THE TILLAMOOK* HEADLIGHT fridav- Sept, i. 1922. Friendship and Finance another thought What would you think of this? To anyone making a 32.00 purchase of sugar or other goods In our store, will be entitled to one pair of 38.50 FJorechlem shoes for 50c, 100 yards best gingham at lc per yard, or any quant ity of dress silks needed at 10c per yard. You know it can’t be done, but prove to us that your’s is a desirable credit account, then when sickness stops your pay check, don’t worry! Your wife and children won’t go hungry. FOR SALE FOR SALE Two acre tract lu edge of Tillamook City. Fine eight room house, garage, and other out buildings. Inquire of Roy Woods, Beaver, Oregon. VAUGHN DRAGSAWS — HEAVY and light weights, with and with out clutch. Prices reduced Feb ruary 1st. E. G. Krebs. 15-tf I CONOVER & CONOVER OREGON 5UAMOOK. H FOR SALE Good heavy team per fectly true. Merle Holman. Hebo, Oregon. p44t4 FOR SALE or TRADE—Four choice lots on Main street in Baker, Ore., .five minutes walk from postoffice in best residence district, will sac rifice for 3800, or will take good auto for all or part. Box 416, Tillamook, or inquire R117 Head light office. 44tf FOR SALE—80 acre farm near Beavre, Oregon. House and barn. Six acres cultivated, ten acres slashed. School near property. Good neighborhood. Address BN 103, care Headlght. 43-tO FOR SALE—Lot in Brighton Beach in block 81„ lot 2. Or will trade for 20 white leghorn pullets four months old, or lot In St. Helens. Peter Dannis, Box 501, St. Helens Oregon. 46 4t FOR SALE—Transfer wagon very reasonable. Call Mutual phone, Mrs. Green. 46t3 FOR SALE.—Reed baby buggy and white enamel infant’s bed on rub ber wheels. Inquire 1002 East Third street. 47-tf FOR SALE—Clover hay at Gaston. 11 ton fine hay at 318 per ton, or 319 per ton f. o. b. Gaston. O. G. Beeler, Gaston, Oregon. 47-lt PORTLAND AUTO STAGE Ivan Donaldson, Mgr. Tillamook,\Ore. Lv Tillamook, 7:30 a.m. 3 & 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland—8:30 a. tn,, 12:30p. m., 3: 30 p m3 ▼ia Hebo, Rounde, Willamina, Sheridan, McMinnville, Dayton, Newburg, Multnomah. Grand MALNUTRITION!! WANTED TO BUY WHEN YOU HAVE CATTLE FOR sale call Ed. Hadley, Mutual phone. 18 tf ! WANTED — HOUSEWORK. QI 16, * Headlight. 43-tf What is malnutrition? It is a weak condition of the body caused by lack of nourishment. The food may not contain some element needed for blood repair, or It may lack some thing for bone repair. The whole structure is weakened thereby. Then some day an organ gives away. Life is cut short. FOR RENT 160 acre dairy ranch in Tillamook county, Stock for Address or in- ] sale. 29 cows. quire at Pacific View’ Dairy, Ore- 46 3t town. Oregon. WANTED-’TO ’ BEY—Good heavy team, have car to sell or trade. What have you? Write J. E. p47-2t Sperry. Mohler, Oregon. WANTED TO TRADE—Small~farm between Silverton and Salem for 'stock, implements and lease of Tillamook county dairy ranch. Ad- j dress Marc Gobat. R2, Silverton. Oregon. p47-2t j MILK Is a wonderful nutrient ma terial that tones up the blood, cor- rect* the secretions of glands and in due time repairs tne damaged or gan or tissue. Order Golden Rod Dairy Milk. Clarified » BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING Golden Rod Dairy Both Phones Notice Is hereby given that the County Board of Equalization, will meet at the office of the County Assessor, at the Court House in Till amook County, Oregon, on Monday, the eleventh day of September, 192", and publicly examine the assessment rolls of Tillamook county, for the year 1922, and correct all errors In valuations, descriptions of land, lots or other property. Said board will continue In ses sion from day to day until the ex amination, correction and equaliza tion of the assessment rolls shall be completed. AH persons interred are re quested to appear at said time and place, as no changes can be made after the adjournment of the board. Datdd at Tillamook City, Oregon, this fourteenth day of August, 1922. C. A. JOHNSON, County Assessor. 