PAGE TWO Partridge Cochin, trio. 1st, John Hoffman. Mediteranean Class— Single Comb Brown Leghorn Hen. 1st. M Will RoblUch Single Comb Biown Leghorn trio. 1st, Mrs. Will Robitach. Single Comb White Leghorn cockerel. 1st, Leona Rupp. Mrs. Albert Johnson. .Single Comb White Leghorn, .t, Leur a Rupp. Comb Buff Leghorn, Hoff G. Comb Hare. 2nd, R. Y. Blalock. Squash, hubbard. 2nd, R. Y. Bla­ lock. Swiss Chard. 1st, Mrs. W. s. 1 Hare 2nd, Mrs. John Hoffman. I • g Tomatoes. 1st. G. H. Foland. Potatoes, Earliest of All. 1st, Ira G Lance. 2nd, W. II. Gooc h. 3rd, G. H. Foland. 4th. T. J. Wal- Ian. 5th, Pete Jacobs. PLEASANT VALLEY GRANGE IS Potatoes, Burbank. 1st, O. H 1 olatul. 2nd, W. H. Gooch. FIRST IN GRANGE EXHIBIT , .■:!<] r,cm. 1st, Mete AÏ Competition Keen st Departments Following Is a list of the prize winners in the various departments at the '1 lllatnook County Fair: Dairy Department—- Display brick cheese. 1st, Mrs. Jacob Nicklaus, Beaver. 1st, Display Llmbergcr cheese. Mr.s Jacob Nicklaus, Beaver. Full cream cheese. 1st, Albert Schlappi. 2nd, August Grabb, Moh­ ler. 3rd, Hugh Barber. 4th, Nor­ man Christensen. 5th, Mrs. Hughes Sand Lake Grange Exhibits— Pleasant Valley Grange, 1st. Nes- tucca Valley Grange, 2nd. Garden and Field Products— Beans, yellow pod. 1st, R. Y. Blalock, Beaver. 2nd, Henry Delhi. 3rd. H. W. Gooch. Beans, green pod. 1st, R. Y. Bla­ lock. 2nd, Mrs. Albert Johnson. 3rd, Mrs. W. H. Hare. Beets, table. 1st, G. II. Poland. 2nd, Mrs. W. 8. Hare. Brussels Sprouts. 1st, Goeres. Cabbage, green. 1st. G. II Fo- land. 2nd. Martha Balmer. Carrots, table. 1st, Mrs. w. s. Hare, 2nd, G. II. Poland. Cucumbers. 1st, Mrs. * Albert Johnson. 2nd, W. II. Gooch. Corn, table. 1st. Mrs. Albert Johnson. 2nd, Kenneth Williams. Kohl Rabi. 1st, Mrs. Mary Ev- erett. Lettuce, head. 1st. Mrs. W. S. llare. 2nd, Morrison Mills. Leek. 1st. W. H. Gooch. Onions. 1st, Ira Q. Lance. 2nd, Mrs. Hettle Barker. Parsnips. 1st, G. II. Foland. 2nd, R. Y Blalock Peas, In shell. 1st. Myra Goeres. 2nd. G H. Foland. Pumpkin, table. 1st, Mrs. P. J. Jacob. 2nd, Mrs. V. Jacobs. Rhubarb. 1st, G. H. Foland. 2nd, Mrs. Myra Goeres. Squnsh. summer. 1st, Mrs. w. s. FTIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT / est squash, lsi 2nd. Mrs. V. Ja‘ obs. <■ < potato. 1st, Ira G. Lance W ' II. Gooch, ent rhubarb. 1st, Myra Goer es. 2nd. G. II. Flland. 14 :■■■