Friday. August 2j. 19 THE Til L.’ a IOOK HEADLIGHT Andrew Davidson 73.37 W A Montgomery . H Roach ... 20.34 Albert Bosch . Woolfe ...... . 115.74 E F Borba __ Beckwith 119.73 Clark Johnson J Shelling .... 209.73 Elliott . 100.52 oyd Allen Dan Peters . . L A Whiicomb Ade Lane .... R Beckwith .... Max Traxler Adolph Schild Claude Webb _ John Mathius Eugene Atkinson E E Wagner . U S Edwards__ Albert Gilette Ulysses Edwards WestinghQyse attention is Jor every Al Biggs Judson Moore __ Fred Biggs Bert Hoyt ... '___ make of battery. It is a service de­ M Matoon Lester Edwards . signed to prevent trouble. If your bat­ Jim Carver ........ J W B Edwards . ............ 51.04 George Williams Albert Brown ..... . 7.97 tery needs repairs we will make them, Tillamook Transfer Company Sandlake Sawmill ............... 109.58 Lewie Hodgsdon .................... telling you the cost ift advance. Two Cloverdale Garage ..... 8.75 Kelley Drake Cloverdale Blacksmith Shop 65.49 Westinghouse inspections a month in­ tlley Drake _____________ Rock ........................►.............. 2.10 W S Coates ........... ............. 3.99 Traxler and Coffey ....... sure maximum battery service. Great­ 3.90 W E Anderson ............... 12.72 Tijlatnook Clay Works ..... 71.85 er power and longer life are the results A H Gulstrom........... ................ 28.74 A T Dolan ................... 1096.75 W H Stark 4.19 W H Arstill ............. 3.80 of Westinghouse Attention.. This at­ H M Shearer 6.9M F S Yorks Lbr Co _ ________ 83.00 John A Carroll .... .............. 68.50 Forrest Ayer .......................... .„...152.21 tention is for YOUR battery. Charles Morris ........ 5.00 Gilbert and Company ....... 33.37 ,’tliel Holden .......... .............. 20.60 Job Foster ................. 9.65 O H Peterson ............ 22.90 John Coughran ....... 18.30 G Henenkrat ....... F L Martin ................. 6.85 Rudolph Bennett 5.05 Tillamook Iron Works ....... 27.15 O F iou-y . . ... .108.50 Cloverdale* Mercantile Co ...... 40-21 At Tillamook Garage G B Wiser.................. ............... 28.69 The Hemlock Store .......... 6.00 Col J B Cavanaugh . ............. 840.00 George Oliver 65.00 H B Morrison II S Brimhall express ............ 33.26 V H (.'oilman .............. Alex McNair and Company ... 8.85 i> Leach . J I Gharst ............................... 14.80 C Hodgdon ................... . 93.47 Roosevelt Highway Garage... . 54.47 G S Brooks ................... 68.30 King Crenshay Hardware Co 31.60 G Anderson .............. ........... 41.47 Oregon State Highway Com .114.73 W F Bundy ......... ... .............. 44.66 Herman Smith ............ 76.56 .... 41.47 Hal LeFevre ........................ L Leach ........................ 48.85 II Leach ....................... ............ 27.93 Lloyd Newbill ............ 168.35 W H Leach ................. .............. 55.86 E J Greenwood ...................... 163.05 22.33 L E McKinney .... R L Lead/ .................... .....325.33 Vic Stewart ................. .............. 1.99 Elton Greenwood ..... 75.76 ... 19.14 G Blinklnsopp ... R E Wiser .......... -.... ..... 12.80 Jean Rodney ................. ........... 6.38 G Blinklnsopp .... .......... 8.73 .. 3.59 L Laloney ............ Mrs. Chas Sellinger .......... ... . 12.80 .. 16.17 L Maloney _____ Ike Wells —..................... — 6.34 ^^g^QOQQOGCOOGeOGQOOGGGCCQOOGCOQOOQOCCOOCCOCiGae^ Bil Beatty ............................ .. 75.48 Herbert Porter ... „...133.01 45.38 R O Reigel ......... , John Cornett ................ . ... ..... 57 42 136.61 A R Reigel ....... Fred Blum ................ ......... ..... 38.28 121.33 Harley Earl ..... .. Arne Blum ................... ... ... ..... 22.33 .103.27 J E Cochran __ .....110-56 Alwin J Blum ................... .. 64.71 W C Commons .... Fred Wheeler ..........9.57 . 15.15 Alfred Parsons .... James Hawkins _............... ...... 9.57 6.38 L E Clough ____ Guy French ..... ................... .... 105.25 . 34 29 J R Bodgood ... - Ocean Anderson ............... ..... 75.76 41.47 Floyd Light ....... W 11 Chance ...... . ............. ..... 