45-4t Erwin Harrison, Prop. ■ o WALLPAPER The largest stock of wallpaper ever in Tillamook Wholesale and Retail Faints, Oils, Turpentine, Etc. Don’t forget that Portland stages carry trunks free. Try our reduced round’trlp rates. 43-tf WHY WORRY I can sell or trade anything— any where C. W. Millership, 1C5H 4th St., Portland. Phone Main 20-tf 5275 C. L. LEWIS COMPANY From now on the stage office will be at the New Depot across from the Tillamook Hotel. The public Is invited to make this their waiting room when In town. Ail informa tion relative to stages may be ob tained by calling'41-W or Mutual. Ivan Donaldson, Portland-Tilla- 41-tf mook Stage Line. SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES Are the Best Recommendation of O. A. C. This institution offers a thorough, practical and standard education at a cost within reach of the high school graduate It offers training for collegiate degrees in: Agricultura] Home Economics Commerce Mines Engineering. Mechanic Arta Pharmacy Forestry Vocational Education Military Science. Tactics Chemical Engineering It offers training also in: Tbe school of music, physical edu cation, industrial Journalis i. Fall Term Opens September 18 For circulars of information and lllu<tra».ed booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College vorvallis, Oregon NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE. I The Prosperity Of Our Depositors Is Of Great Importance To Us Real Estate Rentals | Lodge Directory j F. D. MITCHELL Associate member of Portland Realty Board Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 0. E. 5. Stated communications first and tmrd Thursdays of each month In Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. CORA L. MILLER, Secretary Hotel and Nat Open Bayocean, Ore. We want you t< deposit Marathon Lodge No. 93. Knights of Pyth ' las. Regular meeting Monday evening at 7:45 sharp. By order of the Chancelier Commander. FRIENDSHIP as well as ✓ I DR. 0. L. H01HFEU) M O N E Y Veterinarian Bell Phone 8F2. when yon start an account with us. Your interests will be protected and you will be issured of OUR Friendship in return for your Confidence. * Mutual Phone Corinth Relief Corps No. 54 Dept, of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m„ tn the W. O. W. hall. Visi tors welcome. Mrs. Clarence Stanley, President Elizabeth Conover, Sec’y. BARRICK & HALL Attorneys at Law National Building Tillamook MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM whole ot lot 7 in block 4, an undi vided one half interest in lot 7 and the whole of lot 11 In block 5, lot 9 in block 20, and lots 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, in block 24 of the town of Wheeler, lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, of block 61, of Rowe’s addition to the town of Wheeler, and lots 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 18 of block 2 of Neah- Kah-Nie Mountain, all according to the recorded plats thereof, and also all the timber on the southeast quarter of Section 35, in Township 3 North, Range 10 Weat, W. M„ all in Tillamook county, Oregon. Said property will be sold for the purpose of satisfying the balance owing upon said judgment, together with the costs and expenses of the sale, the judgment being for the sum of 3800-00 with Interest at 8 per cent per annum from September 29, 1999, 3284.00 with interest at 10 percent per annum from February 24th, 1920, 3107.00 with Interest at 6 percent per annum from July 28, 1920, and 315.90 costs and disburse ments, upon which 31188.05 was realized upon execution filed Sep tember 15, 1920. Dated this August 24th, 1922. JOHN ASCHIM, Sheriff of Tillamook county, Ore. 46-5L SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook county. II. O, Clostemiann, plaintiff, VS. i. H. Lehman, der^idant. To A. H. Lehman above named de fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, yoii are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint of tbe plaintiff above named against you, on file herein, on or before forty-five (45) days from the date of the first publication ot this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the sum of Three Hundred and Ninety-five (395.00) Dollars, together with in terest thereon from July 20. 