, NUMBER 3. PRICE $2 PER YEAR TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1922. GETS HIGH PLACE Captain J. E. Shearer, command­ ing the local unit of the National Guard, received word this week that Company ‘‘K’> held top place among ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + SCHOOL CHILDREN OF COUNTY ♦ ♦ MAKE BIG INROADS -ON ♦ ♦ FARM PESTS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PRIZE MONEY TO BE AWARDED ♦ ♦ TO THREE IN EACH ♦ DISTRICT ♦ ♦ ♦ The mole contest that has been ♦ MOLE CONTESI ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦ KEEP OUT OF DANGER ; GET THE HEADLIGHT! A man was arrested and fined in this county last wreek for running without headlights. Every resident of Tillamook county shoul^ learn the moral of this: get the Headlight. “There are a few days left in which to take advantage of the special low offer of $1.50 for one year’B subscrip­ tion to Tillamook county’s newlest paper and no one can afford to pass it up. Get your money into this office before November 1st and the Headlight is yours for one year at $1.50. Af­ ter that it will be $2.00. This offer is good not only for new subscribers but applies also to renew-als. Any subscriber wrho is not in arrears can also take advant­ age of this offer to pay, for the paper ahead at a reduc­ ed rate, as many are naw do­ ing. * + ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ * + ♦ ♦ * + ♦ ♦ ASSOCIATION SECRETARY GIVES the thirty or more units of Oregon. This position was given for at­ REPORT ON EASTERN tendance at drills and Tillamook is listed with a percentage of 82.7 for TRIP the month of September. The event was so pleasing to the Captain that he treated the company to a feed af­ ter the drill Monday evening. Word was received Monday af- ternoon that Adjutant General 1ACK OF COOPERATION HURTS George A. White, Colonel Creed Hammond and Captain L. A. Milner BUSINESS IN MID-WEST would be in Tillamook next Monday night to witness the work of Com­ SECTION pany “K”. The company was divided into I Upon the r< eturn Sunday of Mr two platoons last drill night to ■ fa I and Mrs. Carl Ha' - rlach from Wis- ciliato the handling of the men. conducted in this county since last ■ cousin, where ihi . cietary of the March will be closed on November ♦ Tillamook con nty creamery as3ocia- TWO FAIL TO APPEAR; first and the pirze money awarded ♦ ♦ I tion had gone in the interest of the to the winners of the contest. I BONDS ARE FORFEITED I oieanization, Mi. Haberlach issued When the contest was started last + +♦ + + <■+ + + + + + ♦ + I the following statement: Louis Smith, who was found guil­ spring under the auspices of the U. to ‘wo weeks trip I "We made a two S. Biological survey, a number of ty on a booUagging charge and who I Minnesota and Wisconsin, leaving was released on $500 bonds while he the school children of the county I here the 7th and. returning the 22nd. straightened up some of his affairs, were interested and cash awards j By traveling four days and eight failed to appear to put himself in amounting to 1200 were posted for nights we were able to put in nine the custody of the sheriff this week the largest catch of moles between days in the states mentioned. and Judge Bagley declared his bonds thn and November 1- The coulfty “Our first stop was at Minneap- forfeited. Louis Smith, Sr., and L. was divided into four districts and I oils and St. Paul, where the National A. McCormick were his bondsmen, the prize money was split into four Dairy Show was in progress. The Smith was sentenced to six months amounts and awarded to the first Governor Ben W. Olco"tt spoke to I National Dairy Show has grown in­ in jail and fined $500 second and third places, A bounty • small crowd at the city hall audi- to a real national dairy show, The Victor Franklin failed to appear of five cents is also paid by the torium Wednesday evening on the ahow was held at the Minnesota -yesterday, the date set, and his state for moles and gophers. State Fair grounds lietween Minne- bonds of $250 were dclared forfeit- en- political issues of the day in Ore­ Thirty-eight school children 1 apolis and St. Paul, These grounds ed. Franklin was fined $400 and tered the contest and to date have gon. The Governor was introduced by F. C. Baker, chairman of the afford ample space for such an ex- sentenced to a year in jail for the sent in over 3000 mole and gopher hibit of dairy stock and dairy ma­ unlawful operation of an automobile. skins. These are to be taken to the County Republican Central Commit­ chinery. All of the large dairy ma- His drivers license