t FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1922 their system, I think it would be best to do all of the office work In connection with the business as we do here, rather than have the work f done by the various cheese makers. “We wanted to find out just what competition we many expect in the future from the Wisconsin cheese producers, and under the following propositions: If they remain unor- ganized as they are, wha.fr "the future LOCAL SOUTHERN PACIFIC STA­ development of the industry might TION AGENT MAKES STATE­ be without proper development and MENT TO PUBLIC leadership, and what the develop- nient and consequent standardlza- lion might bring about if after standardization and advertisement Wisconsin cheese might come into CO-OPERATION OF SHIPPERS such a position in the markets of GYMNASIUM STAIRWAY REMOD­ NEEDED TO AVOID ELED AT SUGGESTION OF the country as Tillamook is now in If Wisconsin con- on this Coast, DELAYS STATE INSPECTOR as tinues as it is. i. e., produces Ray Grate, local agent for the much cheese as she does and with no held here Friday, October 20, was a Southern Pacific company, this standardization or organization con- very fast game, and ended in the tele­ trolling the markets, we may expect favor of Tillamook. The score was week received the following gram from the headquarters of the to see markets decline to a point be­ 13 to 12, for which a hard fight company regarding the shortage of low cost of production every year was put up by both sides. There was freight cars for shipping: during the flush season of produc­ much yelling and excitement at the “A car shortage is contronting us tion. No effort is now generally very last as the score would 1 have that promises to be the most serious made to maintain prices. We at­ been tied if Pacific had kicked the for many years and it becomes nec­ tended the call board at Plymouth, goal, as a touchdown was made by essary that we appeal to the ship­ at which cheese is auctioned off ev­ them in the last few minutes. pers to assist us. It should be made ery week to the highest bidder. No on The debate tryout was held clear to them that by double loading method ever heard of can bring Thursday, October 19. The judges prompt release of cars, by expediting prices down lower than when an ar­ were Miss Brakel, Rev. McRae, and unloading and quick loading, they ticle is auctioned off weekly, es- Rev. Lienkaemper, with Miss Ro- will be rendering valuable assistance ‘pecially during slack demand. At mona Haltom as chairman. Those to, not only the railroad, but to the the Farmers’ Call Board meetings who were successful in making the country at large. Every day they tlie cheese makers offer the cheese team were: Carlyle Stranahan, Hon. hold a car is not only a loss to the and bids are made by various buy- Noah Richards, Beryle Turner, Ruth railroads but contributes to the car ers. The farmers, the ones vitally Gould and Rowena Hanson. From shortage everywhere. In this acute interested, are not on hand, nor have these, two teams will be formed, one situation shippers should disregard! they any voice in making prices. The affirmative, and one negative. Ro- the free time limit, or there will pheese’ makers principal proposition soon be no cars on which the free is to obtain their cost of making and now what they lack, co-operation of time can be allowed. Wish that you quick .'turns. The average paid the farmers and cheese-makers and would endeavor to get the newspa­ cheese makers now is 2 l-2c per consequent fine quality cheese, and pers in your locality interested and pound for cheese made and about a fine marketing organization. ask them to help us by appealing to thirty per cent of what the whey “It is of course difficult to state the shippers come to our aid, you cream brings. Many skim the whey just what would be the result of should also take up with shippers at so much per 100 lbs. w-hey or bringing the dairy industry of Wts- personally and put the situation be- milk. Very little cheese is paraf- consin up to cur standard as far as fore them and ask for their co-op­ finecj at the various factories, cheese their making more cheese is con­ eration. You should also watch the being hauled to central points and cerned. Any improvement in their situation at your station, and if any there unpacked, paraffined, stored quality and selling organization shippers show an inclination to be and sold to various parts of the would bring about an increased pro­ slow in loading or unloading, let me country. No effort is being made duction and also higher prices would know at once by wire, giving full to standardize production in the result. It would seem that proper details. Close attention must' also various factories, although through advertising would greatly increase be given blind sidings, if cars are the State Bureau of Markets, com­ The game between the Pacific held with loads, or loading, get in pulsory grading is being placed in­ University Freshmen and Tillamook, touch with shipper by quickest to effect. It would appear that in­ their demand. Wisconsin is also a means and find out wnat tne trou­ stead of compulsory grading, some great manufacturing state, large fac­ ble is, arrange immediate handling system which would make it a priv­ tories being located in various parts if car is empty, and advise your chief ilege to stamp cheese according to of the state. However dairying dispatcher.’’ grade and with the State Brands seems to be the principal business of ”1 cannot too strongly put this placed on cheese, would show better the rural sections and from appear­ matter to you,’’ said Mr. Grae*6at- results. ances of their meadows and pastures urday, "that it is a serious condi­ “The Wisconsin people have been is destined to remain so. The land tion that the mills and others face considering some advertising meth- west of Lake Michigan seems pecul­ here is probably very apparent to od for some time. I called on Mr. iarly adapted to producing fine you. I only need to call your at- Pulicher, who has lately been elect- grass, although other groups are al­ ♦ ention to the newspaper reports of ed President of the American Bank- so produced. I understand that this the fact that approximately 50 per ers Association and also on Mr. section of Wisconsin produces a cent of fruit crops of the western I Bartlett, secretary of the Wisconsin large part of the canned peas pro­ states will not be shipped for the, I State Bankers Association, both liv- duced In this country. Sheboygan reason that there are no cars avail-, | ing in Milwaukee. Their State county, the principal dairy section, able. Lack of cars means financial! I bankers have been trying to get the | alone having seven large pea can­ ruin to the saw mills who have had I farmers to donate one or two days neries. for milk per year for advertising, which the toughest kind of sledding “Wisconsin cheese today is selling the past three years. "It means! i would make a fund of half a million at 25c Wisconsin points, while our much to Tillamook county to keep dollars per year, this to be used- in prices range from 5c to 6c b'gher these mills going.” advertising Wisconsin dairy pro­ It should be understood, however, “Demurrage rules permit two ducts . It should be remembered that that this is for their finest current free days time for unloading a Wisconsin produces 70 per cent of cheese, large quantities of held o ” continued Agent Grate, “Ev- the nation’s cheese, or over 300,000.- storage stocks being constantly of shipper should see that all cars 000 lbs. yearly, and that only one- fered for less money. It should unloaded the same day that they fourth of their milk is made into again be said that anything that received. I propose to call per­ cheese The value of dairy products can be done to improve the quality sonally on all shippers here, bring­ last year was over two hundred mil­ of cheese and bring about modern ing constantly to their mind the ne­ lion dollars. There are now 2,807 selling methods, cannot help but as­ cessity of releasing all cars. Par- cheese factories, 72 milk condensers sist us in maintaining asking prices Ueulur emphasis should be placed on and some 667 cream receiving sta­ that will show us cost of production loading all cars full, getting every tions in Wisconsin, so it can be seen and it is believed that the visit to pound into them that they will hold. khat their competition is very form­ the various cheese producing sec­ In cases of carload shipments with idable. Our cheese section could tions of the country will bring about a small minimum they should be be tucked away in most any corner a better understanding of our mar­ double loaded, that is two carloads of their dairy section, but we have keting problems.” to each car.’’ DEBATÍ TRW IS HELD DN TUESOAV wena Hanson will act as chairman. By order of the State Fire Inspect­ or, a straight stairway has been in­ stalled in the gymnasium in place of the winding stairway, also a ticket office was installed at the same time to accomodate selling of tick­ ets. A basement has been put under the stage for the convenience of Company K. This is paid for by the board but one year's rent from the Company will more than pay for it. This will be a fine addition to the gymnasium for a dressing room when Company K has no further use or It. A panic exit lock has been placed on the front door of the grade building. This lock will do away with the danger of the door sticking at time of file, as a slight pressure on the door wil lreadily open it. If this lock proves successful it will be installed on other doors in the school buildings. 7 REPUBLICAN MEETINGS WEEK DURING COMING owe™ REFORMED CHURCH The annual Harvest Home MissionAy Sunday will be observed I at this church on the coming sun day Sunday School at 10 A. M. Har- vest Home services at 11. Subject : “Stewardship; In What Does It Consist?” At the evening services, 8 o’clock, a the Sunday School will present As Missionary Episode entitled “In the Much," showing the people great need of missions and how they may help In the work . There will and be special music by the choir You are cordially male quartette. 