1916, at the rate of six per cent per an num, and for the costs and disburse ments of this action, and will alrfo apply to the Court for an order th sell all your Interest in and to the real property attached in this action, to-wit: Lot four (4), Section thirty (30), Township Three (3) South,1 Range Nine (9) West of Willamette Meridian, being 45.93 acres in Til lamook county, Oregon, and also the Southest quarter of the Southeast quarter of section Twenty-five (25) in Township three (8) South, Range ten (10) West of Willamette Merl dian, in Tillamook county, OiegoiJ. and to apply the proceeds of such sale as made in accordance with said order, «nd in accordance with law, towards the sum as shall in this action be found to be lawfully due and owing by you to the plain tiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, in pursuance of an order duly made and entered herein, by Hon. Geo. W. Barley, Judge of the above entitled Court, on August 23rd, 1922. and the time for your appearance and an swering said complaint herein, is in or »efore October 9th, 1922. The date of the first publication of this summons is August 25. 1922, and the date of the last publication b 1 «23. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county on a judgment in favor of Lulu J. Mc Daniel, plaintiff, and again*: Frank n Rowe, A. Rowe and Belli ipon the defendants. I .have >erty slt- following described Oiegon. uated in Tillamook 23rd dfly and will, on Saturd » Court of September, 1-92; House door in Tills J. SILVESTONE. mook county. Ore* a resident of 10:00 o’clock in of Oregon, w said property to ti: is 522, 523 for cash in hand, t The West half of lot 5 and the Portland. Oregon. Oregon CALL FOR COUNTY ROAD WAR RANTS and COUNTY GENERAL FUND WARRANTS Tillamook County Bank SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County: C. Alfred Boquist, plaintiff. VS. J. G. Harris, Mrs. C. P. Harris, Geo. L. Supress, Belle Supress, Geo. A. Seeser, and Alfred Gubser, De- . fendan ts. To Mrs. C. P. Harris, Geo. L. Su press, Belle Supress, and Geo. A. Seeser, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above court and cause on or before six weeks from the »date of the first publication of this summons, and should you fail to appear and file answer or other wise appear In said cause within said time, plaintiff will apply to the above named Court for the relief prayed for against you in the com plaint, Which is that plaintiff have judgment against the defendant J. G. Harris for the/sum of 31800.00 with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum from Feb I ruary 1, 1922, for the further sum of 3250.00 attorney’s fees, together with the costs and disbursments Of this cause; that plaintiff’s mortgage described In the complaint upon the following described real property slt- uated in Tillamook county, Oregon, to-wlt: 22 acres off the north aide of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 13. in Township 1 south of range 10 west of Willam ette meridian, excepting a tract heretofore deeded to Pacific Rail way and Navigation Company. Also a tract described as bounded by a line commencing at the southeast corner of the C. W. Hendricks Dono- nation Land Claim, and running lhence north 19.50 chains; thence west 5.83 chaini; thence south a- long the county road to a poipt due west of the place of beginning; thence east 6.58 chains to the place of beginning. All being in Section 13, Township 1 l south of Range 10 west of Willam ette Meridian, and containing 11.08 acres, more or less, save and except I a tract of 4 acres off the south end of said tract heretofore sold to D. E. Goodspeed, be decreed a valid and existing Hen against said real property, and that said mortgage be foreclosed and thè property above described ordered sold in the manner provided by law for the