was also revoked Pacific International stock show tee. Walter L. Toose of McMinn chmery ami supply houses were well for a year. He was paroled on this for publicity purposes and later sold ville also spoke. The principle supject discussed represented. An unusually large however, on condition that he pay and the proceeds divided among the was the possibilities of cutting down number of dairy stock was also $50 of the fine and make settlement contestants pro rata. Senator Pierce shown in the basement of machinery with C. H. Graves for two cows in­ The winners of the contest will taxes in Oregon. was charged with being a radicalist hall. Wisconsin also showed a lot jured when he ran into them while be announced at a later date. and with being unable to lower of dairy grade cows, many of which driving an automobile without lights taxes. were sold. Wisconsin was more C. F. Pankow and P. W. Todd were TILLAMOOK MEN RETURN About 2 50 people attended the atrongly represented than any state the bondsmen in this case. FROM TRIP TO IDAHO meetng. eicept Minnesota, We met several Portland people there, A western i BIG COUNTY MEETING C. W. Barrick and R. B. Miller ALABAMA GALS HERE man naturally gets the impression that alter all we have almost a na­ OF K. P. LODGE HELD returned Saturday from a trip IN MINSTREL SHOW through eastern Oregon to Payette, t tional show in the Pacific Interna­ A large crowd was present at the Idaho. On the return they came tional, the latter, as far as dairy What is said to be an old fash­ stock is concn ned. being well up regular meeting of the K. P. lodge through Ontario and Vale, over the with the National, especially in the here Monday night to do honor to Old Oregon Trail. Mr. Miller stated ioned minstrel show’ will be given number of co«.- and dairy stock C. W. Barrick. who was elected that from Portland to Ontario, about next Friday at the school gymnas­ Grand Vice Chancellor of the grand 435 miles, there are only about ium building by the local Odd Fel­ shown is concerned. 1 put in quite a little time look­ lodge of Oregon. Members from all twenty-five miles of bad road and lows and Rebekahs. McGhee’s or- that is being rapidly improved. chestra will furnish the music for ice into the ; rain conditions, anti over the county attended. Among those present were Millard the occasion. The play wtfl be in c• a number of purchases of oats Dr. Horace Patchen of Iowa, who two acts and will require two hours all of the oats F. Hardesty of Seaside,‘ present Wd all of th corn we will use the Grand Chancellor, J. O. Bozorth of lived here in former years, is in time. Reserved seat tickets will be coming year will come out of Min- Bay City, Senior Past Chancellor, the city visting friends. Dr. Patchin on sale at Anderson’s store. neapotis terr tory, 1. \. will be and Herman Wise of Astoria, Dis- was an old school mate of B. E. Mrs. I. H. Moore of Pleasant Vai bought throu Ii Minneapolis brokers, trict Deputy Grand Chancellor. The King. Grain we hou cht upon arriving there Seaside and Jjehalem lodges sent ley was in town Thursday were Refreshments sd'anced tw< o dollars per ton before delegations^- 60,000 trout are to be planted by our return I hat is the one reason served at tha close of the evening.^ the state in streams and lakes near The Shriners at Ashland are plan­ *iy our loca al grain prices have ning a fine new temple. Scio. M advanced n line with Coast ask- FORMER TILLAMOOK SCHOOL log prices TEACHER DIES AT ASHLAND "We found arge part of the oats and w he unthrished through- Winifred Grace Spencer, teacher out North Da when we went in the Ashland schools for several the 9th in ■' but by the 19th years, died there suddenly Monday I 1 large part I • en taken care of, morning. She had been ill for The weathe ■■ther wag fine, en- nearly a week, but was thought to »bling the 1 'a to take care of be Improving. She was 34 years their harve ng. and 8 months of age. Her father and | "Considei ole time was spent in mother, residents of Ashland, and the dairy s ■tions of Wisconsin. I two brothers, one in Sacramento, *•* aurprh d at the ' extent of the Cal., and one in Honolulu. T." H., d*iry sect n. the i uniformly good survive her. Funeral services were fTaaa lands fine barns and fair held Wednesday, all schools of bouses. Only in the cheese factories city being closed. •*re we Mi^s Spencer will be remembered 'li-appointed. These are *>( at al the modern Tillamook by many here, as she {aught in the t-cicry we did not see one schools of Tillamook county about factory i in Wls cousin that would ten years ago. tontpare with a n> one of our ten best fact ories The factories are QUICKER FREIGHT SERVICE ["•»tally own by individual cheese •*bers. »nd t PLANNED BY SOUTHERN PAC. 