1---- — invited to these services. W. G. LIENKAEMPER, Pastor. UNITED BRETHREN Preaching services both morning and evening. Sunday School 10 A. M. Are you in the dumps? Do you want a touch of high life? Would yoa like to renew your youth? Would you like to get acquainted with a worth while friend? Rain or shine attend the Sunday services and read it: Philippians 4:19. I ... Congressman W. C. Hawley will speak at the City Hall next Wednes­ day evening, and as he has just re­ turned from Washington and being a most interesting talker, all are kindly invited to attend. Mayor Moulton . will introduce the speak- ers. State Senator I. S. Smith of a Marshfield, Ore., who is also PRESBYTERIAN ad- most interesting speaker will Sunday School, 10 A. M. dress meetings at th? following Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Sub­ places: ject: “Fighting Against God.’’, Garibaldi, Monday, Oct. 30. Evening Worship, 7:30 ?■ M. Cloverdale, Tuesday. Oct. 31. Subject: “Jesus at the Door.” Camp 4, Wednesday, Nov. 1. A warm welcome to all. Nehalem, Thursday, Nov. 2. ALLAN A. McREA. Minister. Wheeler, Friday, Nov. 3. Brighton, Saturday, Nov. 4. Victor White went to Portland ’ Friday to visit his brother, return­ Vanity, apparently, can live ing Sunday. less than any other thing. 3T1 DEPARTMENTS’^ OPPOSITE SUNSET G ak AGE HereAre Thai HeanEconomj' Typical aavtofl». of than! Ouality li what ym would have it and price* that are extremely tive. Investigate now by making comparuopil 4» Blankets and Comforten Our Own Representative Values Direct mill shipments, eliminating middlemen profits, afferf you these Important savings. » Heavy cottw Nice weight cot­ filled sllkoiiat ton blankets, B4x covered comfort« 74. 72x78, $1.39 Warm Cotton blankets, 60x76, Good weight wi. ton filled sllkolln« comforts, 72x84 $1.69 $2.98 Real satine cover- ed cotton Very heavy wbol finished blankets. $2.98 Extra weight wool finished all cotton *9 AQ blankets, *66x80.... AH wool genuine Pendleton Indian fro QA blanketXjxsx.sv-» • »vU*vv Hand-Bag is a matter QuaUty beticc V Mv*1» oi I-AMOOK, i $4.49 comforts.... Fine sateen lovely patterned and stitched comforts, £ J AO .72x84 ...................... A fine soft silk oovered, comfort ttAA U m 72 x 84 New Styles! An Interesting Presentation The collection embraces Bags of sheepskin, goatskin, cowhide, calfskin, pin seal in tool leather, new “radio" leather and suede. Many are fitted. Some hand Laced styles. You will approve of the values at 98c to $4.98 Men’s Smart Brown Shoes For Dress Wear Our stock Is full of a rsrted non- ber of latest shoe model». Wbat- vyer your choice, find It here. Tie J 0. Penney Co blgb »tandwd of quality Is tn every pair. Calfskin shoes, tllnstrated. W* Stitched, whole quarter bal, tip, G rubber heel, heavy single welt sol* Compulsory School cram ass n secoh BACK FROM WISCONSIN TRIP (Continued from page 1) the land to also build, own and op­ erate the different factories. “We spent some time with the memh • of the Wisconsin cheese! Federation, which is selling the cheese made at 175 factories this year Last year their sales totaled about 15.000.000 lbs . but they ex­ pect to handle close to 18.000.000 this year, The federation is purely a selling organization. As such it naturally enters into competition with the various cheese buyers throughout Wisconsin, They do not keep the books nor do the book­ keeping for the various factories as we do here. No Individual farmers accounts are kept, no milk sheets added, nor any of the numerous things we do tn our office. In fact | they deal only with the various cheese factories, paying such cheese and factory for «.tieeee ireUvered. its each factory In turn employe the' own bkkeeper to slsbouree money received for cheese. In most I cases the cheese makers do thia work. From wh»l » could learn of1 eaòliflljt Saliamoti OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER VH€ UNIVERSAL CAR New ¿reduced prices on Ford car, effective at once F. O. B. Detroit Chassis, regular ___________ 1 1235 00 Chassis, starter___________ 305 00 Chassis, starter, demountable 330.00 rims ■ ............ - ------- 269 00 Roadster, regular ------------- Roadster, starter------------- 339 00 Roadster, starter, demountable rims____________ _______ 364.00 Touring, regular_________ 298 00 Touring, starter _____ ______ I 368 00 Touring, starter, demountable rims ,................ ....... — —. - 393 00 Sedan __________ ______ 595.00 Coupe —.. ----- —- I 530 00 THESE ARE THE LOWEST PRICES OFFERED IN THE HIS TORY OF THE FORD CARS “B UY A FORD AND SPEND THE DIFFERENCE TILLAMOOK GARAGE xmooocck > ocsí > cocc < xkxxx >00 ooo Arthur L. Veazie REPRESENTING Non-Sectaiian and Protestant Bureau '*'11 sPeak against the so-<\lled Compulsory the following meetings: WHEELER. V0SBURG HALL FRIDAY. 8:00 p. m . OCT CLOVERDALE. SCHOOL HOUSE SATURDAY- AT 2:00 P M. ■HLLAMOOK CITY HALL, SATURDAY. 8:00 p u OCT