purpose of satisfying the amount of said judgment, and that at such sale all right, title and In terest of all of the defendants above named be sold, and that said defend ants and each of them be forever barred and enjoined from claiming any right, title or interest In arid to said property or any part thereof, except the right of redemption, which any of said defendants may have, and for such other an d fur ther relief as to the Con rt may seem equitable. This summons is served upon you by order of the Honorable Homer M aeon, County Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, which order Is dated August 23. 1922. and whi’b order directs summons herein b4 nerved upon you by publics’ ir*i thereof once a week for sir siiccer.- in the Tillamook Head- •live wee light, a i new rpaper published In ' laruook, Oregon, that the fir*’ p li< at ion 1 thereof be made on the 2 day of A .ugust, 1922. BOTTS & W1N«IX)W, V. R. C. OregonJ Tillamook Corinth Post,No. 35,Dept of Oregon --------- Meets on second and on fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p. .m la W. O. W. J. S. DIEHL. Comdr. H. W. SPEAR, Adjt. Notice Is hereby given that Til Johnson Chapter No. M lamook county road warrants that R. A. M were presented and endorsed "Not Stated convocations every first and third Fridays. Paid for Want of Funds’’ from Jan Visitors welcome. uary 18th, 1922 to February 14th, 1932, both dates inclusive, and also I. E. Keldson. See. all General Fund warrants endorsed trom December 20th, 1922, to Feb Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A.F. & A.ÌL ruary 14th, 1922, both dates inclu Stated Communication seo- sive, will be paid on presentation at ond Wednesday in each the office of the County Treasurer. month Visiting Brethren Interest ceases on and after welcome. date of this notice. Harvey Eblnger, See. Dated August 29th, 1922. KATHLEEN MILLS, Treasurer. Tuesday eve., 7:30*. m. Rebekahi Wednesday evening Camp 2-4. Thursday NOTICE OF EXECUTOR S SALE Notice 1» hereby glvin that cy authority of the County Court of 'he State of Oregon, for Tillamook coun ty. and pursuant to an order here tofore made and entered in the mat ter of the estate of John Theller, deceased, in said court, the under signed, executor of the last will p.n I testament of the said John Theiler deceased, will, on and afteh the 2d day of October, 1922, sell at private subject to confirmation, to the high est bidder for cash or part cash and secured note for the balance, »nd subject to the mortgage now there on, such mortgage to be assumed by the purchaser, the following de scribed real premises belonging to the estate of said John Theller, de- ceased, situated in Tlllamook county Oregon: The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 29, In township 2 south, range 9 west ot the Willamette Meridian, less tract therefrom, containing 30 acres, more or lesi. Dated this 25th day of August, 1922. W. J. RIECHERS, Executor of the last will and test ament ot John Theller, de- 47-Bt ceased. H. T. Botta Geo. P Winslow BOTTS & WINSLOW Lawyen Tillamook Oresfon Phone 76-J DR. C. H. POLLOCK, D.M.D. Dentist 215-13-17 Tillamook Bld*. OREGON TILLAMOOK, » I DAVID ROBINSON Phyiiciaa and Surgeon National Bldg. Ghde Jotas Jbsto Tillamook, Oro. ^YOU MIGHT BE SMART ENOUGH IO P»O* i T FROM A LOW BUT NOT FROM LOSING YOUg MEAP¿ è’ f DR. J. G TURNER Eye Specialist & bi Permanently located In Tilla mook. Private office In Jenkin’s Jewelry store. Latest up-to-date Instruments and equipment. Ev enings and Sunday by Appoint ment. Complete Lens Grinding Fac tory on the Premises, Any lens duplicated. Tillamook. Oregon 7jtcle Jetas tfoste r r uonu ' i vou • ‘» taät at the S ottozs V J Ì UR. t. t. 1 AMO WOÜK UP — BUT SHEARER Surgery Suite no I.O.O.F. Building Tillaiixx >k R T Oregon BOATS, M. D. Surgeon and Physician Attorneys for Piuii.tiff. Poet of flea address, Tillamook. Or First publication, Aug. 25. 1922. Last publication, Oct; 9, 1922 I. O O F. Building lav Ith ■Sain Mr. fred- •*rtsn ‘r in- get ,vl. O» Tillamook c g