FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER ■eminent COUNTY CLUB WORK Nor the club year of 1922-23 of study ee Club” has been added to the list ot projects that may be carried Agriculture recently outlined by by the boys and girls of Tillamook State Superintendent and State BITYIN q WORLD'S County according to H. C. Seymour. nertment is meeting with favor FOR OUR Practically all th« library books' tiachers a I State Club Leader. LARGEST for the various sclyx>ls have been Club projects carried on by the 371 STORES ç CHAIN forwarded to the different districts. boys and girls in this county during AFFIDAVIT ASSURES Under the libi ary law the districts State of Oregon, Conn 1921 -22 were calves, poultry, gar- DEPARTMENT V.. are slowly building up-very good li-• mook. potato. cooking, sewing, can- den, lowest STORE ' 4 braries but most of the*districts are' We the undersigned first being ning and homemaking. Ten boys PRICES duly in need of little more funds duly sworn do say we were arbitra­ and girls received a free trip to the I ORGANIZATION « with which to purchase books and tors on the road known, as the Moore State Gair. Three being on the if a few extra dollars could be add-: < nt off and after taking some five judging team, three i the canning ed by the district at the time other votes were no nearer together than team, and four high scoring individ­ libraiy books are ordered it would we were on the first vote and ?Trs. uals at the County Fair. There will mean the purchase of a large num­ .. O. Richards proposed that we take be six sent from this county to the ber of books that are very much the price the County Court had Pacific International. Three for needed in the district and which the I settled with on both the North and judging team, and two as the can­ children could use to a great ad- South »d strike an average. This ning team. vantage. For the coming year it is hoped was agreed to and Mr. W. G. Dwight phoned the County Surveyor that there will be even a-larger en­ All district budgets should be in and got the amount of land and the rollment in the club work. For a standard club there mast soon as the special levy are request­ prices paid and then figured out ed to be reported to the County As­ what the Moore land would come be: 1 At least five members working sessor not later than December 1st. at, which was a little over $3400.00, and after Mr. Jobe Foster saw this on the same project. 2. An adult local Club leader If all the school activities were he went back on his agreement to reported to the County School Sup- settle in this way and said that charge during the Club year. 3. Club organization with offi­ de- $1000.00 was all that It was worth, erintendent by teachers much served publicity for various schools! but that he would come to $1400-00. cers. 4. A definite program of work for the could be brought to the attention of r hen Mr. Dw ight said that the public, as in most districts there1 County Court had told him that they the Club year. 5. At least six regular C>ub meet­ is something all the time in which expected two reports so if it was The the people of the county would be agreeable to the rest of us he would ings during the Club year. stay with Mr. Foster and the rest secretary should be required to keep generally interested. of us could send in a report for the definite record of these meetings The new course in Oregon History $3400.00, which was done. and also of the progress of each recently outlined by the State Sup member. WM MAXWELL. erintendent is now being used in 6. A local Club exhibit held an- AMOS VAUGHN. the schools of this county and is Subscribed and sworn to before nualiy. 7. A demonstration team of three proving very satisfactory to the me, a Notary Public in and for said ziua teachers and pupils as well. It is an County and State, this second day members which must give at least excellent addition to the course of of November, 1922. one public demonstration study for the reasoti that people liv community. A. H. GAYLORD. 