61.40 this week but it is an important one .115.04 P O Light ....___ Il G Parson ............... -....... ..... 70.18 to housewives at this time of year. . 66.99 R H Laffoon ... ... Edd Fry ... . ......... -........ —.... ..... 57.42 We allude to VINEGAR. Last year 70 99 E E Nelson ____ Arthur Tippen ..... 44.65 at pickling time we sold just com­ Road District No. 71.03 Roy Sating ------- mon, ordinary vinegar like you get ..... 74.96 U S Edwards W H Savage __ most anywhere; our Vinegar this ..... 76.56 H A Brandt Marion Wiggins . year is better and much stronger ..... 62.96 W M Dreeick ..... H A Brandt and does not cost you any more than .....__ 9.15 I Arthur Bodyfelt W E Fitch _____ the poor grades. „...103.40 H L Jensen .... F A Dodd ....... ... That our aim all along the line in Ernest Lightfoot ...... 12.76 W Broughton ...... the grocery business—a little better I M Hayden ------- .....__ 7.97 C O Johnson ...... grade of goods wherever possible at Chester Jensen ... .....___ .99 G H Foland ___ the same price. .....__ 9.57 Clark Johnson .. G W Bodyfelt ___ We have a large stock of Heinz Wade Perry ...... ..... 37.07 David Benfield .... Pickles, Mustard, Vinegars, Olives, A K McPherson ..... 47.88 John Slakis ___ Catsup, Beefsteak Sauce, Olive Oil, H A Chopard .. „....... 9.57 Wade Perry ........ and Pork and Beans, all of the fin­ Herschel! Hollett ..... 23.92 A JJentel ...... ....... est grade, all at a reasonable price. ..... 25.28 C A McDonald John Imlah .......... Joe Altenberger 15.95 Orville Fowner . ..... 15.95 Ernest B< I'lM E F Wilson .......... Herman Nicklaus ..... 15.95 W V Montgomery .... 19.95 Carl White .... W H Hardt _____ .......... 6.38 Jonh Gustin ......... W R Speece __ .....-29.95 W R Gould ____ W R Speece ..... 14.35 John Slanger .... A E Myers . .............. ..... 75.76 G A Bodyfejt ....... John Slanger ... .... 31.10 Chris Chrlstofferson Clyde Browning E. G. ANDERSON .... 23.12 H L Jensen ________ Clyde Browning .... 35.06 (The store without baits or rebates) R A Jones —..... J D Wilson ................ .... 73:37 R A Jones ... — E E Lightfoot ......... „.. 76.56 Earl Greenlee V P Hussey ............. .... 76.56 Ray Sclieese ...... E Lightfoot ______ .... 76.56 Wilbur Lovan .... — C Hussey ........... .... 47.84. Chester BedorUia George Fowler ......... ... 47.58 E J Greenwood W M Derrick — „.. 41.59 W E Fitch ------ ----- W H Savage .... 31.41 Vai Fisher Sr ... F A Dodd _________ ..... 17.54 Glen Cochran James Beggs ...... ....... PORTLAND—TILLAMOOK .... 19.14 H A Stewart William Redberg — Long ---- Charles Hopkins .— .... 25.10 Rogers ... ..... 16.74 Two Trucks Daily W Redberg --------- Rogers ,.r ..... 76.56 Mark Bloom ... .......... .... .....4.78 Earl ........ John Rock _________ Special rates on household goods and bulky commodities ...337.92 Herman Smith G A Fuller ________ .... 48.88 Hal LeFevre . Ole Redberg ---------- John Mathers, Agt. „165.36 Lloyd Newbill Rate: 55c per hundred A C Scott ... ...111.44 Deb Long J R Bidgood .....159.15 J F Grundell L E Clough K0000009900000000000000000000QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOC H C Maynard ... 181.29 R L Grundell ... 69.18 R H Gardner J E Coughran . 66.99 L 3 Edwards H E Etzwiler .150.99 Harper E Klock P C White .. 60.61 John Wallace .. L Maloney ------ .. 60 61 Curtiss Tucker John Gustin 5.39 G Blinklnsopp A Headinger ..... 121.33 Elton Greenwood W H Fitch _„ 106 95 L E McKinney L L Wood ......... 95.76 Darrel Lamson Foster Grundell 22.33 J G Moore ___ Ray Grundell 63.84 Webb Maginnis George A Fuller * .165.37 Oscar Carver C M Churchill „102.75 I J Greene ... Ole Redberg ---- 73.36 W V Montgomery George A Fuller 72.56 ’ Orville Fowler — Herbert Porter 35.09 Earl Wijson Earl Porter 35.09 A E Myers H G Kinman 95.76 W H Hardt Jody Etzwiler _ .143.76 W R Gould R G Gardner 56 62 William Powell A C Scott 15.95 Alfred ChristofferHon John 01 ton 51.04 Ulysses Edwards Redberg L J 3 58 ,W Eoff P C Meyer - *Oscar Carver 9.57 S J Etzwiler 2f>.n F M Nelson Frank Redberg 12 16 Earner Couglira’i Oscar Bennett 10 78 O L Groves D A Hllliker 15 95 G G Irish Palmer L C 21.57 John Coughran R F Grundell 21.57 Frank Carver J F Grundell 21.57 J L Craven Wilson John 21 57 P C White .. J G Moore 15.95 Tom Epiott Walter Churchitl 21.57 ■ Charles Fox William Thomas 9 57 T R Wilson — J Harper ------- — 21 57 Andy Hees ------- John Duperitu» 2.19 Archie Giet .