ffPAT NOVEMHER-’l, 1922. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Seven deed recorded at .page 14 8 of Book Wooley, »deceased, .by the County for Tillamook County, Oregon, upon the Southeast quarter of the North­ Court has set the 4 th day of Dec. at 14 of the Record of Deeds of Tilla- Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, PROFFESSIONAL mook County, Oregon, and excepting- All persons having claims against a judgment and decree entered in east -quarter of Section 13, in Town­ ten o’clock A. M. at the County further a tract y law, to the undersign«« Notice is hereby given that tbie of] foT allowance, at the office of Botts, whereby C. Alfred Boquist was Railway and Navigation Company, objections to said final account, and Veterinarian (jersicned, Sheriff of Tillamook . Soovell, recorded at page 482 ' Book 10 of the said deed records. arul Winslow, Attorneys at Law. I plaintiff and J. G. Harris, Mrs. C. P. Also a tract described as bounded! any and all persons having objec­ uBty. Oregon, by virtue of a wrltt Bell Phone 8F2. Mutual Phone and order of sale exeau'ion ¡--2 ?--*»- ->r o.-,u issued iRmie.-f The Lands hereinbefore described oe- Tiltimook City. Oregon, within six i Harris, Geo. L. Supress, Belle Su— by a line commencing at the South- tions to said final account, are re­ ing 247.16 acres, more or less; motxihs tram the date of this notice press. Geo. A. Seeser, and Alfred east corner of the C. W. Hendricks quired to present the same at s«.u' |t of the Circuit Court t of the Tillamook AND EXCEPTING FURTHER Oregon Dujed ths October l'ltli, 192-’ Tillamook Gubser were defendants, said juiig- Donation Land Claim, and running time and place. xte of Oregon for ,n- THEREFROM a right of way for EMIL M. WOOLEY, iunt} in .u a ____ ment and decree being in favor of thence North 19.50 chains; thence mnty cause wherein Tllla- the Coal .Creek County Road, deeded Dated this 2nd day of Nov.. 1922. .Administrator of the Estate! the plaintiff and against the defend ­ joi County Bank is plaintiff and vjfc County South West 5.83 chains; thence F. W. CHRISTENSEN, t oJ Louie Wooley, deceased. ; Kuppenbender and Ida Kuppen- by W. Kuppenbender and wife to 115 ants and by which judgment and along the County Road to a point 'lillamook County, by deed recorded Administrator of the e, will on Satur- ■tract deeded by W. Kuppenbender Harris for the sum of $1800 .00 with of beginning. Attorneys for the Estate. 4t5 xylite lltli day of November, 1922 National Building NOTICE L4 HEREBY GIVEN, that 6 All being in Section 13, Town- t the hour of ten o’clock A. M. at and wife to Harry A Zehrifng, in bj virtue of vn execution issued out interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum from February ship 1 South of Range 10 West of M Court House door in Tillamook .Section 6 Township 3 North Range| Tillamook Oregon ot the Circuit Court of the State of Ity, Tillamook County, Oregon,» at 9 West of the Willamette Meridan,, 1. 1922, for the further sum of Willamette Meridan, and contain- i by deed recorded in Deed Book X. Oregon, for TA ilniook County, upon 36 jblic auction sell to the highest $200.00 attorneys ’ fees, and the fur — ing 11.08 acres, more or less, save J a judgment and decree rendered in ¿der for ca. h in hand ih'e follow- at page 576, of said records. dis­ and except a tract of 1 acres off Said sale will be made for the said court in the case wherein Elsie the num of $70.49 costs and descr.oed real property Mtuate H. T. Botts purpose of satisfying the judgment Vidito was plaint ii t and A.. L. John bursements of said cause, and it was the South end of said tract hereto- Geo. P. Winslow U| TfllaniO"k County, Oregon; further ordered and adjudged that fore sold to D. E. Goodspeed, rendered in said cause which is for Itts numbered Two, Three Four. son and Martha JoVnson w, Beginning at a point i|C' sum of $34.06 costs and disburse-1 delighted with the excel­ command in said execuition and or­ 4t 5 lint East and 11.54 chains South ments. I lent food, the quick ser ­ 215-16 17 Tillamook Bldg. der of sale I will on the 4th day of NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR S the Northeast corner of the North vice, unfailing NOW, THEREFORE, in ord er to courtesy Decernber at ten o’clock A. M. at the * NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT a Quarter cf Sec. Six aforesaid, in TILLAMOOK, ’ OREGON SAT.F, and unusally reasonable satisfy the said judgment and de—I d Township and Range, and run- Notice is hereby given that the cree. I will on the 2nd day of .De- | front door of the Court House in Notice is hereby given that the prices. jg thence Smith 70 degrees East undersigned administrator will, on Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at pub­ undersigned has filed with the 19 chains; thence South 67 de- and after the 11th day of Novem cember. A. D. 1922, at 10 o’clo ck | lic auction the following described County Court of Tillamook County, ¡es West 1 chain; thence South her, 1922, offer for sale at private A. M. at the front door of the Cotn't real proper^) situate In Tillamook Oregon, his final account as admin­ DAVID ROBINSON degrees West 3.20 chains; thence sale the following described real House in Tillamook City, Tillamook Oregon, to-vs.it: istrator of the estate of Kathryn V. ith 29 M degrees West 3.32 property situate County. Oregon, «ell the hereinafter, in Tillamook 22 acres of’, the North side of Christensen, deceased, and that said tins; thence Seuth 7% degrees County. Oregon, to-wit: Physician and Surgeon described real property situate ini I st 2.33 chains; thence South 14 The South half of Lots Five (5), Tillamook County, Oregon, and more B pees West 3.32 chains; thence Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8),{ particularly described as follows: National Bldg. ■ Tillamook, Ore. ith 32 degrees West 3.83 chains; Block Five (5) of Park Addition to The Southeast quarter of Section see South 49 degrees West 2.10 Tillamook, Tillamook County, Ore­ 9, Township 2 South, Range I tins; thence North 19.05 chains gon. West, and the North hal f of Z the point of beginning, being This sale will be made in pursu­ ■X 5 acres of land, less the amount ance of an order of sale made by Northeast quarter of Section traced in the county road on the County Court of Tillamook. Township 2 South, Range 10 West, DB. J. G. TURNER this County. Oregon, in the matter of the containing 240 acres of land, I Easterly boundary of all tci and less a strip 30 feet in Estate of Charles L. Wooley, de­ situate in Tillamook County, Oregon Optical and idtb on the Northerly boundary of ceased, authorizing said sale to be | Said sale to be at public auction I X-Ray Laboratories ib tract dedicated by George Lud- made by the undersigned as the ad- to : the highest .bidder for ' cash 9 i and Minerva Ludke to Tilla ministrator of said Estate. hand. National Building jok County for road purposes; The sale will be made for caah ' Dated this 3rd <1O> of November, id also, a strip of land 8.10 chains subject now ’ 1922. to incumbrances Tillamook, Oregon width off the entire West side of against the land. JOHN ASCHIM, be I ■ Il 'fl ts Ten and Sixteen of Section Offers for the property will Office Phone Main 39 Sheriff of Tillamook County, t aforesaid, containing 20 acres, received at the office of Botts and 1 Residence 126M ire or less, except therefrom a Winslow, attorneys at law, Tilla- 1st publication November 3rd, ict described as beginning at the mook City, Oregon. Last pub. Dec. 1st, .1922. X. rtheast corner of said 20 acre EMIL M. WOOLEY, d where the line between the Administrator of the Estate NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ds of F. R. Beals and Stephen lt5 of Charles L. Wooley, deceased A MF.RICA has ah ▼UY* stood for the protection of natural and inalien- ivlll in said Section, on or prior Notice is hereby given that the CHIROPRACTIC Z-W aide rights, am ttng which none is so sacred as that of parents over June 29, 1916, intersected the undersigned. Sheriff of Tillamook THE BETTER WAY TO NOTICE TO CREDITORS their children. ith bank of the Nehalem River the County, Oregon, under and by vir ABRAHAM LINCOLN said. Notice is hereby given that HEALTH Lot 16 aforesaid, and running of “The Family is the ctWner-stone of social order and the guarantee undersigned has been appointed ad- tue of an execution anil order ince South along said lice be»- sale issued out of the C.ircuit Court Of public safety. No Coven Mnent can take the place of th«- Parent, and ten the land of said Beals and ministrator of the Estate of Louie should never be permitted to’usurp