2 to 6 Y/jars 8. A judging team chosen by ing in Oregon should be made Notary Public for Oregon I Charming, fcnug little quainter! with the events and My commission expires May 11th, co i.petition between the members. models of Pe.laire Cloth more shaped events of the State 9. At least seventy per cent 1925. (Paid Adv.) i with self or fur collars the members completing the prdject of Beaveref te or Coney; and filing a final report with The d''mst'dsi of Fashion for distinctive smartness find full realization in these models warmly azid attractive­ State Club Leader. Ar ’■'all t ;d Winter that achieve extreme modishness and reveal values that cannot b« ly lined. Remarkable 10. An achievement Day he values aJt dup'.ca td anywhere at our prices. the close of the Club year. When the first four requirements have been made the local leader l f f should report to the County Club Agent giving name of club, nade of f - project, names ot the membqfs and The State copy of the program. Leader will then suggest ta the Na­ tional Club Leader that a standard club charter be issued to the Club. For Knitting When all the requirements have been met a National seal of achieve­ Chilly Fall and Winter ment will be recommended. winds cal] for snug, warm knitted things—sweaters, When a Standard Club is organ­ , scarfs, cape, socks— a ized the enrollments should be on host of tilings. Standard Club enrollment blanks, We have the yarns tn sport colors and dark Black Brown Navy which .may oq secured trem the shades. iSir boll. county school superintendent, coun- Reindeer Sorrento tyty Club agen|. County Agricul­ Balk 39c Rn<^ UP tural Agenf, or County Club Agent. In communities where a standard Club is not organized, either because there are not enough members or Ai ........................................... variety of models include the many stylish features dictated by Fashion to meet because for other reasons it is not the requirements of individual taste, such aa long-waisted effects, tailored lines, flare deemed advisable, those washing the two» > backs, smartly belted silhouettes. Some of the models havs smart collars of self material; CJnb work should enroll as Club jiembers, filling out individual en­ most of them have hixurious fur collars of Beaverette, Caracul and Opossum. rollment cards and mailing them * Smart Styles u Capeskln, suede, mocf.a la direct to the county Club agent or popular color«. Up from State Club Leader at Corvallis, Ore­ gon. Club members should be willing to Io the following: 1. Do the project work as pre- •crlbed by the State Club Leader. 2. Attend all Club meetings. Earl, « heeler precinct-—J.. L. Vosberg and diss Bradley is also the food editor 3. Keep accurate record of all Amy Murphy and NOTICE Nunn judges. Mrs. Geo. Arch­ of the Woman’s Home Companion, clerks; Maple Leaf precinct—J. H. G work performed. An orgar.izati n to be knc 4. Write a story of the work done ohnson and L. S. Husbbeck, judges, ibald. R. H. Cady and G. L. Archi and her name attached to a recipe the “Swiss Society’’ will be L bald, clerks; Union precinct, Dwight booklet for Tillamook will create luring the year. W. F Baker. ¡•■yivia Hoskiris and at the K. P. hall next Sunday. Edmunds and R O Allen, judges. widespread interest among 5. Make an exhibit of the Club women 5. at 1 o’clock The mission Pearl Ackley. clerks, Neskç.win pre­ Mary E Compton. Josephine E. everywhere. The booklet will Work be society will b> social and frat cinct—W. C. Commons and Leo F. Pat her anti Bertha Edmunds, clerks. offered in each advertisemnt pub- All men of Swis.- descent are i 6. Complete all work and reports. S«-ond boards have been appoint­ lished in the newspapers, and Affolter, judge.-. John Affalter. F. L. sent to be present. During the month of June a two- ed for the following precincts: upon request. Martin and Hazel Commons, clerks; vcek Summer School for Club mem­ COMMITT Adv. Nehalem precinct—H W. Tohl bers is conducted at the Oregon Ag­ Nehalem precinct—A. C. Anderson Besides the above features, addi - and Lee Mead, Judges. C. H. Chris­ tional store hangers will be supplied ricultural College. State winners and Emil Kardell. judges. Otto EA- NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOl tensen. P. E Allen and C’. E Allen, fenberger, Emil Todd. and Clara n the projects and divisions of the to grocers, such as are now being us­ clerks; Cloverdale precinct—Chas. Notice is hereby given tM Peregoy. clerks. Net» rts precinct — ed. Ads will also be taken in gro­ projects at the State Fair, 1922. re­ Ray and F. C. Becker, judge«. For­ undersigned has filed wttk ceive a trip to this Summer School. Clarence Edner and "W W Petty, cer’s trade papers calling attention rest Gist Bell Murphy and Elizabeth County Court of Tillamook Tillamook county will have six judges. A. M. Standish. Mary F. to Tillamook cheese in the grocer's Hunter, clerks; Goodspeed precinct Oregon, his final account m Cross