— O M Burbank 19.14 Emery Brandt _ H A Chopard Here s green pasture for every make of battery NELSON ELECTRIC SER VICE WESTINGHOUSE BATTERIES THIS IS SOUR SUBJECT THE SATISFACTION STORE Great Western Transportat’n Co Our classified ads bring results [ Walter Hollett „ A K McPherson . Vernon Fink Chester Jensen Owen Scott ...„ ;ul Builders Equip Co . l'illatnook Garage . ......... Steinbach lion Works P I) Ott ................................ Pacific Tel and Tel Co .. Owen Scott Joe Altenberger ................. Darrell Lnmson . ................ Walter llol|ett ..... '............. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county on a judgment in favor of Lulu J. Mc­ Daniel. plaintiff, and against Frank A. Rowe and Belle Madden Rowe, defendants, I have levied upon the following described real property sit­ uated in Tillamook county, Oregon, and will, on Saturday, the 23rd dHy of September, 1922, at the Court House door in Tillamook City, Tilth- mook county, Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in (he forenoon, sell said property to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to-wit: The West half of lot 5 and the whole of lot 7 in block 4, an undi­ vided one half interest in lot 7 and the whole of lot 11 in block 5, lot 9 in block 20. and lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, In block 24 of the town of Wheeler, lots 1 to 10 inclusive, of block 61, of Rowe's addition to the town of Wheeler, and lots 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 18 of block 2 of Neah- Kah-Nie Mountain, all according to the recorded plats thereof, and also all the tiihber on the southeast quarter of Section 35, in Township 3 North, Range 10 W. est, W. M„ all in Tillamook*county, Oregon, Said property will be sold for the purpose of satisfying the balance owing upon said judgment, together with the costs and expenses of the salf, the judgment being for the sum of 1800.00 with interest at 8 per cent per annum from September 2*9, 1919, $284.00 with interest at 10 percent per annum from February 24th, 1920. $107.00 with Interest at 6 percent per annum from July 28, 19 20, and $15.90 costs and disburse­ ments, upon which $1188.05 was realized upon execution filed Sep­ I tember 15, 1920. SUMMONS Dated this August 24th. 1922. JOHN ASCHIM, In the Circuit Court of the State or Sheriff of Tillamook county, Ore. Oregon, for Tillamook County: C. Alfred Boquist, plaintiff, 4 6-5t. vs. J. G. Harris, Mrs. C. P. Harris, GeO. SUMMONS. L. Supress, Belle Supress, Geo. A. Seeser, and Alfred Gubser, De­ fendants. In the Circuit Court of the State of To Mrs. C. P. Harris, Geo. L. Su­ Oregon, for Tillamook county. press, Belle Supress, and Geo. A. R. G. Clostermann, pk.intiff, Seeser, the above named defendants: vs. In the name of the State of Ore­ \. H. Lehman, defendant. gon you are hereby required to ap­ To A. H. Lehman above named de­ pear and answer the complaint filed fendant: against you in the above court and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE cause on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of OF OREGON, you tire hereby re­ this summons, and should you fail quired to appear and answer the to appear and file answer or other­ complaint of the plalntlif above wise appear in said cause within named against you, on file herein, said time, plaintiff will apply to the on or before forty-five (45) days above named Court for the relief from the date of the first publication prayed for against you in the com­ of this summons, and If you fall plaint, w^hich is that plaintiff have to so appear and answer said com­ judgment against the defendant J. plaint, the plaintiff will take judg­ G. Harris for the sum of $1800.09 ment ugainst you for the sum of with interest thereon at the rate of Three Hundred and Ninety-five six percait per annum from Feb­ (395.00) Dollars, together with