it." (Speech at Quincy, HI»., 1859.) d Scovill 510 feet for the initial The results of the campa ign f. against the so-called Compulsory Edu- nt of the tract hereby excepted; cation Bill, which is in fact a B. f.’U to EttabUsh Slate Monopoly of Educo ■nee South 507 feet to the bank Cion, may be grouped under two bead» he North Fork of the Nehalem Graduate nurse In attendance rer; thence North 67 degrees 211 Tillamook Building st 425 feet along the bank of Both Phones L THF. LUTHERAN ARGUMENT. If you The FACTS DEMONSTRATED, no fcnget Al d river; thence North 4 degrees et For quick results od - «t fit to send your child to a school in which your •erioosfy disputed by anybody, are these minutes West 227 feet along /eliglon is taught, not one day in the week, but That the Bill waa gtycn a False Title, to mis» ik of ditch; thence North 2 de­ «very day. and the whole training of the child 1» all metalware use lead the public and decaiv^ the voters. p wmeated by such religion, the State, under the es 30 minutes East 114 feet That it tn no respect pretends to improve the C^’astitution. must not prohibit you from so do ng the bank of said ditch; thence existing law as to the Public^Schoolx but swnply trig This bill is manifestly unconstitutional destroys the Private Schodte it 416 feet to said initial point, 2 ¿HE PORTLANDCITIZENS AND TAX. That not one cent of public money goes to the I containing 4 acres more or PAYL»S ARGUMENT "If the number of chil­ tupport o< any private or parochial school m this dren ao X attending the pubhc schools is to be tn- i; also beginning at the said State, or ever has. or ever can. under the plaio creaacd adding those now taught in the private Cleans * Scours • Polishes Hal point and running thence prohibition ol the Constitution acul laws schools, it ■ 4» inevitable that overcrowding must rth 86 feet; thence West 30 feet; That it will increase taxation at least result awk-st' new buildings are supplied, and it is each year, and require from $3*000,000 to $4«0^O/ ace South 86 feet; thence East «kt> certain t> ■ taxes must be materially increased ” Large 000 investment in new public school bmldmgv 8ilver Wave Chapter No. 18 J ST HL.HALL (EPISCOPAL) AR­ feet to said initial point: GUMENT -N • mvidtou» fact or condition affect- That rt vests m the County Supenntendcnts ar- 0. E- S cake EXCEPTING, HOWEVER, brtrary and unappealable power on 'ed for road purposes, and ex- Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. 4 THE PR 1\ t I PALS OF PRIVATE That it uill prevent parents from educating waste ting further a certain tract of SCHOOLS ARGUMENT 1 *!t is against the best their children in private school» both inside and GORA L. MILLER, Secretary toxlmately 46 acres conveyed by outside of the State, as they canrvzt even send American ideals of free. fo™. '« 'hat it denies to men 'orb, U their children elsewhere to be educated and w&rsen freedom of thought ami action m the olph Zweifel to Hugh Barber, That so far from being united in support oi the Chosce of environment and' su II uwkus lor lhear chd- Je Barber and M. L. Barber, by Bill, the Ma&ontc Fraternity in the State ts di» dren” Marathon Lodge No. vided. many oi the leading Masons art openly t S THE SEVENTH D** ADVENTISTS' ¿93, Knights of Pyth opposed to it and the Grand Master of the State ARGUMENT "We are noi) -u all certain that a las. Regular meeting Grand Lodge has publicly denied that the Grand man educated m the public scho if'» more intefligi nt Monday evening at Lodge indorsed rt I than d he were educated in a ; »ivate or sectarian That the best elements in the social religWMts» •chool. nor have we heard any Convincing argu­ 7:45 sharp. By order educational, and political life of the Stat«- are <4». ment dial a persnn is necessarily "»ore patriotic if of the Chancellor posed to the measura I eoucaccd in a public school, than i'< he were edu­ Commander. LEGALS J Dinner is Served T TOURIST CAFE God their children Governments cannot rightfully take them away Forest L. Howard CHIROPRACTOR* Cooking Utensils "¿T CLEAN Facts demonstrated Arguments unanswered r SAPOLIO ’ I Lodge Directory U______ OCZ]aZXXDOCZ30( A vote for Olcott is a vote for the Roosevelt Highway When the Roosevelt Highway bill was first up for consideration. Governor Olcott was one of its friends