THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Four Herman Wise, former postmaster of Astoria and prominent business man of that place, was in the tv | Satuiday from Dundee, where she said that he had an advertisement in ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+++++++++++++++* ++*++***+++ had been visiting her son, J. N. the first issue Whitman. Mr. and Mrs. Whitman Memorial Coast Hfghwfcy Associa­ and sons, Orville and Harold, ac- To The Editor: L. E. Putney, who was injuered A matter of considerable impor­ tion, so let us all work and vote for coinpaiiied he rhome, leaving again last week at anhattan by a wagon tance, in which the people of the Ben W Olcott for governor and Mr. load of rocks running over his foot coast counties have stood together H. M. Farmer for county commission­ on Monday. as a unit, is the building and com­ er. and crushing It, had to have four I feel that I am better able to lid­ Mrs. M. Oathout returned Sunday toes amputated this week as a re- pletion of the Roosevelt Highway, which will bring millions of tourists vise the people of this county than from a three weeks visit with rela- suit of the accident. He is at he and million of dollars into the coast most persons, for I have devoted a tives in Milwaukie, Oregon. new I Boals hospital. counties, fond other parts of the state large amount of time and work, and A. K. Stanley drove his quite a little expense as well, to the of Oregon. of the building of the Buick car to Portland and Mrs. Thomas Van Pattan ecconipanied It was largely through the efforts furtherance Roosevelt highway, so much so the home by his*»two children and his sister- of the Roosevelt Memorial Coast High only piece of the highway in Tilla­ Stanley accompanied him in-law, Miss Ethel See, of Buhl, way Association that the sons* high­ mook county that is not provided for Sunday. way was made part of the state high­ is the beach route, through Wheeler, Idaho, arrived in the ■ ity last wees ways of Oregon and a large amount Brighton, Rockaway and Garibaldi. Dr Pollock. Dan Fletcher, Jack to visit with the Van Pattan family of road work and state and fed«--al This I have every reason to believe, Steinbach and Ed Anderson went to here, Tom and his brother, George, money expended on the same, with a will be provided for and built right gentlemen’s agreement with the State uwny if Mr Olcott and Mr. Farmer Portland Sunday, returning Tuesday have left for California. Highway Commission tliat the Roose­ hre elected. It is going to be a great evening. .Mr. Anderson went out to velt Highway will be completed ns disappointment to me if the people of visit wfth Mrs. Anderson at the Arthur L. Brown, 33, and Bessie Boon ps possible. That is what the Tillamook county vote against the Good Samaritan hospital, and he re- J. Vogel, 20, were married by Jt Association has accomplished with best interest pi this county, as well tice of the Peace E. W. Stanley ports that she Is improving nicely. the backing of the county courts and as the Coast Counties. October 14. A marri e license was the people of the Coast Counties. I want to ask every voter in the W. c. King, one of Tillamook's Issued to John Plask« r, 32, ami Flor­ The directors have every « onfidence county to read the following amounts in the State Highway Commission of money that have been received from old time residents, drove over from ence Kamph. 18. on October 23. fulfilling its promise whenever money the State Highway Commission in Portland the first of the week on is available, Pnd that the Coast this county brought about largely by Where here he visited at Al Boone returned to his home in Counties will get a square deal if our association and the Tillamook business. i he homes of his children, Bert King Cloverdale on Mond; y after having Governor Ben W. Olcott is elected county court. Clent King, Mrs. Henry Crenshaw made a trip to Seattle with The Roosevelt Memorial Coast Wilson river to Riverdale, $13,- Highwtiy Association have this fur­ 843, paid by the state and Mrs. Ira Smith. brother, Seth Boone, who '.'as ther assurance that the Roosevelt Clatsop county line to Mohler (in­ his way to Australia after visiting Highway will be completed if the pre­ complete), '50-50 basis, $93,468.90. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Esch spent here. sent Republican administration is Hebo to Neskowin, (incomplete), Sunday in Dallas. While there they again placed in power. 