'e is no inducement incourage i ent : to erect the fac- In order to give the patrons of the nece< sary > o a successful Southern Pacific company quicker time busine In the first place action on freight, that company has th* theese maker do not get enough arranged a 7:00 A. M. delivery. In ** “»king chet to get ahead fi­ order to do this it was necessary to *»«clally. atl)i | ll they did. human put on a night force at the local •ature. whlc) 1 "iron*. the freight warehouse. FreigWt fanning section and with farmers now be shipped from Portland, "•»rally as air '■w here else. would instance, on Monday and is here and 5r*lude gpeni the necessary for delivery Wednesday a* the fn ■ IS would then ready morning at 7 o’clock. cheese makers were o fast. It has always Irwin Bruin had his hand that the only proper arm hurt Wednesday at the Coates hi tallymen who own sawmill by a load of lumber sliding led on page 8) ■nto it. GOVERNOR OLCOTT SPEAKS WEDSDAY HAS LAST JURY TO BE BUSY ONE Roy Andrus, who has been em- ployed by Frank Heyd & Company, contractors working on the Goyne building, fell from the top of the hoist tower, about forty feet, yester­ TWO COMMENCE- SUIT FOR RE­ day afternoon and sustained a num­ CALENDAR TO BE CLEARED UP ber of painful bruises. BEFORE SATURDAY LEASE FROM MARRIAGE Andrus was working on the tow­ NIGHT er when a timber on which he had CONTRACT a foothold, gave away and let him was fall to the ground, The fall partly broken by Andrus’ i contact ACTIONS BROUGHT AGAINST 2 BANKS with the roof of a small shed. This probably was what saved the life of the victim, Andrus was badly BAY CITY TREASURER BRINGS MANY MATTERS TO BE THRESH- hurt about the hips and head, but SUIT AGAINST BANK got to his feet by himself and walk­ ED OUT AT NEXT CIRCUIT ed away unaided. It is not known EXAMINER COURT SESSION whether or not he was hurt inter­ nally. According to Judge Bagley, this Apparently litigants are anxious RUMORS AFLOAT ABOUT week will see the finish of the pres­ for the February term of the circuit INDEPENDENT TICKET ent term of circuit court, The last court to beat the last one for quite jury case w’as tried yesterday after- ■a number of cases have already been Since the caucus for the city elec­ filed for the next meeting jof the tion rumors have been afloat of an­ noon and the jurymen discharged judicial body. other ticket to fill he city offices. from further duty until the next A. Gruenenwald Is suing Julius Street talk has it now that Fred term of court. Friday morning the case of the Erickson to recover money on a Christensen, who resigned from the the State versus Jay Houser was tried. council following a tilt with promissory note. The suit is sched- mayor and city attorney over the Houser was found guilty of larceny uled for next term of court. Eighth street culvert, was nomin- in stealing an overcoat and was sen­ The American Railway Express ated for mayor at a secret caucus tenced to four months in the coun­ company is suing F. D. Small and D. held within the last few days, It ty jail and ordered to pay the costs of the action. Houser was also in­ O. Urie to recover $158.02, said to hag also been said that several cit­ dicted on a grand larceny charge by izens have been approached to ron be charges for transporting several the grand jury and the case was set for councilmen againBt the ticket boxes of salmon from Tillamook to nominated Septembeg 28, but in at for the February term of court. San Francisco. B. C. Mapes, charged with un­ and least one case this proposal was lawful fishing, was found guilty and Ed Vogt claims Ed Elliott turned down. Dave Ashmun owe him $293 for City Attorney Hall has been fined $50 and costs. milk furnished, labor performed and On Monday the suit of the Mer­ searching for authority as to wheth­ house rent due, and has entered suit chants ’ Credit Bureau against M. in the circuit court to recover same. er it will be necessary to write ex­ C. Kellow was tried and a verdict tra names on the ballot for the city C. H. Graves has entered suit was brought in for the plaintiff. against Victor Franklin to recover election or whether they can be This suit arose over the sale of placed on the printed ballots with­ $500 as the damages done to two some seed wheat to the Eisner mill« out petition. milk cows that the plaintiff claims at Corvallis and the amount involv­ Franklin ran into and injured for I ed was $335. AUTOMOBILE