I Friday, October 20, ,f)2, THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT CHEESE PRICES AGAIN ADVANCE SIXTEEN STUDENTS MAEE UP CAST OF WHIMSICAL PLAY SECOND GAME Of YEAR PLAYED TODAY Date of Debate Tryout Has Been Changed From October 17 to October 19 The Dramatic Club, under the leadership of Mrs. Heyd, is progress lug in its play "Professor Pepp.’’ They have been practicing this quite steadily and they expect to give It ,aome time the first of December. The following is the cast: Professor Pepp Neuh Richards O. B. Buttonbusfer, Alfred Gabriel Howard Green Gerald Graves Sim Batty Joseph Maxwell Pedler Benson......... ..... Leonard Bules Noisy Fleming Henry Himes Pink Hatcher Walter Severance Buster Brown William Driscoll Betty Gardner ------ Arline Heyd Aunt Minerva Boulder, Ruth Gould Petunia Muggins ..... Mary Lamar Olgu Stopski Wanda Haltom Kitty Clover .... Roberta Campbell Vivion Drew Florence Stranahan Irene Van Hilt ........... Mary Ward Caroline Kay ................... Irmu Austin The debate tryout is changed and will be held on Thursday, October 19, instead of Tuesday, October 17. The question for debate this year Is “Resolved: That the United Stutes should grant the Phlllipplnea their Independence." This Is u question that has been up before the United States Congress since the Spanish American War. The second game pf the seuHon will he played on Friday. October 20. with the Freshmen of the Paci­ fic University. This will be a good game and we hope it will make up for the previous defeat ut the hands of Astoria. The Annual staff has been elected the following being the editors Editor In chief, Noah Richards: As ■istant Editor, Rumona Haltom. Business editor, .lames Tone; Liter ary editor, Ruth Gould, Athletic editor. Jack Driscoll; Snap Shot ed itor, Lorraine King; Joke editor, Buelah Bowers; Local editor. Ro­ berta Campbell; Dramatic und Mu sic. Mary Lamar k Alfred Coates favored the student body with a fine talk on Great Men. Those Included as great men were Prof. Bennett, Jack Driscoll, l’ete Gabriel and Richard Goyne. lie con concluded his speech by holding up a vegetable grater and remarking. "But this Is the greater." Th .mark was greeted by a etoiip ALWAYS GLAD TO SHOW YOU OUR NEW FALL PIECE GOODS ARE IN Silk Wool Goods, PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS AND MAGAZINES ARE IN Cheese prices have again been ad­ vanced, triplets selling at 30 cents, and Longhorns and Young Americas £t 31 cents the pound. Wisconsin markets have also shown an upw-ard tendency this week, making it ap­ pear that prices will be maintained without difficulty. Storage holdings of the Creamery Association have ! decreased during the week, there being now less tahn 2800 case» of cheese held. Up to this time none of the September make has been stored Progress is being made with the new Long Prairie Creamery which will replace the plant that has been in use in that district tor many years. The new factory will be of I the same character as the buildings of the South Prairie Creamery Co and the Three Rivers Assn, and will add one more strictly modern plant to those heretofore built. It I is ex­ peeled that the new building will be completed hy January 1st On Monday of this week Cai l i Haberlach visited the "board" al Plymouth, Wisconsin, where price;! of the various styles of Wisconsin American cheese ure established from week to week. Mr. Haberlach also spent Home time in the office« of the Wisconsin Cheese Producer»' Federation which has its headquar­ ters in the same city. The Federa tion control» the output of a large number of Wisconsin factories, In 1H volume of business, however, it only about twice the size of the Tll- lamook Association. Trimmings and New Fancy Suitings, Braids 1 AUTUMN B ennington 1 OREGON TILLAMOOK, OREGOr ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF AN AUTUMN SALE OF WOMAN’S APPAREL. YOU WILL FIND HERE SUPERIOR STYLING, EXACTING WORKMANSHIP AND_FINE QUALITY MATERIAL AT MODERATE COST. ~ AUTUMN COATS FOR WOMEN They’re so autumnly looking that one wants to wear them instantly into the clear