50-50 basis $149,676. Mrs. C. H. Pollock, who has been visited with a number of old friends, Hon. Walter L Tooze, Jr. chairman Ten miles of paving, paid by the Mr. Esch having been with the J. spending some tlm* .ilth her moth­ of the Republican Stale Central Com­ state about $350,000 mittee. wrote me previous t,. the Re­ Riverdale to Hobsopville, $35,963.98 C. Penney Co. there for five yearw er, Mrs. Dooley, who is ill at the publican convention in Portland, as paid by the state. Good Samaritan hospital in Port­ before coming to Tillamook. follows: Neskowin to Lincoln county line, land, is expected home Thursday. “The Republican convention will $166,000.00 not costing the county Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wheeler mov- adopt a pintform containing an en­ one cent, paid for by state and fed- ed to Aloha last Saturday. Miss Helen Cowgill was in Tilla­ The dorsement of the Roosevelt Highway, eral money mook last week coaching the can­ Rockaway to J<” ct.ek $17,300, Wheelers have lived in Tillamook and if the Republican party is con­ tor several years. Mrs. Wheeler is ning team that will demonstrate at tinued in power the state road pro­ paid for by the n 1 h« Thr.'e Rivers out This will be a solemn pledge of and Sour Grass rot i- this ve«i«st country, and thtit is to titude of the people of the Coast It Ing with Mrs. Webber’s parents. twn Tuesday. Attorney Graham and Mr. Conger vote for Governor Olcott and the Re­ counties in the coming election? I Mr and Mrs. Bill Hadley, south of Are they going to be hopele.dy di town. publican party in Novi mber. of Forest Grove were in Tillamook vided ami split up by the politician' Quite a number of side issues have who Wednesday. @ have made a football of the two | Miss Esther Munson anil 1 Edgar been injected int< the coming electi«>n, politick! parties, or lire they go : ng Leo Morrison, who has been in a which ,'nde into utter insignifun« e to to stand their Munson are in Portland with the complet ion of the Roosevelt High hack up together and continue to mother, who is quite ill at the i Good Portland hospital for some time un­ the splendid achievements way- In 'net not one of the sid< dergoing treatment is so much tili- the Roosevelt Memorial Const Samaritan hospital there. issu«« will benefit the Coast ('•< untie- of ________ and ____ vote for the proved that he plans to be home one iota. N'.r help to eoinf lete the Highway association Mrs. Kenneth Cater and Miss next Sunday. highuny. So why fi: lit for something , Republican party that is pledged to thht doe.« not he.j the dev l<>| meat the completion of the coast higiiwkv? Mary Pangborn spent the weekend These arc a few things that the Dr. Boals reports the birth of a Mrs. Lou Wilson, at of the cocst counties? people of the Coast counties should with their aunt, son to Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Berg ­ My connection with the H< < sevelt carefully . Oregon City. ponder over, if they are sin­ Moinorial Cons, Highway Association , cerely intereted in the upbuilding of lund Saturday, Oct. 21, and a son to have convinced me that th • people , ............ .. Dr. Robinson reports the birth of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh*Barber on the counties There is now a of the coast counties must «(mid to­ splendid co-operation spirit in a «laughter to Mr. and Mrs. Emil 24th. gether lmd work together if they ex­ (he coast counties, hut there la also Willis on the 22nd, und a daughter pect to have the Roosevelt Highway , a possibility of this being *hatured Russell Delbey. nephew of Harry completed in the near future, for 11 the people of the colist counties do to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards on GIlham, has been In the Shearer- the 23rd. *• there is a large amount of work to not stand together, and work toge­ Merrick hospital tills week with a be done and large sunn of money ther for their mutual benefit Let Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Howard made had case of infectious sore to be expended, beforo this is accom- bn all oe loyal and patriotic and take eyes. ’ -J.'