and A. N. Davies, clerks; state Club winners at Corvallis next language, impressing upon him the —C. W. agy and J S. Diehl, judges, istrator of the estate of Kati June. Any member in the State Rockaway precinct--C W. Ross and increased saleB of cheese and rapid Henry Plasker. Frank Conover Christensen, deceased, and tl W J. Schumacher, judges. Veda who is enrolled in a project for turnover to be made by handling J. C. Pangborn. clerks Court has set the 4th day of Sappington. Blanc he Wood and Ed ­ to 1922-23 and has all work up of This list of judges and clerks wan lillamook over other fiiakes ten o’clock A. M. nt cheese. or ward H. Wood, clerk«; South Prairie late may attend by paying h*s made up from the registration and Court Room in the Court He her room and board fee of $15.00 for precinct—A. L. T'arby and L. A. Ed­ doubtless quite a number of changes _ Altogether, it is proven that Tilla- Tillamook City, Oregon. M l gar. judges. Bur rell Clements, Lil ­ he two weeks, and traveling ex- mook advertising of the past five lian Clements and Geo. W. Crini- will be necessary on account of vot­ and place for hearing any » penses to and from the College. years has been very effective ers moving away from the precincts mins, clerks: Stillwell precinct, W. and objection» to aid final luv T Oathout an 1 John F Mathieu,1 in which they were registered. Va ­ aid«d materially in obtaining the any and all person« harlnf ELECTION BOARDS APPOINTED Judges. Bernie« E Ripley, ennle Er­ cancies in the boards will be filled higher price over cheese from Wia- tions to said final accoun'. (Continued from page 11 skine and O W Barrick, clerks; by th» chairmen of the various eonsin and other sections.'"Today quired to pre« it the Ban« d lillamook is obtaining 30c for Tilla­ Edwards boards on «lection day Wilkes, clerks; Hebo precinct — Sandlake precinct—U. S. time and place. mook triplets and 31c for longhorns, and Walt Tcoley. judges. F. L. Brod.' 1 P D. Ott and Wm. Peacock, judges. Dated this 2nd day of le Wisconsin is quoting 25c and C*laru S Bodyfelt. Dot Lewallen and Eugene AGfinson and J. R. Simpson, i F. W. CHRISTO® -5 Ac. From this it can be seen that F. E Cro««, clerks; Hoquarton pre- clerks; SuSnytnead precinct—H. W. j ADVERTISING PLANS MADE of the Administrai ‘he expenditure of a fraction of a and M. Doty. Speer and >lrs Henry White, judge«! (Continued on page 8) clnct- Alt** Watt -tensen. Kathryn V Ch < fo radvertising. along with judget< Carrie E Gruber. Etta Mrs N Al Ginn, Flora Aschim and l»d to order the billboard ; Botts & Win 1 wf Shearer and L. V. Noyes, clerks; Ethel To<^ Havs. clerks; Tillamook posters, but take up at a further[ Quality and salemanship, has helped Attorney« for the E*1 Little Nestueca precinct—Thoe. Wil­ precinct- M. R Hanankrat and A.'meeting of the board the matter of I T llamook to derive a premium of .. I. deciding ... • cents a pound over what dairy- son and D. X Dunn, judge«. L J. W Bunn, judge«, p . Todd. Mrs. Jo- upon when and where they1 XnV^^’^’ble to Redberg, Lillie O. Redberg and J C. sie Gri/ler and Mra. J. Brimball.: would be used Dunn, clerk»; Kllchi« precinct. J. W. clerks; Trask precinct—Frank Paul' Another new feature of the T 923 it, ““ J’r the* rchee8«- Figured on R. I. B0A1S. * 5 P oductlon of nearly 7 000 000 Jennings and Leia Hoover, judge«, and I> Fitzpatrick, judges. Marie Tillamook advertising, will be the' priunds a year, this means $34o’oJo Surgeon and ftf**0- 'lennfe Finlayson. Anna Nielson and Portrtfan. Bertha Hun# and Blanche publishing of a recipe booklet, with Kittle Werachkul. clerks. Long Hart, clerks. Brighton precinct—XV recipes prepared by Mis« Alice Brad ­ more money that Tillamook is I. O. 0. F. BaUdUX Chee<* annuu,,Jr- This Prairie precinct. E. G. Kreb« and I- A. Rowe, judge. W. B. Watt, Ch*«. R ley, the head of the famous Miss pretty’Jell preny well auawera Pair ter and Watt, clerks; J Earl, judges. Mrs Blanche Hogan Farmer’s School of Cookery. Boston.1 ‘J 371 DEPARTMENTSTOR^S Tillamook, Oregon Opposite Sunset Garage OFOUR371 BUSY STORES! Buying most it is /natural that we buy for less—selling most in the stores of this Nation wide Institution, it is equally, natural that we sell for less! The benefits you derive from our efforts comprise better quality merchandise and important saving of money Girls’ Coats Stylish Fall Coats Offering Exceptional Values $4.98to$7.50 Handsomely Developed of Eolivias Velours and Polaire Cloth! tnatter ot Women’s Gloves Tillamook