THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Robinson reports the birth of r. Ti .’da Arlene, Marion Hopkins on Sun- Tillamook wisrortune srry had the 1 hursday. CMUBCn ' jpiNOWGWIS > I irti a nd. land Wednanday afternoon. Gerald Brink left the first of the week for Willamina where he reside. Mr. anrl Mrs W D. daughter, Joan, returned Saturday from Berkeley, Cal., where they have been the past few weeks. Marion Doty, who has been in the hospital after undergoing an opera tlon, is go far recovered as to be able to return to hie home Tuesday. Mr. und Mrs. Bower1 and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O’Dell visited friends in Bay City and Garibaldi Sunday. Mrs. Rose Wilkes left for Port land Friday morning to attend Pacific International Stock Show. Bert Douglas, of Bay City, bad his back hurt while working Tillamook Lumber Company’s at Juno. Whi e lifting a heavy timber his foot slipped and the tim­ ber fell on top of him. 9 u ali n g \V OJ'bhlp. wnH*i here Lorraine, : part of their t E. King spent in fishing and when they left spent the week tnd in Portland. they took wit ht he in twenty-five Mrs.. jack ealmon for their friends Mrs. Charles n Merls Lucus of Hebo were in low n Milwaukie. Mr. \valbh owns a large shopping Wednesday. cannery in Ketcnican and Mr. Basil Leonard Simmons caught his foot has a confectionery store in Milwau In some machinery while working at the Wismer mill south of town, and and Mrs. John McKlIlup as a result one toe was amputated Hebo were in town business and the rest of his foot severely Wednesday. bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Powell started J. C. Dunn of Cloverdale was in for Los Angeles Thursday morning. the city Wednesday. Miss Francis Wilson spent Bob Coleman, of the Sunset Gar- week end with her parents. Oregon J hursday evening and Mrs. Lou Wilson returned from his vacation in Portland where City. he had been visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. New ton Anderson Charlie Ray of Cloverdale was drove to Oregon City last Friday to witness the game between the Tilla in Tillamook Monday. mook boy sand Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Berry and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Poorman and children A. D. Smith went to Portland Satur of Garibaldi were in town Friday. day to visit Mrs. Smith s niece, Max Charles Pankow made a buHlneHH trip to Portland the last of the week Ine Beacli, who is being tie it hi returning Sunday. a surgical hospital thor.% 1 hey re- Mrs. C. E. Morrison of Portland turned Monday. i ship ¥ days I. Meyers returned Thursday from Yamhill county where he MM doing some w ork. r orrest Ayers of Cloverdale In town Saturday. was Mrs. F. W. Smith of Bay City was will be at the Tillamook hotel Bob Waymire of Cloverdale in the city Tuesday shopping. one week only with a full line in the city Tuesday tending to bus Hubert Smith of Hebo wls in Till hair goods, switches, martello waves, in ess. amook Saturday tending to business. transformations ,national bobs, G. A. Martin drove a new ton and Thirteen years experience. All work Mrs. Ed. Mitchell of Beaver vis— guaranteed. Will buy combings. Adv a half Dodge truck In from Portland ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thursday evening for P. D. Ott W. Speare, Friday. Miss Ellen Norberg, who has been Ilebo. Mrs. Anna Zweifel of Cloverdale employed for some time In the Coun- ;i rm was n town Tuesday. George Kostlc, who had ty Sheriff s office has resigned Thursday blown off in an explosion two weeks position there (L A. Mart n her two Improving morning for Astoria where she will ago Is reported to sons. G Hi ord and Burton, left Sun- nicely. attend iiiisineHs college this winter. day morning for Long Beach, Cal., where they will spend the winter for Mrs I. II. Moore of Pleasant Vai Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stanley Burton s health. 1 hey were accom- ley was in Tillamook Tuesday. turned last Tuesday from a trip panied as far as Alinsville by Portland and Vancouver, Wn. Mrs. E. F. Orange 1» critically Martin and his sister, Mrs. I. their way home they visited Mr. at the Shearer Merrick hospital. Plummer. way to Long Mrs. H. A. Williams, formerly Beach, Mrs. Martin will stop over n accidentally this place, at Garden Home. Albert Vlerjck few days in Portland and also his hand while splitting wood Dr. Smith reports ttie birth of Angele : where she with lirst of the week. daughter to Mr. Mrs. If. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Batzen, Sink on Tuesday, Ort. 31. M. J. Walsh, of Ketchlcan. Alaska, and nor two sisters. hristian. Everybody cordially welcome. ALLOW A. McREA, Minister. UNITED BRETHERN THURSDAY FRIDAY, NOV. 9-10 MONDAY, NOV. 5-6 One Hundred BETTY COMPSON IN GUY BATES POST IN The Green Temptation The Masquerader taken from the story “The Noose’’ by Con stance Lindsay Skinner. A brillant roman- tic melodrama of Apache den and gilded cab­ aret -of the dancin darling of Paris and the shadow that menaced her love. You’ll enjoy the dancing, the thrills and the ro- munce in this production. "F0X NEWS'’ \ real masterpiece among great motion pic- tures! A drama of great denouements—the story of John Chilcote, the leader of men, <1 then the outcast—and of his double, John Loder, who took his name, his place and his wife! It’s a picture that will hold last vou from the “first flicker” till the flash! “PATHE REVIEW” Preaching service 11 A. M. 7:30 P. ?!. Sunday School 10 A. M Classes for old and young. Does that good old right need limbering up? An old fashioned U. handshake will be found more beneficial than a bottle of liniment. Are you game? Meet me at the Sunday services. W. O. WOOLEVER, Minister. SIX ROUND (reels) BOUT —TO A FINISH METHODIST The World’s Champion Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. J. Edwards, Supt. Morning service at 11:00. Subject, I he Church s Struggle for Victory. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, What is the matter with Education —Parochial Free Schools— Which?” vVe invite all who have a vote to the evening service, whether you have your inind made up or not. Your presence is desired at all the services. SIMPSON HAMRICK, Pastor. EPISCOPAL TL’ESDAY-V.'EDNESDAY, NOV. <-8 featuring Wallace Reid and Lois Wilson. The smashing tale of a ne’er-do-well who put his snobbls hfamily on the map. Some son, you’ll say for a nice respectable papa, mixing with Ionia and dukes: But hurrah for a lad that Six joyous reels (rounds) was never licked to a finish! Come early for “ringside” seats no advance in price—no seats reserved— just come early and get your choice. “FOX NEWS” - ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 “The Call of Home” Taken from the novel “There is No Place Like Home," by Geo. Agnew Chamberlain. “The Call of Home»’ tils of what HOME is made. It is one picture in a thousand, into which have been interwoven the most »thrill— Ing adventures in South America and momentous events of peaceful lives in a quiet New England village. • THE WISE DUCK’’—Fox Sunshine Comedy Beyond the Rocks,” The Bond Boy “In the Name of the Law Coming Next Week Archdeacon C. J. Black, Episcopal Church, will hold vices at the Masonic building morn­ ing and evening, next Sunday, the first Sunday in December, Right Rev. Walter T. Sumner, bishop P. M. Oregon, will pay his first visit Special music at both morning Iillamook and the Episcopal and evening service. slon. Morning sermon: Building CHRISTIAN the Rock. Bible School 10 A. M. “Making Evening Sermon: Morning Worship and Communion Christ Real to the World.’’ Weekday services: 11:00 A. M. Boy Scouts meet every Wednes­ Junior Christian Endeavor meets day night, 7:30 P. M. in the basement, 6:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday Senior Christian Endeavor, meets night, S P. M. to 9 P. M. in the lecture room, 6:30 P. M. rhe Choir will meet for rehear- Evening preaching service, 7:30 sal every Friday night. George N. Harness from Eurêka, California, will speak both morning and evening. The public is invited to worship with us. These Nippy Mornings Call for You will find your favorite cereal or pancake flour at this store. We sell all the best brands of Pancake, Buckwheat and Rye F lour. Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Farina, Uncle Sam, Health Food, H. 0.. Kernels 0 Wheat, Shredded Wheat, h lakes, in tact we have nearly Albin F. Frederickson went Aurora Friday*morning to spend weekend with his parents. Corn anything break! ast foods. WE NOW HAVE IN :-T0? ' THE FAMOUS GOLD MEDAL FLOUR FOR THOSE WHO WANT AN EASTERN FLOUR AND A LOT OF FINE OL? TILLAMOOK CHEESE, Clearance Sale MÏÏ.BNERY For winter driving, change to erRed Crown” quick-starting gasoline and stick to it TRIMMED ILATS SAILORS AND Red Crown” vaporizes rapidly, even at zero temperatures. It is th quickest-starting motor fuel on the market FELT HATS AT One-fourth Off QUICK iou’11 notice the difference immediately in the increased power and flexibility of your en gme running on Red Crown It delivers 100'V» power instantly in the coldest weather Play safe. Fill at the Red Crown sign, at service sta: ions, garages and other dealers STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( .iLtOilUAI WHILE THEY LAST Miss M. Patterson POLLYANNA SHOP A Full I.ine of Needlework & Infau’s Wear Millinery and Dresses Mrs. Orpha Eastman $ A POWER, BAYOCEAN THE COMING REACH RESORT Sale of 100 lots in Bayocean Park ut specially prices has been ordered by the Court in tue recen er-hip proceed- Ings to rat e mcaey for taxes. receive!’’hip expenpofi * treat imp V k the Bayocxn county it* building. r or term? prie», etc., watch flow r-rrU» ird ♦ cate perted ly in •re«, „her pro’i ben mgs inci •• power and flejuldity oi your engine isHua of Nov. 9th. prepar- ed to take advantage special offer as it * ill ‘te No. 25th, 1Ü22 Receivers of T. B. Potter Realty Co. ( h. of Com. Bldg.. Portland. THE SATISFACTION STORE E. G. ANDERSON The Store without Baits or Rebates