? a lively interest in the upbuiding of trip to Salem and Portland the last He is Improving rapidly. pliahed If Mr. Pierce« is elected governor the section of country in which we of the week returning Sunday even­ with a new State Highwhy Commis- reside. Mr. Flickinger and son of Inde­ ing «ion, there is n<> assurance that the It is to the benefit of the people of pendence were in town Thursday, Roosevelt Highway would he com th«- coast counties that Covernot OI Hathaway of this city. Mr. Flickinger is a farmer and made pleted in the near future, in fact, cott be elected and the republican Mrs. B I. Plummer of Almsvllle Is the trip over here to look over the there is every probability that would phrty kept in power, which will en- home of her brother Tillamook country. not be completed for many years. bui «> the completion of the Roosevelt visiting at the O A. Martin. I know where Mr. Olcott anil the highway. Mm. John Carrol and son. Jack. present State Highway Commission Paid Adv FRED C. RAKF.ll Mrs. George Burckard was called Edward Fritz, and Mr. and Mrs. stand, and so does the Roosevelt Republican State Committeemar to Vancouver, Wb.. last week on Paul Disney spent Sunday at Rock­ account of the illness of h«N father. away She returned on Saturday. Veida Van Tuyle returned last R T. BOALS. M. D. POLLYANNA SHOP Miss Viola Wilson of Meda had week from a vacation trip to Seat- A Full Line of Surgeon and Phyiiciaa a nose and throat operation at the tie. Tacoma, Hood River and Port- Needlework & Infant* Wear Shearer-Merrick hospital this week, land. . -1. £Li I. O. O F. Building Millinery and Dresses and is doing very well. Bob Coleman of 1 the vulcanizing Mrs. Orpha Eastman Tillamook Mrs. E. E Rowland of Yellow Fir department of the Sunset garage is quit«. III. She was brought in to left for Portland on i his vacation on Thursday morning. He wifi be gone the Shearet Merrick hospital Wednesday. about a week. «♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦M*4~H+++++*++<'++++++++++++++^++++**+*+* Why Tillamook People Should Vote for Mr. Olcott and Mr. Farmer Dave Krake was operated on for Lloyd Edwards was Injured in an an ulcer last Monday at the Eman­ automobile accident recently which uel hospital In Portland. Dr. Hoy confined him to the inactive list for was present during the operation. a few «lay». A HOME TK0DÜCT I I Í Golden Crust Bread MADE IN TILLAMOOK FOR TILLAMOOK PEOPLE CARRIED AT THE FOLLOWING GROCERIES THE SATISFACTION STORE CONOVER A CONOVER RURGE GROCERY HONEY A HEUSSER -Í Mrs. Art Feldschau accompanied Mrs. Hubert O'Dell and Miss her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Conk­ Ethel Roe went to Garibaldi Thurs- lin to Portland last week, returning day morning to vislt Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Hiram Crane. G >! PATRONIZING HOME INDUSTRY IS ONE WAY TO CUT DOWN TAXES Mrs. Percy Sheldon received word Mrs. Lois Watt left Thursday Wednesday of the death of her morning to visit relatives near Paul- mother, and left the same day for ina. Oregon. She plans to be gone Wisconsin to altem! the funeral. some time. < Mrs. Hattie Turner was called to Mrs. J. R. Ran«'«. of Wheeler. Is in Portland last weak by I he, illness of town thi «week visiting her daugh­ her brother. Before returning to ters, Mrs. A. Hudson and Mrs. Ril­ ey Simmons. Tillamook she will make at short visit at the home of Rev. Dark and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haberlach family in McMinnville. turned Sunday from • two weeks trip through the middle west. Mr. and Mrs. J Beebehiser of Mrs Jacob Nicklaus of Beaver Bay City were tn the elty Tuesday on business. was in town Tuesday. R Y. Blalock of Harel Bend was MI m Maude Fletcher «pent In town Tuesday. day at Hetulock with her parents. GEM THEATRE SUNDAY-MONDAY, OCT. 29-30 Tuesday-Wednesday. Oct. 31-Nov. 1 “Bought and Paid For D. W. GRIFFITH’S T3. zvAimtinn A ____ William DeMille fpaturl Production featuring AGNES AYRES and JACK HOLT. A dramatic sensation—portraying a situation that ex s - in thousands of rich, respectable homes. Beau­ tifully produced, with one of the greatest casts ever assembled. DRAMATIC COMEDY Dream Street “FOX NEWS” THURSDAY-FRIDAY, NOV. 2-3 THE GREAT WESTERN ACTION PICTURE “The Half Bleed Oliver Morosco's production, taken from great st? «■ success by the same name, starring wheeler OAKMAN You'll all remember Mr Oakman in pictures of the past and hi- wonderful ability. "THE HALFBREED can easily be termed "A picture with variations and therefore is a picture with entertaining value for everybody. Don’t fail to see it. I^u nights only and then it’s gone. COME AND SEE SOMETHING NEW! Gypsy fair, with the lyrical body. . .meing with every pulse in her body singing with joy. A character you have never seen before—James • Spike" McFadden and Billy, his brothei all people new to the