year, A steel bridge is to be constructed I ucia Wiley and Pauline Geinger HIGH SCHOOL NOTES across Crooked river 12 miles from This week is American Speech llave left ns representatives of Ore Prineville. Week, commonly known as Better gon to the Live Stock Exposition in The city of Condon in eastern Portland, where they will demon Speech Week. Better spech means Oregon has purchased a $3,000 strate methods of canning. If they better American Americanism engine. stands for demoert and generosity win there they will go to Chicago to 1 he teiphone exchange at Silver - represent the Northwest. not only in the s of the Amer ton is nearing completion. Inte for tl High School play among other natior Work ha been started on the new tor Pepp is been fixed for highway from Grants Pass to Ctes- FEATURES DOWN BUT NOT OUT. A HOME PRODUCT Golden Crust MADE IN TILLAMOOK FOR TILLAMOOK PEOPLE. CARRIED AT THE FOLLOWING GROCERIES TILE SATISFACTION STORE CONOVER & CONOVER BURGE GROCERY * HONEY & HEUSSER PATRONIZING .HOME INDUSTRY IS ONE WAY TO CUT DOWN TAXES eent City. • * Salem Is the world TUBI ❖ *4 ur-i * ' ic-!. ilamook city ♦ ' + + politically indepen- to support the can tor public office who g the most good to pic of Tillamook i lie state of Jf ! ♦ d< n * * *r' + ♦ -1 ♦ 5❖ V * * 4* * 4» counties th. is summer. ( Inta, Tenn ess each, Iud ’. a tec- elections that* ■Oregon has resulted i liange from the estub-, i of things e .1 not unbooked for; | ■I of v hat they had! ' iud showed their! idle. C: . . > v.. . ririr.ciple was shewn! -aiid himself; first by! iai: of the religious ques | 11 primaries, and next by) hi. in < lor abuse of his oppon- •eni " I i entered pi to Illi but the two mentioned abo1. ry likeiy what put the presei mor into the discard. People 't ie not antagonistic to the Kepu mean party; they were again-t the leaders of that payty. and showed it. I’lie large sums of money that w, re evidently spent to retain holt in the statehouse bad v' ■ II» effect where public senti went >s aroused. lepubllcan party may well study ... lesson derived from this eln tii Clean house. SCHOOL MEASURE TRIUMPHANT Wyoming 12. late the best example of si sftil county- wide drive --'i • <. ■ - i-'ii on'in steubrr, Cmui Y. During a period of 19 days •el ■ • 11 SPENDING MILLIONS FOR ROADS Whiis the palamity howlers are •■Joying thi msejves in other parts of the >ntry, the South is making ttrtdt "a league boots, laying 'h* su foundation for future de ’■Hopment- good roads. Kor Carolina has voted seventy- fire t. '■¡•lior. dollars and Alabama fire n Billion. Fl- r1a ’ackled the job by court- Ues Three counties have voted six Hare and enterprising bus- 'i en are asking five million I ■ 1'1 I: , , I The Scio milk condensery pays $700 in premiums to continuous pa trons. Oregon has swung toward the 81 measure making education in the Public schools compulsory by a Ter>' 1 - ■ margin. It is the sover eign will of the people of this state that very child shall gain his first schoi 111,4 under state supervision. It is safe to predict that, within ’-n years, over half of the state of die I nion will pass similar laws. Oregon has been the pioneer in the man. ,f compulsory education just as -1> was the pioneer in many movenit nts that have become nation "illt It has been said that the censer tives are the people that are Prartn ,.g tijp th[ngS that were ad- y°cat<- i few years ago |,y tjje rarj icals Time takes the sharp points Rom such things and makes people wonder why they never could see ’he go. ,| jn them before. It will be 'hp > ine way with the schoolbill. uny years no one in Ore gon w. :1|,| w-ant t0 gee the school *<"' np<ot. i I'll, lots containing more than 4.' head of cattle The disease found on 180 farms, and 1,574 re- actor- were i emoved. The total cost of the campaign in the county was $10 t09—about 23:5 cents a head for all animals tested Ninety-eight per cent of the herds were tested in the drive and the few "conscientious objectors’’ remaining have decided tn i . ve their cattle tested. The great success -of the work in this county was due in large measure to the whole hearted cooperation given by the live stock owners, the Farm Bureau, railroad live-stock agents, women’s clubs, the Dairymen's county commissioners, chamber of commerce, and other organizations. 19 ap! pointed from the English as chairmen' » in a contest that between the two! Hansen, Noah! ; Beatrice Shel-; Cordelia Oatfield. Arline Key’d,; ; Lnmar, Cleo'Rusk and Roberta pbell, a,-, ¡slants. The object of - contest is to see which class can I the most tickets. A prize awarded the winners. In co D ' dnve Trl--. Ba. invìi r contest in !u-r i !1 III classes, ripen have been on Lartib, c . (• ■ -ii . n Pa nJ i ow.-rs, Alfred Turner, and Evelyn Glad. The gai Tillamook high school resulted in a landslide ■lidi for Tillamook. The score was 26 to 0. Ona One of the i nciting feature of f the game occured when Tippens received n Seaside forward pass almost from the hands of a Sea side player and ran about forty five yards for a touch down. If it had not been for many fumbles on the part of Tillamook the score would have been larger. This evens two losses suffered at the hands Astoria and Oregon City. As one from the Pacific University Freshmen was also a victory for Tillamook. On Nov. 11, Armistice Day, a loot ball game between Com pany K, and Tillamook will be held at the fair grounds. Shingles and some of the giaduates from Tilla mook will play for Company K. it-» Hopkins, DeFord, Fern Hanson Irene Smith, Roletta Wall rip, Joe Maxwell, ?, ilia Davidson, Doris trice Sheldon, Rome line Ileyd, Mary V Rusk. Rowena Citi Iterine V Is Art- Anderson, ht, Ben- Itom, Ar imi Glen OREGON NEWS Since 1909 $86<94. has pay out by the stat ■ in bounti predatory animal The Union Pac serves more than 50,0bu custoi lias 1 5iH) miles of pole line, and more than $3,000.000,0u0 gross incss annually. St. Helens has Just awarded $7,829.20 sewer contract. The W. C. T. U. Is to build a chil dren's farm homo near here cost of $16.000 . Lamb. Edwai FOR SALE—80 acre farm near Beavre, Oregon. House and barn, i Six acres cultivated, tsn acres slashed. School near property. Good neighborhood. Address BN care Headlght. 43-tO For winter driving, change to ffRed Crown” quick-starting gasoline and stick to it. "Red Crown’ ’ vaporizes rapidly, even at zero temperatures. It is the quickest-starting motor fuel on the market. You’ll Koticc the difference irriir» diately in the increased power aiv 1 flexibility of your en gine ru nning or "'¿ed Crown it delivers 1C % power instantly in the cold« *♦ weat*er. Friendship ai d Finance The Prosperity Of Our Depositors • s Of Great Importance To Us Pipy s de. I ¿H at < it Ped Crown í ígn, a* set vice s • ion«, garages nd ether dealer^. FRIENDSHIP as well : s M 0 N E T r.X r>ARD OIL COMPANY 1 CaLfortua) when you start an account with us. Your interests will be protected and you will be assured of OUR Friendship in return for your Confidence. ■«»- «z». member SYSTEM John Morg.lt A. W. Bunn Henry Roger.' r g-xxi fi-r • anti iuLri- f- -rteC’iy jn zero aer — p oteti the bearings — in.-rea^c the power .d fiexibiLty of yo*’? engine o QUICK ■ i 1