and not only spoke favorably of it, but gave it his signature of approval. When the bill came up for final approval in the senate, Senator Pierce, now candidate for Governor, absented himself and did not vote for it. (See Senate Journal 1919, page 291 ) Pierce is opposed to the issuance of bonds for the building of highways, and the Roosevelt Highway can be built in no other way. In his public speeches all over eastern Oregon, where the Roosevelt High­ way is not popular, Governor Olcott has declared for the building of this highway. The Republican state platform declares for it and pledges the Governor and all the legislative candidates on the Republican ticket specifically to the Roosevelt Highway. Therefore, a vote for Ben Olcott is the same as a vote for the Roosevelt Highway. That the educational leaders, inside and outside of the State, art opposed to the Bill Dr Nichol is Murray Butler, of Columbia University, says It should be called a Bill to render the American rvstem ol education impossible in Oregon/’ The Presidents of Yale. Princeton, Chicago. Leland Stanford and other great Universities have env phatically condemned it That the private schools, under the existing taw. arc required to conform their course of ttud* fes to the public schools standards, the Engti h ; language is made compulsory, and they are sub* • Vect to the inspection and supervision of the Slate uthorities. That the proposed tow will close up every oaphan asylum, home for defective and dependent cli Idren. and other private charities, where any elil nentary mstrvctioo ol the inmates 11 at* tein; -ted 'X *at it destroys the rights of minorities the vita* and valuable principle of Amer ¡ran ism. and the on*. it has preserved thi country fr*xn the tyranny of Ol< World Governments TJA ARGUMENTS UNANSWERED again* the bill are contained in the "Voters Pamphlet* it'.ucdl y the Stale The chief points of the same arc as ft 'low» Upon the foregoing datrmenl of the case sve invoke (I m -fnir and inU-lli- gent judgment of the voters of Oregon, confident of the result if a regard for the inherited and fundamental principles of rr-aw»nal>L- liberty are to ^prevail in this state. CATHOLIC CIVIC RIGHTS ASSOCIATION OF OREGON • Vote for Olcott for GOVERNOR REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE C- E INOALLS, Secrerery WALTE!» L- TXXIZE. (Paid Advertisement) cated in a school not supported by’ public Lu, tkxa* 6 THE CATHOLIC ARGUMENT There ts no oer avion now for agnation that wi^ estrange old friends and neighbors, and that will ii^Vxie our ¿xnpfe into classes and factions No grealfr mis­ fortune can befall us than movements caku'. W'l create division»/ 3 THE PRESBYTERIAN MINISTERS''<«♦ CL MEN T: "It is bawd on the philosophy of anAPC- racy—that rhe ihild belongs primarily to the StaiV it Is an unjustifiable invasion of family authority, an 1 threatens ultmutely the guarantee of our Ameru.it» liberty * ' The foreg'xng ‘Negative Arguments' are as strong today as when written in i filed They re­ main unshaken and unshakable after three nx,nths of public discussion The greet International Convention ol the Epic (nl Qiorrh. meeting in Hartland recently, adopted nneuf and onequiv Kal resolutiorts condunmni' this bill Tb« State Conference o< the Methodist Episcopal Chureh at its meeting m Salem last August, refused Ui entertain any movement ticking to an endorse­ ment of the bill, by the express ruling of lhe Presid­ ing [fashop 9 .'Ji b Morgan Building, PortlaixL etnico By Dudley G. Wooten, Eu-cuiive Secretary Vote 315 X NO against School Monopoly Bill Named on the ballot Cormpedsory Education Bill V. R. C. Corinth Relief Corps No. 54 Dept. of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m., In the W. O. W. hall. Vial- tors welcome. Mrs Clarence Stanley, President Elizabeth Conover. Sec'y. Corinth Post.No 35. De pt- of Oreg vi Meets on second and oi. fourth Saturdays of tach month at 1:30 p. .m In W O W. J. <4. DIEHL. Comdr. II. W. SPEAR, Adjt. ohnion Chapter No. R. A. M- M Stated convocations every rst and third Friday». Visitors welcome. I. E. Keldson. Seo. Tillamook Lodge No. 57. A.F & A.M- Stat’Xl Communication seo- ond Wedni lay In each uonth k Visiting I * ret br«Ma welcome. Harvxy Ebinger, Sec. Tuesday eve., 7:80 p.m. Rebekahs Wednesday evening Comp 2-4. Thara^V \