IGNITES him. It is charged in the com­ William Tohl was awarded a ver- plaint that Franklin was driving BUT FIRE IS QUENCHED diet in his suit against the defunct wthout headlights and without suf­ Nehalem Valley Bank over a note An automobile belonging to How­ that had been sold by him to the* ficient brakes, and that he was driving faster than thiry miles per ard Harris caught fire in front of bank and which was In the posses­ hour. Anderson's grocery store this week sion of that institution when it clos­ Leslie W. Travis charges Lillian and was only saved from being a ed its doors last winter. Travis with cruel and inhuman total casuality by the prompt ac- The Tillamook County Bank was treatment and asks for a divorce, tion of V. L. White with his trusty successful in its suit against H. A. Hubert Odell Brandt to recover money on a prom­ The couple were married at Tilla- fire extinguisher. mook March 8, 1919. One child first saw something besides smoke issory note. was born to the union, the custody issuing from the stern of the car George P. Winslow versus Agnes of whom is asked I by the plaintiff, and gave the alarm. Burge and George Burge was a John Snider accuses his wife, suit to settle a property line. A Nora May Snider, of lnfelicty and ACCUSING WITNESS CAUGHT verdict was awarded for the plain­ The asks the court for a divorce. IN TOILS OF THE LAW tiff. Sniders were married at Vancouver, Mints Smith entered suit against Wn., in September, 1918, and have Ray F. Ryckman, who was the Walter Lundberg to recover money •no children. The plaintiff charges prosecuting witness in a cese up said to have been loaned the de- that the defendant failed to per- before the present term of the cir- fendant when they were husband form her household duties and did cult court where Frank Recob wa.- and wife. A verdict was rendered not prepare meals, He also charges accused of stealing a sum of money ■for the plaintiff. that after he has unbraided her for from Ryckman’s car, was arrested C. P. Sutfin versus John Aschim flirting w’ith other men. the defend­ two weeks ago in Portland and fin­ was a suit to recover property held ant left him and went to live with ed for violating the prohibition law. by an attachment, This case was one Fred Chatfield, a brott.er-in-law During the course of the trial here | settled without going to a jury, it developed that Recob’s father was' of the plaintiff. The town of Bay City by the a federal prohibition agent, and It treasurer. J. O. Bozorth, asked for was no doubt he who was instru- judgment against Frank Bramwell, mental in catching Ryckman wlth state superintendent of banks, to the illegal liquor. recover $2500 that had been depos­ ited in the First Bank of Bay City SIGN ON DOOR OF CLERK when it closed. The money was to ANNOUNCES“RECORDER” have been used to pay bonds. Judge Bagley ordered that the case be A new Bign on the office door of submitted to him on briefs at Hills- County Clerk Brimhall at the court boro. house reads ‘‘Recorder.’’ This was Leo Sebastino was accused of put there with the idea of appris­ stealing a gasoline engine from Jack ing people of the fact that legal Anderson but was found not guilty instruments are recorded there, for by a jury. in many counties there is a separate The last jury case was that of official to record legal instruments. the state versus Fred Biggs, charg- with unlawful fishing. The de­ HISTORICAL LECTURE fendant was found not guilty. VERY WELL ATTENDED Today the court will be occupied with several equity cases. The lecture on Oregon’s history by Professor J B. Horner of Corvallis at the city hall auditorium last aturday night was attended by one of the largest crowds ever assembled here for Buch an event. Professor Horner proved himself • ell versed in the subject The lecture was illustrated by stereopti- eon slides. YOUNG MAN BADLY INJURED WHEN LOG STRIKES HIM Harold Withrow jwas ba*iy in ■ Ju red a( the Coates logging ramp on Tue-day by a piece of a log hit­ ting him in the chest, breaking his collar bone, and bruising him bad­ ly. He is at the Boa Is hospital and COUNTY AGENT W D PINE at latest reports Is mending rapidly. AND FAMILY TO RETURN Mr and Mrs Frank Withrow of -------- / Word was received from D Independence, parents, were called I Pine this week that he expects to here because of the seriousness of e in Tillamook Sunday or Monday the injuries to their son. with his famMy (Mr Pine hag been n De: ketey for smne weeks past on Construction w< ^k m the New­ iceount of the serious illnesi! of his port-Corvallis road is nearing com­ pletion. i