in­ ruary 1, 1922, for the further sum terest thereon from July 20, 1916, of $250.00 attorney’s fees, together at the rat« of six per cent per an­ with the costs and disbursments Of num, and for the costs and disburse­ this cause; that plaintiff’s mortgage ments of this action, and will alffo apply to the Court for an order fb described in the complaint upon the sell all your Interest in and to the following described real property sit- rial property attached in this action, uated in Tillaniook county, Oregon, to-wit: Lot four (4), Section thirty to-wlt: (30), Township Three (3) South, 22 acres off the north side of the Range Nine (9) West of Willamette southeast quarter of the northeast Meridian, being 45.93 acres In Til­ quarter of Section 13, in Township lamook county, Oregon, and also the 1 south of range 10 west of Willam­ ette meridian, excepting a tract Southest quarter of the Southeast Twenty-five (25) heretofore deeded to Pacific Rail­ quarter of section (3) South, Hange in Township three way and Nnvigigion Company. ten (10) West of Willamette Merl- Also a tract described as bounded by dian, in Tillamook county, Uregoi), a line commencing at the southeast and to apply the proceeds of such corner of the C. W. Hendricks Dono- sale as made in accordance with nation Land Claim, and running said order, and in accordance with Whence north 19.50 chains; thence law, towards the sum as shall in west 5.83 chains; thence south a- this action be found to be lawfully long the county road to a point due due and owing by you to the plain­ west of the place of beginning; thence east 6.58 chains to the place tiff. This summons is served upon you of beginning. by publication thereof, In pursuance All being in Section 13, Township 1 of an order duly made and entered south of Range 10 west of Willam­ ette Meridian,-and containing 11.08 herein, by Hon. Geo. W. Bagley, Judge of the above entitled Court, acres, more or less, save and except on August 23rd, 1922, and the a tract of 4 acres off the south end time for your appearance and an­ ot said tract heretofore sold to D. swering said complaint herein, is on E. Goodspeed, or before October 9th, 1922. be decreed a valid and existing Hen The date of the first publication against said real property, and that of this summons is August 25. 1922, said mortgage be foreclosed and thi of th» last publication property above described ordered and the date 1922. is October 6, sold in the manner provided by law J. SIEVES TONE, for the purpose of satisfying the amount of said Judgment, and that a resident attorney of the State at such sale all right, title and In- of Oregon, whose postpffice address terest of all of the defendants above I k 522, 523 Lumbermen’s Building, named be sold, anti that said defend­ Portland, Oregon. ants and each of them be forever barred and enjoined from claiming any right, title or interest in add SCHOOL WILL SOON COMMENCE to said property or any part thereof, except the right of redemption, which any of said defendants may have, and for such other and fur­ ther relief as to the Court may seem eq ultable. This summons Is served upon you by order of the Honorable Homer Mason. County Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, which ordei is dated August 23. 1922, and which order directs summons herein be served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six succes­ Were your children backward in sive weeks in the Tillamook Head­ I their studies last year? If ao, it light, a newspaper published In Til­ may be due to Eye trouble of some lamook, Oregon, that the first pub- kind. Bring them to Dr. Turner of llcation thereof be made on the 2 GW. Tillamook, and It will cost you noth­ day of August. 1932. ing to have their eyes examined. If there is trouble he will correct It st BOTTS * WINBLOW, a very reasonable cost, If not he Attorneys for Piair.tiff. will tell you so frankly, You owe Poetoffice address, Tillamook, Or this to your children. 44 4t First publication, Aug. 25, 1922. TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS FOR Last publication, Oct. 6, 1922. TEMPORARY COUNTY CERTIFICATES