sunshine. In attractive colors with soft collar of fur or hand-embroidery. Prices ................................................. $22.50 to $55,00 NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF LAND OWNERS OF DOUGHTER TY SLOUGH DRAINAGE DIS-' TRICT. Notice la hereby given that Dougherty Slough Drainage Dlstlrct haw been fully organized and that the first meeting of the land owner» in »aid Drainage Di»trict will be held at th<‘ County Court Room at the Court House In Tillamook City, Oregon, at one o’clock, P. M., on the 2nd day of November, 1922, for the purpose of electing a Board of three Supervisors. This notice I» given In accordance with Section 7260 Oregon Law», and It I m necessary that the owners of a majority of the acreage within said District shall be present ut said meeting. Dated 111 lx 18th day of October, 1922. II 8. BRIM WALL. 2tl County Clerk of Tillamook County,Oregon. DRESSES with long slender lines, circular or draped skirts and novel sleeves with or without girdles. In brown, navy or black. All sizes, for women and misses. Four days only at this price .................................................. $18.50 WOMEN’S COATS There’s a decidedly debonair air about these coats—and it’s hard to decide which style feature is most responsible. It may be the straight line effect or adjust­ able blouse or the generous collar of fur—but we’re in­ clined to believe that each contributes to make a coat of distinction. \\ armly interlined. This particular lot in­ cludes our entire stock of Normandy cloth coats in all colors................. $39.95 - HaveYcu Seen the GOODRICH FOR A RAINY DAY ived new Fall umbrellas. Ex­ smart, with handles that are unusual.. Prices... $5 to $15 BOTTLE SYRINGE A loufiicün Syringe and ,r Water Bottle ■ laughter by the student body. E. E. KOCH Let the 11 en <111 g li t classified work for you. CM ---* PUBLIC SCHOOL Dinner is Served la always Vote 314 x Yes «omethlng T here mighty good waiting for you to The purpose of the compulsory public school attendance bill is to insure the Instruction of aM Oregon children of grammar school age in a common language, a common history and common lie»]». to the end that kmerican unity shall be promoted. Am«rui>n Ideal» «afeguarded an.l American insti­ tutions perpetuated eat—tender roasta, dellclou» vegeta­ blea served li! the moat appltliing way», creamy, fluffy potato»». piquant salad» knd dainty deaert». DON T LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP YOUR MOVING The City Transfer IS PREPARED TO SEND EXPERIENCED PACKERS INTO YOUR HOME WITH CANVAS TO COVER ALL YOUR GOODS Thia bill is .proposed because Its sir porter» believe that only by universal education of our children on standard and uniform lines can these thlncs bo achieved. Have breakfa»t, lunch or dinner with us. You'll be delighted with the excel­ lent food. the quick »er- cotirteay vlce, unfailing and unuaally reasonable price*. Thii* bill r- “ : z no religione restriction» ___ _______ « uuiuhioq no limitation proposa» It contemplates of the right of the parent to teach n-ltgion to hi« child in ¿ÌVow’n way’and according to hta own belief It raises no issue of religious difference Thf. blU 1» pur. ly a measure to In.ure that all children by attending the public school* »hall be taught alike during their grammar achool year* .o that their outlook may grow to be a unified outlook for the common weal I and for their country and It» tnstitutloiu. TOURIST CAFE To make an all-American nation we-must have all-American Inatructlon of our children along recognized standard lines Ignorance of imeriean Ideal« and Institution» and language is the greatest menace to them because thote who do not uhdentand them properly do not support th« m. CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto: Quick service and reasonable rates. FIX AND FIT SHOP George J. Burckard, Manager Sheet Metal and Plumbing Work of all descriptions. ■X One Flag—One School—One Language R. T. BOALS. M. D. P. S. MALCOLM W. Inspector General la Oreeon. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rit* (ISWI AJv«rtlMmr